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Darla's Three Troublemakers [Love in Stone Valley 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 13

by Sam Crescent

  “Please, Luke,” she said, begging.

  “You’re doing a lot of begging lately, baby. I’ll give you what you need, all in good time.” He kept his strokes light over her swollen nub, watching her eyes close and her head fall back.

  He couldn’t resist one of her plump nipples. Leaning forward, he sucked her breast into his mouth.

  She cried out. Her nails sank into his shoulders, trying to hold onto him.

  “I can’t last.”

  “Come for me, Darla.” Luke stroked her clit, ordering her at the same time. Her eyes opened and she came, long and hard.

  Luke kept up his strokes, waiting until every part of her was shaking and begging to be released from his torture. Only when she was ready did he grip his shaft, center it at her core and bring her down on him.

  Her wet sheath tightened around him as she took all of him to the hilt. None of their other times together prepared him for the exquisite pleasure of sharing her with his brothers. This felt right to him. There was no secret between them all. This was his family. They were all together with nothing else between them.

  He loved her so damn much. Luke couldn’t bear the thought of life without her.

  Holding onto her hips, he drove up into her cunt, loving every moan and scream that tore from her lips. He wouldn’t last much longer. The entire buildup of getting her to this moment had been hard on him.

  “I’m not going to last,” he said.

  “I don’t care. I love you, Luke. I’ve always loved you.” Her words drove him to orgasm. Plunging deep inside her, Luke let go, grunting out his release into her waiting pussy.

  Nothing else mattered. Wrapping his arms around her back, he held her tight.

  She stroked his hair and bliss settled over him.

  “This is what it should have always been like,” he said.

  “I know. We both fucked up, but we’re together now and nothing is going to tear us apart.”

  He’d move heaven and earth to guarantee that.

  * * * *

  Ryan’s heart pounded inside his chest as he watched Luke and Darla together. He’d never thought sharing a woman would really work, especially not Darla. The thought of sharing a woman with his brothers always excited him. The couples in Stone Valley looked so happy and he wanted a small slice of that happiness. But his parents were never happy. Their mother used their two dads to get what she wanted. How could a marriage between four people work?

  They had two dads, and it went down the toilet. Derek, their stepfather, was a right bastard. In their situation, there were three men to one woman. All the years he’d known Darla, he never thought it was possible for her to love one of them, let alone all three. The way she looked at Jon, then at Luke, gave him hope.

  Hope. He’d not experienced that emotion in a long time. Ryan would do everything in his power to keep hold of the hope he felt. Her gaze landed on his and she smiled.

  “Hey,” she said.

  “Hey, yourself.” Her head was resting on Luke’s chest.

  “I know I should be feeling like a slut, but I only feel love.” She snuggled in close and Luke swatted her ass.

  “You’re not a slut. Stop saying that you are when you’re not.”

  She sighed. “I love you all so much. I never want this to end.” Her voice came out in a sigh.

  “I think she’s going to need your help,” Luke said, looking at Ryan.

  Getting up from his seat, Ryan helped to extract Darla from his brother. She wrapped her body around him, resting her head on his shoulder.

  “I’m sorry, Ryan. I feel a little tired.”

  “We can wait,” he said, even as his cock pulsed in denial. He was so damn horny. How was he going to last the next couple of hours without feeling her?

  “No, I don’t want to wait. This will be our first real time together.” She leaned back, smiling at him. “I want this as much as you.” Her hand gripped his flesh. He was hard as rock. “And I’m starting to feel wide awake.”

  “You’re a tease,” he said, growling.

  She rubbed her nose against his. “Not as much as you.”

  Taking a seat back in his chair, Ryan lowered her over his erect flesh. He didn’t hold the patience that his two brothers had. The need to be inside her was too strong to control.

  Darla moaned, nibbling on his neck. “You’re big.”

  Her words made it hard for him to concentrate, with her tits rubbing against his chest. Every inch of her was pure woman and he was drowning in her lemony scent.

  “I’ve wanted to be inside you for a long time,” he said, reaching in front of her to stroke her nipples.

  “I’ve wanted it, too.” She leaned forward, kissing his lips. “Make love to me, Ryan.” Gripping her hips, he lifted her off his cock and then slammed her back down. She cried out. He watched as she reached in front, teasing her clit as he fucked her.

  His gaze was distracted by the swing of her breasts. He’d always loved her juicy tits. Her nipples were hard points, staring at him as if they were begging to be sucked. Licking his lips, he leaned forward and took one of her buds into his mouth. They filled his mouth so completely.

  “Ryan.” She spoke his name with a moan. Her fingers sank into his hair, pulling on the strands at the nape of his neck.

  He didn’t let up from his sucking. Ryan kept hold of her hips, working her slowly over his cock. The reality of being inside her was, by far, better than anything he’d imagined. She was more responsive, sexier than he thought. Her pussy rippled around his shaft, this time making him moan. Even after taking his brothers, her pussy was tight.

  Her moans echoed off the walls.

  Releasing one of her hips, he slid a finger over her clit, bringing her to orgasm. He moved between her breasts, sucking and nibbling on the buds. When he bit down, her cunt tightened around him. Their Darla liked a little pain mixed with her pleasure.

  “It feels so good.”

  Ryan didn’t stop. He bit down on each breast in turn and felt her orgasm around his cock. Everything was too much all at once. Leaving her clit, he fingered the breast he wasn’t sucking, pinching the bud, bringing some pain in with the pleasure.

  The noises she made grew louder with every passing second. Ryan felt his release was close. He couldn’t hold back another moment. From the moment they’d been in high school and he realized he had a crush on her, Ryan had wanted to fuck her. That crush had developed into love. During his time at college, he’d not found anyone else. There was only ever Darla. When she’d admitted to being pregnant, his world shattered. Over the years, that shattering had built back up. Nathan was their son all along and he’d been part of bringing him into the world. Nothing was going to stop them from being a family.

  “I’m coming,” he said. He pushed inside her one final time as his seed spilled into her waiting cunt.

  She held onto him tight and he held her just as tight.

  Resting his head against her breasts, Ryan was in heaven. All he’d ever wanted was right in his arms. Darla was the Willises’ woman and she was where they’d always wanted her to be.

  They were both panting for breath. Glancing down into her smiling face, Ryan was lost. This is what his fathers had wanted. He felt at peace knowing that no matter what happened, Darla would always be taken care of.

  “You look so serious,” she said.

  “I’m not. I’m just happy. This is what I always wanted.” He stroked the hair off her face.


  “To share you with my brothers and for us all to be a family.”

  Her smile brightened.

  “I love you as well, Ryan.”

  “I love you, too, Darla.” He kissed the top of her head, settling down and relishing the feel of her against him.

  * * * *

  They were all exhausted. Darla was curled up on Ryan’s lap while he and Luke watched them. She was so giving, so open. Darla was more than Jon ever imagined and his love for her burned brighter than
ever before.

  Ryan stroked her back.

  There was no tension in the room. Everything was peaceful and right.

  “I’m all sticky,” Darla said.

  Glancing at each of his brothers, they all burst out laughing.

  “What?” she asked.

  “Nothing,” Jon said, getting to his feet. “I’ll take her for a shower. You get some food ready. We need her to keep her strength up.”

  Luke nodded and so did Ryan.

  “You all sound so peaceful.” Jon helped Darla off his brother. Supporting her with an arm around her back, he started to leave the room.

  “You’re the one that’s made us peaceful, Darla,” Ryan said.

  “I love you all,” she said.

  Jon lifted her up in his arms and carried her upstairs. He went to his own room, shoving open the door and going to his own bathroom.

  “Are you angry?” she asked, catching him off guard.

  “No, why would I be angry? I’ve got everything I ever wanted.” He turned the shower on, then gave Darla his full attention.

  “You just seem a little distant.”

  “I’m not distant, baby. I’m basking in what just happened.” He knelt down in front of her, taking hold of her hands at the same time. “I got to make love to you, Darla.” He kissed each of her hands in turn. “I got to watch you love my brothers. I can’t describe exactly how I feel, only that I loved every second of it. You’re beautiful and I couldn’t have asked for a more caring woman. I love you so much.”

  Her smile was watery. “You really know what to say to get a girl all teary-eyed.”

  She let go of his hand to wipe away the tears.

  “Get used to it. There will be no more fighting or holding back any longer. You’re going to get everything.”

  He tugged on the one hand he still held. “Come on, shower, freshen up and then food.”

  Stepping in behind her, Jon grabbed the soap and sponge. He soaped up the sponge, holding it away from her. “I’m going to wash you, baby. I’ve got to make sure you’re totally clean,” he said.

  She giggled, presenting him with her back. He squeezed her ass, loving the feel of the rounded flesh in his palms.

  “I really do love your ass. Yep, I’m the ass man,” he said.

  “Ryan’s all about the breasts.” She turned toward him, lifting her arms for him to wash her body.

  “That’s right, and Luke’s the thigh-and-pussy man.” He wiped the sponge over her stomach, going down to clean between her thighs. Jon caught her wince and eased up on his touch. “Are you feeling a little sore?”

  “Just a little. I’m not used to actually having sex. It’s all new for me,” she said, laughing.

  “No more sex for you tonight. We want you to love it, not get tired of it.” He’d make sure to tell his brothers that she was sore.

  “What if I want to?” she asked.

  He shook his head. “It doesn’t matter. We all love and care about you. We’ll know what to do to keep you healthy.” He tugged her close, wrapping his arms around her body. His cock thickened, like it always did when he was around her.

  “It looks like you want me, Jon.” She stroked the vein at the side of his shaft.

  “I always want you and that’s never going to change.” He kissed her cheek, spinning her around. “But I can wait. I waited this long to have you, and giving you time to recover from our touch will not kill me.”

  He shampooed her hair before conditioning it. Darla washed his hair and once they were done, he climbed out first to grab a towel. Wrapping a towel around his waist, he then took one for Darla. He held it open for her to climb inside.

  “Are you treating me like a child?” she asked, going to him anyway.

  “No, I’m treating you like the woman I love. This is what I’d do for the woman I loved.” Folding the towel around her, he led her into his room. Going to the closet, he took out some shorts for him and an old shirt for her.

  “You’re too good for me,” she said, putting the shirt on.

  “No, I’m not. I’m just right for you.” He ran fingers through his hair and took a seat on the edge of the bed. “Come here, I’ll brush your hair.” He tapped the edge of the bed, but the only space available was the floor.

  “I’m not wearing any panties.”

  “I don’t care.” He held the brush in his hand. She sat down between his thighs on the floor. “I’ll try to be careful. I hope you don’t have a lot of knots.”

  He ran the brush through her hair, being careful when he encountered a knot.

  “I love this. I never knew you could be so caring.”

  Chuckling, Jon leaned forward, kissing her cheek. “You’ve not known a lot about me.”

  “I know enough to know I love you. You’re a quiet person, Jon, but you’re a caring person.”

  “I’m pleased you’ve noticed.” He continued brushing her hair.

  “Mom always talked about you, you know?”

  He frowned. “Janet talked about me?”

  “Yeah, she’d tell me what a great guy you were and that you always took the back seat when it came to your brothers. She didn’t think I noticed, but I did.”

  He paused. “You noticed?”

  “Yes, I noticed you, Jon. I noticed everything about you. You were always there, watching, waiting, taking care of everyone.”

  Jon hadn’t known that. He always thought compared to his two brothers, he wasn’t the one anyone bothered with.

  “See, I’ve shocked you.”

  He finished brushing her hair. She turned, resting her hands on his knees. “I’m pleased you didn’t find anyone else. It means I can love you without fear of another woman getting in the way.” She climbed to her feet, kissing his lips as she did.

  Pulling himself out of his thoughts, he took her hand, leading her downstairs to where Ryan and Luke were waiting for them. There was a stack of sandwiches with the scent of peanut butter lurking in the air. It wouldn’t take much to find out what sandwiches his brothers decided on.

  “Great, while we’re all here, I’ve got something to say,” Darla said.

  She squeezed his hand tight. Whatever she had to say Jon didn’t care. What she’d said to him upstairs meant the world to him.

  “I’m pregnant.”

  * * * *

  Derek watched the bitchy girl take Nathan away. Now was his chance to get rid of the kid. He followed them out to where the girl lived. It was a small apartment, easy to access. He’d be in and out in a flash without any worries. The temptation to do it was strong, but he held himself back.

  When he saw the two men waiting for the girl, he knew it was a good idea. Drawing back, he pocketed the knife and made his way back the hotel.

  Peaches had been found and cops were already lurking around everywhere. All he needed to do was kill three men and one little boy. Slamming his door closed, he went back to his plan.

  No, he couldn’t take out the boy. Derek was pleased he hadn’t acted on that. Once he killed the boy, he’d alert the other that he was coming after them. It wasn’t a good plan to take the kid away.

  Shaking his head, he pulled the knife out of his pocket and started to look at all his pictures and plans once again.

  What he needed to do was take out two of the Willis men first. Once two men were out of the picture, the final Willis would be easy pickings, and so would the child. With them out of the way, the daddies would be easily gone.

  Yes, everything was falling into place, and he’d be happy.

  Glancing over his plans, Derek knew who to hit at first.

  Luke and Ryan were always together. It would be easy taking them out. Jon was only ever focused on Darla. Now, how to get all the men in a situation to suit his need?

  Chapter Ten

  Luke sat beside Darla, waiting to go into Jeremy Norris’s office. Ryan and Jon were checking up on the bar. Leaving the Dancin’ Donkey in the hands of their employees was hard to do. None of them knew w
hy he and his brothers had stopped going into work regularly. He missed working, manning the bar. Date night with Darla had also been a bust. None of them were leaving the house unless there was more than one of them.

  He tapped his knee, waiting for them to be called in. Since Darla admitted she was pregnant, they’d all been ready to go to this doctor’s appointment with her. He’d come to an arrangement with his brothers. The second appointment would be attended by Jon, and the next, Ryan.

  They would all take their turn in getting acquainted with the good doctor.

  “You look nervous,” Darla said. She sat, reading a magazine, looking completely calm.

  “This is my first appointment. Of course I’m nervous.”

  She laughed. “There’s no need to be. This is a simple checkup. He won’t even be looking at the baby yet. You should be fine.”

  “I’m fine. Sitting here is reminding me of everything I missed out on with Nathan.” They’d dropped Nathan off at Nursery. When they were done with her appointment, she was going to the library to find more information on a course she wanted to study. She still wasn’t sure what she wanted to learn about, and he was going to the bookstore to grab as much material as he could on raising a baby.

  “You’ll be fine. I think Jeremy wants to see you and give you all the warnings. Everything is going to be okay.”

  “I know it is, baby.” He took her hand and frowned as his cell phone went off. Checking the caller, he saw it was David. Jeremy opened his door, calling them in.

  He switched his cell phone off, heading into the room with her.

  The doctor seemed nice enough. He talked with Darla about the medication she was going to need and advised checkups. His woman handled everything like a pro.

  Of course she does, dummy. She’s been through this before.

  “Could you leave the room, Darla? I want to talk with your man,” Jeremy said.

  Darla looked at Luke with her eyebrow raised. “Sure. I mean, do you want to talk with Jeremy?”


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