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Something Sweet (Curvy Women Wanted #1)

Page 4

by Sam Crescent

  “I’m going to come,” she said, gasping out a warning.

  Within the next second, she shattered around him, each wave shocking her with its intensity as he stroked her clit. Her entire body went tight. The need something she wasn’t used to.

  “Come all over me, baby. I want to taste you.”

  Once she came he was going to fuck her. The size of his cock made her even wetter. Sinking her fingers into the sheet, she screamed his name as she thrust headlong into bliss, her orgasm rushing over her entire body, consuming her. He thrust fingers inside her as he sucked her clit into his mouth.

  She gasped, arching up against him and rubbing her pussy against his face. She was so turned on, and even though she had already climaxed, she was still ready to be fucked.

  Only when she begged him to stop did Camden let up, and sit back. “You have the tastiest pussy.” He leaned down and licked from her entrance up to her clit, circling the bud.

  He stepped away, and grabbed a condom from his pocket. “I went and got some just in case. I didn’t know I’d be getting lucky today.”

  “It’s fine.”

  She stared at his cock, and she wanted to give him the same kind of pleasure. Sinking to her knees on the floor of her bedroom, she wrapped her fingers around his cock, and took the tip into her mouth. His head was covered in pre-cum, and she swallowed him down. Slowly, she bobbed her head taking him to the back of her throat. She moaned, and heard him curse.

  “Fuck, baby, that’s so good.”

  Closing her eyes, she ran her hand up and down his length as she took more of him. When he hit the back of her throat, she pulled away.

  “Open your eyes, baby. I want to see you.”

  Glancing up, she finally opened her eyes, and his were focused on her. They were so dark, so filled with lust that her body answered it. His look alone was like a call to her.

  “That looks so fucking sexy. Your lips spread out and swollen, trying to take me.” He stroked his fingers through her hair, and wrapped the length around his wrist. With his other hand, he held his cock, and started to feed it to her.

  Keeping her gaze on his, she didn’t look away, nor did she stop sucking him. With her tongue, she flicked the tip. More pre-cum spilled into her mouth, and she swallowed him.

  “So fucking sexy.” Suddenly he pulled out. “If you don’t stop that I’m not going to last, and I want to fuck you, baby.”

  He tore into the foil packet, removing the latex, and sliding it over his dick.

  In the next second he had her on her feet, and his lips were on hers in a searing kiss that awakened her entire body.

  Camden dropped her to the bed, and she spread her thighs. He followed her down, and when she made to move further up the bed, he stopped her with his hands on her hips, keeping her at the edge.

  “I want to watch as your sweet pussy opens for me, baby.”

  She looked between them as he ran the tip of his cock up and down her slit. He bumped her clit. Pleasure rushed over her, and he bumped her clit again. Camden moved the tip down, and she watched and felt as he slowly started to sink inside her.

  It had been a long time, and Camden wasn’t small. Nowhere near small, and as he thrust inside her, he stretched her.

  “Oh, baby, you’re so fucking tight.” His hands gripped her knees, keeping her legs open. She looked up at him to see him staring between where they were joined.

  His hands slid from her knees down to her hips. He held her as he slammed every single inch of his dick inside her. He was long, thick, wide, and he made her ache.

  “Perfect. So fucking perfect,” he said. His lips pressed against hers, and she held onto his shoulders.

  He was so big that she felt each pulse of his cock inside her.

  “Have you come?” she asked.

  “No. I just love being inside you.” He kissed her lips. “You have no idea how much I like how this is going.” He ran his hands up and down her curves. “I’m addicted to you.”

  “You don’t think I’m too fat?” she asked.

  “Baby, you’re perfect just the way you are.”

  Chapter Six

  Camden loved her body. He was a strong, hard guy, and he was a big guy. Alyssa was soft, rounded, and everything that was the completely opposite of him. Holding onto her hips, he kept her in place as she grew accustomed to him being inside her. She was incredibly tight, tighter than he ever imagined.

  “I never want you to change,” he said.

  “I won’t.”

  “Good because you never need to for me. I like you exactly the way you are.”

  He started to ease out of her pussy, and looked down to where his cock was starting to appear. The latex was covered in her cream. Keeping hold of her hips, he stared into her eyes, and watched as he started to rock within her. He went slow at first, and began to speed up, thrusting harder and deeper within her.

  She thrust up against him, and he rode her pussy. Her tits bounced with each thrust, and it wasn’t enough. He wanted to get deeper inside her, and fuck her harder. Moving them both up the bed, he got Alyssa to hold onto the headboard as he started to ride her pussy even harder.


  “What, baby?” he asked.

  “It feels amazing. So … good.”

  “I know. Your pussy is so … fucking … mine.” He slammed every inch inside her, and leaned down taking one of her nipples into his mouth. “I’m going to come,” he said. He bit down on her nipple, and slammed every inch of his dick inside her. After a few thrusts, he thrust every inch within her, and his orgasm crashed over him.

  Pressing his lips against hers, he plundered his tongue into her mouth, and knew without a doubt that he had finally found the one. He only hoped that Alyssa felt the same way.

  Minutes passed, and he opened his eyes.

  Alyssa was smiling up at him. “I didn’t plan this for today.” Her blue eyes twinkled.

  “Neither did I, but I can’t say that I’m not happy.” He stroked a finger down her cheek, running his thumb across her lip. “I’ve been thinking about nothing else this past week.”

  “You have. Well, Camden, you need to start finding something else to think about.” She gave him a wink.

  He chuckled. “You don’t regret what happened?”

  “No. I don’t regret it. I enjoyed it. It has been a long time for me.”

  “Same here. I took a vow of celibacy.”

  “You did?” He nodded. “I did as well.”

  “We’ve both got great minds.”

  She chuckled. “You know our friends are going to want to know what happened today.”

  “We can tell them. I don’t mind. You’re mine now, Alyssa. Does that bother you?” he asked.

  “No, it doesn’t. I kind of like it.”

  “Good.” He pressed a kiss to her lips. “I think I’m going to have to deal with this tiling business, don’t you?”

  “I think so.”

  He pulled out of her pussy, and asked for the bathroom. She pointed toward a door, and he went to take care of the condom.

  Seconds later, he entered the bedroom to find her in her bra and panties. The red lace was sexy, and he leaned against the bathroom door. “I like that set. Where did you get it from?”

  Her cheeks were bright red. “You startled me. I was just getting dressed.”

  He watched as she grabbed a pillow and placed it in front of her body.

  “Why are you hiding from me?” he asked.

  “I’m not. I put your clothes on the chair if you’d like to get them.”

  Something was going on here, and he didn’t know exactly what it was, but he was going to find out what.

  Sitting on the edge of the bed, he touched the pillow, and noticed she held it in a death grip.

  “I’ve been inside you, Alyssa. I’ve tasted your pussy. Tell me what’s wrong,” he asked.

  “It’s nothing.”

  “Then give me the pillow, and show me that pretty litt
le outfit.”

  She turned toward him. “You really want to see it.”

  “Yeah, I do.”

  “I don’t think you do.”

  “I do, and I’m not moving until you show me.” He stroked a finger down her arm. “You don’t need to hide from me. Not ever.”

  “I … I’m not slim.”

  “I know that. My hands have been on your curves, and I love them, baby. Didn’t you feel how much I enjoyed it?”

  She took a deep breath.

  “Look, this wasn’t a quick pity fuck, or anything like that. This, for me, was the start of something more. Don’t you feel the same?” he asked.

  “Yeah, I do.”

  “Then give me this.”

  Seconds passed, even minutes, and finally she handed him the pillow, and stood. There were a few stretch marks on her stomach, but they were so light that it was only if the light shone on her that he saw them.

  Her body was curvy, and he found her absolutely beautiful. Her tits were so big, her stomach rounded, and he couldn’t wait to see it swollen with his kid.

  He saw tears were shining in her eyes, and he hated that.

  “This is me,” she said.

  “And I think you’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.” He took her hands and stood up. “I promise you, Alyssa. You never have to hide from me, or pretend to be something you’re not. Okay? I want you just for you, and that’s the way it’s going to stay.” He pressed a kiss to her lips, and vowed that if anyone ever made her feel like crap again, they would all answer to him. No one hurt his woman, no one. He would take care of her for the rest of their lives.


  “So, how was it?” Edith asked the following Monday.

  Alyssa looked up from her chicken salad to see all of her friends staring at her. “You’ve all been dying to ask this question?”

  “I wanted to visit you, but Chris told me not to,” Millie said. “Do you know how hard it is to not make a phone call when you really, really want to?”

  She smiled. “It was perfect. He stayed over that night. The tiling is amazing. He really does great work.”

  “Not that, silly,” Sammy said. “We want to know if he got down to the good stuff.”

  “The good stuff?”

  “Did you sleep with him? He stayed over, so something naughty had to have happened?” Edith asked.

  Alyssa’s cheeks heated. There really was no getting away from it. She loved her friends, and she nodded. “We slept together. We had sex.” She cringed at her own clinical response. She’d never been good at the sexy talk, or even making it sound better. Camden was … fantastic. He was so sweet and dirty, and wondering, and tender, and all the good things wrapped up in one gorgeous package, and yes, he made her melt. “I like him. I really like him.”

  The way he touched her body, stroked her, and his words. Every single part of the weekend went down as her favorite in all of her history.

  All three of her friends clapped their hands, and cheered.

  “We knew you two would hit it off. You and Camden were made for each other. You’re yin and yang, balance, hot and cold, light and dark, and everything,” Millie said.

  “Sean said they would go well,” Edith said. “I was worried at first. You’ve not been dating for some time, and I didn’t want you to get hurt, and neither did Sean. This is new for you.”

  “I know.” She couldn’t believe that it had been a week, and they had already slept together, not just once either. Camden had been inside her multiple times, and every moment was better than the last. “I … he … it’s natural, you know? He makes me feel amazing, and I like him. I really do.” She pierced a chicken piece, and popped it into her mouth.

  “I for one am happy for you,” Sammy said. “It’s great to see you happy, and for too long you’ve not been.”

  Alyssa was sitting beside Sammy, so she rested her head against her friend. “Thank you. You know I adore you.” She beamed up at her friend.

  “He’s a good guy,” Edith said. “Just so you know, he hurts you, I’ll hurt him even though it will be hard to do, but this is what friends do right? We have each other’s back.”

  Alyssa rolled her eyes. “You introduced us. You shouldn’t be so worried. He’s wonderful.” She took a bite of her chicken. “Now, talk about something else. I’m all good. None of you have to worry about me at all.”

  Conversation went to Edith and Sean’s anniversary plans. They were going away for that weekend, as were Sammy and Millie. She was really happy for them, and looked forward to their tales. After lunch she went back to work, and was happy to finish her work. Every person who phoned her, needing help, she did whatever they needed, directing them to the right department, and answering all the necessary questions.

  At the end of the day, she hummed to herself as she left the building. Her friends had already left as it was a half day for them.

  She was making her way to her car when she noticed a little white envelope resting on her windshield. Taking it out from the window, she opened it up.


  Didn’t want to interrupt your lunch so I’ve left you this. Follow these directions, and I look forward to seeing you. Trust me.

  Camden XXX

  Her heart did a flutter, and typing the address into her GPS, she climbed behind the wheel, and followed those directions. The drive took her in the opposite direction of her house, and toward the country. She loved the relaxing drive, the scenery as she passed. It was a warm evening, and the sun was still shining as it started to go down.

  She made a sudden turning, going down a large gravel path. When she was told she had arrived, there on the porch steps was Camden. He held a single red rose, and she saw his smile. Parking up, she climbed out of her car and pushed her sunglasses into her hair.

  “This is your place?” she asked.

  “This is my home, and over there,” he said, pointing away from the house where she saw another building, “is where I do my work.”

  “Your work?”

  “Yeah, all the good stuff like your coffee table.” He handed the rose. “You look beautiful.”

  “I’ve been at work all day. I probably look like a slob.”

  “A sexy slob.” He grabbed her hand, and pulled her in close. She noticed he’d removed all the thorns from the rose. Camden dropped his lips down to hers, kissing her. “I’ve been wanting to do that since this morning.”

  “You saw me this morning,” she said.

  “I know, and it was too long between kisses.” He kissed her again.

  “You came to my work?” she asked.


  “Why didn’t you call?”

  “I asked if you were available, and I was told you’d already gone to lunch with the girls. I take it they wanted to know how we were going?” he asked.

  “You got it. I didn’t tell them too much. They’re excited for the two of us.”

  “Good, because I’m excited about the two of us as well.” He locked their fingers together, and she saw the glint in his eye.

  “What is it?” she asked.

  “Come.” He moved around his home, and she looked forward to seeing inside his home.

  She guessed everything around his house was done by him, the decorating, the building, all of it. He was the kind of guy who clearly enjoyed working with his hands. She’d been on the receiving end of his skills, and he was amazing.

  “I wanted to make this special,” he said.

  Alyssa gasped.

  On his lawn was a single table with candles, and laid beautifully. It was the perfect romantic evening.

  Where had Camden been all of her life?

  Chapter Seven

  Camden had gotten home early to mow his lawn, get the table set up, and then even order from his local Italian place. He knew the owner, and had cut a deal with some wood carvings that he’d craft for them.

  “What do you think?” he asked.

  “You’ve ma
de me dinner?”

  “No, I’ve gotten everything else ready for a good dinner. I cannot cook, and I don’t enjoy cooking. What I do well is being nice. The local Italian restaurant is a personal friend, and I got him to make me dinner so that I can prepare it for you.” He took her hand, and then eased out one of the chairs. “Please, miss, have a seat.”

  She chuckled. “You’re such a charmer.”

  “I know. I hope you like the food.”

  He left, and rushed toward his kitchen. Opening up the oven, he removed the chicken cacciatore. There was also polenta, and dessert was in the fridge.

  Carrying out the chicken and polenta, he saw she had already poured them a glass of wine.

  “I don’t think I can have this wine, but the thought is really nice,” she said.

  “You’re not going home. You’re going to stay with me. After all, you had me over for the weekend, and now it’s my turn to share my life with you.”

  “You’re a strange man, Camden. I’m surprised a woman hasn’t snapped you up already.”

  “Lucky for you, I’m all yours.”

  He took a sip of the wine, and even though he’d have liked a beer, he went with the wine.

  “This is wonderful,” she said, serving them both up a plateful of food. “This looks and smells so good. Maybe you could introduce me to your friend.”

  “Anytime,” he said. First, he was going to make sure she knew who she belonged to. Theo could be a charmer, and Camden wasn’t interested in losing his girl to his friend.

  They clinked their glasses, and he watched as she took a sip, and then dug into the food. Over the weekend he had watched her in her kitchen, even as he was tiling. She was always pottering, and he loved watching her.

  It made him wonder if she’d love his kitchen. His thoughts had gone from her staying with him, to suddenly living with him, and before he knew what was happening, he was planning his future with her.

  “What are you thinking?” she asked.

  “Do you want me to be honest?”

  “Yeah, of course.”

  “I’m thinking about the future.”

  “Our future?”

  He nodded. “I’m not a normal kind of guy. I was thinking about what our life would be like.”


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