Page 12
“And what’s that?”
She took a deep breath, already preparing herself for the confrontation. “I need to stand up to my grandmother. She needs to understand that my life is mine and she can no longer dictate my actions.”
“Fair enough.” He helped her up and they walked from the mess hall hand in hand.
The borrowed cabin was six decks up and down one endless corridor. Mirella was tense and anxious by the time they stepped inside.
Sensing her disquiet, Letos asked, “Are you sure you want to do this right now? The night has been pretty damn perfect.”
“I need to. I can’t focus on my new life until I’m free of the old.”
He placed his hands on her shoulders and gently turned her toward him. “She’s your grandmother as well as your queen. You will never be completely free of her.”
“I know that, and that’s not what I want. I need to take a stand. I’ve been her doormat for much too long already.”
He nodded, though he didn’t look happy about her decision. “I’m here for you and I always will be.”
“I know.” She paused long enough to kiss him then moved a few paces away. “She’ll probably know you’re here, but I don’t want her to see you.”
He moved a little farther away. “I’m invisible.”
She blew him a kiss then sent a telepathic ping to her grandmother. Then she concentrated on her breathing as she waited for Queen Aurelia to respond. Everyone in their bloodline could communicate telepathically, but only the most powerful could astral project their image as both Aurelia and Mirella could. The queen’s image appeared facing Mirella, which put her back to Letos. She wore a nightgown and chamber robe, clearly having crawled out of bed.
“Did you mate with Letos or…” Her gaze left Mirella’s face and looked at the cabin surrounding her. Luckily, she didn’t turn around. “This is not one of my ships. Where are you?”
“I’m in Rodyte controlled space. My mate and I just helped General Nox overtake former Apex General Paytor.”
Disapproval hardened Aurelia’s weathered features, turning her grim expression into a fierce scowl. “Making the rebels more powerful is counterproductive to my plans. You should have asked me before participating in something so foolish.”
“It wasn’t your decision to make. I love you and will always be grateful for all that you’ve done for me, but I control my life now. I will likely ask you for advice, but I won’t ask for your permission.”
Queen Aurelia shook her head, her disapproval quickly turning to anger. “Did Letos put you up to this? One night in your bed and he’s already trying to control you.”
“Letos had nothing to do with this. In fact, I approached him with the idea. Paytor ordered Xorran to kill Letos, so Xorran basically defected. He gave us the location of Paytor’s ship before he took off.”
“Which finally allowed the rebel general to attack.” Aurelia harrumphed then tightened the belt on her robe. “So did you com me so you could gloat about joining the rebels or did you have an actual reason for dragging me out of bed?”
Mirella relaxed. Already her grandmother was starting to soften. She’d probably grump and grumble for a couple of weeks, but it was obvious she’d get over her disapproval. “I wanted you to know that I followed your advice and went after Letos. He’s as amazing as you predicted he would be.”
Her annoyance slipped another notch. “Of course he is. I knew he’d be perfect for you. I’m glad this newfound stubbornness engaged after you followed my suggestion.”
“So am I, and I’m sorry that I woke you. That was selfish of me.”
“Indeed it was.” A hint of a smile ruined the complaint, then her gaze narrowed and she asked, “Did you locate Prince Vox for me? His parents really are worried about him?”
Mirella looked at Letos. She’d asked him to check into it, but hadn’t heard what he’d found out.
“Prince Vox has been working with the battle born,” Letos told her. “According to Raylon, the governor of Lunar Nine, Vox has been ill.”
“Ill?” Aurelia’s tone grew sharp and impatient. She turned so she could see Letos, though she was clearly not surprised he was there. “What sort of illness? Should I dispatch a healer?”
“I don’t believe that’s necessary, but we’ll contact his parents directly if his condition worsens.”
She nodded, apparently satisfied with the answer. “Well then, I’m going back to bed. You should do the same.” And her image was gone just as suddenly as it had appeared.
“That felt wonderful,” Mirella cried as Letos pulled her into his arms.
“She took it better than I expected.” He bent and kissed her neck, sending tingles down her spine.
“She’ll require multiple reminders no doubt, but I think we can come to an understanding.”
“Now I think we should follow her example.” He swept her up in his arms, making her laugh and wrap her arms around his neck. “We’re going back to bed.”