Darla's Three Troublemakers [Love in Stone Valley 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Darla's Three Troublemakers [Love in Stone Valley 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 12

by Sam Crescent

  She turned away from them, bending forward. Slowly, Darla started to remove her panties. The round globes of her ass called to him, but not so much as the pink slit of her cunt. She was wet and in the light from the room. He wanted his mouth on her. She looked so tasty.

  “Don’t move,” Jon said, when she made to stand up.

  Darla remained bent over. Luke stroked his cock through his pants, needing to find some relief.

  “Are you just watching me?” she asked.

  “You’re a pretty sight to watch. Much better than any game or horror movie I’ve seen,” Ryan said.

  “You’re a charmer.”

  The silence in the room was filled with tension, not an uncomfortable tension, but a sexual one.

  Darla was getting excited. He saw the cream gathering at her core, spilling out of her cunt.

  “Are you done yet?” Luke asked, turning to look at Jon.

  “Her ass is so fucking beautiful. I’m having her tonight,” Jon said.

  Luke watched as his brother stood, peeling his jeans off. “Stand up, Darla and come to me.” Jon took the lead and Darla did as she was told, going to Jon.

  “How is this going to work?” she asked.

  “Don’t you worry about a thing,” Jon said. “Let everything come naturally and you’ll be surprised how good we’ll make it for you.”

  She stood in front of Jon, naked and proud. Jon stood naked from the waist down. Darla took the lead, peeling off his shirt.

  “This is really going to happen?” she asked.

  “It’s already happening.” Jon pressed his lips to hers, silencing her.

  Glancing at Ryan, Luke saw his youngest brother removing his clothes. Jon was the one who’d taken the first step and now they were going to make every one of her sexual fantasies become a reality.

  * * * *

  Jon cupped her shoulders and she leaned in against him. Watching her had given him a fierce arousal. There was no way he was going to wait his turn, if there was even a turn to wait for. “Touch me, baby,” he said.

  Her hands went to his stomach and he shivered. Darla’s hands were cold, but not only were they cold, they made him yearn for her touch all over his body. His dreams were nothing like the real thing.

  “Tell me what to do,” she said.

  His brothers fell away as, in that moment, Darla was his. Pushing strands of hair off her face, he cupped her cheeks, framing her face for him only. “Just be yourself.” He leaned down, brushing his lips against hers. She moaned. Her breath fanned his face. The last week had been a nightmare for him. All he’d wanted to do was take her in his arms and make love to her.

  Her touch moved up his body and then down.

  Smiling, he kissed her lips gently and then held her hands. Jon brought them to his face, getting her to cup him in her hands. “I’m not made of china or glass. Touch me. I promise I won’t break.”

  She shook a little in his arms. “I’m nervous. This is our first real time together.”

  Ryan and Luke stayed in the background. He felt their gazes and knew they were giving him space to get used to Darla in his arms.

  “We’ll make this time count.” He caressed his hands down her back, gripping the flesh of her ass in his palms. “I love your ass.”

  Darla yelped, moving closer to him. “You don’t think it’s fat?”

  Jon swatted her ass. “Never call yourself fat in front of me again. In fact, never call yourself fat again.”

  Her yelp turned into a moan. She brushed her body against him. The hard buds of her nipples poked against his chest. Her hands were still on his face. Letting go of her ass, he placed his hands on top of hers.

  “You can touch me wherever you want, Darla.” Moving down, he rested her hands over his neck where she’d be able to feel his pulse pounding. She licked her lips, staring into his eyes. Her eyes captivated him. Jon felt like he was the only person in her world. He knew his two brothers were there and it turned him on, but right now, he needed to be the only person in her world. This was their time to get to know each other.

  “You’re so soft.”

  He didn’t drop her gaze and moved her hands over his chest, caressing southwards to rest on his abdomen. Taking a deep breath, he leaned down, locking her lips with his.

  “It’s not very manly, having you tell me I’m soft,” he said, smiling.

  She pulled out of his hold and gripped his thick shaft. “You’re soft here, and you’re very manly.”

  Gripping her hip, Jon hissed as her touch made his toes curl. He’d not been touching his cock for some time and the touch made him so sensitive.

  “What are you thinking?” she asked, pumping his length.

  Darla went from nervous to teasing within an instant. Staring at her through slits, he wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her up against him, smashing their bodies together. The close contact stopped her from touching his cock.

  “You’re being a tease.”

  “I want you, Jon.”

  Slamming his lips down on hers, he stepped back until he was sitting on the chair. He positioned her over his hips, getting her to straddle him. She made to sit down, but he wouldn’t let her.

  “I’m going to touch you first.” Running his fingers up the inside of her thighs, he watched her eyes close as she thrust her chest up.

  “Please, Jon,” she said, whimpering.


  “Touch me.”

  Smiling, he placed his palm over her heated flesh. “Do you want me to touch you like this?” he asked.

  “You know I do.”

  Pressing two fingers into her core, he placed his thumb over her swollen clit. She cried out, fucking herself onto his hand.

  “Ryan, Luke, could one of you keep her steady while I bring her to orgasm with my hand?” He needed his brothers’ help to keep her steady. Jon couldn’t do everything on his own.

  “With pleasure,” Luke said, cupping her hips and holding her in his firm grip. She stopped taking charge by fucking his fingers. Luke kept her firmly in place as Jon added a third finger into her cunt.

  She was slick and tight. He worked her pussy slowly, watching as she rested against Luke’s chest. His brother only held her hips while Ryan teased her nipples. She looked like a goddess standing between all three of them.

  “Tell us what you’re feeling,” Jon said, fucking his fingers into her.

  “You’re everywhere.” She cried out as Ryan bit down on her left nipple.

  “Such tasty nipples,” Ryan said.

  Jon chuckled. “You’re going to need to learn to keep your strength up, baby. You’ve got three men to keep entertained and we’re not easily sated.”

  “I wouldn’t know. You’ve been pushing me away.”

  He looked at Ryan and Luke.

  “Not anymore. You’ll be sharing all of us from this moment forward. I doubt you’ll know what your bed feels like,” Jon said. “I want you to come for me now.” He focused on her clit, pumping into her with his digits. She shook with pleasure. Her stomach quivered violently and Ryan didn’t let up on her tits.

  Not a part of her was left untouched as they all held her tightly against them.

  Within seconds, she was screaming as her pussy tightened around his fingers. Jon eased her over the edge of oblivion and slowly brought her down. She was shaking and he imagined that if it weren’t for Luke’s grip, she’d have collapsed against him.

  “Are you done for tonight?” Jon asked, wishing he’d not asked.

  She shook her head. “We’ve got all night. Please don’t leave me like this.”

  Luke raised his brow and Jon smiled. Gripping his shaft, Jon waited for his brother to ease her down on his cock.

  Darla cried out as she accepted his shaft into her body. Her warmth surrounded him and Jon felt like he’d finally come home.

  Chapter Nine

  Darla whimpered as Jon’s long cock penetrated her body. She hadn’t thought he was that big, but the way
he seated to the hilt inside her, scraping along her inner walls, made her rethink him. He was wide and thick, and filled every inch of her. Luke still held her hips while Ryan kept teasing her nipples, creating sharp pains of pleasure that shot straight to her core.

  Holding onto his shoulders, she opened her eyes and stared at him. Licking her lips, she saw the same heat blazing back at her.

  This was their first time and she felt him deep into her soul. It was the strangest feeling she’d ever experienced and not something that could be easily explained.

  “You’re so tight,” he said. His teeth were gritted together as he spoke.

  Luke held her hips and lifted her up off Jon’s cock. Glancing down, she watched as his cock, coated with her cream, eased out of her pussy. She couldn’t believe three men were surrounding her, prepared to give her pleasure. It was unlike anything she’d ever felt.

  This once, she wanted to feel Jon without his brothers present. Pushing Luke’s hands away, she smiled at them. “I’ll get to you soon,” she said.

  Turning back to Jon, she wrapped her arms around his neck. “Tonight, I just want it to be between us. Ryan and Luke will get their turn. Does that make me sound like a slut?” she asked, not caring if it did.

  “No, it doesn’t.” His hands settled on her hips. “I don’t want to be on this chair anymore.” In one quick move, Jon had her on her back with him between her thighs. She gasped, moaning as the new angle had him stroking over nerves she didn’t know she possessed. He reached behind her, grabber her ass and slamming into her at the same time.

  She cried out, thrusting up to meet each of his strokes. His lips were on hers and suddenly he changed, going to his knees and lifting her hips as he pounded inside her. Jon didn’t let up from his touch.

  “You’re so fucking beautiful,” he said, nipping at her lips.

  Stroking her hands down his body, Darla committed the feel of his body to memory. She gripped his tight ass as he moved inside her. She was so desperate for his touch.

  “Please, fuck me,” she said, wanting more. Her body was on fire and it didn’t show any sign of letting up. She moaned, holding onto him tighter.

  When she thought she couldn’t stand it, Jon pulled out of her body. Growling in frustration, she watched as he moved down her body. Glancing behind her, she saw Luke and Ryan watching the show. The heat in their eyes turned her on even further.

  Jon slapped her inner thigh. “You can look at them in a second. You sent them away, baby. You’ve got me now. We’ll share you all in good time.”

  She brought her gaze back to him. It took great effort, but she was able to do it. Jon was settled between her thighs. Her legs were resting over each of his shoulders.

  “What are you doing?” she asked. His face was directly above her pussy.

  “I’m going to taste you, and I’m going to take my time about it. Ryan and Luke are going to be begging to get at you.” Jon opened her slit and then his tongue was on her clit.

  She gripped the carpet beneath her, lying back as his touch created a new fire within her. Jon didn’t let up. He circled her clit with his tongue, then stroked down until he plundered her entrance. His fingers left the lips of her sex. One of his hands teased her breast as the other caressed over the puckered area of her anus. Opening her eyes, she jerked in his arms.

  “What are you doing?” she asked, sitting up.

  “Your ass is going to get some attention. I’m preparing you for one of us.”

  “He wants your ass, baby,” Luke said. “I want your legs wrapped around my waist and Ryan wants to play with your tits as you suck him off. We’ve all got a preference of what we like.”

  She groaned as his fingers pressed against her forbidden hole. This was going to have to come up with Tate. She’d not been fucked in the ass before.

  Did she want it?

  Seeing the pleasure on Jon’s face, she knew she’d do everything to give him what he needed.

  “Don’t think about,” he said, in between licking her clit. “Let it happen naturally.”

  He sucked her clit into his mouth. Closing her eyes, she thrust up to meet his tongue.

  “I want to feel you come in my mouth,” Jon said. He sawed her clit between his teeth, evoking pleasure and pain.

  “Jon, please,” she said, moaning. Darla didn’t know how much of his tongue she could take.

  “Come for me.” His voice was harsh and his tongue moved from side to side over her clit. It was all she needed to be thrown into another orgasm. Crying out, she gripped the floor underneath her to try to keep herself flat.

  Jon licked and drank down her cream. Her orgasm continued and Jon took everything she had to offer. Only when there was nothing left did he ease over her body and plunge deep inside her. His cock was harder than before. She was soaking wet and still she felt every inch of him inside her.

  “Fuck, I’m not going to last. You’re so fucking perfect. A dream come true.”

  “I love you, Jon,” she said, blurting the words out. It seemed silly to keep them locked up inside when she wanted to be open with him. Jon held some insecurity when it came to her. She saw it in his eyes when he looked at her. He kept himself back, almost scared of her disappearing or rejecting him. She didn’t know how she knew this, only that she did.

  He pumped inside her, kissing her lips. She tasted herself on his lips. “I love you so damn much.” Jon tensed and she felt his cock jerk inside her core, his seed spilling inside.

  He collapsed over her. She took his weight, holding on tight to him. Darla wasn’t tired. They still had a long night ahead of them.

  * * * *

  How he stayed in his chair throughout Jon’s possession of Darla, Luke didn’t know. The heat coming off the couple made him feel scalded to the spot. He watched as Darla wrapped her arms around his brother, cuddling him close. She looked so fucking beautiful, accepting his brother and loving him. The loving was clear to see. She was open to Jon like she’d been open to him and Ryan.

  He wasn’t stupid and knew Jon had some doubts about her feelings. Watching them, Luke didn’t see why his brother had them. Darla had feelings for all three of them. His cock had gotten harder and he’d rid himself of the jeans long ago. Part of him felt jealous of Jon for getting to touch and to taste her. They’d all have their time with her, but he was looking forward to being together, sharing her. It wasn’t anything about his brothers. It was being connected through the love of a woman that he liked.

  Seeing Brant and Markus finding happiness with Tessie made him yearn for the same connection with his woman. Stone Valley would accept them all.

  Jon kissed Darla on the lips. “I love you, too.”

  She smiled up at his brother. “That was perfect.”

  “I think we’ve drove my brothers crazy,” Jon said, nipping at her lips.

  “Let me show them some attention.” She tapped his shoulder and Jon pulled away, leaving her free.

  Luke stayed in his seat, watching Darla. Jon sat back in the chair he’d been sitting in when it all started.

  Darla went to her knees. The full globes of her breasts hung down in front of her. Licking his lips, Luke knew what he was going to do first. Those luscious mounds needed some attention from him.

  Her gaze moved between him and Ryan.

  Fisting his erection, Luke admired the length of her curves. He’d been inside her before and each time was better than the last. Her focus remained on him and she crawled toward him.

  “That’s so not fair,” Ryan said, pouting. The smile on his brother’s face didn’t match his words.

  “You’ll get your turn. Besides, Luke is naked,” Darla said, sticking her tongue out at his younger brother. She started toward him, her breasts swaying with each step she took.

  Her hands went onto his knees and she brought herself up. Luke reached out to stroke the curve of her breast. He fingered her nipple, pinching the bud between his thumb and finger.

  She moaned, wrapping her fi
ngers around his length. Her gaze was on his as he stroked her breasts.

  “You’ve changed,” he said.

  “I’m needy.”

  Smiling, Luke reached down, lifting her up in his lap. She sat curled up in his lap. “Then I’ll take care of your needs.” Moving her so her back was flush against his chest, Luke opened her thighs wide, exposing her to his audience. Ryan moaned and Luke heard the rustling of clothing. His brother had missed his shot. Darla was his for however long it took for him to bring her to mind-blowing pleasure.

  “Are you sure you can handle all three of us?” Luke asked.

  “I’m completely sure. You should be asking yourself if you can handle me.” Her hand reached behind her, stroking his flesh. He growled, covering her hand with his. “You’re going to stop me? Can’t you handle the heat, Luke?”

  Her words sparked the memory of the time he’d taken her in the truck. He’d taken her more than once and he remembered asking her the same thing.

  “I can handle anything, but remember, Darla, two can play at this game.” He landed both hands on her thighs, stroking them up and down.

  She moaned. Her head fell back on his shoulder. Looking over her shoulder, Luke watched her tits bounce with every jolt of her body. She was shaking with pleasure.

  “I’m more than ready for you, baby,” she said. Darla turned, licking his cheek. This was not the woman he remembered at all.

  She was driving him insane with her touches. This was not the nervous woman he remembered. Sat on his lap was a desperate woman begging for attention.

  “Who are you?” Luke asked, cupping her head and bringing her lips closer to his.

  “You’ve made me wait for your touches. Keeping me at arm’s length is not fair. I need you all, and Tate is always asking for details. At least I can give her some.” She closed the distance, pressing her lips on top of his.

  Groaning, Luke plunged his tongue deep into her mouth. He stroked her cheek, not wanting to let go.

  Slipping his fingers between her thighs, he pushed a finger deep inside her before reaching up to stroke her clit. Luke watched her face, needing to see her response before he did anything more.


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