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My Restless Earl (The Duke's Daughters Book 2)

Page 15

by Rose Pearson

  “Don’t look back,” Lord Warwick said, squeezing her hand as they trotted further into the fields. “He won’t catch us. I promise you.”

  Jessica looked into his eyes, his features lit by the moonlight and felt herself begin to shake with relief, the shock of what had happened only now hitting her full force. She drew in long breaths, trying to calm herself down, aware of just how much she was trembling.

  “Here.” Lord Warwick shrugged out of his long coat and handed it to her, pulling their horses to a stop. Jessica flung the coat around her shoulders, snuggling into the immediate warmth.

  “Thank you,” she replied, looking over at him and seeing the concern on his face. “Thank you for everything, Lord Warwick.”

  “Just Warwick, or even George, if you like,” he murmured, a gentle smile on his face as he tugged on the reins. “After all that we’ve been through, I think we can allow such an intimacy.”

  Closing her eyes for a moment, Jessica struggled against the hot tears that pressed against her eyes, hardly daring to believe that he had returned to her. She had thought she might never see him again, terrified that Major Ridding would achieve his aims and practically drag her to the altar. “I can’t believe you are here.”

  Warwick said nothing, simply smiling at her gently before leading the horses towards the small lights of a village just ahead of them. The village itself was quiet but, much to Jessica’s relief, there was a small inn which still had horses going in and out of its stables.

  “Here we go,” Warwick murmured, jumping down from his horse and reaching up for Jessica. She went willingly, aware of the strength in his arms as he held her tightly against him for a long moment. Her legs trembled as she hit the ground, weakness rushing all through her as she was forced to hold on to him.

  “Careful now,” Warwick whispered, his mouth close to her ear. “Let’s get you inside and warmed up. You’ve been through quite an ordeal, my love.”

  Jessica stayed in his embrace for a moment or two longer, stepping away once she felt strong enough to do so. Lord Warwick wrapped an arm around her waist, holding her tightly, as he led her into the inn.

  “A private parlour, if you please,” he said, smiling broadly at the innkeeper. “And a tray for my wife. She is rather chilled, as you can see!”

  Trying not to let the surprise show her face as the way Lord Warwick had referred to her, Jessica smiled as warmly as she could at the innkeeper, who was giving her something of a scrutinising look.

  “Quickly, if you please,” Lord Warwick said, his tone a little firmer. “I am not in the mood to wait.” Throwing a couple of coins down on the table, he lifted one eyebrow towards the innkeeper, who blinked for a moment before nodding and apologising all at once.

  “This way, right this way, lord…?”

  There was a brief pause. “Lord Eccles,” Warwick replied, taking Jessica’s arm.

  “Very good, my lord,” the innkeeper said, bowing low before leading them into a smaller room, which, much to Jessica’s relief, was already lit with a blazing fire.

  She sat down in front of it at once, aware of Lord Warwick ordering both food and a couple of blankets, her hands already warming as she spread them towards the flames. A young man also came into the room, and Warwick dispatched him immediately to go and deliver a message to Lady Harmonia, although he was given strict instructions to be as discreet as possible. When they were finally left alone, Lord Warwick came to sit next to her, the tray of food and steaming cups of tea sitting just to her right.

  “Now,” he began, looking into her eyes. “How are you feeling?”

  Jessica reached for him, her fingers twining with his. “Much better, I thank you,” she said, softly, her whole being filled with relief and happiness. “I can hardly take it all in. Major Ridding never seemed like the kind of man who would behave in such a manner.”

  As she watched, she saw pain cross Lord Warwick’s face as he glanced away towards the fire, his lips thin. She could only imagine what he was going through. To learn that Major Ridding had done such a terrible thing whilst still calling him his friend must be incredibly difficult to take in. She pressed his hands gently, waiting until he looked back at her.

  “I am sorry for the loss of your friendship,” she said, quietly. “I am sorry for believing what he told me, George. If I had questioned it, if I had made it my mission to come in search of you to find out what was truly going on, then mayhap none of this would have happened.”

  He shook his head, giving her a sad smile. “I could say the same for myself,” he replied, heavily. “Major Ridding used my friendship to try and get what he wanted for himself. I thought him to be a true comrade, a great friend….” He trailed off, looking away from her again. “How wrong I was.”

  “What will become of him?” Jessica asked, worry twining itself around her heart. “Will he try and do more to us? To you?”

  Warwick shook his head. “I doubt it. He will have to find himself another rich heiress, that is for certain, although should it become known what he did then it will make it decidedly more difficult for him.”

  “Are you going to tell the army?”

  There was a brief pause before he nodded. “I have no choice but to do so,” he replied, even though the displeasure in his voice told her that he was not altogether happy about doing it. “His behaviour was not that of a gentleman, nor of an officer.”

  Jessica held his hands for a long time, her trembling slowly beginning to abate as she settled beside him in comfortable silence. All that Major Ridding had done began to fade, her awareness of Lord Warwick’s presence growing all the stronger.

  “Your sisters and papa will be here soon,” Warwick murmured, breaking the silence. “I’m afraid I had to introduce you as my wife so as not to bring any suspicion on you, just in case there was someone here who would recognise you.”

  Jessica smiled, her eyes sparkling. “Do you really think that I would be upset over being referred to as such?” she asked, feeling his hands tighten on hers. “George, we have been separated by so much yet my heart never once let go of you. I wanted to try and forget you, I wanted my heart to push away the love that it held but I could never do it.” She saw him look back at her in surprise, as though he had expected her to hate him. “Major Ridding did not succeed.”

  “No,” he breathed, leaning a little closer to her. “No, he did not.”

  Happiness bloomed in her heart, sending colour to her cheeks. “Can I hope, then, that you still carry an affection for me, Lord Warwick?”

  “An affection?” he asked, letting go of her hand so he might brush her cheek tenderly. “No, not an affection but a deep, abiding love. A love that continued to burn brightly, no matter what I tried to do to quench it.”

  Jessica wanted to cry and laugh at the same time, wrapping her arms around his neck as she pulled him closer, half sitting on his lap as she did so. Nothing felt wrong about this, nothing felt improper or inappropriate. Instead, it felt as though this was where she was meant to be, sitting with Lord Warwick by her side.

  “My dear Jessica,” he murmured, his lips only an inch away from her own. “I must tell you now how passionately I love you. I am beyond all hope. I am entirely lost. I know now that I could never love another, for it is only you in my heart. You have taken your place and there you will always remain. With each passing day, my love for you grows, my world filled with thoughts of you.”

  Jessica could not prevent herself from kissing him, her lips meeting his in a passionate embrace. He angled his head and deepened the kiss, his arms tight around her waist.

  There came a knock at the door, which forced them to spring apart. Lord Warwick chuckled as Jessica flushed and pulled the blanket around her a little tightly, before allowing the man to enter.

  “I delivered your note, Lord Eccles,” said the young man, stepping inside and looking rather dishevelled. “The lady says to tell you her carriage will be arriving as soon as they can get away.”

sp; Warwick smiled and thanked the young man, tossing him another coin, which the young man was more than grateful for. “Show her in the moment she arrives, will you?” Warwick said, as the young man made to close the door behind him. “Thank you.”

  Jessica sighed heavily as Warwick turned back towards her, a little heat in her cheeks. “I will be sorry to be parted from you, George.”

  He smiled softly and took her hands again. “I hope not for too long, my love,” he replied, tenderly. “I have long wanted to ask you to be my wife but after our separation, it became nothing more than a dream.”

  Jessica felt her heart quicken, her breath catching as he cleared his throat, his eyes fixed on hers.

  “I would consider myself the luckiest fellow in all of England if you would consent to be my wife,” he continued, his voice husky with emotion. “I swear to honour and cherish you all the days of my life. I know I cannot offer you the life of adventure you might crave, but I will take you to different lands, to different places, whenever I can.”

  “Our life together will be more than enough of an adventure for me,” Jessica interrupted, lifting her hands from his so she might frame his face. “George, I have no desire to go all around the world if you are not with me.”

  “Then you will say yes?”

  She laughed aloud, her eyes bright as she looked back into his face. “Oh, George. What would make you think I would ever refuse?” she murmured, before pressing her lips to his.

  Their kiss was long and sweet, although she could feel him holding himself back from giving in to his passionate desires. There were whispers of promise in his kiss, a promise that there was more to share as husband and wife.

  “Then you will marry me very soon?” he asked, breaking the kiss and looking deeply into her eyes. “I know I shall have to ask your father but –”

  “He is likely to give his consent before you even ask!” Jessica exclaimed, knowing that her father would be more than delighted with Lord Warwick. “And yes, I shall wed you as soon as you wish it.” She laughed softly to herself, recalling the silent promise she had made herself all those years ago. “After all, I always said I should marry a military man and now, it seems, I shall!”

  His smile touched her heart, her own happiness matching his. Soon, she would be Lady Warwick, her home now his home, their lives shared together. Despite all that Major Ridding had done, despite all his nefarious intentions, they had found their way back to one another, never again to be parted.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Well, my dear, may I say just how lovely you look.”

  Jessica smiled softly as her maid packed the rest of her things into her carriage. “I thank you, papa.” She had married Lord Warwick earlier that morning and, after a hearty wedding breakfast back at her father’s estate, was now ready to go on an extended honeymoon.

  “It was a very lovely wedding,” he continued, pressing her hand. “I can hardly believe you are a married lady now, Jessica.”

  She laughed and pressed a kiss to his cheek. “Is that not what you wanted, papa?”

  His eyes caught hers, a steadiness in them. “Yes, but only if it was a man of your own choosing. A man who would make you happy.” He touched her cheek, his expression softening. “But I believe you do care for Lord Warwick. You had the same look in your eyes as your mother did on her wedding day.”

  Jessica’s heart lurched and she leaned into her father for a moment, hugging him tightly. The wedding had been delightful, even though most of the day had passed in a blur of colours and sounds. However, she had been more than aware that her mother had been distinctly absent from the proceedings, her heart aching for her in the midst of her happiness.

  “He is a good man, Jessica,” her father continued, as she stepped away. “I wish you all the happiness in the world.”

  “Thank you, papa,” Jessica replied, softly. “And just think, I shall be close enough to Amelia to help when her time comes.”

  Her father’s face lit up with a smile at the mention of his unborn grandchild. “Indeed,” he declared, patting her hand. “And, in time, your own children might play together. What a happy event that shall be!”

  Jessica made to reply, only for her two sisters to come clattering down the stone steps, their slippers crunching on the gravel as they came towards her, ready to see her off. Amelia and Lord Northfell stood just inside the entrance to her father’s house, still talking to Lord Warwick.

  “Are you ready to go?” Harmonia asked, smiling at Jessica with delight. “I can hardly believe that you are to go to Austria, of all places!”

  Smiling broadly, Jessica embraced her sister. “I cannot wait to see it,” she replied, holding Harmonia close for a moment. “Although I am sure I will miss you all.”

  “Oh no, you will not!” Jacintha declared, laughing. “You will be having far too wonderful a time to even think of us!”

  Jessica tried to disagree but found she could not, hugging Jacintha tightly. “It shall be strange indeed to return to England but not to this place,” she said, softly, letting go of her sisters. “I am to make my own home now.”

  “Yes, well, all will be in place when you return,” her father replied, a little gruffly, dashing a quick tear from his eye. “I had best go and say my farewells to your husband, Jessica. Have a wonderful time and do write to me when you can.”

  Jessica kissed his cheek and held his hand for one moment longer. “Of course I will, papa,” she promised, forcing herself not to cry. “I am sure Harmonia and Jacintha will keep you vastly entertained.”

  He chuckled, let go of her hands and began to climb the stairs, leaving her alone with her two sisters.

  “Are you glad to be back home again?” Jessica asked, glad that she had been able to have her wedding back on her father’s estate. “Will father still take you back to London for the little Season do you think?”

  Jacintha shrugged. “I am not sure. He has not said. His worries over our futures seem to have been assuaged somewhat, so who knows what he intends?”

  “And you need not worry about us,” Harmonia promised, pressing Jessica’s hands. “Go on and enjoy yourself. We will come and visit you in time, I have no doubt about that!”

  Jessica smiled at them both, just as Lord Warwick came down the stairs towards them, his eyes fixed on hers. Her stomach began to churn with a delicious excitement, her breathing quickening just a little.

  “I should take my new wife away, lest we are late for the next stage of our travel,” Warwick began, bowing to each of her sisters. “Thank you both for all of your help with our wedding plans. It was truly a wonderful occasion.”

  “It will be a day I will never forget,” Jessica murmured to herself, as Lord Warwick said his farewells to each of her sisters. She smiled up at him as he took her hand, helping her into the carriage. She sat opposite him as he climbed in, her cheeks warming at the heat in his eyes.

  Tapping on the carriage roof, Jessica waved out of the window as her father’s estate was slowly left behind, waving at her sisters until they finally disappeared from view. Then she sat back in her seat with a sigh, her toes curling at the way Warwick was looking at her.

  “Come here, my beautiful wife,” he chuckled, grasping her arm and hauling her onto his lap. Jessica squealed with delight, her arms going around his neck as he kissed her passionately, until both of them were practically breathless with passion.

  “I am not sure I will be able to wait until we get to our first inn,” he murmured, his fingers stroking the back of her neck tenderly. “There is so much we have yet to share, Jessica.”

  Jessica smiled up at him, running her fingers through his hair. “Our lives together will be an adventure,” she reminded him, softly. “One we have only just begun.”

  He smiled and kissed her again, his hands tightening around her waist until he broke the kiss with a groan, settling his head back against the squabs. “You are a temptress, my dear Jessica.”

  Jessica blushed prettil
y, recalling the conversation she had shared with Amelia only a few days ago, where she had been told of all the intimacies within a marriage – albeit with a great deal of stammering and more than one flushed face. “Are you happy, George?” she asked, running one hand down his cheek as he looked at her.

  “More than happy,” he replied, softly. “The moment I put my ring on your finger, my heart lifted with such joy that I thought I might lift from the ground!”

  She laughed quietly, her gaze softening at the tender expression on his face. “My heart feels much the same way, George.” She frowned, recalling that George had only yesterday returned from speaking to a particular gentleman within the army ranks. “And what of Major Ridding?”

  It had been three weeks since their ordeal at the masked ball and, since then, Jessica had heard nothing of him.

  “Major Ridding is to be relieved of his duties,” George replied, a little heavily. “Forgive me for not speaking to you about it before but I thought it best not to spoil such a wonderful day.”

  Jessica smiled, pressing his hand lightly. “Nothing could spoil it, George. I know it was a difficult thing for you to do.”

  “And yet I had no choice but to do so,” George replied, the smile gone from his face. “The man is without honour. He will no longer be allowed to serve in the army and will have to focus entirely on his responsibilities to his title.”

  “Does the ton know of it?”

  George shrugged. “If they do not now, they will do in time, which will make it all the more difficult for him to find a bride with enough money to draw him away from bankruptcy.”

  Jessica pressed her lips together, thinking hard. “Mayhap that is a good thing, George. I would hate for a lady to be fooled by his charms, only to realise too late that the only thing he cares for is her dowry.”

  Warwick nodded, his expression grave. “Indeed, although he may yet find someone willing to overlook such a thing.” He shrugged, drawing in a deep breath. “Regardless, we are no longer friends and I do not expect to see him again for a very long time.”


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