Darlings of Paranormal Romance (Anthology)

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Darlings of Paranormal Romance (Anthology) Page 83

by Chrissy Peebles

  “Emily, I need my hand back,” he whispered, breaking our intimate embrace. I had moved to sucking on his fingers when he yanked his hand away. “Stop it,” he growled.

  I let out a long, deep sigh as I caught a glimpse of his repositioning his manhood under his clothing. Vincent’s blood had set my body on fire. I felt everything, every pore of my being. Every molecule of my desire rushed towards my brain and my inner core. I tore off all my clothes as the warmth threatened to consume me. I turned to him with what I assumed was probably passion in my eyes.

  He spoke not a word, simply staring at me intensely. I felt an eager affection coming from him. “Your eyes are like jewels,” he said. “I’ve never seen such a color of gold. And yes, I realize you want to claim me. But now is not the time.”

  I smacked my lips in response and lowered my head, ready to leap on him. My inner walls pulsated in response to his denial. “Take me now. Make love to me now. Vincent. Right here. Right now. Now is the time. I desire you.”

  Vincent’s eyes darkened. I could see every passionate expression that registered on his face. He had heard me. My eyesight was omniscient, psychedelic, out of this world. It was as if every light in the universe had been turned on. I could see everything under the full moon. My surroundings had been bathed in the Golden Kingdom’s morning sunlight or so it seemed.

  Before he could stop me, I pushed him into the massive rock we had been standing in front of. The moon cast a shadow upon the structure and we fell back into darkness. My eyesight adjusted again and I unzipped his pants, reaching inside to feel him. He was already hard and ready for me.

  “I want you so badly Emily, but not here. We have to get you to safety. The hellhounds.”

  “Fuck the hellhounds, Vincent. I want you now. I demand you take my virginity.”

  He moaned, giving himself to me, resting his head against my shoulder. His wavy black hair tickled my naked breasts.

  As his manhood lengthened fully in my hands, I savored the smoothness of his shaft. The warmth of touching him sent my mind into chaos. My entire body tingled in anticipation. The beat of my heart became savage. I was not taking no for an answer. “Vincent, I can’t deny what I feel. I’ve never known desire like this. Make love to me here and now.”

  “Once you cross this line, there is no turning back. Do you understand?” Vincent nuzzled his head closer into my neck. I felt his fangs on my flesh.

  “You complete me,” I moaned.

  His response vanquished any fleeting last doubts I had. He took my free hand as I blatantly held his cock in the other one. My boldness surprised me greatly. He placed my hand on his heart and I gasped.

  “Do you feel that?” he asked.

  I nodded. Looking up at him, I saw his eyes rage with passion. “I feel that and more,” I teased.

  “No, listen to me. Do you feel that?”

  Wondering what he meant exactly, I closed my eyes for a moment. The sounds of his heart slammed into my hand. He kept my hand cradled in his against his chest while he covered his other hand around mine holding his divine manhood. His heart was beating, wildly beating like my own. My eyes flew open. “Do vampires, does your heart? I mean,” I tripped over my words as I almost stumbled out of his grasp.

  He didn’t let me move. “You’re right. I don’t know about other vampires, but I know the minute I laid eyes on you, my heart came to life. It beats now and it beats for you alone, Emily. That spark between us. Do you remember? I almost fell down when we touched? I rushed to the table to collect my thoughts. I sat there realizing my heart was working, for the first time in my life, I felt alive. Quite literally. You did that. I was dead inside, but your touch, your gaze into my eyes brought me to life. I can feel your energy running through my veins. I want you to be mine. Forever. If you’ll have me.” His voice trailed off as he leaned closer and brushed a kiss across my cheeks.

  “You’re telling me you didn’t have a heartbeat before?”

  He smiled at me smugly and focused his attention on my hips. I followed his gaze. He wrapped both of his hands around mine as I held his cock against my naked belly. He stroked my hands, and then opening up the palms of his large hands, he quietly encouraged me to assume the task. When I took charge, he mumbled, “You’re stronger than you think.”

  A fever of blushes covered my face. “Oh my goodness, did I hurt you?” I wanted to blush again, but his declaration, that he felt something quite literally when he had met me surfaced in my mind and sent me into oblivion. I gazed up at him, marveling at the look of pleasure on his face.

  He moaned and rocked his hips gently into my hands.

  I rubbed the head of his cock with my thumb, feeling a sweet stickiness at the tip.

  Vincent moved his hand between my thighs and stimulated my clit, his fingers then pumping inside me several times. “Should I stop?”

  “No,” I replied, rocking my hips against his hands. “I want this more than anything else I’ve ever wanted.”

  “My sweet,” Vincent said.

  My hips met his movements and I groaned, feeling the warmth of his manhood between my thighs. His cock was hard and hot, and so ready for me.

  “I don’t want to control these feelings I have for you.” Vincent gathered me up in his arms. “I don’t know where they came from. Maybe it was the wolf chant that did it. I don’t know for sure, but I know I feel this.”

  I wrapped my legs around his waist, watching the pink head of his cock rest against my flat stomach.

  A slight smile crossed his lips. He embraced me tightly and then pushed me away from him as he held me in his arms.

  I placed my hand over his heart. “Is this love, Vincent?” I whispered as the words expelled out of my mouth in the form of a few short breaths. Could it be?

  “This can’t be wrong, Emily. I don’t want to deny the possibility of the kind of love we can have. Say you agree?”

  True love, I thought. “I’ve never known anyone like you. You’re a glorious, magnificent vampire. I think I already love you, Vincent. I want you to fuck me. Take my virginity now! I’ll be yours forever!”

  When I felt him ease his cock into me, on my command, my body melted. I came close to going limp, lifeless, like I had lost the will to live.

  Then Vincent’s cock stirred deep inside me again. He lifted me up and down, slowly starting a rhythm I didn’t want to deny. The hot passion of his movements flooded my body and mind. I realized I was clearly fucking, fucking someone for the first time in my life, and I was in ecstasy. “Oh my god, yes,” I cried out. “Yes! Yes!” Wanting to increase our pace, I started to ride Vincent with a newborn intensity. The warmth of his touch raced through my veins. “I’m yours,” I cried out. “I’m yours!”

  “Shh,” he said. “Don’t think of it that way. I don’t want you to be my servant or blood source. Equal.” With his muscular arms, he brought me up and down again and again, shifting the rhythm of lovemaking to a slower urgency. “I want us to be equals. I want to cherish this moment forever. I want you to look in my eyes as I’m inside you and know if we never get to the river we had this one moment, out here in this wasteland.”

  “In this dark place,” I purred, letting him assume control. My head fell backwards. The moon’s gaze remained hidden from us. I felt Vincent’s kisses again on my naked chest as he drove inside me. My desire ignited again, flaming out of control.

  “Not too fast, my sweet. Savor this feeling. Slowly.”

  I smiled down into his striking, pale blue eyes, watching how they glowed in the low light. His dark eyelashes fluttered now and again, but he refused to take his eyes off of me as we made love in such a desolate place. Watching the passion in his stare, I grew insanely hotter and hotter by the minute. I wanted to burst forth in a display of orgasmic fireworks for him, but obviously Vincent understood my growing passion, a passion threatening to consume us both if we peaked too quickly. He steady my pace and calmed me.

  Now and then, slight twinges of pain surfaced a
nd were replaced with a satisfying, silky warmth between my legs. My virginity was vanishing as I studied him. There was an inherent strength in his features, almost a haughtiness I could visualize him giving to others he disliked. For me, in that moment, that strength was etched across his face with a look of devotion and confidence I had never seen before. The ocean blue in his eyes brought out a growing passion I could see that was all for me. This could be my destiny, being with this man forever. If I was as bold as I had just been taking him in my hands, a future with this vampire could be in my grasp. But it meant sacrificing everything. Just for him.

  When I felt myself about to climax, my head fell backwards again and I gave myself up to him completely. I let him lead the way and delighted in the ecstasy of his deliberately slow pace. My emotions whirled and twirled into utter chaos. Waves of warmth rushed through my body, threatening to ignite my passion from within, as I neared orgasm. I fought to control my swirling rage of desire for this man that I could feel was breaking free. I’ll remember this moment forever.

  He traced his fingertip across my lip. “Slowly, my sweet. Slowly,” he said. Vincent’s touch was light and painfully teasing. I basked in the presence of his sexual power. A sense of strength and raw energy penetrated me fully as he fucked me. Witnessing his sheer sexual appetite for me, for the act of love awakened unknown desires in me.

  I screamed the first time I came. His hands rhythmically worked my hips up and down on his cock, refusing to stop. He increased the speed of his movements ever so slightly. I was helpless to stop his lovely hastened pace. My heart raced rapidly and I wanted to slam my body into his, feverishly, insanely, erotically like I was in control of him, like he was there to please me and only me.

  “Shhh,” he said. He gathered me close against his chest. “That’s the blood talking. Don’t listen to that. It’ll pass. Focus on this.” He pulled me upwards and let me slide down again on his massive manhood. “Come for me again, Emily.”

  I succumbed to the forceful thrusts of his movements. The muscles in his biceps bulged and flexed as he sunk himself deeper into me. Yes, I sighed. “What about you?” I asked, realizing he wasn’t at all worried about his own satisfaction.

  “This is about you.”

  Once I came a second time, he caressed my buttocks and cradled me in his arms. His gentle massage sent currents of satisfied pleasure through me. I felt a bottomless peace and contentment. I was blissfully happy, fully alive for the first time.

  “Again?” I whispered in his ear.

  “We have to get moving,” he replied. He hugged me with a relentless enjoyment. “Thank you for letting me be your first. You were magnificent.”

  I blushed and returned his hug, hoping to stay forever in his protective arms. “I don’t know what came over me.”

  “Oh, I do,” he said, exhaling a long sigh of contentment. “I think you like my blood. But it can be very dangerous if you listen to it. Don’t listen to it if it tells you to do bad things. That’s the demon side of me, not the warrior side. Do you understand?” Delicately he kissed me on the nose.

  I nodded, immediately afraid of how delicious and addictive I could already tell his blood was. His touch was reassuring, yet radiating, pulling me toward him, toward his very soul. I wanted more. I wanted to find a way into him, into his heart and mind. In fact, I couldn’t distinguish between wanting his sex or his blood. I wanted all of him, all the time. I didn’t understand these new emotions racing in me. His touch was the one thing keeping me steady.

  As he continued to hold me in his strong arms, I rested my head against his strong shoulders and snuggled into his neck. I realized the raw complication of Vincent being a vampire in a land of demons. He was a good soul struggling daily with his inner duality, fighting against the darkness that waited to take him if he allowed it. He was on the front lines, keeping the darkness from consuming his honor and humanity. And my mere presence had brought him to life. I shuddered at the notion as I remained in his arms. I’d relive those words of his for eternities. “The minute I laid eyes on you, my heart came to life. It beats now and it beats for you alone.”

  Quietly Vincent held me and ran his fingers through my hair.

  I felt like I was wrapped in a silky coat of euphoria. I also realized the enormous power of Vincent’s blood. It had spurred my actions. I had never thrown myself at a man like that. With Vincent, I hadn’t considered not assuming control. He ignited my primal sexuality. I hadn’t considered not giving up my virginity, but when to give it up. I didn’t regret saying goodbye to my virginity for one second. I felt the thrusts of his cock deflower me as if I were slicing roses off a bush in my aunt’s garden. Even though I’d savor the memories of our first lovemaking as much as the taste of his blood forever, I rejoiced in my tantalizing new awareness. The freedom of no longer being a virgin, but something more, made me dizzy with anticipation.

  I looked into his eyes, unashamed of my nudity and startling boldness. I met his gaze. His blood had shown me his sadness, his longing, his search for something he thought he could never have. Love. He was no different from me. He wanted the same things I did. In that instance, as our bodies clung to one another, I understood that I could unlock this man’s heart and claim it for my own because I was in danger of giving him my heart just as I had given him my virginity. The knowledge of it all took my breath away.

  Another surge of passion hit me. This one was more intense than before. I couldn’t get enough of Vincent. I lifted myself up slightly in his arms, moving my hips against his member, hoping to arouse him, hoping to tempt him again beyond all rational thought.

  “Again,” I commanded. “Vincent, again, please. Fuck me again.”

  He gazed at me with an expression of quiet dangerous desire. I felt like he was already making love to me with his eyes. He captivated me. That draw, that tug at my soul found me in his stare. I relished it, feeling my pussy quiver with lustful anticipation. My passion spiraled upwards as my heartbeat pounded in my chest, waiting for the pleasure I’d discovered in him.

  “You tempt me to the brink of insanity. I’ll never be able to say no to you.” His dark expression changed in a blink of an eye and was replaced with one of undying, yet new found adoration for me. There was a pale blue lighting of amusement and confidence behind his eyes. The magnitude of understanding how deadly and yet how gentle he was sent shivers down my spine. He was truly an enigma.

  I took Vincent’s ear lobe in my mouth and gently caressed it with my tongue. The walls of my sex summoned his manhood as I mounted him, feeling the head of hot rigid cock find me. I lowered my body over him, taking him in completely as his rod impaled me. Quickly I breathed in a soothing gasp of ecstasy as a few remaining pains of my past virginity slipped away. This was glorious. This was hot. This was my vampire lover I was fucking. My first, and hopefully my last lover.

  Vincent’s muscular body merged perfectly with my delicate one. I paused momentarily, raising myself up to his lips, while he held me in his arms. He returned my kiss and I locked my legs again around his rock-hard hips, letting my body continue the pace, deciding the rhythm of our lovemaking as I rode him. He let me assume control.

  “Yes,” he groaned, his cock pulsating in me as I slammed against him. My thrusts were hard, savage against his upper thighs. “This time is for you,” I whispered with a sweet innocence that was quickly leaving me. “I want you to come inside me.”

  Under the full moon, I basked in the newly awakened sense of life I felt, the confidence, the assurance that I was indeed on the right path being here in this horrible place in this vampire’s quite exquisite embrace. The delightful smell of his masculinity hit my nostrils again. Nutmeg. Honey. Salt. I still couldn’t define it, but I knew that smell. I knew I’d never forget it, I mused. I breathed the scent of him in fully, hoping to steal some away, hoping I’d have some clinging to my hair, my face, my body so I could remember this moment forever. As if I’d be able to ever forget…

  Vincent l
eaned closer to me and buried his head in my breasts. His hot breath seared my flesh. He swept his moist tongue over my chest. A wave of bliss spread through me. Then he covered my mouth hungrily. His kiss sent the pit of my stomach into a wild swirl.

  My nipples delicately grazed against his smooth chest. As I gripped his broad shoulders, I continued my rhythm, lifting myself up and then down on him. Up and down. It was an intoxicating dance of desire and passion. I arched my back, pushing my buttocks out so I could spread my legs wider in his grasp. I didn't want it to end. The substantial length of his cock gave me every luxury to take in every inch of him. He kissed the pulsing hollow at the base of my throat. When he came inside me, he let out a guttural growl that almost frightened me.

  Then a silence surface in my veins, a dull humming noise that blocked out Vincent’s moans of desire, a voice I had never heard before.

  Offer. Offer yourself to this vampire, little wolf.

  “Vincent, something wrong,” I said, not being able to hear my voice.

  I saw Vincent’s lips moving as he sat me down on the ground and situated his clothes. He reached for me, but I tripped over his coat and fell forward up against the rock. I blacked out.

  The voice returned. A sea of red piercing lights invaded my eyes. I had lost sight of Vincent or where I was. I saw nothing, but red and heard nothing but a sinister voice.

  Small wolf. Small disgusting, dirty little whore of a wolf. You will worship this vampire. You will give him your blood or I will destroy you. Do as I say. Do you hear me? Do as I say.

  “Vincent, Vincent!” I screamed. I cried out Vincent’s name over and over, praying I could break the hold this creature had on me. Was this his blood talking to me? Vincent!


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