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Rough & Ruthless (Notorious Devils #4)

Page 5

by Hayley Faiman

I’m surprised he knows how to say the word, let alone knows where one is anywhere near him. I silently wonder if he’s ever actually stepped foot inside of one.

  I reach toward the radio and turn it up a bit, wanting to hear what I call a classic, Kashmir, playing through the badass truck’s speakers.

  I’m surprised when Mary-Anne turns the radio up, instead of trying to turn it off or changing the station to whatever that shit is they call music these days. I shift my eyes toward her and see her body sway with the sexy beat of Zeppelin’s—Kashmir.

  “You like it?” I ask her, lifting my chin to the radio.

  “Zeppelin? Shit, yeah. My dad always had rock music blasting in our house when I was a kid. Drowned out the sound of my mom and Bate’s screaming when he hit them,” she says with a shrug before turning toward the window.

  I reach across the seat and rest my hand on her thigh, giving her slim leg a gentle squeeze. I’m not sure if it’s comforting or not. Probably not. The hells she’s endured would probably send me into a rage. Grisha Lukin is a dead man walking, as is that piece of shit she was dating named Kyle.

  “Never again, Mary,” I murmur. Her body jerks slightly, but she doesn’t move other than that. I give her her quiet.

  She’s had a rough couple of days, and I’m sure me fuckin’ her didn’t clear her mind at all. Probably made it more muddled. Though, I can’t seem to feel too badly. She’s the best fuck I’ve ever had.

  Sixty years on this earth, and I’m just now discovering that there’s better out there.

  I feel like a dick, because I loved Eleanora, I truly did. But we were young as shit, and we had a baby. I was workin’ my ass off for the club, and I sure as shit wasn’t good to her, which meant she wasn’t all fired up to give me pussy on the regular. When she did, it was laced with sadness and a hint of bitterness, at times. She was a good Old Lady—fought me for the status, and I gave into her on it. But fuck, I was a stupid ass kid back then.

  I don’t blame her. Not a single fuckin’ bit. I got her young, knocked her up, and then I was in and out of the house, not consistently home and not a big help with Pierce. Fuck, I didn’t even name him. I went to the hospital long enough to see her push him out, then I was gone and partying—celebrating.

  I was eighteen and a piece of shit; thought I was somethin’ special because I was part of the club. Being part of the club probably helped us be able to afford a new baby, but as far as our relationship went, I was too young, and there was too much available pussy around.

  Then she got sick. She got sick, and I realized how much of a fuckup I truly was. I hurt her so much throughout the years. She wanted more babies, and I shot that shit down. She wanted more of me, and I pushed her away, only giving her the bits and pieces I allowed. Eleanora never had all of me, not once in our fifteen years of marriage.

  “Max,” Mary-Anne whispers. My head jerks.

  I don’t know how, but I drove us to the mall and parked, all completely blind. I don’t remember a damn thing. Mary-Anne’s soft, sweet, face and her blue eyes fill my vision. I tuck a piece of her long, black hair behind her ear and just look at her. I feel the heat of her pussy against my jean clad dick as she straddles me. Her arms lift, and she slides her hands from my shoulders to the back of my neck, causing me to tip my head back with a low groan.

  “The past is shit, Max. We can’t change it. If we could, then we wouldn’t be where we are right now. I don’t know about you, but I’m kind of liking where I am right now,” she whispers as her tongue sneaks out and licks her bottom lip.

  I raise my hands and wrap them around her ass, pulling her against me to graze against my hard cock.

  “Let’s get you some clothes, sweetness,” I murmur, pressing my lips against hers.

  “I really like what’s happening right here,” she shivers above me.

  “Yeah, I do too. But I’m guessing the rest of the people in the parking lot won’t want a show,” I inform her. Her body stills.

  I chuckle as I slap her ass and shift her over before I open the truck door and adjust my dick on the way down. She scrambles out of the pickup, all arms and legs, and I can’t hide my smile. A woman almost thirty years old and she’s scrambling around like a teenager.

  I slip my arm around her shoulders and tuck her into my side, needing her close to me for whatever fucking, asinine reason. I don’t try to dissect it. For now, I’m going with whatever flow is happening between us. Today, I want her next to me.

  The mall must have been invented by somebody who hates men. Store after store after store, all in one huge ass building, with some shitty food that’s supposed to hold you over during your shitty store shopping. I look at Mary, whose eyes have lit up like every fuckin’ woman’s eyes do when she even thinks about shopping.

  “Where to first?” I ask. Her cheeks tint pink.

  “I need panties and a bra or two,” she whispers.

  I try not to laugh at her embarrassment. Considering my cock was inside of her just hours ago, she has nothing to be embarrassed about—but I like that she is. My sweetness, my Mary-Anne. We walk together toward the lingerie store.

  “This place is too expensive. Seriously, I can find stuff somewhere else,” she says, stopping right in front of the store.

  “Mary, I’m buyin’, so you’ll pick yourself out some stuff here. I’m a selfish fuck, seriously, I am. I want to see you in some sexy shit, and I know this is the place for it,” I murmur.

  “No way. You cannot buy me panties.” She grits her teeth and her face turns ten shades of red.

  “Fuck if I can’t. I’ll be peeling them off of those long-as-shit, sexy legs, so I can buy ‘em.”

  She gasps slightly before her eyes widen and glaze over. I pull her closer to my chest and dip my chin down, brushing my lips against hers.

  “Go in there and pick out some shit that’ll make me hard as nails, sweetness,” I grunt.

  She doesn’t say anything, but thankfully, she walks into the store. I stay behind her, my hand on her lower back as she starts to walk around.

  “Can I help you with anything,” a petite blonde practically screams as we walk a little further into the store. Mary jumps slightly, and I can tell she scared her.

  “I’m just looking. I need some bras and panties,” she says.

  “And shit to sleep in,” I mutter.

  “What kind of things to sleep in?” the sales girl asks, arching a brow.

  “Things that won’t stay on long,” I counter.

  She starts pointing out different sections of the store and telling Mary-Anne about what to find in each section. I’m already bored, the excitement of sexy panties is completely gone now.

  “I cannot believe your dad would come in here with you,” the little blonde says. My brows shoot to the sky in surprise.

  “He’s definitely not my dad,” Mary counters.

  “Oh, I just assumed…”

  “You probably shouldn’t do that, sweetie. See, this guy right here, he’s fucked me better than any man I’ve ever met,” Mary announces before she walks off with her little shopping bag in hand.

  I stand and watch her ass sway for a beat before I look over at the blonde. She’s staring at me in awe, her eyes roaming my body and then landing on my cut. She sucks in a breath before her eyes go wide.

  “Oh, I’m so, so sorry,” she mutters, stumbling over herself.

  “No harm, no foul,” I assure her as I walk toward Mary.

  Mary’s picking out panties, and she’s shoving them in her bag so fast, I don’t think she’s even looking at them. She’s pissed. I wrap my hand around her belly and pull her into my chest, my mouth going to her neck.

  “Calm, sweetness,” I murmur against her skin.

  “That little bitch,” she seethes.

  I laugh as I spin her around in my arms and look down at her angry blue eyes. I didn’t think she could be more beautiful, but I was dead fuckin’ wrong. Pissed as shit, she’s fuckin’ gorgeous.

  I wr
ap my arm around her back and pick her up slightly before I make my way toward the dressing rooms. I glance around and grin when I see that we’re alone before I duck us into a stall. Turning and pressing her against the door, I lower her to the ground, my mouth hovering above hers.

  “Max,” she hisses making my cock hard as it presses against the zipper of my jeans.

  “Mmm, quiet,” I grunt.

  I unbutton her jeans before I turn her around, pushing her front against the door and pressing my chest against her back as my mouth touches the side of her neck.

  I push her jeans down her hips and I watch as her hands brace on either side of her as I wrench her lower half back. I unbutton my own jeans and push them down past my ass.

  “Are you wet for me, Mary?” I rasp as I let my cock slide through her damp folds. I know she’s wet, but that doesn’t mean I don’t want to hear her admit it.

  “Max, we can’t—,” she starts to say but I press my lips against her neck and gently bite down, as I thrust my hips, making sure my cock hits her clit.

  “Yeah, we can, are you wet for me?” I repeat.

  “I am,” she admits on a whisper.

  “You need to be quiet, yeah?” I mutter my lips still pressing against the sweet skin of her neck.

  “What if we get caught?”

  I let one of my hands drift around her hip and down to her clit, pressing against her as I slide my cock inside of her wet center with a moan. I close my eyes once I’m completely inside of her, feeling her warm heat wrap around me so fucking tight. I squeeze her hip with my other hand and rear my hips back, before pushing back inside of her.

  “Then you better be quiet,” I murmur in her ear.

  I don’t take Mary fast. I’d be pounding her into this goddamn door, and the whole store would hear, if I had my way. Instead, I choose to take her slow and hard. So hard, she’ll feel me the rest of the day, with every single move she makes.

  “Max,” she whimpers.

  Sucking on her neck, trying to keep myself from making any loud noises, I continue to slide in and out of her, my fingers caressing her clit, slow and steady. I know when she starts climbing closer toward her release when her hips push back, her ass pressing into me.

  “You feel so good,” she whispers.

  I grunt, rubbing her cunt harder and faster, feeling her body ratchet up a little higher. Her legs start to shake and she lets out a soft moan as her pussy clamps down around me. I thrust inside of her two more times before I let myself come, filling her with my release and biting her neck as I do.

  I keep my lips at her neck, licking the spot I bit, as I continue to gently fuck her., feeling the pulse of her cunt around my dick.

  “My dad,” she huffs. I chuckle at her annoyance.

  “I’m glad you’re all fired up about it, but honest to fuck, Mary, I don’t care. I think it’s kinda funny. You could even call me daddy if you wanted to,” I grin as I pull out of her.

  She turns around and her little nose wrinkles, making me laugh a little harder as I yank my pants up.

  “Don’t be disgusting, Max. Seriously, you look nothing like my father. You’re hot as shit. How could she even think that?” she asks as she pulls her own jeans up and rights herself.

  “Glad you think I’m hot, since I’m the man you’re fuckin’, babe.” I dip my head and press my lips against hers in a soft kiss. “Go spend my money, sweetness.”

  “Is everything okay in here?” the sales girl calls and Mary’s eyes widen as she looks at me, panic clearly written all over her face.

  “We’re good,” I call out and Mary’s mouth drops.

  “Umm, oh-okay,” the girl stutters.

  “I cannot believe you just did that,” Mary hisses.

  “Sweetness, she could see our feet below the door, we ain’t in here chatting about the weather. Think she figured us out.”

  The rest of the day, I watch as Mary-Anne tries on clothes, argues with me about paying for them, and then tries to look at price tags to put shit back. It’s cute, but I don’t think she realizes that I can afford whatever it is she wants in this little mall.

  Nobody else makes mention of our age difference, but we do receive some curious looks from passerby’s. It doesn’t bother me, though. Mary is special. Whatever it is about her that I want, I’m taking, and I’m not going to feel guilty about it. She is young and beautiful, but there’s more to her than just the outside—and that, aside from our obvious chemical attraction, draws me to her.

  I want to know more, and I plan on finding out as much as I can while I have her. I’m no fool. Eventually, she’ll want a man more her age; but right now, she’s cool with what we have, and I’m going to ride the wave for as long as possible, enjoying the way she makes me feel.

  “Sweetness, time to wake up.”

  I feel my body being nudged and shaken slightly. I gasp and sit up, looking around in confusion as to where I am. It takes me a minute to realize that I’m in Max’s truck, and I was asleep on his thigh. He smiles over at me, and I have to fight my body’s urge to jump him right here in the clubhouse parking lot.

  “We’re back already?” I ask as I gather some of my bags from the floorboard of the pickup before I slide out.

  I watch as Max gathers the rest, and I’m in complete shock and embarrassment at how much I bought. Once we finished at the mall, Max took me to Target to get toiletries and whatever else I needed for the foreseeable future.

  “I was going to ask you; is there any way I can use your office computer?” I ask as we walk toward the clubhouse doors. He stops dead in his tracks and then turns around to face me, at least six Target bags in each hand.

  “Why?” he drawls.

  “Oh, I have work I need to do. I have clients waiting for designs. Oh. Shit.” I breathe.


  “My programs are all loaded on my laptop. How did I not think of this? Oh, fuck. Oh, shit,” I panic, my eyes searching his—for what? I don’t know. He won’t have an answer for me.

  “A couple guys and I will head down there to get it for you this weekend, can you wait that long?” he asks.

  “That’s an eighteen-hour drive,” I hiss. He only nods in agreement before he turns and walks away from me. “Max, you cannot be serious with me right now?” I call out.

  He doesn’t respond and it pisses me off. I stomp into the clubhouse after him and don’t realize the room’s usual chatter slowly dies down at our entrance.

  “Max, don’t ignore me,” I yell.

  He does just that.

  Ignores me.

  By the time we make it into his room, I’m seething. I drop my bags on the floor and close his door behind me, angry at the fact that he not only turned away from me when we were talking, but that he also completely ignored me when I tried to discuss it further.

  He gently places his bags down on the floor and turns to face me, his nostrils flaring and his eyes glittering with their own anger. I open my mouth, but he speaks first.

  “You need to learn about who I am. I thought you knew,” he declares.

  “What does that mean?” I ask.

  “That means, you never, and I mean fucking goddamn never, raise your voice to me in front of my brothers. Never. I don’t give a flying fuck if you walk in on me shoving my dick into another woman’s pussy. You never raise your voice to me with anybody present.”

  “Excuse me?” I breathe, my vision blurring just thinking about the scene he’s so carelessly laid out for me.

  “You do it again, and there will be consequences,” he says.

  He’s not raised his voice an ounce, he sounds as though he’s ordering off a menu at a restaurant right now, but his words are menacing just the same.

  “Consequences?” I ask, unsure of what that means.

  “Each man is different. Some hit, but I meant it when I said that I would never hurt you, Mary. Though, I will punish you for doing that, should it ever happen again.”

  “I’ve been punish
ed. There’s nothing you could do or say to me that my Dad or Kyle probably hasn’t already done,” I say snottily.

  “Oh, I think you’re wrong,” he murmurs, taking a step toward me, one after the other until he’s in my space. “I’ll bring you to the brink of orgasm, but you won’t come. I’ll tie you up so you can’t touch yourself, then I’ll go downstairs and have a few beers until I decide to come back up. Then I’ll repeat myself, and I’ll do it for forty-eight hours straight before I let you come.”

  “That’s awful,” I whisper in shock. I press my thighs together at the thought of how agonizing that must be.

  “Don’t do that fuckin’ shit again, Mary. I don’t want to punish you, but I fucking will,” he murmurs. He then lifts his hand and wraps it around the back of my neck before pulling me in for a long, wet, deep kiss.

  “I didn’t mean to yell at you, but why is it such a big deal?” I mutter, placing my hands on his chest as he pulls away.

  “I’m their leader. If I allow a woman to talk to me that way, how in the fuck am I supposed to command their respect?”

  I think about his words and I understand his explanation.

  “I’m sorry.” I whisper my apology, and Max’s finger slides under my chin and tips my head back.

  “Only one apology I’ll ever accept, babe, and it ain’t words,” he mutters with a grin.

  “You’re gross,” I giggle.

  I can’t deny that I want him in my mouth. He’s been so great to me all day, minus the past ten minutes. I drop down to my knees, my hands on his belt, and I look up at him. His hand cups my cheek and his thumb slips between my lips.

  “Mouth, sweetness,” he rasps.

  I quickly pull his jeans down and open my mouth, taking him as far down my throat as I possibly can. He’s too big for me to take fully, and I can’t help but moan around him. His eyes are completely focused on mine, and his nostrils flare a bit as he watches me intently. I feel sexy and beautiful under his watchful gaze. When my hand cups his balls, he moans and thrusts his hips a bit, going deeper inside of me.

  “Need that sweet cunt, Mary,” he rasps.

  I start to stand, stripping out of his t-shirt and throwing it across the room. Then I shimmy my jeans and panties off—thankful to be rid of them. I strip out of my bra next, flinging it somewhere behind me, to join the rest of my clothes.


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