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Control Games (Game for Cookies Book 2)

Page 13

by Allyson Lindt

Christopher should have stayed in the server room, watching Julie and Dante on camera. But the mood in the room was so right, from what he saw and heard, and he wasn’t great at sitting back and observing. He wanted to join the fun.

  He didn’t expect Julie to scurry away the moment she saw him. Her reaction gnawed at his nerves in a way he couldn’t put words to.

  He stood next to Dante at the edge of the kitchen, while Julie talked to Andi and Luke. Christopher was tempted to go back to the server room. His excuse would be he had work to do, but really it was because the mics on the new cameras were better than he expected, and from here he only caught snippets of the conversation.

  Julie laughed and shook her head at something Luke said, but her smile didn’t reach her eyes. That didn’t stop jealousy from spiking through Christopher. She could be uncomfortable with her ex or feeling awkward because of what she just walked away from.

  She glanced in Christopher and Dante’s direction, and her expression went blank before she turned back to her conversation. Christopher hadn’t only enjoyed seeing her get along with Dante; the scene he watched play out was like Dante used to be before the network fucked with his show and his brand. Smiling. Having fun. Loving being in front of the audience—even an imaginary one—rather than doing it because it was expected of him.

  “How about it, ladies?” Dante’s question carried across the room, and three heads swiveled in his direction. “Can we bring the cameras in tomorrow?”

  Julie and Andi hesitated.

  “That was a dick move.” Christopher clenched his jaw. Calling them out in front of Luke could force a conversation they’d rather not have publicly. Especially if either of the women had decided no to bringing him on.

  Dante shrugged. “If they can’t tell the guy to his face, they deserve the consequences.”

  The tone climbed under Christopher’s skin and rubbed wrong against everything simmering inside. “With an attitude like that, I’d almost think you wanted to sabotage this grand-opening episode.”

  “I didn’t vandalize the place or break the windows or try to blow up Andi. All of which we’d have footage of, if the security cameras were working as expected.”

  Christopher didn’t care for the accusation, and he wasn’t interested in backing down. “Which is why we’re installing more cameras.”

  “Too little, too late.”

  “Did you yell at your Elisa for handing Andi a faulty airbrush? She’s in charge of that equipment.”

  “I didn’t yell at her. I’m not yelling at you.” Dante’s tone was eerily flat and calm, which meant white-hot anger seared underneath, rather than the flash-bang he put on for the cameras.

  “No. You save the yelling bullshit for Julie.” Christopher hid his wince at the words. With every retort, he made this more personal. A bad idea, but that didn’t stop him.

  Dante glanced at him. “And she gives as good as she gets.”

  “Is that a yes?” Julie’s voice cut through the argument.

  Dante whirled back to face her. “I’m sorry—what?”

  Julie pursed her lips. “You asked—in front of our interviewee, which makes things awkward by the way, if we have to say no—if we’re ready for cameras tomorrow. We are if you are. That’s what I said.”

  Brilliant. Luke-to-the-rescue would be back again. Christopher couldn’t wait.

  “Awesome.” Dante’s tone reflected Christopher’s sarcastic thoughts. “Then, yes. Cameras back in here tomorrow, for Andi and Luke. You and I will do the office delivery for the fiancé, like scheduled.”

  “Sounds fantastic.” Julie’s grin was more teeth than joy.


  Julie felt bad about leaving Andi alone with Luke. She hoped their conversation didn’t turn to why he and Julie broke up. She wanted to share that story with Andi herself, and it was time to stop hiding it.

  Fortunately, Luke and Andie had an entire TV crew around them, making sure the footage was ready for the show. Julie, Dante, and Christopher were doing the proposal delivery alone. Christopher had been one of the cameramen when Dante’s show first aired, and he’d volunteered to follow them around this afternoon and film the magical moment.

  The more Julie learned about the process, the less magical it seemed. She dropped Christopher off in front of their destination—the office building where the girlfriend worked—and circled the block. He would film them parking at the curb, meeting the boyfriend, and unloading the cookies. All in staged takes, to be looped together later.

  She was grateful Dante kept his mouth shut as she parallel parked the van. Not that she gave him anything to complain about—her execution was flawless—but the instinct was there to expect he’d overreact. That would be preferable to the awkward silence that surrounded them on the drive up.

  Now that they were at the delivery spot, they’d have the client, his girlfriend, and her coworkers to talk to. A cast of people for Julie to hide behind while she struggled to bottle the fact she wasn’t as detached from Dante and Christopher as she wanted to be. Hell, if someone were to catch her off guard and ask how she felt about either man, she might slip and say she was falling for them.

  Which she wasn’t. Because that would be a mistake.

  A blond man approached, as Julie pulled the cookie bouquet out.

  “Are you Paul?” Dante asked.

  “I am.” Paul shook Dante’s hand, then Christopher’s, and Julie’s. “Thank you for doing this. Tina’s going to be so excited when she sees you. She’s a huge fan.”

  Dante’s broad smile didn’t reach his eyes. “Great. Before we start the camera rolling, I want to go over everything with you one more time and ensure this will run smoothly.”

  This was another step of the awe-inspiring process that shattered for Julie once she found out how it really worked. When she thought about it, it made sense, but it wasn’t as pretty as believing the fairy tale.

  “You’ve notified the correct people in the office? Security? Tina’s boss? Reception? Anyone who has the potential to step in the shot?” Dante said.

  Paul nodded. “Of course.”

  “And Tina’s already said yes to marrying you; she just doesn’t know this specific thing is coming?”

  “That’s right.” Paul gestured toward the building. “Can we head in now?”

  Dante stopped him with a hand on his arm. “One more thing. We can edit a lot of this, but once you approach her, from the time she sees us to when the proposal and acceptance happen, it’s a single shot. I need you to reiterate that you understand that.”

  Anal retentive. Julie suppressed the urge to roll her eyes. She got why Dante was being strict about this, but it grated on her.

  “I understand. All of it.” Impatience crept into Paul’s tone.

  “Perfect.” Dante glanced at Christopher. “Action.”

  The red recording light on the camera blinked, and the group moved into the office-building lobby. The receptionist looked at Dante with stars in her eyes. “I love your show.” The same awe dripped from her words. “Will you sign this?” She slid one of Dante’s cookbooks to him.

  The adoration was kind of sweet, as far as Julie was concerned.

  “I’d love to.” Dante’s expression remained pleasant and painfully painted on, as he scribbled out a note. Julie doubted anyone else besides Christopher saw through it.

  Paul, on the other hand, looked irritated with the delay. “Can you call up to Tina and tell her I’m here to see her? But keep the camera and my guests a secret.”

  The small pack took the elevator up to the third floor and followed Paul through rows of cubicles. Curious coworkers popped their heads up, like gophers. How much of that would be edited out?

  Paul approached a desk in the corner, Julie and Dante behind him, and knocked on the metal frame of the cubicle. “Tina, hon. Do you have a minute?”

  The woman whirled in her seat, and her eyes went wide. She dropped her pen, and it clattered to the floor.

  “I have somet
hing I want to ask you.” Paul took the bouquet from Julie. A single gold band sat on the head of the female knight—an engagement ring adornment to the armor. Andi outdid herself with that design.

  Tina’s expression melted from shock into a jaw drop and then a scowl. “No.” She shook her head. “No, no, no.”

  Julie was pretty sure that edits and pre-planning not-withstanding, the event wasn’t supposed to go like this.

  Paul dropped to one knee and held out the cookies. “Tina, we haven’t known each other long, but there’s always been a connection between us.”

  “No.” Tina pushed her chair back so hard it almost toppled before her desk caught it. “Don’t do this. Oh God. I can’t believe you’re doing this.”

  Paul reached for her hand. “Baby?”

  “You fucking asshole.” Tina jerked away and stepped around him, pushing everyone back into the walkway of the office. In the background, whispers blended in with the hiss of the climate control. “I knew you were manipulative, but this is the biggest pile of bullshit way anyone has ever come up with, to trick someone into taking them back. I told you, we’re over.”

  “Cut it.” Dante scrubbed his face and made a slicing gesture across his throat as he looked at Christopher.

  Julie pushed Paul aside and approached Tina. “Excuse me,” Julie said.

  “Hey. We’re talking.” Paul reached for Julie’s arm, but Christopher got to him first and gripped Paul’s wrist tight.

  Julie’s insides churned at the spectacle unfolding in front of her. She should be worried this was another notch against the bakery and the show. One more thing to go wrong in an extensive list. Instead, her heart broke for the poor woman put on the spot. “Do you have somewhere more private we can talk?” she asked Tina.

  Tina nodded. “The conference room.”

  Paul jerked free with a snarl, and the group followed Tina into a small room with a table in the center that was surrounded by chairs.

  Julie stood by Tina’s side and received a timid, grateful smile.

  The moment the door shut, Dante whirled on Paul. “I’m not going to touch on the breach of contract you caused. You can talk to the station lawyers about that. What I want to know is how you dare try to force anyone into a relationship they don’t want. In front of fucking cameras and her entire office. You think public humiliation is romantic? What the fuck is wrong with you?”

  “Who the hell do you think you are?” Paul’s voice was a snarl.

  Dante stepped toward Paul, who moved closer to the door. “Someone with a lot of money, prestige, and legal power behind me. Enough that I could deck you right now, in front of three witnesses, and never face consequences for it. And it shouldn’t take me to point out this was a cruel, stupid, asinine fucking stunt on your part.”

  Paul stared back, then reached for the door handle. “Fuck you. I’m calling my lawyer.”

  “Good.” Dante’s retort hit the closing door.

  “I’m so sorry.” Julie turned to Tina the moment Paul was gone. “We never would have done this if we’d known.”

  “I promise this footage will never see the light of day. Christopher’s already erased it.” Dante turned to face them.

  “It’s all right.” Tina’s voice shook, but she didn’t look as pale as when they arrived.

  Dante pulled out a seat and gestured for her to sit. “What can we do to make it up to you?”

  “Nothing. It’s not your fault.” Tina never stopped watching him.

  “Ridiculous. I have to do something.” The phony cheer that had haunted his expression since they arrived was gone, replaced with open sympathy.

  Julie could see why Tina was half a step from swooning. When Dante was like this, he was irresistible. Which made Julie wonder why he preferred to let his asshole side shine through, but this wasn’t the time to find that out.

  Tina flushed and looked at Christopher before ducking her head. “If you didn’t have a boyfriend, I’d ask for dinner out. But I wouldn’t dream of stepping on his toes.”

  Jealousy and guilt surged inside Julie, and she swallowed the vile combination. She pulled a business card from her wallet and handed it to Tina. “Come by the shop for our grand opening. I can hook you up with sweets that don’t have bad memories associated with them.”

  “In fact, ask for me when you visit, and I’ll make sure you get the grand tour.” Dante handed her a card as well.

  He spent the next hour working his way through the office, shaking hands, letting people take pictures, and signing whatever they handed him. Julie hung back with Christopher, watching the event with a muddle of emotion.

  If she didn’t know any better, she’d think this was Dante’s natural personality. Friendly. Empathetic. Willing to go out of his way, to make someone else smile.

  All of that mingled with the fresh and bitter reminder that loving someone didn’t mean they returned the sentiment. Unlike Paul, Julie wouldn’t be the delusional lover who refused to see the writing on the wall. Whatever she was doing with Christopher and Dante, it wasn’t romantic. It was only sex.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Christopher felt bad for Tina. No one should have to go through that, especially in front of a camera. Otherwise, he suspected he was less disappointed with the trip than anyone else involved. Seeing Dante smiling. Laughing. It was like the old days. Christopher was tempted to turn the camera back on, to film that.

  He didn’t miss the shift in Julie’s mood either. She didn’t withdraw so much, as seemed to grow contemplative. She gave responses that looked and sounded genuine when someone spoke to her. Handed out her card and engaged anyone Dante introduced her to. But the rest of the time, she stood at the edge of the shifting group of people, watching, the faintest frown ghosting her lips.

  On the drive home, she was quiet, staring straight ahead. Not checking her phone or making notes or talking about deadlines and schedules. The sight should be reassuring, but the air she projected was disquieting instead.

  When they got back to the bakery, cameras were still up, lights bright, and kitchen clear except for Andi and Luke.

  “I’ll go see how much longer they think filming will be.” Dante headed toward the director.

  Julie stayed near the back of the room, leaning against a wall.

  Christopher nudged her with his shoulder. “Are you all right?”

  “Yup. Why?” Her tone was pleasant.

  “You don’t want to go with him and make sure everything is all right?”

  She shook her head. “I’m fine here. He’ll be back.”

  Christopher glanced at the way she folded her arms across her chest. Her nails dug into her biceps, leaving pale white marks growing out from her grip. There was the hint he was looking for. It was disconcerting she hid her tension so well. What was going through her head?

  Dante returned a few minutes later, lips drawn in a thin line. “Because of the time-lapse photography, they’re having to do several more takes than normal of paintings of the same design, to make sure they’ve got a solid piece. But they’re almost done. Wrapping up in the next half hour or so.”

  “Then, if you don’t need me, I’ll be in the server room.” Christopher didn’t have much to do back there, but it was better than lingering in this odd aura of not-quite-right.

  “I need you.” Julie’s quiet voice was like a jolt racing through him and lighting up his body. “That mess in there is driving me insane. I don’t suppose you’ve got a way to help keep me distracted? If neither of you is too busy.”

  The simple-sounding request redirected Christopher’s nervous energy—everything that lingered from the failed afternoon filming—and drove it straight to his cock. He was hard in an instant. “Did you have something specific in mind?”

  “It’s not like some kind of drug you get to pop whenever you need an outlet.” Teasing lined Dante’s words and danced with a heavy thread of desire that deepened his voice.

  Julie gave him a playful smile. “You can�
��t believe that. It absolutely is. And I figure you two excel at the details.” She stepped closer to Christopher and studied him through her lashes. “My only request is fast, dirty, and rough.”

  Christ. Christopher would have told her yes, regardless of what she asked for. The realization mingled with the need pulsing inside. It was difficult to imagine turning her down, pushing her away, or leaving her behind when they went back to L.A. Did they have to go back? He liked Chicago.

  He shoved the errant string of thoughts aside. That wasn’t what this was, but knowing that didn’t fill him with an impulse to turn down another chance with Julie.

  “We don’t have a lot of time,” Dante said. It sounded like it pained him to point that out.

  The way the three were angled, Julie facing Christopher, Dante behind her, they were cut off from view of the crew, and this was one of those blind corners the cameras didn’t reach. Christopher hooked a finger in the band of Julie’s jeans and pulled her in. “I’m not so good at fast.”

  She let out a tiny giggle, laced with a whimper. “No? Everyone’s done the quickie thing once or twice.”

  “That doesn’t mean I prefer it.” He slid his hand down the front of her pants, over her panties, to dance his fingers over mound. Dampness seeped through cotton, teasing him.

  Her moan was so soft he barely heard it, but her heat as she pressed into his touch was distinct and alluring. “Please?” she said.

  Christopher freed himself and gripped her fingertips instead. “There’s no way I can say no to that.” He tugged her toward the server room, not having to look, to know Dante followed.

  The moment they were inside, Christopher knotted his fingers in her hair and kissed her hard. Dante shut the door and moved behind Julie. His hands gliding under her shirt and up to her breasts scraped across Christopher’s chest. Julie traced his erection, and he grabbed her wrist.

  Christopher pulled away, to look her in the eye. Her cheeks and lips were flushed, and her pupils dilated as she stared back, unblinking. He was losing his grip on discipline. He didn’t care about lessons or games or anything structured. He wanted to bend Julie over the desk and drive into her from behind. Or maybe watch Dante take her. Draw out the anticipation a little bit and make her watch.


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