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Witch Cast (A Mackenzie Coven Mystery Book 3)

Page 12

by Sonia Parin

  When she reached the room, she peered inside. Lucy hovered several steps in front, trying to avoid notice, while Melanie continued heading toward the inner recesses of the cavernous room.

  When Lucy moved, Lexie followed, her steps light and cautious.

  What was Melanie up to?

  What’s going on? Octavia said you needed us urgently.

  Lexie turned and saw her cousins’ orbs hovering behind her. Just as she was about to turn back, she saw Octavia stepping inside the room, followed by Jonathan and Grant. This was turning into a Congo line.

  Melanie is up to no good. I can feel it in my bones. More so now that I’m not wearing a necklace.


  Hey, that’s my trademark what-are-you-talking-about remark. Pick something else. It doesn’t suit the High Chair of the British Isles.

  But it suits the incoming High Chair of the American Continent? Oi...


  Yes, oi. It’s used to express surprise. I rather like it. It has been particularly associated with working class and Cockney speech but I think it adds color.

  Mirabelle, are you coming down with something?

  I’m rather feeling left out. If you both have trademark remarks, then I should have one too.

  Well, find one. What do Australians use?

  Oi, you were about to tell us about your necklace.

  Oh yes, Morgana put a spell on me. The necklaces I’ve been wearing acted as a filter so I couldn’t remember where I knew Constance from. It had a negative side effect of impairing my abilities to see the Shadow.

  Distracted by her conversation with her cousins, Lexie nearly went through Lucy who’d stopped abruptly. The specter noticed her and signaled for her to be silent.

  Is that the Shadow? And... did it just emerge from Melanie?

  Looks like it, Cat. What is Melanie doing with it? She came down here clutching what looked like a book.

  Oi. I recognize that. It’s a book of spells from the Hall. What is she doing with it and how did she get her hands on it?

  Clearly she needs it for something and why can’t you keep track of your books?

  I wouldn’t have any trouble if I had someone as efficient as Octavia.

  In your dreams. She’s my personal assistant. No headhunting her from right under my nose. Understood?

  Oi. No need shout.

  Frowning, Lexie noticed Lucy clenching her ghostly fingers into tight fists. Had she just seen something she recognized? Something that had triggered her memory?

  As Melanie set the book down on a table, the Shadow rose. Melanie appeared to be talking to it. She opened the book and raised her hands, but as she began to speak, the Shadow caught sight of Lexie and Octavia, and Jonathan and Grant, as well as the two orbs and... possibly Lucy.

  Looking undecided and possibly feeling outnumbered, the Shadow shrunk back.

  The next few moments happened too quickly for Lexie to intercede.

  Lucy rushed toward the back of the room and the Shadow disappeared.

  Seeing Lucy, Melanie picked up the tome and clutched it against her.

  “Hey, her cast is gone. I knew I couldn’t trust her.” Her first instinct was to lunge for Melanie but then Lexie realized she didn’t have anywhere to go. At least, she didn’t think so. “Did you ever get to explore the room?” she asked Octavia.

  “I think that’s as far as it goes. She’s cornered.”

  “I hope she doesn’t pluck a spell out of that book to make herself disappear.” Or worse, turn her into a monkey.

  As Lucy drew closer, Melanie began shaking her head.

  “I think we should intervene now. We need answers and Lucy looks upset by something. I haven’t seen her angry, so I don’t actually know what she’s capable of.”

  Oi, ask Melanie what she’s doing with the book.

  Why don’t you ask her?

  Because I’m in orb form and hearing my voice might frighten her.

  Huh? Melanie’s talking to Lucy, the specter. And the Shadow emerged from her. Do you actually think she’ll be scared by a voice?

  “Stand back or... or...” Melanie exclaimed.

  “Or what?” Lexie asked. “You’re not going to destroy the book because clearly, you need it. And... and perhaps we can help you. Wouldn’t you like that?”

  “You? Help me? It’s because of you that we’re in this mess. You... You and your spells.”

  “Well then... If we’re involved and... somehow responsible, that’s more reason for us to help.”

  Oi, your negotiation skills have improved a hundred fold. Well done.

  Did you just praise me?

  I did indeed.

  “You won’t help me,” Melanie complained, “I know you lot. Just look at what you did to Constance Hargreaves.”

  Lexie didn’t want to confuse the issue by pleading innocence. That matter could be dealt with later on... “You know about her?”

  “How do you think I got the book in the first place? I stole it from her.”

  Mirabelle? When exactly did you notice the book missing?

  This is not the time.

  Lexie suspected Mirabelle would never find the time to discuss her omission...

  “Would this happen to be the book Marcela Newton used way back before the old Garland Theater closed?”

  Melanie appeared to choke back a sob.

  Lexie frowned.



  Exactly how many times has this book gone missing?

  Oh, look. I think Melanie is making her getaway.

  Be warned. You’re only buying yourself more time to come up with a reasonable explanation.

  Lexie turned her attention back to Melanie who appeared to be determined to make a stand against Lucy. Fearing the situation could spin out of control, Lexie decided to change tactics. “Are you related to Marcela Newton?” It occurred to ask. “We’d understand if you’re trying to help someone you’re related to. See, we’re related and we help each other, even when we get on each other’s nerves.”

  Lucy tried to lunge for the book. Not that she stood a chance of taking it since her hands went right through it.

  “Keep her away from me. She’s as much to blame for all this as... as...”

  Melanie appeared to have run out of people to blame.

  Lucy’s specter began a slow retreat.

  She looked crestfallen. Lexie would even go so far as to say she looked remorseful.

  “What’s up, Lucy?”

  Lucy clenched her hands and pressed them against her chest.

  Was she accepting responsibility?

  “Is it true you dabbled in the dark arts to contact your predecessors?”

  Lucy nodded.

  “Is that the book you used?”

  Another nod.

  “Did something happen? Did you go too far?”

  Lucy pointed at Melanie... or rather, at the Shadow which had appeared again, albeit tentatively. It hovered behind Melanie, peering at everyone.

  “What does the Shadow have to do with all this?”

  Lucy’s finger pointed at herself and then back at the Shadow and then at herself again.

  “Are you saying she’s you? No... Not you, but... Is she your understudy, Marcela Newton?”

  Lucy nodded.

  Oi, Lexie?

  Not now, Mirabelle.

  Yes, now. The night of the cocktail party. Did you say you saw the Shadow dive inside Miss Lucinda Cunningham?

  Yeah. What of it?

  Did it look as if the Shadow tried to possess her?


  I think I know which spell Marcela Newton used. It allows the person casting it to experience everything their host is doing. It is one of our most efficient possession spells.

  Mirabelle hurriedly explained as much as she could remember of the spell. It all began to make enough sense for Lexie to put the pieces together, albeit in a haphazard fashion.

  “Marcela Newton knew she’d never ge
t the chance to be more than your understudy so she used a spell to step inside you, Lucy, and experience the full magnificence of your acting skills.”

  The specter gave a sad nod.

  “She thought if she couldn’t get on stage herself, she’d do it through you. So every night you acted, she was right there inside you, experiencing it all.”

  Lucy nodded again.

  “But something happened. She got greedy. She wanted to be the one on stage and it wasn’t enough to be inside you experiencing you acting the role of Lady Mac.”

  Lucy floated down to the ground and buried her face in her hands.

  “She wouldn’t let you go on stage without her, and more and more, she wanted to take over. You wouldn’t have a bar of it so you struggled and your acting suffered.” Hence the bad reviews.

  Lucy gave a ghostly sigh.

  “The reviewers had a field day with you. They were merciless and unforgiving. Unable to reason with Marcela Newton, you were forced to do the unthinkable. You retired from the stage.”

  Lucy’s shoulders shook.

  “Then you heard the theater was reopening its doors and you saw your chance to redeem yourself and recapture the height of your splendor. But you didn’t count on the Shadow. In fact, you probably didn’t know about the Shadow because it came into existence after you retired. What happened, Lucy?”

  Lucy’s finger twitched. Slowly, she raised it and pointed it at Melanie.

  “You saw Melanie and...”

  Lucy’s finger moved toward the Shadow and back to Melanie.

  “They were both there? No... You thought Melanie was Marcela, back to possess you.”

  Lucy gave a stiff nod.

  “I only wanted to experience it once,” Melanie spat out. “Why couldn’t she have let me?”

  “You dove right inside her and that’s what caused her heart attack. Hey, are you the one who sent me a warning note?”

  “I knew you were trouble from the moment I caught sight of you. I’d already snuck backstage but I wanted to see the crowd I’d be playing to and that’s when I saw you and knew you belonged to the Mackenzie Coven.”

  “How could you have known that? Only Coven members can recognize me.”

  “I just knew.”

  Oi, Melanie said she’s spent years reading the book. Maybe that’s given her enough power to see your true colors.

  Years... The book has been missing for years?

  I am the custodian of the largest collection of tomes dating back... If I had someone as efficient as Octavia—

  Nice try. Be warned, Morgana assigned her to me. If you mess with me, you’ll leave me no choice but to call my mom.

  “What gave me away?” she asked Melanie.

  “Your coven dress, of course.”

  “You could see my true colors?”

  “Yes. I couldn’t let you ruin my one chance at greatness.”

  “So you sent the Shadow after me,” Lexie blurted out.

  “For all the good it did me. It’s all confused now. It’s... It’s remorseful.”

  “How did you even know about the Shadow slash Marcela Newton?” Lexie didn’t think Melanie would answer, but she surprised her.

  “Soon after the Garland closed. I came to ensure the archival material was kept safe. She appeared to me. I’ve no idea how, but I knew who she was straight away. She showed me this book and I’ve spent hours on end trying to unlock the key to it. Then it went missing...”

  That must have been when the Council of High Chairs passed their sentence on Constance... aka Arianne Mackenzie.

  “How did you get it back?”

  “Constance came on the scene and set the wheels in motion to reopen the theater and with her, came the book. I could sense something different about her and then one day I caught her with the book. I was able to steal it from her. Finally, I found the spell that worked to set Marcela free but I also found the spell she used. When I heard Miss Lucinda Cunningham was coming out of retirement, I had to see for myself. I had to know what it was like to be her. I had to try Marcela’s spell. Only... it went horribly wrong. Marcella... the Shadow... tried to stop me. She tried. She really did.”

  That must have been when they saw the Shadow swoop inside Lucy.

  “I wish... I wish I’d listened to her.” She turned to Lucy, her eyes filled with tears. “I’m sorry.”

  Oi, I must say, I’m rather speechless. I thought she might turn out to be stalwartly determined to embrace her darkness but I can see a hint of light.

  Yes, I’m teary eyed. And... well, I’ve often thought I wanted to be a bit more like Lexie. She seems to have more fun and she gets to travel, which is something I’d like to do, but now I’m not so sure. I like being me, living in my small cottage...

  Please tell me you weren’t thinking about possessing me.

  I’ll settle for living vicariously without going to such extremes.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Lexie stirred from her near catatonic state and shifted her foot. She’d been lying on her couch, the last few days catching up with vengeance and leaving her no energy to do anything more than blink. Her brief hiatus, however, was short-lived.


  “You’re kidding me. It’s only been two hours. Go away.”

  “I’m afraid I can’t do that.”

  Octavia broke her self-imposed silence—her penance for having colluded with Morgana—to say, “We should do a wrap up, otherwise my report will remain unfinished. That will reflect badly on my curriculum vitae and no one will want to take me on, so you’ll be stuck with me for longer than you possibly want now that my loyalty has been called into question...”

  “Are you looking for another position,” Mirabelle asked.

  “I might not have references to back up my skills.”

  “I’d be prepared to waive that...”

  Catherine burst in. “I didn’t realize Octavia was up for grabs. Why am I always the last to know? I could do with an efficient assistant. I’m always misplacing things and my seed bank could do with some reorganizing...”

  Lexie cleared her throat.

  Luna nudged her.

  I think this is one of those least resistance moments.

  If I let them all talk, do you think I’ll be giving away my power?

  Has it gone to your head?

  I doubt there’s anything left in there. I’ve spent the last couple of hours staring at the wall. It’s quite pleasant.

  The wall?

  Not thinking... just being in the moment.

  From what I understand, the more active you are in coven business, the more you get paid, and the more money you have, the more you can bequeath your beneficiary. Not that anything is going to happen to you. I’ve asked Octavia to earmark a time to sit down and discuss your estate.

  I don’t have an estate.

  Luna looked over at Mirabelle’s orb.

  She already has a feline companion. And where are your loyalties? That reminds me. You never formally accepted me as your owner.

  I am considering the possibility of becoming a mercenary feline companion willing to do business only with the highest bidders. Being with you means accepting a lower rung. Do you think it’s easy for me to be here with an incoming High Chair when I know my sister is actually living in a grand Hall with a full-fledged High Chair?

  Lexie shifted her foot an inch, in the process pushing Luna off the couch. She turned to Mirabelle. “I guess you owe Constance Hargreaves an apology or do we call her Arianna Mackenzie?”

  Mirabelle’s orb drifted over toward her. “She said she’s happy to adopt her new name as she’s already made a reputation for herself in the theater world. While she is guilty of removing the tome from the Hall, the Council of High Chairs has taken her absentmindedness into account. She has a medical certificate to prove it.”

  “Really? Sounds to me like a half cocked plea bargain. Are the High Chairs going soft? By my count, the book went missing three times. First, L
ucy got her hands on it, then Marcela Newton and then Melanie Matthews. You should consider attaching a chain to the book.”

  “Or I could be assigned an exceptional assistant,” Mirabelle said under her breath. “Well, Constance, aka Arianne Mackenzie did hire a top notch Coven attorney. As for offering an apology, I don’t sit on the Council of High Chairs. It’s enough Morgana gave her a second hearing. Although, she might have warned us. It’s actually a relief to know one of our own wasn’t responsible for creating the Shadow.”

  “Not directly,” Lexie muttered. Stretching, she watched Luna playing with her tail.

  After escaping, Constance had gone straight to Morgana to plead her case. Her mom had jumped at the chance to use the opportunity to her advantage and that’s when they’d concocted the plan to lure Lexie to the theater, something Lexie preferred to ignore as it meant Mirabelle and Catherine had both been played by Morgana.

  Constance had only wanted a chance to clear her name. She’d agreed to do all she could to coerce Lexie into accepting a role in the production. Anything to get her on the stage to appease Morgana’s desire to see her daughter achieve her full potential.

  Lexie bit the edge of her lip and wondered how Morgana had managed to involve Mirabelle and Catherine. She decided against asking because Mirabelle would most likely avoid telling.


  “I think she fell asleep,” Catherine said. “By the way, sorry I’m late. Did I miss anything... other than the fact you were trying to snatch Octavia from right under all our noses?”

  “We were wrapping up. Octavia is taking notes, so this will all be archived for future reference and special mentions at the next Council of High Chairs—”

  “Get to the point, Mirabelle,” Lexie growled.

  “The High Chairs are considering a light sentence for Melanie Matthews. While she’s not a coven member, she has spent a considerable amount of time with a coven book and that somehow imbued her with a faint essence. Anyhow, I felt compelled to mention the flicker of light I perceived and so the council is prepared to go easy on her.”


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