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I Am a Dominant

Page 6

by Maggie Carpenter


  Caroline’s First Spanking

  On Thursday I decided to hire a driver and car. Parking is such a bear, and I wanted to share a bottle of wine. As she came down her front steps and saw the car she shot me a look with those amazing eyes.

  “Mr. Collier, a driver, how thoughtful.”

  “It’s easier,” I smiled.

  I could tell she was nervous, but in a good way, and truth be told so was I; this was unique. Sharing the sexual intimacy of the playroom on our first, strained meeting, the intense conversation while there, then running into each other months later wasn’t the usual sequence of events. As she walked with me to the car I could feel the electricity between us, and I found myself hoping our evening would last until morning. Settling into the back seat I reached across and took her hand.

  “This time it’s not about protection,” I said softly, “and if it’s something you don’t want me to do-”

  “I do, I do,” she said quickly, closing her fingers around my hand.

  “Just as well,” I smiled.

  I felt her pulse quicken, not literally, but I sensed it, and guessed there was a lovely warm wetness already building between her legs. Leaning forward I brought my lips to her neck and kissed her lightly, loving the slight quiver I received in response, then moved my mouth to her ear.

  “You wanted me to hold your hand at the club even though you pretended you didn’t. I don’t know why you made such a fuss, you naughty girl.”

  It was a toe in the water, and I was rewarded with a sharp intake of breath. Pulling back I challenged her with my eyes and she nodded her head.

  “True on both counts,” she whispered.

  “You get a gold star for admitting it,” I said warmly, and kissed her lightly on the mouth, but let my lips linger for just a moment.

  She hadn’t been expecting it, but when she sat back she sighed, then dropped her head on my shoulder. I squeezed her hand, and though she didn’t know it at the time, I’d done so because she’d just made the first baby step in her surrender. It was one of those simple magical moments that fills my heart, and stirs my Dominant soul.

  The restaurant was an upmarket Indian place that offers a menu that’s a notch above the norm. Along with the regular fare the chef prepares his own exotic creations every week, and as the waiter gave us the list of unique dishes her eyes lit up.

  “I absolutely love Indian food, and this place is incredible,” she declared.

  “I’m a bit of a food junkie,” I admitted, “and this place isn’t easy to stay away from.”

  “I can understand why, look at the things on the Chef’s Specials, they sound fantastic.”

  It took a few minutes to make our selections, but once the waiter had left and we were sipping our wine, she took a deep breath and stared at me, as if trying to make a decision.

  “What is it?” I asked.

  “It’s a bit, uh, provocative, something I want to ask you.”

  “Provocative? Provocative questions are always welcome,” I smiled. “Ask away.”

  “Since that night at the club I’ve been doing some reading about…uh-”

  “Dominance and submission?” I interrupted lowering my voice.

  “Yes,” she nodded, “sorry, I just feel a bit awkward.”

  “No need to apologize,” I assured her, “I understand. Ask me anything.”

  “I don’t know why I suddenly feel shy about this.”

  “I don’t think it’s your normal first date conversation.”

  That seemed to help; her shoulders dropped and she broke into a smile.

  “This is very true.”

  “So, what’s the question?” I pushed.

  “I’ve read quite a bit, even a few books, and I think I’d definitely enjoy some of the things…but there’s other stuff that’s really extreme, very disturbing.”

  “There sure is, just like there’s skiing down the bunny slope, or dropping from a helicopter to the sheer side of a mountain and landing on snow that could start an avalanche,” I replied dramatically. “There’s the tame to the extreme in just about everything in life.”

  “You’re right,” she agreed, “and you’ve just given me the perfect way to ask my question; in your dominant thing, are you a bunny slope guy, or are you the skier dropping from the helicopter?”

  Her question made all kinds of sense, and after taking a sip of my wine I reached across the table and took her hand.

  “It’s all relative, but first let me assure you there are definitely areas I consider taboo. I am an adventurer, but I’m not a sex crazed lunatic. If you want to explore this with me I’d start you on the bunny slope and take it from there.”

  I saw her swallow then shift in her seat; she wanted to, she wanted to very badly, and I brought her hand to my lips and kissed it before laying it softly on the table. I saw her face flush ever so slightly, and to her relief a young man arrived with a basket of poppadoms.

  With that elephant having left the center of the table, the rest of the meal progressed in comfortable conversation. We talked about her work for a national clothing store chain, and her promotion from one department to head up another, an achievement of which she was very proud. I found her to be as sharp as I’d thought, wittier than I had expected, and very warm.

  The meal came to a close and I texted the driver to bring the car, but the unspoken question hung in the air; I smiled across at her, locking her gorgeous eyes.

  “Am I taking you home, or would you like to come back to my place for a nightcap?”

  She tilted her head to one side, and said, in a very low, calm voice,

  “You’re taking me back to your place, but not for a nightcap.”

  If I said my cock suddenly burst to life it wouldn’t be an exaggeration. Though I knew she was attracted to me and was aching to explore her submissive side, in spite of my hopes I didn’t expect her to throw herself at my mercy so quickly, but I came to learn that Caroline was decisive and proactive.

  During the drive back to my home I rested by hand on her leg, dancing my little finger lightly against her thigh; already filled with anticipation, I was sure the small titillating gesture would fuel the fire.

  My home isn’t grand, but it isn’t modest either, and is artfully decorated. The living room boasts an impressive fireplace with an ornate Italian mantle, and though it wasn’t a cold night I chose to bring it to life. She wandered across to my bookshelf and studied the titles, and when I walked over to join her I could see her nerves had returned.

  “You can change your mind, it’s okay,” I murmured putting my arm around her.

  “I don’t want to, and I don’t know why I suddenly feel a bit…”

  “It’s natural. Let me take your coat, come and sit on the couch with me.”

  My sofa is one of my favorite pieces of furniture. It’s like sitting in a big, soft cloud, and it’s absolutely perfect to cuddle on; I put her at the end so she could lean back against the wide, high arm.

  “I think we should dispense with these,” I smiled, kneeling down and removing her glossy black high-heels, “though I must say, they are lovely, you have excellent taste.”

  “And here thought I was the one who’d be kneeling when we got back here,” she giggled

  “You did? That’s quite an admission,” I winked. “Not to worry, the night is young.”

  The small joke seemed to help, and dropping next to her I was delighted when she leaned into my shoulder. I was in no hurry, and if she did change her mind I’d have no qualms about letting her stay the night in the guest room.

  “You are such a gentleman,” she sighed.

  The unexpected statement surprised me (to say the least) but it also made me smile.

  “Why do you say that?”

  “Because that night at the club I was so awful and you never got mad, and when you did tell me what you thought, you did it in a really calm way. I don’t think I’ve ever had a man speak to me like tha
t, or treat me with such kindness,” she said, sighing again, then after a brief pause she added, “I’ve thought about you a lot since then.”

  “I’ve thought about you too” I replied honestly, “but that night I must admit I really wanted to spank you.”

  “You did?” she asked, sitting up and staring at me.

  “Of course, and now I think I just might.”

  “Wait, are you serious?”

  “Do you see me laughing?”

  “Bloody hell.”

  “You said that when we first walked into the playroom,” I remarked, vividly recalling the moment.

  “Sorry, it slips out when something takes me by surprise or I get nervous.”

  “I’ll only spank you if you want me to. Do you?”

  She swallowed, began to blush, and sent her gaze to the fire.

  “Yes, James, I do.”

  “Right then,” I declared, and reaching behind her neck I pulled her over my lap.

  She let out a cry of shock, and before she’d even settled I landed a sound swat on her lovely curves.

  “OW! I can’t believe you’re doing this, I can’t believe this is happening.”

  It’s an odd thing, that statement, and it’s one I’ve heard too many times to count.

  “You mean you didn’t feel that? Let me try again,” I declared, and smacked her three times in quick succession, eliciting a loud squeal.

  “Bloody hell!”

  “I’ll wait a moment so you can get comfortable, you’ll tell me when you’re ready.”



  “I feel really weird.”

  “I think you mean embarrassed, and that’s normal. Don’t worry, it will soon pass.”

  “Oh, my, God, I don’t think so,” she muttered, struggling to find a position.

  Shuffling further down the couch, I brought her legs up on the sofa, and she wriggled forward before finally settling.

  “Okay,” she squeaked.

  “Okay, what?” I pressed.

  “Okay, go ahead…I suppose.”

  “That wasn’t very convincing, nor very polite. Try again.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Say…James, I’m ready, please will you spank me.”

  “You’re kidding?”

  I answered by landing a very hard slap.


  “Caroline, you’ve read and researched, so now I think you’re just testing me. Probably not a good idea so soon out of the gate.”

  “That one really hurt.”

  I answered with two more quick smacks.

  “Am I not making myself clear? Unless you’ve changed your mind and-”

  “No! I haven’t! Sorry. Please, James, I’m ready for you to spank me.”

  “Not a hundred percent but that’s much better. Why am I spanking you?”

  “Because I was rude.”

  “And you were mean to that poor girl at Harrods. You do need to get your impatience and that naughty little temper of yours under control, don’t you think?”

  “Yes, James.”

  “Remember this moment next time you’re tempted to be that way.”

  My hand began bouncing across her perfectly fine bottom, and though I’d left her dress and panties in place I could feel how wonderfully round and full it was. She was uttering her ow’s and ouches, and when I stopped she let out a very dramatic sigh.

  “Oh, I’m glad you stopped, it was beginning to really sting.”

  “You’re not done,” I said sternly, and before she had a chance to react I swiftly lifted her dress over her back.

  “Ooh, did you have to do that? Now I really am embarrassed.”

  “Of course, I told you I was going to spank you, and that, Caroline, means on your bare backside.”

  As I began to slide down her knickers she moaned and wriggled her protest, but she didn’t try to get up or tell me to stop, and I knew she was in the love/hate mode. I also knew when I touched between her legs I’d find her deliciously wet.

  Her lovely red cheeks stared up at me, and I had to take a moment to soak in the glorious sight before softly smoothing my palm over her warm skin.

  “Now, Caroline,” I began, “you really will feel a sting. Since this is your first time I won’t spank you too hard, but you will know you’ve been punished when I’ve finished. I’d be grateful if you’d bury your head into the sofa if you need to yell. Any questions?”

  “Bury my head? Bloody hell.”

  “I’m not sure that was a question. I’m going to ask you again, and this time please answer me. Do you have any questions?”

  “No, James,” she muttered.

  “Good, and remember, this is for your impatience and your naughty little temper.”

  I lifted my hand, waited a few seconds just to add some anticipation, then let it fly, dispatching it across her luscious moons with gusto. The seconds ticked by and I increased the force and pace, and as her utterances of pain became louder, I moved my slaps to whisk across the tops of her thighs, into her seat crease.

  “Stop, please, James, stop, I won’t be impatient, I won’t, I won’t.”

  She blurted out her vow just as I was about to finish, so I paused.

  “Is that right?” I asked calmly.

  “Yes,” she panted, “yes, I swear.”

  “That is good news. I’m sure having more tolerance will work well for you. I’m going to add a few more swats for good measure, then we’re done.”

  “Oh, James, no more, please.”

  “Yes, just a few.”

  I landed half-a-dozen, then lovingly rubbed my hand over her hot, crimson backside.

  “There you are, Caroline, your first spanking. How do you feel?”

  “I’m not sure,” she bleated.

  “Now comes the good part.”

  “There’s a good part?” she asked dubiously.

  “Mmm, there certainly is,” I purred, and slipped my fingers into her sex.

  She moaned loudly and sank into my lap, then shifted her body so she could look at me over her shoulder.

  “James, I want you so much,” she breathed. “Please take me to your bedroom.”

  “Since you asked so nicely,” I smiled, “raise yourself up and put your arms around my neck.”

  Breathing heavily, her face flushed, she did as I directed, and lifting her with me as I stood up I carried her out of the living room, down the hallway, up the stairs (not the easiest thing in the world) and into my bed.


  Caroline’s First Lesson

  By its very nature, making love to a woman for the first time is always unique; traversing her body, finding her sweet spots, the ones that make her shift and moan, it’s such a delicious exploration, but I cannot make the full journey in one night. Every woman has so much to offer, her body has so many secrets to uncover, so many nooks and crannies to explore, spending only one night with her is a crime.

  Caroline though…my first foray with Caroline was breathtaking; her entire body was like a live wire, but I’m getting ahead of myself.

  The moment I laid her on the bed she began undulating in an extraordinarily sensual dance. Those dark almond-eyes, filled with longing, gazed up at me, and sitting on the edge of the bed I took her wrists, pinned them above her head and dropped my lips to hers.

  Her mouth hungrily responded, then her tongue darted through my teeth sparking tiny electric shocks. I pressed my lips in a demanding, devouring kiss, taking control, and she squirmed under me, fighting my hold. Pulling back I stared down at her.

  “Stop…I’ll ravage you, or I will slowly consume you, piece by delicious piece, but I will decide which it will be. If you want a fight fantasy that’s fine, but it must be earned. Now behave.”

  I heard her gasp, and I sensed a slight tremble.

  “Do you understand?”

  “I d-do, I’m just…”

  “Just what?”

  “F-feeling so m-much
. You t-turn me on so m-much.”

  Are there any words that can send a pulsing hunger through a man more than those? Certainly not this man, and I heard myself growl as I buried my lips against her neck, my cock pressing urgently against my trousers.

  “You have much to learn, young lady,” I muttered, “and it’s going to be my great pleasure to teach you.”

  Again she shivered, she moaned, she gasped, she wriggled under me, and laying on top of her I sank my weight on top of her, sending my lips to her ear.

  “Relax, feel me, sink into the bed as I sink into you,” I murmured, and as the seconds ticked by I felt it; she stopped trying to lift her wrists, her tight body turned soft, and then she sighed.

  It was a long, heavy, deep sigh, a sigh that signaled she finally understood, and I moved my lips back to hers, kissing her slowly, softly, gently lingering, relishing her warm, sweet response.

  “Good girl,” I breathed.

  “This is amazing,” she whispered.

  “Close your eyes, and keep them closed until I tell you otherwise. Understand?”

  “Yes, I understand,” she mumbled, and I watched her lower her eyelids as she let out another, deep weighty sigh.

  I slowly began to peel away her clothes, luxuriating in the unveiling, feasting my eyes on the body eagerly waiting my attention, and wherever my fingertips tickled, she gasped, when my lips lightly kissed, she mewed, and as my hands fondled her full, round breasts, I was rewarded with a bevy of soulful moans.

  Having saved the best for last I slid her knickers down her legs, revealing her glistening pussy with its curly sable forest, and though I was tempted to press my fingers between those gorgeous lips I held back; she would have to wait, and wait some more, and then…

  Relishing the thought I stood up and began to strip, continuing to gaze at her loveliness. She was whimpering, her arms still above her head, and I watched, slightly spellbound, as she moved one of them down and began trailing her fingers across her body towards her drooling cunt.

  “No, Caroline, those fingers are not allowed between your legs.”

  It was a warning, and delivered with the appropriate tone. She paused, then moved them a tad further, and I was reminded of a child being told not to touch something, and staring at its parent, dared to reach out just a bit more.


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