Darlings of Paranormal Romance (Anthology)

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Darlings of Paranormal Romance (Anthology) Page 82

by Chrissy Peebles

  When the door flew open, he stood there, fully clothed in his long black trench coat, T-shirt, jeans, and leather boots like nothing had happened.

  “Now that’s some trick.”

  “I’ve got a few up my sleeve.” He locked the door, checking the hinges and making sure all the corners of it remained secure. I admired his magnificent stature in the dim light. As I glanced around to see where the light source was coming from, I realized it was from the moon that peeked out occasionally from behind dark clouds.

  “I’ve never seen a moon like that before,” I commented, not really expecting a reply.

  “I wouldn’t expect so. We’re near the center of the Earth.” He paused for a moment and studied me. “Have you been to the center of the Earth?”

  “No,” I replied, hoping I sounded convincing.

  He continued. “Have your eyes adjusted yet?”

  “Almost. Why?” I asked.

  He nodded. “We have a long distance to cover quickly. I want to make sure you can keep up.”

  “I can keep up, fanger.” My father’s blind arrogance immediately flared up in me, a trait I instantly regretted showing off.

  His pleasant disposition turned dark. Momentarily, I took a step backwards, waiting to see what he’d do next. Being low on energy, I’d be unable to summon the Wolf in a moment’s notice if he attacked me.

  “Let’s get something straight, Emily,” he said.

  “I meant no offense,” I offered gently, hoping to derail a fight. I needed this man on my side.

  He sighed loudly and gathered my hands up in his. The warmth of his touch startled me and I felt that spark again. Weren’t vampires ice cold to the touch? I studied his hands enveloping mine for a moment. In the low light, I couldn’t see the details of his wonderful large hands, but I felt the strength, the raw energy charging through them. I was helpless to move as he towered over me and held me in his clutches. For a fleeting moment, fear surfaced in the back of my throat. I wanted to scream, yank my hands away, even if I didn’t flee with both of them. I wanted to tell this vampire I needed no one’s help, especially his. And yet, I couldn’t move. His presence overwhelmed me. His touch soothed me. His brooding stare mesmerized me. He was the essence of the Legend of Vampyre I had read about, the stories my aunt had shared with me as a child. She favored all supernatural creatures that fought for the well-being of others, not the demons who only understood pain, torture, and death. In the short time I had known Vincent, I already understood that. Aunt Elizabeth’s words filtered through my mind. “We have a lot to learn from them as well, Emily.”

  “I know we don’t have much time, so I’d like to ask for your respect. I actually need your help. If you want to get out of here, I would expect you’d want to help me, right?”

  “I was rude. I shouldn’t have…” Vincent cut me off, continuing his dialogue.

  “Yes, I’m a fanger, but there is a difference between me and the demons here. The people who will set you free are fangers too. They fight for good, not evil. I fight for good. You must understand that now. Just because you’re a princess of the Golden Kingdom doesn’t mean you are the only one fighting for good. We’re here, in the trenches every day, fighting for our salvation and yours, for the humanity of our worlds. If the Dark Place ever infests the Golden Kingdom and extinguishes the Light, it’ll be all over. Surely you can understand that, Emily?”

  Hearing his declarations of justice astounded me. I had found an ally and I understood his concerns only too well. He didn’t know it, but we were on the same side. He’s one of us, I told the Wolf. My heart exploded a second time. Each time he addressed me by my name, it collapsed my very soul. This vampire who I had known for as many hours as I could count on one hand spoke to me as an equal. Me, the kidnapped victim. Me, the werewolf seeking my relatives. Even though I was a virgin, I wasn’t as innocent as I wanted Vincent to believe. And he wasn’t as haughty as I wanted to presume him to be. Few joys existed for me since my brother and aunt had gone missing. We were all in trouble because of my father’s new wife. His heart grew darker by the day because of her, and I knew I had to stop it. It was true, what my aunt had said to me the last time I saw her. He’d follow my stepmother to a very dark place if someone did not stop them. And that would mean war. My world wasn’t so different from his. Perhaps the Moon Goddess did have a plan for me after all, as my aunt had said.

  Deciding to make a bold statement and seek his affection, I pushed my body into his. At first, our clasped hands rested just above my breasts, but I found my way into the side of his neck, letting my head rest there. Vincent was several inches taller than me at my stature of 5’ 7”. Then just as quickly as he had gathered my hands in his earlier, he wrapped his arms about mine. His moves were faster than my vision could understand. I relied on feeling his touch instead. His embrace felt too right to be wrong, I told myself.

  When he finally spoke, Vincent’s voice was only a whisper, but crisp and clear. “If I can do this, if I can get you out of here, I’ll have saved at least one person. I couldn’t save the others, but maybe you, Emily, you will be my salvation.”

  My entire body went rigid in his arms. “What do you mean?”

  “This is part of the demons’ game. It’s the hunt that entices them. When Alichino brings an unsuspecting person here, he sets a new path for them across this wasteland. If they fail to make it to the river, they die. We have to get to the river before they find us.”

  “How do you know he’s after us?” I asked as I looked into his eyes, wanting to meet this Alichino and introduce him to the Wolf straight away.

  “Trust me. I know. In his mind, the Season of the Games has already begun. And if he has realized you aren’t in my rooms which I suspect he has…” His voice trailed off as he looked out across the dark horizon. A great struggled raged in his soul. For a long time, he remained silent.

  Then finally, he embraced me again. “Not this time. He won’t succeed this time.”

  The moment I felt his hand on the back of my neck, I moaned quietly. The emotions in me rose to the surface. I couldn’t control it. And I couldn’t deny it. I had found love in the most unlikely place, at the most unlikely time. I remained frozen in this vampire’s grasp. If my freedom was at the hands of this vampire, so be it. If it meant losing my virginity to him in the process, so be it. I wanted to spend eternities being in this man’s arms. Forever.

  “I’m sorry about before. I didn’t realize my words would hurt you, Vincent. Please forgive me.” I swallowed down the words as I recognized the fact that my priorities were quickly changing.

  Vincent’s arms tightened closer around me.

  “If you can help me escape, I’ll be in your debt,” I stated as I returned his embrace, resuming my part.

  Pulling away from me as he gazed into my eyes, he tucked a portion of my long blonde bangs under my cap again. He searched my face for answers. A million problems seemed to be knotted up behind his eyes. His brows drew together in an agonized expression. “You don’t owe me anything. This is between me and Alichino, not you. These games must end now. I know that now. He’ll never stop unless someone stops him.”

  His discourse didn’t seem directed at me.

  “I can say that I only wish we had met under more favorable circumstances because I fear that when you leave you will be taking my heart with you,” he added.

  Tears rose in my eyes and I pressed my face into his chest. “I’ll keep it safe, Vincent. I promise. But first I must tell you something.” After realizing he had just handed his heart over to me, I decided to come clean and tell him everything. Would he understand?

  Chapter 3 – Vincent’s Idea

  This chapter is told from Vincent, the hero’s point of view.

  I didn’t give Emily a chance to respond. Instead I grabbed her hand and we ran as fast as we could across the wasteland. “We have to move. Try to keep up.”

  She replied with a few choice words that I elected to ignore. I w
ondered if she realized just how far from home she was, being in the Dark Place. Didn’t she understand the danger waiting for her if we were caught? Didn’t I risk too much by trying to save her? I knew I was risking everything and that was fine by me. I’d never felt more alive than that moment when we touched. The electricity radiating through my veins was undeniable. The revitalization of my heart overwhelmed me. We had to make it to the river in time.


  “Vincent, stop yanking on me.”

  “I have an idea,” I announced as I paused near a large rock.

  “What?” Emily asked. She was out of breath.

  “So we can understand each other telepathically if something comes up. The language. You’ll understand the language too. Well perhaps.”

  She watched me in amazement and wonder.

  “I’m not making any sense, am I?” I asked. I threw my trench coat to the ground, beginning to pace manically before her. I stopped and collected myself. It wouldn’t do for me to lose control of the situation. I’d be useless to her then if my dark side rallied.

  Emily continued to stare at me.

  “Okay, I apologize. I’m moving too fast. My blood. If you drink some of my blood, you’ll understand the language of the Lunar world. The language I use to speak to others who practice the Magics. The blood may help you with your wolf strength too. You haven’t fed or anything, have you?”

  I saw the hesitation written across her lovely tanned face. She looked ethereal, almost unreal in the dim light. Her facial bones were delicately carved, her mouth full, her cheekbones, exquisite, even exotic. Her eyes were large and questioning as her mouth curved into a tempting smirk like she naturally disagreed with most anything I said. She had been doing that at every turn. It was exhilarating to see. I wanted to devour her in more than kisses. I glanced at a blonde curl of her hair peeking out from beneath one of my knit caps she wore. It had taken ten minutes to convince her to hide her hair. The more camouflaged she appeared, the better. Along the desolate landscape, Alichino’s hounds would pick out her blonde hair instantly. Finally, at my insistence, she had tied her mass of golden-bronze hair up and stuffed it under the cap. Delightfully defiant, I thought.

  “How much blood are we talking here, vaa…” Quickly she added, “Vincent.”

  “A few drops, that’s all. Anything more and we’d have to get married.”

  She laughed hesitantly, but I heard her voice go up an octave. “Are you serious?”

  “Somewhat, yes. An exchange of blood between a vampire and werewolf is a sacred act. A bond between the two. Do you know what I’m talking about? You’re familiar with this concept, right?”

  “No, not really. My aunt couldn’t tell me anything really about the Lunar world. She said they are supernatural creatures who fight against evil. That’s all she really said. Is that who you mean?”

  “Yes, exactly. I wish I had time to tell you more.” I kept wondering over and over why I had not claimed Lord Alichino as my father. I spoke of him as some demon I didn’t know, some ruler beyond hope. Wasn’t he? He took great pleasure in delivering pain and death at every turn. It was his goal in life. I should have told Emily the truth, but I couldn’t. How could I admit to this lovely angel that he and I were related? Moreover, how could I tell her I suspected her relatives had been added as decoration for my father’s trophy wall? And that she was probably next? If she drank some of my blood, she’d be safe and perhaps she could escape Father’s wrath. It was the best I could offer her.

  “What if I say ‘no’?” Emily asked with an amount of resistance I was starting to expect. She lifted her chin, meeting my stern gaze straight on. A challenging smile crossed her face.

  I arched an eyebrow at her and gave her my seductive vampire expression, hoping to convince her without any more argument. Defiant.

  Emily tilted her head questioning and then nudged her cap a time or two, scratching the side of her temple. “This thing itches. Can’t I take it off?”

  “No,” I growled. “I apologize. Just keep it on for now, okay?”

  She fidgeted with her jacket and the cuffs of her sleeves. I realized I needed to get her attention without barking at her. Since nothing else seemed to work, I rattled off a few phrases in Italian. Surely that would focus her attention.

  “Con la luna e le stelle, deve essere così testardo mia bellezza? Cosa c'è di qualche goccia di sangue tra amici. Siamo amici. Non siamo?”

  “You’re not cursing me out, are you?” She stuck her nose up in the air and popped her fists on her hips more violently than I think she wanted to do. A twinge of pain crossed her beautiful features. Definitely defiant.

  Glancing around us again to survey the situation, I stifled a low laugh and sighed. “We don’t have that much time, Emily. Decide. Forget your fear or your apprehension, if you want to call it that, and trust me. I’m the best option you have.”

  “You’re the only option I’ve got I do believe,” she grunted as she rescued a long strand of her golden hair from her cap and twirled it around her long fingers.

  She remained quiet for some time, playing with her hair. She glanced up at me now and again, refusing to speak.

  “Fine,” I finally said. “By the moon and stars, must you be so stubborn, my beauty? What’s a few drops of blood between friends. We are friends. Are we not? That’s what I said to you, my princess. Now stop horsing around, so we can make tracks. Please.” I tapped her on her deliciously cute button nose and waited for her response. I knew that would get a rise out of her.

  She rubbed her nose a few times, obviously debating my offer and considering her situation. I didn’t want to tell her I had already smelled Father’s scouts and they’d be closing in fast if they picked up her scent. I’m sure Father failed to tell the hounds to track my familiar smell as a way of finding the she-wolf.

  Suddenly Emily exclaimed, “What is that smell?”

  “A lovely aroma of rotting corpses and burnt onions?” I mused.

  “Yes, what is that?”

  “Hellhounds. They haven’t caught our scent yet, so we have a little time.”

  Emily’s eyes grew very wide and I saw the fear surface behind them. She backed away from me. “You mean hellhounds, don’t you? I can’t go up against… I mean I can’t. I can’t shift without the Wolf. I can’t. I…”

  “Stop that.” My hand clamped down on hers before she ventured any further. Instantly my heart responded, beating wildly with a new life I still couldn’t understand. It was as if her touch, her gaze, her very presence had reawakened my soul. “Yes, you can,” I argued. “You can do anything you put your mind to. With this wolf you keep referring to or without. Listen to me.” I pulled her again into my arms, hoping I managed to be gentler with her than before. A warmth from her closeness spread through my hands and arms to my chest and down to my dick, leveling it out into a rock-hard salute. By the moon and stars, how am I going to let her go? I swallowed down the enormity of my emotions and focused on her eyes, insisting she return my gaze. When she did, I whispered to her. “We’ll do it together like a team.”

  “Like friends?” Emily asked.

  “Yes, like friends. Allies. A partnership. Whatever you’d like to call it. Just because you are a werewolf and I’m a vampire, sworn enemies, doesn’t mean we can’t put that aside and do this. Your life is in danger and I’ll help you get out of this, okay? I just need you to trust me. I’ll trust you if you trust me. Okay?”

  She nodded and yanked her cap off. “I hate this thing. I can’t stand to have anything on my head. Vincent, technically I’m not…”

  I waited for her to finish her sentence, but she didn’t. She bit her bottom lip and refused to go on. Seeing her mass of glorious golden hair spill over her shoulders, I was suddenly speechless. She ripped off her jacket and rearranged the knot in her shirt. I caught a glimpse of her flat stomach and my body responded. I wanted to take her right then and there. I wanted to remove the rest of her clothing and delicately explo
re every inch of her body, down to the first caress, the first kiss, the first thrust. I wanted to claim her for my own, not set her free. My heart ached and I died a hundred deaths inside as I watched her. She’d be out of my life very soon.

  “Okay, I can do this. Of course I can do that. I’m a Werewolf Princess. I’m a daughter of King Lividius. I’m fearless. I can do this. Okay. Okay. Okay.”

  “Just think, ‘Kill or be killed.’ My blood will do the rest.” I waited for her to agree with me or at least acknowledge I had spoken. She continued messing with her clothes. “Emily, you’re shaking!”

  “No, I’m not.”

  “Quickly, here, drink my blood. Just remember, I’m on your side. Okay?”

  Not wanting her to see me drop my fangs, I distracted her. “Let me check something. Do you see anything yet? Look over there for a moment, would you?”

  Once she had turned and cried out, “What, where?” I sank my fangs into the fleshy part of my hand. The warm liquid coated my hand and I knew I had found a juicy vein in the meat behind my thumb.

  “Here,” I said as I forced my hand into her face. “Drink just a few drops and we’ll get moving.”

  Chapter 4 – Emily’s Rose

  This chapter is told by Emily, the heroine.

  The luscious smell of Vincent’s masculinity hit my nostrils the minute I licked the first drop of his blood from his hand. The Wolf in me awoke and I knew I had to control my savage lust that sprang up in me or I’d shift again and possibly run off into the night. As I slowly and purposely cleaned off the remnants of any remaining liquid from his hand, I thought of melted butter dripping over a freshly baked loaf of bread or warm butterscotch oozing down the side of an angel food cake. My mouth watered. The blood’s salty sweetness reminded me of a flavor I couldn’t define. Honey? Cinnamon? Vanilla? All three? I couldn’t make up my mind. I lavished in the thought process as I refused to let go of his hand. The taste entranced me as I immediately realized I wanted more. It sent visions of hardcore ecstasy racing through my mind. I wanted to taste the essence of Vincent’s manhood again. I savored the flavor of the vampire’s blood in my mouth and I knew, as a shifter, I had crossed a point of no return. I wanted to jump someone’s bones, preferably the man I was eyeballing.


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