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Beast's Demands (Crude Hill High Book 3)

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by Sam Crescent

  Ashley was … different.

  I went to search for her. She was the one who had been thrust into our world without a second thought.

  The moment her back hit the deck railing, I held myself still. She could throw herself overboard if I wasn’t careful.

  “You’re not being a good girl,” I said.

  “Fuck you.”

  Gritting my teeth, I could see some of my men were watching. Her insolence wasn’t what I wanted to see.

  “I suggest you come to me now or you will face consequences for your actions, Ashley.”

  “You promised not to harm me.”

  “I told you that being good will stop me from hurting you.”

  She gripped the railing tighter. Her entire body was shaking. I was so angry right now. She refused to come to me.

  I knew the moment she was going to run. The tension in her body. I sprang into action, stopping her from going anywhere. Capturing her in my arms, I kept her still.

  “Let me go.” She let out a scream, but I couldn’t let her go.

  She’d forced my hand.

  I was a beast. I thrived on my reputation. Worked to keep it that way, so as I grabbed her, I sat, positioning her across my lap and bringing my palm across her ass.

  At first, Ashley was wild as I took control. I slapped her ass, bringing down my palm, hitting her gorgeous cheeks. I kept doing this until all the fight left her, and she was nothing but a submissive woman across my lap.

  I wasn’t a dominant man.

  But I won’t be insulted. Not in front of my men or my staff.

  She was so drained.

  I didn’t like it.

  Picking her up in my arms, I realized she was heavier because her body was more of a dead weight. She didn’t fight me, but I felt her entire body shake.

  After carrying her to our room, I lay her on the bed and begin to remove her clothes. She didn’t fight me.

  I didn’t like this.

  She was a fighter by nature.

  At times, Ashley didn’t realize how strong she was, but I could see it. I knew it. She had so much power, she didn’t even realize it. Once she was naked, I was tempted to leave her like that, but we’d already taken ten steps back.

  For a while, Ashley won’t trust me, and it pissed me off that I had to do what I did. The last thing I wanted to do was hurt her.

  When a knock came on the door, I took the soup from the woman, thanking her. The moment I shut the door, I realized my mistake. I never thanked any of them.

  Now, I was pissed off, but it wasn’t Ashley’s fault.

  She sat on the bed, looking at me as if I was some kind of monster, and I was. I did this to her.

  The truth was that I was saving her.

  Sitting on the edge of the bed, I held the bowl of soup and tried to feed her. She turned away.

  Not speaking.

  “Ashley, stop this.”


  After setting the spoon back into the bowl, I put it on the bedside table. She had to eat something. I wouldn’t have her sick on my watch.

  I stood up and threw back the covers. I sat again and put a hand on the inside of her knee.

  Silence still.

  Slowly, I slid my hand up, staring into her eyes, waiting.

  She jerked back, her hands going to the edge of the shirt I put on her. It was actually one of my shirts, and it completely dwarfed her. I loved seeing my clothes on her.

  “Stop it.”

  “Then how about we make a deal? You let me feed you, or you give me something else.”

  “Why don’t you just take it?”

  I ran fingers through my hair. She was starting to piss me off, but I got it. She was young and defiant.

  “Ashley, you enjoyed my kisses earlier.”

  “This isn’t about your kisses. This isn’t about anything to do with that. I can’t even believe I allowed myself to think that you and I, that this could work. You’re a … no, I don’t want to say it.”

  “I’m not a monster, Ashley. I told you that.”

  “You can dress it up how you want. That woman is supposed to be free.”

  “So? You think I don’t understand how fucking shit life can be? You can judge me all you want to, Ashley. I’m not giving you her life, and truth be told, her life right now is fucking bliss. Some of the women have to spread their legs. She has to ride around on a yacht, serving. That’s her job. She gets to eat, work out, even fucking date my men. That’s my only request.”

  “You’re trying to dress it up.”

  “No, Ashley. You’re trying to make this more than what it needs to be.”

  She laughed. “This is my fault? Is that what you’re saying?”

  “Get your fucking head out of your ass. Your mother landed you in a world where monsters and beasts exist. Yeah, that woman doesn’t necessarily have the life she wanted, but I tell you right now, it’s better than most. Belonging to me, being my property, that’s something special. I happen to look after my women.”

  Ashley swiped at her tears. “You’re so warped, you don’t even see it. I’m not just talking about the women on your yacht. I imagine they’ve been brainwashed to believe this is a better life, and maybe you’re right. They’ve got it good right now. But what if their life was destined to be better? What if that woman who was giving me a neck massage originally planned to go to college to study to become a doctor? She could have been the person to cure cancer. Someone who might have stopped a serial killer. Women are not a commodity. You treat us like one.”

  “Soup or being fucked?” I asked.

  We glared at each other.

  She could yell her shit at me all she wanted, it wasn’t going to change the fact. Another shipment of girls had already landed, and that was the dock where we were headed. I had to check them over, make my selections. The others got sold on to lesser clients than me.

  Gritting my teeth, I refused to think about her words, her scathing attack.

  Ashley didn’t know what the fuck she was talking about. In our world of pain and death, there was no time for heroes and rainbows. She would get everyone killed with her belief in everyone.

  Look at what had happened with her mother. She’d been so desperate looking for love from her mother, she’d nearly gotten herself killed in the process.

  I was so angry, but Ashley pulled the cover over her body and opened her mouth.

  The soup it was.

  I picked up the bowl and fed her.

  The easiness from a few hours ago was gone. We were back to her hating me. I could bide my time.

  Chapter Four


  I was being punished further.

  My ass was completely bruised and sitting on it was so painful. I checked it out in the mirror, what felt like days ago.

  Earl hadn’t been back yet.

  We docked, I knew that much. His bedroom door had been locked. Only opening for when food was brought in. I didn’t get a woman. I got men.

  Three different ones each day.

  I’d seen nine men in total.

  Three days.

  And still, Earl hadn’t come back.

  I spent my time going through my notes, looking around the room, and just thinking. I didn’t want to be alone with my thoughts. I hated it. All I could think about was Emily.

  How was she?

  Did she miss me?

  I knew I’d miss our small apartment. I would do anything to be back there right now, enjoying my friend. I’d even talk about Crude Hill High. The school straight from nightmares. Or Emily’s four men. I usually tried to avoid talking about them, but if that was what she wanted, I’d do it, for her.

  I’d do anything for Emily.

  By the fourth day, I was going out of my mind. If something were to happen to Earl, then what would become of me? I had no cell phone, no laptop. No way of alerting my best friend that I was in a foreign country, if I was even in one now. The boat had moved so much, the water a constant
surrounding me.

  Pacing the room was better than trying to sit on my bottom. Because of the pain, I’d even gone without underwear, which was a strange feeling.

  I liked wearing underwear. At least I still wore a bra.

  I stood near a window, looking out across the ocean, thinking of all the ways I could die at sea, when the door opened.

  This time, I didn’t turn to see who it was. I didn’t care.

  I hadn’t seen another woman for days. Was this my punishment as well? Had I ruined their lives?

  When there was no sound of cutlery being put down, or the click of the door, I turned to see Earl stood in the room. The door was wide open, but that wasn’t what had my attention.

  Earl was covered in blood. His shirt was soaked with it, and it had dried.

  My mouth fell open.

  There was a man waiting at the door, and I still kept quiet as Earl stripped out of the shirt, his pants, even his boxer briefs, removing his watch as well. The man disappeared and Earl closed the door.

  Not a word.

  He went toward his en-suite, and I heard the shower run.

  I stayed perfectly still.

  After a few minutes, the shower turned off, and I heard the running of a bath.

  Hands clenched into fists, I listened, and nothing. My curiosity got the better of me, and I went toward the bathroom.

  Earl lay back in a bathtub filled with bubbles.

  My gaze was on him.

  “If you wish to keep me company, come and sit.” He pointed at the toilet seat.

  Glancing back at the bed, I was tempted to leave him, but after four days without any company, and I was going crazy.

  I went toward the toilet, and lowered myself down, only to stop. Instead, I went toward the bathtub and kneeled beside it.

  He glared.

  “My … er … it’s bruised.” I glanced down at the floor.

  “Let me see.”

  “It’s fine.”


  I didn’t know what he could do to me lying naked in a bathtub, but the way he said my name had me standing, turning toward him, and lifting the dress, showing him the curves of my ass.

  Earl hadn’t gone lightly on me.

  I’ve never had my ass spanked before. Not that I thought it was erotic or anything. I didn’t have daddy issues, or if I did, I wasn’t aware of them. I wasn’t aroused by his brand of punishment. At least he didn’t starve me, throw me overboard, or cut me up.

  Lowering my dress, I kneeled back on the floor and waited.


  I hated it.

  Four days of feeling it, and I was tired of it.

  I didn’t want there to be any more quiet. Talking to him would admit defeat, wouldn’t it? He’d have the power.

  At that moment, I no longer cared. All I wanted was to talk to someone.

  “None of the women served me,” I said. Considering we hadn’t spoken in so long, bringing up the very cause of our disagreement was so stupid. The moment the words left my mouth, I felt how thoughtless I’d been.

  “It’s not appropriate after your episode. You would get yourself or one of them killed.”

  Staring down at my hands, I felt the tears well up. I wasn’t going to say sorry to him.

  “Are you hurt?” I asked.


  “You were covered in blood.”

  “It’s not all my blood.” He sat up and rubbed at his eyes, letting out a groan. “Just so you know, I get it.”

  I looked at him. “Get what?”

  “You want to save everyone. You’ve got this ideal about the world, and guess what, I did once as well.”

  I frowned as I gave him my full attention. What was going on?

  “I was born to a man who had trafficked a woman and kept her as a slave. I was the only son that lived, I believe. She didn’t last long, from what I can gather. He got bored of her and sold her.” Earl ran a hand down his face, looking like he wanted to be talking about anything but this. “When my dad died, I ended up living with my grandfather. If you think what I do now is awful, then know that I inherited a legacy I’m not proud of. I’ve gone out of my way to change. Give me your hand.”

  Slowly, I placed my hand within his.

  He put his other hand on top of it.

  “My grandfather believed everyone was for sale. All had a price. Men, women, children, pregnant women, babies. He was into it all. Not just sex. People want humans for all kinds of things.” He let out a breath.

  “You only deal in women?”

  “I know it doesn’t make it any easier or nice to bear, but yeah, I deal in women.” Earl’s gaze landed on me. His green eyes bored into mine. “I was once like you, Ashley. I didn’t believe in the sale of flesh. I argued with my grandfather. Got many a scar on my back because I tried to set them free. When I succeeded in getting ten women free, he taught me a lesson. Took it out in my back, my thighs. He cut me up real bad, and then he went to teach me a lesson. If I thought he was bad, he showed me what truly awaited the women that were not selected by him.”

  I felt sick to my stomach. I didn’t need to know any details. I could imagine.

  “I embraced my legacy from that day forward, and when the time came for me to take over, I did. I removed some of his products, changed it up, became who I am today. I don’t want you to stop having your ideals, Ashley. The world needs people like you, but you’ve also got to realize the world isn’t full of fairytales. I can give up that business, but there are ten, fifty men who will take my place.”

  He let go of my hand, and I hated the loss of his touch. I felt so uneasy without it.

  Putting my hand down, I covered it with my other, but my touch didn’t relieve the emptiness. All it did was make it harder for me to bear.

  “Take off your clothes. Get in the bath with me.”

  I quickly looked toward him. I had to have been mistaken, but he leaned back.

  “Now, Ashley. I’m not in the mood to fight. It has been a really long day.”

  I didn’t want to fight him, but getting naked in the bath with him, after the bruises he gave my ass, I didn’t think I could.

  “Do I need to give you another reminder of how I punish? Your ass is bruised. Imagine it taking another round.”

  I got to my feet, removed my dress and bra, and Earl helped me as I climbed into the water. I hoped to get as far away from him as possible, but he had other ideas, grabbing my hand and pulling me close so I had no choice but to sit on his thighs.

  They were the perfect cushion compared to the bottom of the bath that would hurt my sore cheeks.

  Earl wrapped his arms around my stomach. His face pressed against my neck. “Did you miss me?”

  It was on the tip of my tongue to tell him no, but that would have been a lie. I wanted to fight him, but I also didn’t want to piss him off. My ass was a testament to how much he was willing to take.

  “Yes,” I said.

  “You don’t have to lie.”

  “I’m not lying. I’ve been really bored. At least you provide me some source of entertainment.”

  “All you had to do was ask, and someone would have brought you something. A book. A movie. Anything.”

  I licked my lips. “I didn’t think it was right to ask for anything after what happened.”

  “I warned you. It’s over with now. You didn’t have to be bored.”

  “It’s easy for you to say it’s over. Your ass isn’t the one that’s hurting.” I pouted. I couldn’t help it.

  His hands rubbed at my stomach and his lips danced across my shoulder. “You know I can make it up to you?”

  “You can go back in time and not hit me as hard?”

  “No, but I can make you forget.”

  I felt his words were a trap. There was no way I was going to be able to forget the sheer force of his hand. Earl Valentine was a strong man who could do whatever the hell he liked. I got that. I wasn’t going to be able to stop him if
he really wanted to hurt me. He was the one with all the control, not me.

  “Do you trust me?” he asked.

  “No.” I refused to lie.

  For a long time, my life had been nothing but lies.

  He chuckled, his lips brushing across my shoulder. “Then I guess I’m going to have to take what I want.”

  The hand at my stomach moved, and before I realized what was happening, he’d drawn his knees up between my thighs. He used his strength to keep mine pinned to either side of the bath.

  He made me open and exposed.

  I gasped as the warm water touched my most sensitive parts. What was he going to do?

  Both of his hands went to my thighs.


  That was next to impossible. I couldn’t relax.

  He slowly began to skim the tips of his fingers up the inside of my thighs, going toward my pussy.

  I took a deep breath, not sure how to handle his touch, or whatever it was he wanted to do to me.

  I licked my dry mouth. I couldn’t think.

  He cupped my pussy in his palm. No invasion or intrusion. Just his hand on top of my pussy.

  His tongue glided across my neck, going to my pulse where he nipped at my flesh.

  “I can feel you’re warm, Ashley. It’s okay to enjoy this. Even if you hate me. People can take pleasure from those they despise.”

  “Don’t talk to me like I’m a child.” I gasped as a single finger slid between my slit. He didn’t touch my clit, but it was so close. I whimpered.

  Earl knew what he was doing. He was a master manipulator.

  Closing my eyes, I tried to think of all the reasons I should hate this. Yet as his finger worked up my slit, none came to mind. I drew a blank, and it pissed me off. The moment he touched my clit, my thoughts were not my own. I lost all focus and gasped again.

  “Believe me, Ashley. The last thing I think of when I touch you is that you’re a child.” His lips grazed my skin, and warmth rushed through my body. I was so turned on, I couldn’t even think straight.

  “Please.” I didn’t know what I was begging for, but I couldn’t seem to stop myself.

  “You see, I can make this easy for both of us. You want me. I can feel how your body responds to me, and you know how desperate I am to feel your virgin cunt wrapped around my dick. It’s all I can think about most days. You’re in my thoughts all the time. Your ass is red because you made me do that to you.”


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