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Darlings of Paranormal Romance (Anthology)

Page 80

by Chrissy Peebles

  “I’ve never seen anything like it. Is that you?”

  “More or less. My friend, Michel created it and installed it for me. I’m not really an admirer of art or paintings. I’m more interested in books, mythology really, but Michel thought this would dress up my bedroom. I mainly like it for the quiet motivation it gives me. Each day is a test, a determining factor of what kind of man I am going to be that day. It helps me remember, despite everything, who I really am.”

  “What kind of demon are you?” I blurted out.

  Instantly he crossed the room towards me. He had his large hands wrapped around my elbows before I could grab another knife. I was pinned against his brawny chest. The minute our eyes met, a bolt of lightning felt like it had ricocheted through my body. My eyes widened as he let me go and I wrapped my arms tightly around my body, so I wouldn’t fall. He staggered for a moment too as if he’d been hit by the same burst of energy.

  The immediate recognition of a soul mate was something that did not occur outside the pack. It had to be a mistake. But was it? It felt so real. In that second, I re-evaluated my course of action.

  “I’m not a demon. I’m a vampire,” he replied as he put some distance between us. “My mother is human, so I’m only half-demon. I’m not a full blooded demon.” He retreated to the table and sat down. He remained quiet for some time. Finally he added, “If you must know, I prefer to be called a warrior above all else.”

  I thought about asking a second question like ‘Why did you kidnap me?’ but I remained silent. It didn’t really matter as long as I found my target. I had heard of a demon mating with a human and bearing a vampire child, but I didn’t think it was possible. Just a myth. The accusation of calling him a demon seemed to have gravely offended him, and I didn’t want to offend him again. Instead, I wanted to comfort him. Why would I want to do that? He was the enemy. I opted to use my charms on the man. Violence would get me nowhere with him.

  “I like the ceiling painting,” I offered.

  “Thank you. It’s very nice, isn’t it?”

  “Do you have a name, vaaa?” I abruptly stopped before I insulted him again.


  I waited for him to ask my name. He studied the table instead.

  “I’m Emily.”

  “Emily.” He repeated my name slowly and carefully as if it was a foreign word he didn’t want to forget.

  “Your name is very unique.” A few compliments couldn’t hurt. “What does Vincent mean?”

  “I’ve never thought to look it up. I don’t know.”

  I watched as he drew a few curves and lines along the table, absent-mindedly tracing something. “If my memory serves me right, I think Vincent means healer or maybe guardian. I’m not sure.”

  He grunted.

  Knowing I’d probably upset him again if I said it too loud, I mumbled under my breath as I attempted to process the realization. “A healing vampire? A fanged guardian? Weren’t those oxymorons?”

  “Perhaps it is,” he answered. “You forget. I have excellent hearing too. What does your name mean?”

  The second knife flew from my hands and slammed into the wooden table, a few inches from his hands.

  He didn’t flinch one inch.

  “The Light,” I announced as I swiftly bent over to retrieve another knife lying on the bed.

  “Well that’s good. I like that.” There was a trace of laughter in his voice. He paused for a moment before he continued. “I know this is highly unorthodox, and you’re in an extremely frightening situation. I want to put your mind at ease, however. I’m not interested in harming you. I know you are of immense importance to your people. I’m going to try to get you out of here, but you’re going to have to trust me. It’s as simple as that. Do you think you can do that?” He yanked the knife from the table and with an ironically tender touch, he bent the blade into a slight arch, disabling it so it couldn’t be used for another but holding a bottle of wine or large orange. I swallowed hard so my mouth wouldn’t fall open. This vampire could kill me in an instant.

  Suddenly a vision from my wolf state hit me. I recognized his voice. I’ll help you get out of here, but you’ve got to trust me. I closed my eyes and relived the moment again. “Una bellezza come nessun altro. Così bella. Calmati. Calmati. Io non ho intenzione di permettere a nessuno di farti del male.” Over and over again, that voice. A ripple of awareness surged through me. His voice was the same as the man who had come to me to console me in my agitated wolf state. It was deep, almost sensual, yet tranquil and protective. This man before me had calmed me. “The wolf chant. That was you?”


  “What did you say?”

  He paused for a moment, digging his long nail into the wood of the table. “That’s not really important, is it?”

  “I insist,” I replied with my polite royal tone I used when I wanted it to be known I expected to get what I sought.

  He chuckled. His laugh was low and throaty. “I’ve seen pomp and circumstance from my father. You don’t have to take that tone with me. There is no need for hierarchy.”

  I attempted to soften my insistence. “I’m sorry. Please then.”

  “Don’t apologize. Let’s keep this a level playing field. I treat you as an equal, and you treat me as one. Okay?”

  His confidence was infectious.

  “Fair enough,” I whispered, only realizing a second later that I had not fully enunciated the words. Clearly this man had not kidnapped me so why was I in his presence? Did he know who had kidnapped me? Maybe he could lead me to the person? Equals? Why would he say we were equals? Men in my father’s kingdom certainly didn’t think like that. His words and actions of kindness and hospitality thoroughly confused me. As a sign of good faith, I placed the weapons down before me on the bed, noticing in passing the letter ‘V’ carved into the blade of each knife. I needed to know more before I made my move.

  “A beauty like no other. So beautiful. Calm yourself. Calm yourself, my sweet. I’m not going to let anyone hurt you.”

  “I’m sorry? What did you say?”

  He repeated his words for my benefit.

  I replied, “No demon would know how to practice Wolfen Magic.” I observed his new nervousness. His mood had shifted, and he refused to look at me as he continued to scratch at the table.

  “I’m not a demon. I’m a vampire. I’m a warrior, a vampire warrior.” He glanced at the ceiling, looking again at the lighted design of the warrior and wolf. “I thought we covered that? Here we call it Lunar Magic or the Magics by the way.” His tone was very gentle even though I saw the muscles in his jaw twitch a few times.

  “Vincent, the vampire warrior, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” I curtsied, trying to appear more of a princess than I felt as well as lighten the mood.

  The intensity of his serious face vanished, and he laughed as he stood up from the table. Watching his contentment was like observing Zeus shower the Earth with the Northern Lights when he was in a good disposition. Immediately his disposition put me at ease.

  “My mother is a sorceress, so yes I dabble in the Magics. I bet I know more about Lunar Magic than you do,” he bragged.

  “That’s probably true. I know nothing about magic. Only the Wolf guides me.”

  “Perhaps I can teach you some.” His smile was radiant, confident, and proud. His demeanor changed frequently. Was there such a thing as a moody vampire, I wondered.

  When he turned and looked directly at me, my heart splintered into a million pieces as I witnessed the expression on his face. Wolf, what has befallen upon me? Despite my confusion, I returned a half-heatedly crooked smile in his direction from across the room as my mouth fell open slightly, instantly forgetting why I was there. I was speechless to do otherwise. This man, this vampire was a vision of sheer beauty, and he wanted to help me. Moreover, he instantly trusted me. A person he didn’t know. He trusted me. A warrior who understands and strives to be honest, loyal, and trustworthy. A man like
no other. A vampire. Maybe. A demon? Never!

  Within seconds, his dark, broody stare had transformed to a delightful, glorious appearance. That essence of love came from his heart. From what my aunt had told me, no demon could fake love or real concern for another. They didn’t possess it. This man. Vincent, as he was called, was a real warrior. A vampire, a man, and a warrior. All in one. No trace of a demon at all. I couldn’t form a single word to respond. The attraction I felt pooling up in the pit of my stomach was undeniable. But how could this be? And more importantly, why? Why would I feel an instant attraction to a different species? I instantly realized I couldn’t kill him. I couldn’t think straight. Actually I couldn’t think at all. I simply returned his gaze, letting myself be taken in by his eyes.

  Our silence intensified as I studied him. He returned my gaze without shame, looking into my very soul it seemed.

  Vincent was tall with a well-toned physique, and long muscular arms and legs. He defined every square inch of his clothing perfectly – like a warrior – as he stood there watching me in his black fitted T-shirt, tight leather pants, and bulky leather boots. None of that should have registered with me as I continued to watch him, but it did. His facial expression said it all. It was a familiar fondness as if he had known me all his life, unashamed and comforting as if I were a lover who had discovered her way back to him. Despite my duty, I wanted to run and jump in his arms, smothering his handsome, rugged face with kisses. He sealed my fate with his eyes. No man had ever looked at me with such desire. It overwhelmed, and I knew my life would never be the same from that day forward.

  Before I realized it, he crossed the room. In my disoriented mood, I let him pick me up and sit me on his bed in front of him. To my astonishment, he knelt before me, brushing away the remaining knives to the center of the bed behind me. He let his hands linger on my naked knees and immediately rushes of warmth radiated in every direction along my upper thighs and lower legs. His shirt, the one I wore, was the only thing that divided us. I swallowed hard, trying to dispose of my immediate attraction for him. Wolf, what has certainly befallen me?

  The curse of true love.

  “I know we just met, and this is the worst way to meet someone…” The rich timbre of Vincent’s voice surprised me. “You seem like a nice, pleasant person, and I wouldn’t want anything to happen to you. Emily, I’ll get you out of here. That I can promise you, but this is a strange and dangerous place. And at all times, I want you to promise; you will stay by my side. No matter what you see or hear. Do you understand?”

  I nodded, swallowing again as I attempted not to roll my eyes at the polite command in his instructions. “I’ve been around,” I challenged. “Where am I exactly?” I asked, knowing already what the answer may be.

  “I doubt you have been to a place like this. You are in the Dark Place, in the city of Alichinian. Lord Alichino is the ruler here. He kidnapped you, and he’ll put you in the games where you will be hunted and killed, preferably by him or one of his brothers. He has a wall of trophies in his study featuring many of your species.”

  “What?” I screamed. My younger brother. My aunt. My blood instantly went cold.

  “Shhh. Someone will hear you.” He clamped his hand over my mouth. We fell onto the bed in each other’s arms. He shifted his weight, flipped me over, and I ended up on top of him. I could see the knives out of the corner of my vision. From this vantage point, it wouldn’t be difficult to kill him. Did silver affect vampires the way it did werewolves?

  “If you want to use those knives, I suggest you go for my heart. But it won’t do any good. I lost my heart long ago in a place like this. You can’t kill me. I was born as a vampire, a pure blood. I can’t die.”

  How far could I get if I tried to kill this vampire? Was a vampire the same as a demon? I had heard only the vampires born were beyond death. Was that what he was? I couldn’t stand the thought of killing him, even if it didn’t work. My heart and soul raged at me. Maybe he could be an ally instead.

  There was a tingling sensation in the pit of my stomach I couldn’t deny when I saw Vincent smiling up at me. I couldn’t believe such a gorgeous man was in my presence. No one looked like that in the Golden Kingdom, alive or dead I surmised. Half-heartily I had expected a zombie with half his face missing or a tall lanky, malnourished vampire with glowing red eyes and skunk breath to be glaring. Those were my ideas of the supernatural creatures in the Dark Place. It was the way my aunt had described them to me. “Those creatures are not to be thought of as romantic. Don’t succumb to their charms,” she had told me long ago like one was going to pop out from behind a tree and snatch me, which actually happened. I sighed under my breath. Suddenly her words made sense and I felt my body respond to this man before me with a pulling sensation of unbelievable strength.

  “Do you promise to help me escape?” I asked the question with as much innocent I could muster for a princess, a princess of a Werewolf King surely going mad. My world was turning into one of kill or be killed. Should I kill this vampire and be done with it? Could I kill him despite his proclamations against the latter?

  His hands continued to rest on my exposed thighs. I felt his fingertips delicately massaging the inside of my legs. It sent shivers of delight up my spine.

  “I will help you, Emily,” he whispered. “I must, but I have to ask you a very important question and I want you to be honest with me.”


  “Are you a virgin?”

  Vincent ran his hands through his shortly cropped wavy black hair and scratched his scruffy beard, obviously waiting for me to respond in some fashion. I noticed he stared for a few moments at my opened thighs, obviously eyeballing my pussy. His shirt was the only clothing I had on. Finally he crisscrossed his hand behind his head and simply watched me.

  I wanted to lie and say that I wasn’t a virgin, but drinking in his handsome presence, I couldn’t deny him the truth. I wouldn’t be able to deny him anything I realized. My inner core surged with hot desire for him. I swallowed down my fears. “Yes,” I finally said. “But I’m experienced.” With that utterance, I hoped Vincent would understand what I meant.

  He laughed, low and seductive. A smile swept across his face and his eyes brightened. Slowly he raised an eyebrow at me. “Indeed?” he whispered. “You find me attractive, don’t you?”

  “Yes,” I replied feeling a bulge in his pants meet the curve of my buttocks as I rested upon him.

  Vincent gently ran his fingers across the side of my face. He had amazing blue eyes, angular features, a perfectly shaped nose and square jaw. He was breathtaking.

  When he touched me, I froze, unable to resist his sexual magnetism as he stared up at me. His eyes surely held the secrets to worlds beyond my comprehension. No one told me vampires would be so tempting. It was more than I could handle. Or was it? I need the naughty thought hand in the back of my mind.

  “I promise to be gentle. I only want a taste. Will you allow me that, Emily?”

  My heart again shattered when he said my name. I moaned as his large hands found my neck. He tugged lightly on my hair as he plunged his hands into the cascades of my long curly blond hair. My neck extended upwards and I was forced to look away from him. I was held captive in his embrace. His hands held me powerless as he gripped the back of my neck and the small of my back. The safety of the shirt I wore failed me and the front of my body was clearly exposed to this man, this vampire. My face reddened with shame and I forced my eyes open, looking upward. The lighted design of the warrior with his wolf returned my gaze. It was the most beautiful artwork I had ever seen. An offering of harmony between the two supernatural beings. Was such a thing possible? Instantly I felt my body relax under the vampire’s touch.

  Vincent licked his tongue across my chest, circling and darting his tongue over my breasts. His hot breath seared my body. He swept his moist tongue over my flattened stomach, and then kissed me deeply on my belly button, circling it at first and finally darting his tong
ue into its ticklish curve. A wave of bliss spread through me. He paused for a moment, gazing at me, perhaps searching my eyes for a reaction. I was stunned, but amazed. I could see the passion surfacing in his eyes. He wanted me like I wanted him.

  “Kiss me, Emily,” Vincent said. He pulled me towards him, but it didn’t take any persuasion for me to respond to his request.

  “Yes,” I moaned, falling into his arms and meeting his lips.

  He covered my mouth hungrily. His deep kisses sent the pit of my stomach into a wild swirl, igniting my sex in unimaginable delights. Had there been men like this in my kingdom, I’d lost my virginity long ago, I surmised as I returned his kiss. A feverish passion grew inside me.

  “I do agree with you. You may be a virgin, but you’re an experienced one. How far have you gone?”

  “I’m not a tease,” I snapped, retreating from his embrace.

  “I didn’t say that.” Having shoved my blue shirt off my shoulders, Vincent caressed my upper body. Slowly he traced the lines of my collarbone, on each side, and finally cupped my breast very gently. His boldness fascinated me. The brief moments of my anger vanished quickly. I had no idea vampires could be the embodiment of tranquility. I marveled at his subtle power, returning his gaze again. How could I deny him anything? I thought. I prayed to the Moon Goddess that this was part of the plan. It had to be!

  “Tell me,” he commanded. His change of tone startled me.

  My nails sprang forward and sank into each shoulder blade as I held onto him.

  He grimaced slightly, pausing for a moment, being sure not to move. Caution rose in his eyes.

  “I’m scared. Please tell me I can trust you.”

  “My sweet, it is not for me to take your virginity. If you are who you say you are – and I think you are – you will know when to give it freely to another. You can trust me. I only want a taste.” He leaned up to kiss me lightly on the lips again.


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