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Tested Love: A Christian Romance (The True Love Series Book 2)

Page 9

by Juliette Duncan

  Tessa looked down at her plate. It was true. She’d only nibbled one sandwich, but the thought of eating any more made her stomach turn. Strange, because she normally liked sandwiches.

  “No, thank you, Margaret. That’s very kind. The sandwiches are lovely, but I just don’t seem to be very hungry.” As she spoke, Tessa’s stomach convulsed and rose to her throat. She covered her mouth with her hand. “I’m sorry Margaret, I think I’m going to be sick.”

  Margaret’s eyes widened. She hopped up and grabbed a bowl off the sink. “Here, take this.” She handed Tessa the bowl, just in time for Tessa to heave her entire breakfast, morning tea and lunch into it.

  “I’m so sorry.” Tessa quickly looked up before heaving again. When there was no more left to bring up, she took the towel Margaret offered her and wiped her face. “I’m not sure what came over me. I feel so embarrassed.”

  “Don’t you worry about that, Tessa.” Margaret took Tessa by the arm and led her to a couch in the living room. She went back to the kitchen and returned with a glass of cold water. Tessa sipped it thankfully.

  “Have you been to a doctor lately, Tessa?”

  Tessa shook her head.

  “I think you should go see one.” Margaret sat on the couch beside Tessa and leaned forward, her eyes glowing.

  “I’m sure it’s nothing.” Tessa took another sip of water.

  “You don’t understand, Tessa.” Margaret touched Tessa lightly on her wrist. “Not being hungry, feeling sick, and lightheadedness are all symptoms of pregnancy.”

  Tessa’s eyed widened. Pregnancy? No, I can’t be pregnant… She straightened until she was sitting on the edge of the couch. She glanced down at her flat stomach and then back at Margaret. “I can’t be. We’ve been taking precautions.” Her pulse began to race.

  “I’ve been through it twice and I think I can tell, but you should go see your doctor to be absolutely certain.” Margaret eyes twinkled as Tessa’s mind worked overtime. Pregnant? She and Ben had been planning on having children in the future, but not yet. It was too soon. She wasn’t ready. Or was she?

  On the way home from Margaret’s, Tessa was in a daze, unable to believe Margaret’s theory for her sudden bout of vomiting until she realised she hadn’t a period since before their honeymoon. She’d been so busy since returning that she hadn’t noticed—until now. The realisation sent her into a panic. Her heart skipped a beat and her face grew warm. Maybe Margaret was right after all. She pulled over at the first pharmacy she passed and picked up a pregnancy test kit. There was one way to find out.

  Chapter 15

  “Tessa, what’s this?” Ben’s voice was steady but had an edge to it as he emerged from the bathroom carrying a white stick.

  Tessa chastised herself. She’d meant to throw it away but her mind had drifted to Michael’s email again when she was showering and she’d forgotten about it.

  “Sorry Ben. I meant to throw it away. I threw up at lunch and Margaret had a strange thought I might be pregnant, so I picked up a test kit on the way home. She was wrong, just as I’d expected. I must have eaten something bad.” Tessa stepped into the bathroom and squeezed toothpaste onto her brush. Despite rinsing many times at Margaret’s, her mouth still tasted of vomit. Maybe it was her imagination, but a good clean would fix it either way.

  Ben followed her and she caught his reflection in the mirror. A deep frown sat on his forehead. He still held the stick in his hand. “But it’s positive, Tess.”

  Tessa’s mouth fell open as she stopped mid brush. She quickly spat into the basin and turned around. “It can’t be, Ben. I checked. It was negative.”

  “It looks positive to me.”

  Tessa stared at the stick in Ben’s hand. He was right. How had she got it wrong? Her heart went into a flap.

  Ben took her hands. “Tessa, look at me.”

  Tessa lifted her gaze and stared at Ben. She couldn’t take this in.

  “This is wonderful news, Tessa. We’re having a baby!” Ben’s eyes shone with excitement. Tessa had never seen him so animated.

  “But we hadn’t planned it.” Tessa’s chest tightened and she struggled to breathe.

  “Tessa, if God has decided to bless us with a baby, who are we to argue?”

  Tessa searched Ben’s eyes as the reality of what could be began to take hold deep inside her. “Are you sure, Ben? You said we should wait a year.” Her voice was breathless and she swallowed the lump in her throat. Could she really be pregnant?

  “Yes, Tessa, I’m sure. This is the best thing that’s happened to me. I’m so excited.” He pulled her close and kissed her hair gently.

  Tessa leaned back and cocked her head. “The best thing?”

  “Well, apart from marrying you, that is.”

  Tessa gazed into Ben’s eyes and love for him flooded through her veins. All thoughts of Michael fled her mind. “And marrying you is the best thing that’s happened to me, and having your baby is, well, it’s overwhelming.” Tears pricked Tessa’s eyes. “I still can’t believe it. I think I need some time to take it in.”

  “Take as long as you want, Tess.” Ben brushed her hair lightly with his fingers and gazed into her eyes. “It might not be what we planned, but we need to thank God for his blessings, Tessa. Children are a gift from God, and I’m so thankful for him blessing us like this.”

  A moment of silence passed between them. He was right. Children were definitely a gift from God, and instead of being anxious, she should be grateful. But was she ready to be a mother to a baby and a teenager? Her heart began to race again. Jayden. How will he handle the news? She asked Ben what he thought.

  “I hope he’ll be happy, Tess, but who knows with Jayden? Up one minute, and down the next.” Ben lifted her chin as he continued gazing into her eyes. “We’ll just have to trust God to work it out.”

  Tessa drew in a long breath and nodded. Not only would they need to trust God to work it out in Jayden’s life, she’d need to trust God to work it out in her own. Being pregnant was definitely an unexpected turn of events. She closed her eyes and rested her head against Ben’s shoulder as he held her tightly. God, I need you more than ever right now. Be my strength and fortress, and help me be the best mother I can be, to both this little baby and to Jayden.

  Tessa made an appointment with the doctor for Monday afternoon after work. Her pregnancy was confirmed. She was six weeks, and the doctor said she was in excellent health and should have a normal pregnancy, and that it wasn’t that uncommon to fall pregnant whilst taking birth control pills.

  Tessa’s stomach was full of butterflies as she left the surgery. Although she’d had two days to prepare herself for this news, having the doctor confirm she was indeed carrying a brand new life inside her made it all the more real, and a thousand thoughts scurried through her mind causing her to heart to race.

  Seated in her car, she placed her hand on her tummy and settled her breathing. I really am having a baby. The truth of the matter finally sank in and she let out a slow breath as she smiled to herself. “Lord, this really is so unexpected, and I’m sorry for my initial reaction. Now it’s confirmed, I’m excited to be having a baby. Thank you for your infinite blessings, and thank you for this wonderful gift.” Warmth flowed from Tessa’s heart and spread through her body. “I’m not sure I’m ready to be a mother to a teenager and a baby, Lord, but I trust you to be with me the whole way. Bless this little baby, and help Ben and me to be the best parents ever. Thank you Lord.” Her voice choked and tears filled her eyes. She dabbed the tears with a tissue and then lowered her gaze to her stomach. “Now to tell your daddy…”

  When Ben walked in the door not long after Tessa, he had a spring to his step and an expectant look on his face.

  Tessa stood in the hallway with a playful grin on her face. “The doctor confirmed it, Ben. We’re having a baby!”

  A huge smile split Ben’s face as he whipped a bunch of brightly coloured flowers from behind his back and presented them to Tessa. He wra
pped his free arm around her and pressed his lips to her forehead.

  “Tessa, that is the best news.” His eyes glistened and the smile on his face stretched from ear to ear.

  “I know, Ben. It really is.” Tessa’s voice caught in her throat. Now she’d gotten used to the idea of being pregnant, giving Ben a child so soon after their wedding filled Tessa with a great sense of joy, especially knowing how much he’d longed for more children in his first marriage—he’d been denied that pleasure by Kathryn’s selfishness. It didn’t matter that it had happened earlier than planned; it was exciting and she would embrace the journey. She leaned her head against his shoulder, and his arm closed around her waist, pulling her close. She’d never felt so loved in all her life.

  As she placed the flowers into a vase a short while later, she told Ben what the doctor had said. “Everything is fine, but she suggested we not tell anyone for a while, just in case.”

  Ben drew his eyebrows together. “Does she think something might be wrong?”

  “No, she just said it’s early days, and it was only a suggestion.”

  Ben let out a relieved sigh. “Nothing’s going to happen, Tess, but if you want to wait a while to tell everyone, that’s okay. It can be our secret for now.” He stepped closer and embraced her once more.

  Ben insisted Tessa rest in the living room while he and Jayden cooked dinner.

  “But why, Ben? I’m not sick, just preg...” Tessa clamped her hand to her mouth, her eyes springing open. Had Jayden heard? She slowly turned her head to where Jayden sat in the family room, engrossed in a television programme. She turned her head back to Ben. “Phew, that was close.” She rolled her eyes and let out a small chuckle.

  “We’re not going to be able to keep it from him for long, you know. Maybe we should tell him now.” Ben slid his arm around her waist and pulled her close. He was paying her so much attention it made her laugh.

  Tessa’s face straightened. Would it hurt to tell Jayden now? Maybe he’d appreciate being part of the secret. “If you think we should tell him, Ben, it’s okay with me.”

  “Let’s tell him over dinner.” Ben kissed the top of Tessa’s head before letting her go. “Come on, show me what to do.”

  Tessa shook her head and laughed. “One day you’ll learn to cook, Ben Williams.”

  A short while later, as the three of them sat down to a chicken stir fry Ben had helped Tessa make, Tessa leapt up and raced for the bathroom, making it just in time. After heaving up all the contents of her stomach, she stood slowly and looked in the mirror. Her face had paled and her hair hung limply against her cheeks. If they hadn’t decided to tell Jayden already, he’d certainly be asking questions now. She splashed her face with cold water and rinsed her mouth. So much for morning sickness. What about evening sickness? Nobody had told her about that.

  “I’m sorry,” she said when she returned to the table. Ben reached out and squeezed her hand. She met his gaze and nodded. Ben cleared his throat.

  Jayden lifted his head, looking first at Ben and then at Tessa.

  “Jayden, we have some news for you.” Ben paused and squeezed Tessa’s hand again. His eyes glistened, causing Tessa to push back tears of her own. Oh God, please help Jayden to take this okay. Her heart beat faster as she glanced at Jayden’s suspicious expression.

  His eyes narrowed. “Well, what is it?”

  “We’re having a baby, Jayden. You’re going to have a little brother or sister before the end of the year.” A large grin split Ben’s face, but slowly faded as Jayden’s eyes darkened.

  Jayden folded his arms and glared at his father.

  Tessa touched his arm gently. “A baby isn’t going to change anything, Jayden. Your dad and I both love you dearly. You might not believe it, but it’s the truth.”

  Ben leaned forward. “Tessa’s right, Jayden. Having a baby isn’t going to change anything between us.”

  “Yeah right.” Jayden rolled his eyes to the ceiling before sliding further down in his chair. “I bet the camping trip’s off.”

  “Absolutely not.” Tessa straightened. “In fact, we’re picking the gear up after your football game on Saturday. Isn’t that right, Ben?” She willed Ben to support her, and to be sensitive to Jayden’s needs at this pivotal time.

  “Ah, yes, that’s right. It’s all happening, Jayden. I’ll talk to Neil’s parents on the weekend to make sure they’re still okay with him coming. So, the camping trip is definitely on. As Tessa told me in no uncertain words a little earlier, she’s not sick, she’s just pregnant.”

  Tessa caught Ben’s gaze and gave him an approving smile.

  “So, you see, a baby isn’t going to alter anything, Jayden, and your dad and I are sure you’re going to be a fantastic big brother when he or she comes along.” Tessa touched his arm again lightly, and smiled into his eyes, trying to draw him out of his negativity. “Come on, Jayden—everything is going to be all right.”

  Jayden shrugged one shoulder and picked up his fork.

  Tessa’s heart went out to him—no doubt he felt threatened by the news. She and Ben would just have to convince him that their assurances were sincere and genuine.

  Having a baby wouldn’t change anything between them.

  Tessa picked up a tiny piece of chicken and popped it tentatively into her mouth. It was going to be a long nine months.

  Chapter 16

  Late the following Saturday morning, Ben and Tessa sat under a row of shady gumtrees bordering the football field where Jayden’s team was about to play. Tessa sipped her coffee as she gazed about. Beside her, Ben flipped through the Financial Times. She had no idea how he could read such a boring newspaper.

  Tessa had been thinking about their visit to her parents’ place after the game all morning. Several weeks had passed since their last visit, and Tessa wondered if her mother, being naturally intuitive, would notice anything different about her without being told. It wouldn’t be a surprise if she did. Tessa let out a slow breath. Maybe we should just tell them. She turned to Ben and voiced her thoughts.

  Lifting his head from the newspaper, Ben drew his eyebrows together and gave her a quizzical look. “I thought you wanted to wait?”

  “Well, I did, but Mum will probably notice anyway, so I’m thinking we should.”

  “Your decision, my sweet. As long as you’re happy about it, it’s fine by me.” He folded the newspaper neatly and placed it in his backpack. “I’m sure they’ll be thrilled.”

  Tessa gave a soft laugh. “Yes, they will. First grandchild and all.” Her laugh fell flat. “Sorry, Ben. That was thoughtless. I’m not used to thinking of Jayden as their grandson, but I need to.”

  “It’s okay, Tess.” He squeezed her hand and smiled reassuringly. Leaning in close, he whispered, “Just don’t say it in front of Jayden.” His eyes glinted mischievously.

  Tessa hit him playfully. “I won’t. Look, here they come.” She pointed to the team of boys running onto the field. Jayden, with the number ten on the back of his blue and red striped jersey, glanced their way and Tessa stood and waved without thinking.

  Ben tugged her shirt, pulling her back to her seat. “Not sure he’d want you to do that, Tess.”

  Tessa hung her head in mock shame. “Have I messed up again?”

  Ben chuckled. “I think he’ll forgive you. At least we’re here, watching. He can’t complain about that.”

  Not long into the game, Jayden was passed the ball ten metres from the try line. Ben and Tessa both jumped out their seats and held their breath. Jayden fumbled but then pulled the ball in, tucking it under his arm as he sprinted towards the line. He slid into touch as two much heavier boys from the opposing team made a lunge for him.

  “That’s my boy!” Ben thrust his arm into the air and yelled. Tessa stared at him, laughing. She’d never seen or heard Ben so excited.

  Jayden couldn’t wipe the smile off his face as his team mates congratulated him for scoring the first try of the match.

  The tea
m went on to win by fifteen points, but Jayden saw no further action. Tessa expected him to be the star of the team, but it seemed his one and only try was just that. A one and only. Every time he was passed the ball, he dropped it, and his team mates stopped passing to him. He fumbled any tackle he attempted, and eventually the coach benched him.

  Ben sighed and lost interest in the game, and returned to his Financial Times. Tessa kept glancing at Jayden as he sat on the bench with a dejected look on his face, kicking the dirt below with the toe of his boot, and her heart went out to him. She recalled the words he spoke to her not so long ago: “Dad played rugby when he was in school, and he was good at it. He won a lot of awards. He’d be disappointed if I didn’t play.”

  Maybe he doesn’t want to play after all but isn’t game to tell his dad. Poor Jayden.

  On the way to her parents’ place, Tessa tried to make light of it, but neither Ben nor Jayden responded to her attempts at conversation and she finally gave up and looked out the window. She hoped Ben would be more sensitive with the new baby than he was with Jayden.

  When Tessa and Ben told her parents their news over lunch, Eleanor jumped up and hugged Tessa and Telford clapped Ben on the back.

  “I must admit I did suspect,” Eleanor said as she hugged Tessa tightly. “We’ll have to go shopping for maternity clothes, Tessa, and we can look for baby items at the same time. I know it’s early, but it never hurts to plan.”

  “Slow down, Mum, I’m not even showing yet! But a shopping trip would be lovely.” Her mother would most likely want her to wear those old fashioned maternity dresses that made expectant mothers look like elephants, but it didn’t matter. It’d been too long since she and her mother had spent any quality time together, and she would look forward to the outing, even if they disagreed on what clothes to buy.


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