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Tested Love: A Christian Romance (The True Love Series Book 2)

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by Juliette Duncan

  Tessa excused herself and found her office just down the corridor on the left. Spacious and impressive, just like Fran’s, a large, silky oak desk dominated the room. A row of matching shelves lined one wall, and a large occasional chair sat beside the window that looked out onto the busy main road. Tessa hung her jacket on the coat rack behind the heavy door. From her work bag, she pulled out two framed photos and set them beside her computer screen on the desk. The first was of Jayden sitting on the beach beside Bindy and Sparky. The second was of her and Ben in front of the Tavoro Waterfalls in Fiji. She picked it up again and her pulse quickened as she gazed into her husband’s loving eyes, and for a moment she was back there…

  Sandy’s high-pitched voice welcoming their first patient to the clinic interrupted Tessa’s reminiscing. She replaced the photo and got to work.

  By late morning, the vet clinic waiting room was full and Tessa’s staff were stretched to the limit. The maximum wait time was meant to be twenty minutes, but some patients had been waiting for nearly thirty. Tessa joined Sandy in apologising for the delay, and offered refreshments to the waiting owners, something Fran would never do. She even handed out free treats to the animals.

  Fran called around lunch time. Instead of the brusque, business-like tone she often adopted, Fran’s voice was warm and congenial. “Hi, Tess. Just checking to see how everything’s going on your first day.”

  Tessa flopped back in her chair. “It’s way different to what I expected. We’ve been flat out all morning. I’m exhausted already. Did you send people our way?”

  “No, but I’ve done a lot of advertising. Good to see it’s paying off.”

  Tessa pressed a hand to her forehead. Outside her office door, Harrison shouted to his assistant to clean the surgical supplies. Working all morning without a break had made him demanding, and he seemed to resent Tessa dropping in to check on his work.

  “I’m not used to managing staff, Fran.” Tessa cupped her hand over the mouthpiece and spoke quietly. “I’m used to getting in there and doing the job myself, not standing back and letting them do all work. I’m feeling a little frustrated.”

  “You’ll get used to it, Tessa. Your job is to manage, so as much as you’re tempted to jump in and help, it’s better if you don’t, otherwise your staff will never take you seriously.”

  Tessa’s sigh blew loose strands of hair from her face. That might be Fran’s way of managing, but it wasn’t hers.

  “The first day is always the hardest, Tessa, but it’ll get easier. I’ve got faith in you. I wouldn’t have encouraged you to take the job if I didn’t believe you were the right person.”

  Tessa drew in a deep breath. “Thanks Fran—I hope you’re right.”

  “And remember, I’m just a phone call away, so don’t hesitate to give me a ring if you need any help.”

  “Thanks, I’ll remember that.”

  It was only the first day, but Tessa was already questioning whether she’d made the right decision.

  Chapter 3

  Tessa breathed a sigh of relief when the day finally ended and she was on her way home. She could hardly wait to change into more comfortable clothes and put her feet up for a few minutes before fixing dinner. She’d make sure Jayden didn’t have to remind her about making meals again. Her first weekday dinner would be simple—chicken stir fry with noodles. Surely both boys would like that.

  Arriving home shortly after Tessa, Jayden dropped his backpack and a green and white training rugby ball onto the kitchen floor.

  “Hey Jayden. How was school?” Tessa looked up from where she was cutting vegetables. Her few moments of rest had been interrupted by a phone call from her mother.


  A one-word answer. She had to think of a question that would require Jayden to use more than one word. “Do you have any homework?”

  “Already done.”

  Two words. Slightly better. “Dinner won’t be ready for a while, so have a snack if you want.”

  Jayden shook his head. “No, I’m fine.” He sat down at the counter and picked up a pencil, twiddling it between his fingers.

  “What’s on your mind, Jayden?”

  He stopped twiddling. “I was going to wait and ask Dad, but I guess I can ask you.” He raised his head and looked at her. “Can I stay over at Neil’s house and go with him to rowing in the morning?”

  Tessa stopped mid-slice. She bit her lip and frowned as she studied Jayden’s face. Was this another test? But more importantly, would Ben want Jayden to go to Neil’s house? Maybe she should call him. She reached for the phone but then replaced it. She couldn’t call Ben. He was in that important meeting this afternoon and wouldn’t want to be interrupted.

  “I really have finished all my homework.” Jayden pulled a notebook out of his backpack and showed her a page full of equations.

  Tessa put the knife down and perused the page.

  “We’ve got some new music we want to work on, and after school is like the only time we can do it. And Neil’s mum can drive us to rowing in the morning. It’ll save Dad having to get up real early to take me.”

  Tessa tapped the counter with the tip of the knife. “Have you stayed over at Neil’s on a school night before?”

  “Yes. Dad lets me do it all the time.”

  Tessa studied Jayden’s face. His eyes, normally sullen, gleamed, as if he were trying too hard to convince her. Is he taking me for a ride? Wish I could call Ben and check.

  “Come on Tessa. It’s okay. And you and Dad can just have the night on your own.”

  A night on their own, how tempting was that? It had only been two nights since their honeymoon had ended, but it seemed like a year.

  Tessa blew out a slow breath. “I guess it’s okay then. As long as you’re sure it’s all right with your Dad.”

  “He’ll be fine with it. Thanks Tessa.” Jayden jumped up, looking like he wanted to hug her, but stopped himself just in time.

  “One thing—can you drive me?”

  Tessa burst out in laughter. The hide of the boy! She shook her head, but she’d do it to keep him happy and have the night alone with Ben.

  “Come on then, let’s go. Just make sure you’re in time for rowing in the morning.”

  “I will,” Jayden assured her. He ran upstairs and in a few minutes was back in the kitchen carrying a toothbrush, pyjama bottoms and his rowing clothes, all of which he stuffed into his backpack.

  Tessa drove him to Neil’s, about a twenty minute drive away through busy afternoon traffic. Jayden chatted all the way. Amazing how he could talk when he wanted. He was warming to her, and Tessa was glad she’d decided to let him go.

  He jumped out of the car and slung his pack over his shoulder. “Thanks Mum… I mean, Tess.”

  Tessa started to say it was fine for him to call her Mum, but stopped herself. He’d do it in his own time, when he was ready. No use forcing it.

  “Bye Jayden. See you tomorrow afternoon.” Tessa waved to him as he closed the door and headed up the driveway. She’d asked if she should speak to Neil’s mum, but Jayden said it wasn’t necessary. As she watched him disappear into the house, she hoped she’d made the right decision.

  When she arrived back home, Tessa finished the dinner preparation. She set the table, adding a couple of candles for a romantic touch since Jayden wouldn’t be with them. Then she emptied her work bag and went to finish setting up her home office while waiting for Ben to arrive. Bindy and Sparky tussled one another and chased their favourite balls around the room before flopping down on a cushion under her feet.

  Engrossed in stacking file folders and organising her books and papers, Tessa was shocked when she next checked the time—nearly an hour had passed, and Ben should have been home.

  She stepped into the kitchen and pulled a frozen coconut cream pie out of the freezer to thaw for dessert before picking up the phone to call him. As she was dialing, the front door opened, and Ben walked in.

  “Ben!” Tessa replaced th
e phone and ran to him, throwing her arms around his neck. “You had me worried. I was beginning to think something had happened to you!”

  Ben lifted her up from the floor and kissed her forehead. “I’m so sorry, my sweet, I didn’t mean to be this late. The meeting ran overtime. I should have called you—I’m sorry.”

  “It’s okay, I’m just glad you’re home.” Tessa lowered her arms around Ben’s waist. She’d never tire of gazing into his eyes and feeling his arms around her. “Tell me—how did it go? Did you accept the partnership?”

  Ben ran his hand through his hair and inhaled slowly. “No, I didn’t. Even though they adjusted the terms in my favour, it didn’t feel right. I feel like I’ve let them down. They’ve bent over backwards for me, Tess, but I wasn’t convinced it was the right thing to do. For us.” He brushed some hair gently off her forehead and ran his finger down her cheek. “I don’t want to be tied down right now, even though it would have helped us financially.”

  “It must have been difficult for you, Ben. But it’s over now, and you don’t have think about it anymore.”

  “Yes, it’s a weight off my mind. And it means I can just do my hours and come home to my family. To you.” He lowered his face closer to hers. Tessa’s pulse quickened…without Jayden at home, dinner could wait.

  He pecked her lips and pulled away. Tessa swallowed hard. She couldn’t blame him. He didn’t know they were alone. She’d have to tell him, but had she done the right thing allowing Jayden to go? She gulped and held her breath.

  “Sorry Tess—later.” Ben undid his tie and glanced upstairs. “Is Jayden in his room?”

  The moment had arrived. Tessa gulped again and let out her breath. Surely it wouldn’t be a problem. Jayden had convinced her it was okay. But Jayden had been playing games with her lately. Hopefully this wasn’t one of them, but she had that sinking feeling it was.

  She tried to relax, but her body was rigid. “He’s at Neil’s house, Ben. He said it’d be okay with you.”

  A shadow fell over Ben’s face. “Neil’s house?” Ben drew his eyebrows together. “How could you let him do that, Tessa?”

  “He said you let him do it all the time.”

  “Come on, Tess, you know better than that. He hasn’t been allowed to stay over since that incident with Owen and the drugs.”

  “He said Owen wouldn’t be there.”

  Ben shook his head and his lips straightened into a thin line. “He’s taken advantage of you, Tessa.”

  Tessa’s heart sank. She’d made a huge mistake. “Ben, I’m so sorry. He was so sincere, and I figured that since this move has been tough on him, it wouldn’t hurt for him to be with his friend for one night.”

  “Neil’s a good kid, Tess, but that brother of his is unpredictable, and Mary and Bill have hardly any control over him.” Ben raked a hand through his hair. “He could come back at any time, and there’s no telling what trouble he could get those boys into.”

  For a minute, Tessa thought Ben was going to put his jacket back on and go after Jayden right then. She couldn’t handle this. They hadn’t been married a month, and already she’d already made a mess of things. Tessa reached for Ben’s arm. “I’m so sorry, Ben. I should have checked with you. It was thoughtless of me.”

  “Jayden’s going to pay for this. It’s not really your fault, Tessa. He shouldn’t have asked to go.”

  “Don’t be too hard on him, Ben. He’s just testing me out—I’ll be more wary from now on.”

  Tessa stepped closer and looked into Ben’s troubled eyes. “Are we okay, Ben?” Her voice was pleading. They had to be okay. She couldn’t bear it if they weren’t.

  Ben met her gaze and his eyes softened. “Yes Tess, we’re okay.” He ran a finger slowly down her hairline. “But I’ll be having words with Jayden when he gets home tomorrow afternoon.”

  A pang of guilt stabbed her. If only she’d been more thoughtful and less gullible, Jayden wouldn’t be in trouble with his father.

  “Let’s eat, Tess.” He squeezed her hand. “We’ll deal with this tomorrow. In the meantime, I’ll call Mary and check that Owen’s not there.”

  Tessa lit the candles, but the romance had left the evening.

  Chapter 4

  When Jayden arrived home from school the next day, both Tessa and Ben were waiting for him in the living room, both having finished work early. Tessa perched on the edge of the couch, nibbling her fingernails and eyeing Ben as he paced back and forth.

  She’d tried her hardest to convince Ben to let it go this one time, but he was determined to have it out with Jayden. All night he’d been brooding over it. Tessa hadn’t liked the way it had dominated his thinking, and how easily agitated he’d become over this incident. This wasn’t the Ben she knew. Stephanie had told her that often you don’t really know a person until you live with them, but Tessa hadn’t believed her at the time. Maybe Stephanie had been right. They hadn’t even made love last night. The first time since they’d been married.

  It would have been better if Ben had fetched Jayden last night—at least the matter would have been dealt with, rather than letting it fester all night and all day. At one stage Tessa thought he would, but in the end Ben decided to wait until Jayden got home from school.

  All day at work, Ben and Jayden had been on Tessa’s mind. She’d prayed constantly for them, asking God for his grace and mercy to abound in this situation. Jayden was in a fragile state, and she feared if Ben came on too hard, it might push him further away. But Ben was determined to make Jayden answer for his blatant disobedience. She felt sick to the stomach.

  The front door opened. Jayden slid his backpack onto the floor and bent down to scratch Sparky behind the ears. He glanced up when Ben stood in front of him.

  “Hey Dad, you’re home early.”

  “Yes, you’re right. How was school?”

  “Fine.” He sounded defensive already. Jayden looked up at Ben’s serious face before glancing at Tessa. If only she could have had a quick chat with him before he faced his dad.

  Jayden narrowed his eyes. “What’s up?”

  Ben reached the far end of the room and turned sharply on his heel to face Jayden. “Why did you tell Tessa I allow you to stay at Neil’s?”

  Jayden’s face fell. “You used to.”

  “You know full well I don’t allow it anymore. Ever since that incident with Owen.” Ben’s voice was tight, and he clenched and unclenched his fists as he glowered at Jayden.

  “That happened a long time ago, Dad.” Jayden’s eyes darkened. “I learned my lesson. It’s not like it’s going to happen again.”

  “No, you’re right. It’s not going to happen again, because you’re not allowed to be anywhere near Owen.” Ben resumed pacing, every muscle in his trim body, rigid. Tessa had never seen him like this.

  “What did you do last night?”

  “We worked on our music.”

  “Was Owen there?”


  “Are you telling the truth?”


  Ben stopped pacing and stared at Jayden. Jayden turned his head away.

  “You’re not to stay there again, Jayden. Do you hear me?” When Jayden didn’t answer, Ben walked closer and stood over him. “Look at me, Jayden. Stand up.”

  Jayden stood slowly, his face stony and his eyes full of hate.

  “The way you took advantage of Tessa wasn’t right. You knew you weren’t allowed to stay at Neil’s, and you shouldn’t have told her you were. You’re grounded for a month, Jayden. Hopefully that will teach you to think twice before you act so foolishly again.”

  Jayden’s shoulders slumped. “But Dad…”

  Ben held his hand up. “No, Jayden, that’s the way it is. A month—you can go to school and to training, but no friends and no camp.”

  Jayden blinked in disbelief at Ben and then turned to Tessa, his eyes pleading with her. Without thinking, Tessa rose and placed a hand on Jayden’s shoulder.

that’s too harsh. Won’t you rethink? He’s so looking forward to camp.” She hated the plaintive tone in her voice.

  Ben drew his eyebrows together and glared at her.

  Tessa swallowed hard. This was not what she’d expected. Ben was being way too tough on Jayden, and he’d never looked at her like that. Maybe she shouldn’t have taken Jayden’s side, but she had. Now she was caught between standing up for Jayden and supporting her husband.

  Jayden pulled himself from under Tessa’s hand, snatched up his backpack and stormed out of the room and up the stairs.

  Tessa lifted her eyes slowly. Her lips trembled and a lump sat in the pit of her stomach. They hadn’t had a single disagreement in almost a year of friendship and courting, and now they’d had two in a matter of days.

  “Ben, I’m sorry.” Tessa’s voice was shallow and she could barely speak. “I shouldn’t have questioned you. It wasn’t my place.” Her heart pounded and tears pricked her eyes. She stepped closer and waited. The Ben she knew was kind and loving. He wouldn’t let this come between them. She swallowed the lump in her throat.

  Ben’s face slowly softened. Tessa met his gaze and held it before reaching out her hand and closing the gap between them. She lifted her hand and gently brushed it against his cheek. “Ben, I really am sorry.” Tessa’s tears were just below the surface. She needed to feel his arms around her. To hear him say he loved her.

  Ben placed his hand over hers and pressed it to his cheek. “I don’t know what comes over me, Tess.” Ben’s voice had lost its edge. “He riles me so much sometimes.” He kissed her hand. “I’m sorry too.” He pulled her close and kissed the top of her head. She snuggled into him, squeezing her eyes shut to stop her tears from falling.

  Ben pulled her tighter. “I shouldn’t have got so angry with him, Tess. Or with you. I’m sorry.” Tessa rested her head on his chest, and the blanket of sadness slowly lifted from her heart.


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