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Phoenix Bar: A Steel Demons MC Novel

Page 5

by Annelise Reynolds

  Chapter 6


  When Ember came in with lunch but without Phoenix, I was curious. I casually asked what she was up to today and Ember said she had something she needed to take care of. I didn’t give it another thought. I was chatting with Ember as she was handing out plates. This was the first job the guys and I had where we were fed and God, Ember could cook.

  If Titan hadn’t already shown his interest, I think some of the other brothers would snatch her up on her cooking alone. When you add her beauty, wit, and sweet personality to it, she was perfection, but as wonderful as she is, I wanted Phoenix.

  I was facing the door, so I noticed Phoenix immediately. “What the fuck? She looked like she was headed on a date” my mind raced, thinking about who the hell I was going to have to beat the shit out of. She asked Ember about switching phones, but it wasn’t until Ember’s comment about seeing her in the morning that I about snapped.

  I threw my food in the trash and followed Phoenix out the door. “Over my dead body was she about to go somewhere to have sex with some man. The only man that was about to fuck her sweet pussy was me.” I was trying to hold onto my anger. Did I have a right to be angry, no? No, I had been fucking the club girls more the last few months more now than I had in a while, but she was mine, damn it, and if I didn’t claim her as mine, I was going to lose her. It only took a few minutes after I climbed into her truck to convince her that I was going with her. She was irritated, but that was ok. I could definitely help her work off her irritation later in my bed.

  We had very little conversation on the ride there. When she pulled up in front of the nicest hotel in Amarillo, my blood was boiling. “I’m supposed to meet him in the restaurant at one. So, I’m going to check in before I head there. I guess I’ll see you later.” She moved to hop out of the truck, but I stopped her.

  “Let me get your door.” I said with a deceptively calm voice. Then I hopped out and moved to her side of the truck. I opened the door and held her hand as she made the small hop from the seat. It was after I shut the door that I made my move. I crowded her against the side of the truck, sandwiching her body between me and the door. “I don’t know what your meeting is about,” I said, brushing her bangs that had fallen over her eyes back, “but, I do know that you will be thinking of me while you discuss whatever business it is you have.”

  I caged her jaw in my hand and slanted my mouth over hers. I nipped at those plush silky lips and groaned at their softness. I pushed my tongue into her mouth and became intoxicated on the taste of her. One thing I never did with the women at the club was kiss them. In fact, it had been about five years since I kissed a woman, since Monica. This practice served two purposes; one, it kept women at arm’s length, and the second and most important in my mind, you never know when one of the girls at the club last gave head to one of the brothers and no way in hell would I want to kiss a woman who recently blew a brother.

  She whimpered when my arm snaked around her waist and brought her closer to my body. I let go of her jaw and moved my hand down to her neck cupping it in my palm and I traced her jawline with my thumb. Her arms circled around my neck to bring me even closer. I tore my mouth from hers and kissed my way to her neck, sliding my hand over her shoulder and down to her breast where I squeezed the full firm globe. Her breaths were quick and shallow, her breasts rising and grazing my chest with every inhale, I brushed my thumb over her nipple. A shutter wracked through her body. Her fingers tunneled through my hair and a moan escaped her lips.

  A throat cleared, bringing my attention away from the woman in my arms. I pulled back slightly while she cuddled into my chest. I turned to a familiar face that held eyes full of anger and disappointment.


  Whatever business Phoenix was taking care of, she had included Gavel. He wasn’t happy to see me with my tongue down his girl’s throat and I’m sure that I would be hearing about it later. I was out of place in the restaurant, still in my work clothes, but frankly, I didn’t care. I sat at the bar drinking a beer and watching Gavel speak with Phoenix. I hadn’t seen him around the last few days, but that wasn’t unusual. He was part of the club but set apart at the same time because of his work.

  I watched as a man approached the table they were at. He was in a suit and had a wealthy look about him. I watched as he raked his eyes over Phoenix. My hand tightened around my beer. He said something that made her smile widely and laugh softly. I didn’t like the way he was looking at her. He was a little too appreciative for my comfort. Though I couldn’t blame him. She looked like a delectable dessert I couldn’t wait to eat.

  It seemed that they got down to business, because Gavel handed them a contract of some kind to sign. I had the quick thought that maybe they were married and signing divorce papers, but that was quickly put to rest. I’d seen my share of people getting a divorce and they did not meet for lunch or hang around after the papers were signed.

  Phoenix started talking first, whatever she was saying, and the guy in the suit did not like it. His shoulders were tense and face drawn tight. He looked angry. Phoenix looked composed, but her eyes seemed like they were pleading for him to understand something. I looked at Gavel to see his reaction to the conversation. He remained focused on what was being said.

  The conversation between the two kept going. I was surprised when they were still talking two hours later. I ended up ordering lunch for myself and after two beers I switched to water. The waitress kept trying to get my attention and flirt with me and normally, I would have flirted back and most likely ended up in her bed tonight. Now, with the taste of Phoenix still on my lips, she didn’t appeal to me in the least.

  I was just finishing my food when I saw movement at their table. All three of them stood up and shook hands. Phoenix was nodding at whatever he said. Gavel handed him a packet of papers. The man took a step toward her leaned down and said something in her ear. It took all my strength not to go over there and rip him away from her. If I hadn’t been watching, I would have missed his eyes flick toward me before he touched his lips to her cheek. The bastard knew I was watching and he knew I wanted her. Whoever this fucker was, he was playing with fire.

  Gavel and Phoenix talked for another minute after he walked away and then moved toward me in the bar. “Everything go as planned?”

  “Yes and no. I’m meeting him for breakfast in the morning, so I will know more then.”

  I took a deep breath reminding myself that it was a breakfast business meeting not breakfast in bed. “We’ll get a double room for us tonight and we’ll all head back to Belle after breakfast.” Gavel was looking at me as he spoke.

  “That works.” I nodded at him. Message received loud and clear. He wanted to make sure that I spent the night in my own bed without Phoenix.

  “So, what do you gentlemen want to do tonight?” Phoenix asked. Such a loaded question and nothing gentlemanly about my real answer.

  “Well, since I didn’t bring any clothes. I’ve got to run to a store to get some, but other than that, I’m all yours.” I let the innuendo hang and Gavel growled.

  I’m not going to lie, I got a kick out of Gavel’s protectiveness of Phoenix. Gavel looked at his watch then spoke. “It’s now 4:30, if we may use your truck, we will head out to get Grit some clothes and we will meet you down in the lobby at 7:00. Perhaps we can go for a few drinks.”

  Gavel was definitely going to ream me when Phoenix was out of earshot and he was going to play chaperone while we went for drinks. Honestly though, I didn’t mind. He cared about her and was looking out for her. At least I have peace of mind that if whatever he is keeping tabs on in her life, if it starts to come back on her, he will take care of it or let the club take care of it.

  “Sure, I’ll get you both a room. When you go to the store would you mind picking up a charger for Ember’s phone?”

  “That’s alright. He doesn’t have business here. A double room for us to share will be fine, and yes, I’ll get you a charger
.” Gavel was being adamant that we share a room.


  The minute Phoenix headed up toward her room, Gavel lit into me. “Damn it, Grit, what the hell did I tell you, boy? I told you not to fuck with her. She is not a club girl. If you want to get your dick wet, it better not be in Abby!” He cut off realizing his mistake. Then he started cussing at himself.

  “Abby.” I liked it. It wasn’t much, but at least I finally had a real first name. Not that I didn’t like Phoenix, I did, it suited her also, but knowing her real name was different somehow. I watched Gavel fume at himself and at me for a few minutes before I decided to talk. “Gavel, if all I wanted was to fuck, any woman would do.”

  He stopped and studied me for a moment. “You’re sure?”

  “No, I’m not sure about anything, other than the fact that I want her in a way that I have never wanted another woman.”

  Gavel shook his head. “The first word is all I’m concerned about. Until you can answer my question with a definitive ‘yes’, you don’t touch her.”

  “Come on, Gavel, you’re a part of an MC, I know you aren’t a saint and never have been. Be realistic. I want her and if our kiss is any indication, she wants me as well.”

  “I’ve not asked many of the members for anything in my life, Grit, but I’m asking you this. Don’t fuck with her unless you are damn certain you’re in for the long haul.”

  “What happened to her?” I asked him. His attitude toward her was fiercely protective. There is something in her past that he knows about and whatever it is, it’s big. I had a suspicion and the thought made my blood boil with rage.

  “I can’t tell you that, Grit. Attorney client privilege, which, by the way, I have already broken by telling you her name.” He ran a frustrated hand through his hair.

  “I’ll get her to tell me herself, eventually, but until then, she won’t hear it from me.”

  “No, I have to tell her you know, but you cannot tell anyone else. Not even Titan. I’m watching the situation from afar and if it starts getting out of hand, I’ll suggest she tell you or allow me to tell you what is going on. But I’m warning you now, getting her to tell anything will be harder than pulling a heist. She won’t talk easily. If her Grandmother hadn’t told me everything to begin with when I was helping her with her will, I probably wouldn’t know anything at all.”

  The gut feeling I told Titan I had, got worse. Something was going on and Phoenix and Ember were somehow attached to it. Now, I couldn’t even tell Titan the minimum information that I had from Gavel –which was basically nothing. Fuck!

  Chapter 7


  Brice got exactly what he wanted; that kiss turned me into mush. He wanted me only thinking about him during my meeting and it was damn near impossible to think about anything else. His body had felt like heaven pressed up against mine. There must not be an ounce of fat on him, because he was hard all over and I felt the hard evidence of his arousal against my belly. I was all but rubbing up against it, trying to get closer. Never before have I been kissed like that, it was totally consuming.

  I had to really concentrate to focus on my meeting with Philip Worthington and if it wasn’t so important, I’m not sure that I could have. Jed had everything drawn up beforehand. I really don’t know what I would do without him. I could tell he was upset about having caught me and Brice together, but he didn’t say anything about it, so I just let it go. When Philip joined our table, I felt Brice’s eyes on me.

  “Mr. Worthington,” I shook his hand. “Before we discuss any type of business, I will need you to sign a confidentiality agreement. I will, of course, abide by the contract as well, as it is stated in the agreement.” Jed produced two copies of the agreement which he looked over thoroughly before signing. “Now, let’s get down to business.”

  I explained to him everything. I told him about the embezzlement my parents were committing and my desire to sell the company without pressing charges. I knew they would lose their jobs and they fully deserved that and worse. He needed to understand that pursuing legal action against them would just rain hell down on me that I didn’t need or want.

  We talked back and forth and at the end of it all, I still didn’t have a buyer. He said that he would have to think about it, but he would let me know at breakfast in the morning. When we were saying goodbye, he leaned in close to whisper in my ear. “I’ve got a man staring daggers at me and he has been since the moment I sat down. I’ve also noticed him undressing you with his eyes. Do I need to do something about this?”

  I laughed and told him no. I felt his lips graze my cheek before he pulled back. His grin let me know that he was doing it for the sole purpose of getting to Brice and I wanted to laugh. Toying with Brice was funny. I would never toy with him seriously, but little pokes like this I felt were harmless enough.

  “I’ll see you tomorrow and thank you for your discretion in all areas.” I shook his hand goodbye. When he left, I turned to Jed, “How was New York? Any progress?”

  “We have multiple offers on McKenzie’s place. I told the agent to take the best one. We should be expecting that to start going through by next week. As far as your estate goes, with your parents living there, I can’t really do much without tipping our hand. I’ve discretely talked to realtors about value. The estimate is in the folder I gave you. I’ve also talked to an estate managing company. Once you’re ready, we can send them in to do an appraisal of the furnishings. My suggestion is to play everything close to the chest and then lay all our cards on the table at once.”

  I nodded, taking in everything he was saying. “We will do as you suggest. Just please keep me posted. Are you still tracking their movements?”

  “Yes, I have someone tracking them. They haven’t even hinted at a movement toward Texas. As far as I know, they are still unaware of your grandmother’s passing.”

  “Great. I hope that is not going to be an issue for Worthington. He seemed pretty upset that the stockholders were unaware of the company’s majority shareholder being traded hands without anyone’s knowledge. Truthfully, Grams has been conducting her business through someone else for years, so they wouldn’t know one way or the other.”

  “Yes. Let’s just hope for the best. We need to join Brice now, he’s been watching us the whole time.”

  I smiled at him. “Yes, I know. I felt it.”


  They guys met me in the lobby at seven as planned. Brice’s hair was still wet from the shower he had. He was in new dark wash jeans and wore a white chambray shirt rolled up to his elbows. My mouth watered. I wanted to lick and nibble my way down his body. I felt my panties grow wet again. It was a double edge sword; being around him and wearing panties. If I wore them, they ended up wet within moments. If I didn’t wear them, I’d have wetness running down my thighs. It is a delicious and yet annoying problem to be experiencing all the time.

  Jed was standing beside him. He was a nice looking man for being in his sixties. His hair was salt and pepper, heavy on the salt. He wore it close cropped, probably from his days in the service, if I had to guess. Jed is one of those men that his looks just get more distinguished with age. Hell, he could give Brice a run for his money, if he was thirty years younger. With the men standing side by side, I drew up short.

  I looked back and forth between the two of them. The way they stood, their mannerisms, how they held themselves, and their grins both of which were growing wider. “I think she’s figured it out, dad.” I heard Brice say.

  “I believe so, son,” Jed responded with a chuckle. I shook my head and approached them.

  “Why didn’t you tell me?” I asked Jed, seeing as I have spent more time with him.

  “A couple reasons; one, being it hasn’t come up and two, it’s just not something we tell. If you know us well enough, you figure it out eventually.” He winked at me. “You ready to head out?”

  “Yes.” I walked between them and Brice slipped his arm around my waist. His hand
rested on my hip at the top of my jeans and he slipped his thumb under the hem of my shirt, grazing the sensitive flesh beneath. I shivered in response to his touch. “Your dad is right there,” I whispered, though I’m sure Jed heard me.

  “Yes, he is, and he is also playing chaperone and making sure that I stay in my bed alone tonight, so a little touch on the flesh of your hip is all I’m going to get. I’m taking it.” He leaned in and nipped my earlobe with his teeth. I moaned involuntarily.

  Jed cleared his throat for the second time today. “Sorry, Jed,” I said. My face was on fire. “Behave,” I muttered to Brice and he laughed. The rich sound vibrated through his chest, the deep timber sent warmth through my body. “Panties are pointless,” I muttered, but when Brice groaned, I realized I didn’t mutter soft enough.

  “Don’t make me separate you two,” Jed grumbled.


  We ended up at a bar, there were Stetsons and boots everywhere and country music blaring through the sound system. I fortunately had worn my knee high boots and a brown and turquoise pattern shirt. The turquoise I knew made my eyes pop. We were sitting around talking, mainly I was listening to Jed and Brice tell stories about their years in the club and Jed told a few of Brice growing up. We were having a great time kicking back a few beers and laughing.

  Brice excused himself for a moment and left Jed and I at the table. “He’s my son and I love him. Nothing would make me happier than to see you two end up together, but make sure you are ready, Abby. I’ve given him the same warning. I don’t want to see either of you hurt.”

  It was not what I was expecting him to say. He didn’t strike me as the person to try to interfere in anyone’s personal life. I wasn’t mad about his warning. I know he meant it well and I found it very comforting that he was trying to look out for me. I have my own reservations and worries about his son.


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