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Cocky Bastard

Page 23

by Penelope Ward

  She lifted her brow. “Why is that?”

  “Because we have two years’ worth of fucking to do.”

  I took Aubrey by the hand, and she followed me into the apartment as we practically stumbled through the door. Anticipating what was about to happen, my dick was excruciatingly hard.

  I grabbed the biggest bowl I could find and filled it with water so that Pixy wouldn’t dehydrate in case we didn’t come out of our room for hours.

  “Go to town, Bugger,” I said, placing the bowl in front of him. “That’s exactly what I intend to do on your mother.”

  As she stood in front of me, it felt like a huge weight had lifted. It was the first time that I could truly be with Aubrey without apprehension and uncertainty.

  I pulled at my hair as I stared down at her and shook my head. “I don’t even know where to start. There’s so much I want to do to you.”

  “I’m ready for anything.”

  “You sure?”


  “I think I need to fuck you hard then. Are you okay with that?”

  She answered by pulling her sundress over her head. As she kicked her panties to the ground, I stripped out of my own clothes. The way she was staring at my body excited me even more. All of the restraint I exhibited over the past several weeks was completely non-existent now.

  “Good God,” I breathed out as I got a look at her stark naked body in pure daylight. She’d shaved a thin line of hair down the middle of her beautiful mound. I so wanted to savor her, but not this time. That would be later. Right now, I needed her desperately.

  I gripped the side of her waist and pulled her toward me. Within seconds, her legs were wrapped around me as I lifted her onto my starving cock.

  “Aaagh,” I yelled out at how incredible it felt as I sunk deep inside of her. It felt better than anything I could remember before it.

  We hadn’t even bothered to move from the same spot. Her back was against my bedroom door as I pounded into her relentlessly, breaking her in while she begged for it harder. I wasn’t sure if it was because I was with the woman I loved or because it had been so long, but never had a pussy wrapped around my cock ever felt tighter, hotter, wetter…more perfect or made for me in my entire life.

  Gripping her ass tightly, within minutes, I felt her muscles spasm around me.

  “Come, Aubrey. Come all over my dick, Princess. Let go.”

  “Say my name when you come. I love when you say my name,” she whispered over my mouth.

  As I came inside of her, I muttered her name repeatedly with each thrust of my hips. “Aubrey…Fuck…Aubrey…God…Aubrey…Aubrey…Aubrey.”

  We stayed connected, leaning our foreheads together.

  “I love you, Aubrey.”

  “It was a long road to get here, but it was worth it,” she said.

  “Worth every second.”

  We stayed holding each other for a long time before I finally put her down. “You hungry?”

  “A little.”

  “Let’s get something in you…besides me. You’re gonna need the energy for round two.”

  I threw my underwear on and placed my t-shirt over her head. I loved looking at her nipples peeking through my clothing. As she followed me into the kitchen, she placed her hand over her mouth in disbelief as reality set in. “Holy shit. I don’t have a job. I’ve never been unemployed before.”

  “You’re in luck, Mrs. Bateman. I have an opening for a sex slave.”

  “After what you just did to me in there, I would gladly volunteer for that position, Mr. Bateman.”

  “We’ll find you a job here doing something you’re passionate about,” I said seriously.

  “I’m passionate about you, and I’d like to do you over and over again.”

  “Then, it’s settled. Sex slave it is.”

  “But seriously, though, I don’t want to be dependent. I would literally be mooching off of your ass money.”

  “Seeing as though I’ll be claiming your ass later, sounds like that’s only fair. An ass for an ass.”




  Chance and I stood at the door of the little white chapel, home to our fake wedding over three years ago. Goosebumps peppered my skin because it all seemed just like yesterday. Being here was nostalgic and at the same time, made me a little sad for the years that we lost in between.

  With her red frizzy hair and over the top multi-colored smock, Zelda looked almost exactly the same as I remembered her.

  She squinted her eyes and looked right at Chance. “Haven’t you been in here before?”

  He beamed. Returning here had been his idea. “Very perceptive. This time we have an appointment. It’s under Bateman. Six o’clock,” Chance said, lifting up the piece of paper. “And an actual marriage license. We’re doing the real deal this time.”

  She snapped her finger. “That’s right. You’re the Aussie guy…those vows…how could I forget? I should have known that you two were for real. One of the few couples I actually wondered about after they left. What took you so long?”

  “Eh, hit a few bumps during the rest of our road trip. But we landed on our feet, didn’t we, Princess?”

  Hearing him say that was bittersweet. Anytime I thought about the two years we were apart, it made me incredibly sad. He looked down at me with adoring eyes. God, how did I get so lucky to find a man who loved me so hard?

  “Are you ready to get started?” she asked.

  “Yes.” I smiled, still looking up into Chance’s number thirteen blues.

  Adele and her boyfriend Harry were with us to serve as witnesses. Since we drove, we brought Pixy along. He was the honorary best man.

  Already decked out in a dress of my choice, I’d come prepared this time. Chance looked incredibly sexy in a white linen shirt rolled up at the sleeves and dress pants that hugged his gorgeous ass—the ass that still helped support us to this day. I’d given up my law career for a much more fulfilling job running the local animal shelter in Hermosa Beach. The pay was crap, but I looked forward to getting up and being with the animals every day and never dreaded going into work. Chance still made a good living off royalties from his soccer-model career but also opened up his own landscaping business with a full staff of employees. He still dabbled in junk art on the side.

  As I made my way down the aisle, the song that Chance had chosen caught me off guard: The Long and Winding Road by the Beatles. It was unconventional, but the meaning was completely perfect for us.

  You’d think after all this time, I wouldn’t have been nervous, but my hands were shaking as the ceremony started. It was no different than our first go round here.

  Elvis spoke, “If anyone can show just cause why they may not be lawfully joined together, let them speak now or forever hold their peace.”

  As if on cue, Pixy let out a long “Baaaaaa.”

  Chance turned around and joked, “You would stir up trouble right now, wouldn’t you, Bugger?”

  “Who gives this woman to be married to this man?”

  Adele spoke from behind me, “I do.” She and I had become like sisters to each other. I was grateful for my new family.

  It touched me when Chance took my hands in his and said, “I wish Mum could have met you.”

  Elvis interrupted our private moment. “Will you be using standard vows, or do you have your own?”

  We answered at the same exact time.

  “Standard,” Chance said while I spoke over him, “I have my own.”

  He looked stunned as he leaned in and whispered, “Princess, you wrote vows? I just wanted to be officially married to you as fast as possible. I was gonna forego them this time.”

  Nodding, I said, “It’s my turn. I have something to say.”

  When Chance got through repeating after Elvis, I cleared my throat.

  How could I possibly put into words what he meant to me?

  Taking a deep breath, I composed my thought
s before speaking. “Chance, when we met, I didn’t know what hit me. All I knew was that for the first time in my life, I was living in the moment. You taught me so much in a little over a week about what’s important in life. You taught me how to enjoy life and not take myself so seriously. You made me fall so crazy in love with you that even later when I believed you’d hurt me, I still couldn’t shake you. I could only pretend not to care anymore. I thought I loved you then. But little did I know that our real love story hadn’t even begun to play out. I never loved you more than when you came back and fought for me with everything that you had. Day in and day out, you threw away your pride and never gave up on me even when I made it really hard to believe that things would ever work out for us. You earned back my trust and then some. You said you wished your mother could have met me. Well, I wish she were here too, so I could thank her for the way she brought you up. To think that if I took even one wrong turn, I might never have met you when I did at the rest stop in Nebraska. A single minute can change an entire life. Yet, I still feel like somehow we would have met anyway. That’s because I know now that you’re my soulmate. The road that led us here wasn’t always easy, but it made us stronger and more ready than ever for where it takes us next. I can’t wait for the next adventure. I love you, Chance.”

  I don’t think I’d ever seen Chance cry, but his eyes were starting to glisten as he silently mouthed, “I love you, Princess.”

  Elvis prompted us to exchange rings. Chance had always refused to take the old fake one off even though it had turned his finger green. I slid a new platinum band on his finger instead this time. Chance had surprised me with—what else—a princess cut diamond ring a few months ago. He placed a diamond eternity band on my hand in front of it.

  “By the power vested in me by the state of Nevada, you may now kiss the bride.”

  Chance lifted me up into his arms and kissed me like there was no tomorrow. His warm lips enveloping mine along with knowing that he was officially my husband felt like heaven. Pixy was growing impatient and started to “baa” again while Adele and Harry clapped.

  Chance put me down, and Zelda spoke from behind us. “That kiss! Now, I know exactly why I remember you two.”

  Zelda took pictures of Chance and me alone and then some with Adele and Pixy.

  We booked a room at the same hotel where we stayed three years ago and planned to stay in Vegas for a mini honeymoon. Adele and Harry took Pixy back into their SUV. We hugged them goodbye, since they’d be driving right back to Hermosa Beach.

  As we stepped out into the dry heat with the Vegas sun setting, I had a special surprise waiting for Chance in front of the chapel.

  He broke out in laughter when he saw the black BMW, the same make and model as the one from our road trip.

  “You rented a Beemer?”

  BEE-MA. My love for his accent never waned.

  “I know we were going to fly home, but I thought it would be a nice touch.”

  I had Adele decorate the car with sparkly writing on the back that read: Just Married…Again. I was most excited to show him something that was inside.

  “It’s perfect. Shall I drive, Mrs. Bateman?”

  “Yes. I think I’d like to just stare at my handsome husband without any distractions.”

  When we got in, a wide smile spread across his face the moment he spotted it on the dash, “Mr. Obama! You kept him all these years?”

  “I have to tell you a story. Back when I first got to Temecula and traded in the BMW, I left the bobblehead inside. The clerk at the dealership ran after me and asked me if I wanted it. I told her to keep it. I was trying to get rid of all physical signs of you, because losing you hurt so badly. You were still in my heart, and that wasn’t going away, so I did what I could to remove all other reminders. A few weeks later, I was parked at a gas station. A boy around twelve was waiting in the car next to me for his father to come out of the mini-mart. I noticed the bobblehead on his dash. I just couldn’t believe it. I knew it had to be ours. I asked him where he got it. He said his father gave it to him. Turns out, the dad worked at the dealership. I didn’t know what it meant, but it somehow felt like it was a sign that I wasn’t supposed to let you go. I asked him how much money I could give him to buy it back. He charged me ten bucks, but I would have paid just about anything. I was a blubbering mess that day. Even though I still forced myself to move on, when you showed up again, I thought back to the bobblehead and knew that the universe had been trying to tell me to wait for you, not to give up.” Tears began falling from my eyes as I thought about how lucky I was to have gotten him back and so much more.

  “That story is amazing, Princess.” Chance swiped his fingers along the tears falling from my eyes and said, “Thank you for giving me that second chance.” He leaned down and kissed my five-months pregnant belly that stretched through the lace of my empire waist gown. The baby boy we were expecting would be named after its daddy.

  My second Chance.

  Chance kept his head on my stomach. I ran my fingers through his hair and said, “Only fair. I gave you your second chance, and now you’re giving me mine.”

  Dear Readers,

  Thank you so much for all of your amazing support! Please sign up for our newsletters so that we can stay in touch. Members receive access to exclusive sneak peeks and contests!

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  Thank you to all the amazing bloggers who have helped spread the word about our first collaboration. We are forever grateful for your hard work in helping bring new readers to us every day.

  To Julie – You are our sounding board. Thank you for putting up with our silliness at times over this project!

  To Dallison and Kim – Thank you for your attention to detail in making sure Chance was nice and clean for public consumption.

  To Luna – Your eyes ensured that Chance was the best Australian he could be. Can’t wait to see what goat teasers you come up with!

  To Lisa – For organizing the release tour and all of your support.

  To Letitia – All of your covers rock, but this one just may be a favorite! Thanks for tweaking it to perfection.

  To our agents, Kimberly Brower and Mark Gottlieb – For your hard work and thank you in advance for your roles in getting Cocky Bastard onto the big screen. (We can dream, right?)

  To our readers – Thank you for allowing us to take you on a ride with Chance and Aubrey and for your continued support and enthusiasm for our books! We would be nothing without you!

  Much love

  Penelope & Vi

  Book by Penelope & Vi

  Stepbrother Dearest

  A New York Times, USA Today and Wall Street Journal Bestseller.

  You’re not supposed to want the one who torments you.

  When my stepbrother, Elec, came to live with us my senior year, I wasn’t prepared for how much of a jerk he’d be.

  I hated that he took it out on me because he didn’t want to be here.

  I hated that he brought girls from our high school back to his room.

  But what I hated the most was the unwanted way my body reacted to him.

  At first, I thought all he had going for him were his rock-hard tattooed abs and chiseled face. But things started changing between us, and it all came to a head one night.

  Then, just as quickly as he’d come into my life, he was gone back to California.

  It had been years since I’d seen Elec.

  When tragedy struck our family, I’d have to face him again.

  And holy hell, the teenager who made me crazy was now a man that drove me insane.

  I had a feeling my heart was about to get broken again.

  Stepbrother Dearest is a standalone novel.

  **Contains graphic sexual content and harsh language. It is only appropriate for adult readers age 18+


  —Life On Stage Series

  From New York Times and
USA Today Bestseller, Vi Keeland, comes a steamy new standalone novel about a rockstar. Or two.

  Dimpled smile of a boy

  Hard body of a man

  Sings like an angel

  Fucks like the devil

  I was stuck between a rock(star) and a hard place.

  At fifteen, his poster hung on my bedroom wall. At twenty-five his body hovered over mine. Every girl’s fantasy became my reality. I was dating a rockstar. Yet I was slowly falling for another man. The problem was—the two men—they shared a tour bus.

  Flynn Beckham was the opening act.

  Dylan Ryder was the headliner.

  What happens when the opening act begins to shine so bright, it seems to dim everything else in its wake?

  I’ll tell you what happens. Things get ugly.

  Author’s note - Beat is a full-length standalone novel. Due to strong language and sexual content, this book is not intended for readers under the age of 18.


  From the New York Times Bestelling author of Stepbrother Dearest…

  Nina Kennedy was alive…but not living…until she met him.

  Planes, trains, heights…you name it, Nina was afraid of it and led a sheltered life ruled by irrational fears and phobias.

  When she moves to Brooklyn for nursing school, that life is turned upside down, as she develops an intense but unwanted attraction to her gorgeous roommate, who’s pierced, tattooed and just happens to be the smartest person she’s ever met.

  Behind Jake Green’s rough exterior and devilish smile, lies a heart of gold. He makes it his mission to change Nina’s outlook on life. When he agrees to tutor her, they forge a bet and the stakes are high as Jake forces Nina to face her demons. He just wasn’t expecting to fall hard for her in the process.


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