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Fighting For Them

Page 3

by Lia Davis

  My guys and I already knew I could kill Salrus. The jumping from world to world was news to me. I guess I didn’t question it much since I’ve always been able to do it. “You don’t know how I could kill Salrus, do you?”

  Lewis glanced at me. The corners of his mouth twitched. “No. Sorry.”

  It was worth a shot to ask. “What happened with the program? Why shut it down if it was doing some good?”

  Averting his gaze, Lewis took a deep breath and slowly exhaled. “Harrison, the head of the council, wasn’t satisfied with vampires who could walk in the sun or witches who could jump realms. He started pairing the adult hybrids with non-hybrids. One of the first tri-species born was a vampire, demon, witch. The child lived and grew healthy and happy like the others. She also became more powerful as she entered her teens. That was when we noticed she was losing her humanity. Her vampire/demon half overrode the human qualities of her witch side. At the age of eighteen, she killed her own mother. Drained her dry. The need to hunt and kill took over her ability to process right from wrong. She escaped a few years later and tracked down Harrison at his house and attacked him. She killed his wife and daughter before Harrison was able to put her down.”

  Lewis paused to down the rest of his beer. None of my guys said a word. After what seemed minutes later, Lewis finished. “Harrison wasn’t the same after that. He blamed the program and shut it down. He ordered every hybrid to be killed. Even those who were born naturally.”

  “Why are you telling us this?” Zane let out a growl.

  I placed a hand on Zane’s chest. “He wants us to do something.” With my mind’s eye, I studied Lewis and gave him a mental nudge. I needed to know if I could trust him before listening to anything else.

  As if knowing what I was doing, he straightened and made eye contact. Then he lowered his mental shields, allowing me to see who he truly was.

  A pure, ancient soul. He was powerful and kind. His desires were to live in peace and protect the para communities.

  Everything the council used to be.

  “Harrison wants more than just the half-breeds dead.” I tugged Zane closer to me. He was still fighting control over his wolf. The animal wanted out to see for himself if Lewis was on our side. Trust issues. We all had them.

  “Yes, something bigger is coming. I’m not sure what. At first, we were tracking down the hybrids. Your mother and I tried to talk sense into Harrison, but the other council members stood with Harrison. Then Salrus stole the Sleeping Stone. You need to get the stone and destroy it.” Lewis scrubbed a hand over his face.

  I agreed. The Sleeping Stone was a magically charged onyx wrapped in wire. It hung from a leather cord like a necklace. Salrus wore the stone around his neck. Since I haven’t been able to find the bastard, I haven’t found the stone. Nor my guys.

  “The relics,” I breathed. When Wade brought me my mom’s journal, he said the Sleeping Stone was missing. “There was a list of relics in my mom’s journal. Mom also said that the council gave it to Salrus.”

  Lewis shook his head and glanced to me with a frown. “Harrison might have, but I don’t have proof of that. However, the council won’t give something like the stone to that demon. It’s too powerful and would give the demon control over anyone he wishes. My guess is the demon stole it. but if Harrison did give it to Salrus, then they are working together. Did she say what the other relics were for?”

  “No.” The journal hadn’t been as helpful as I hoped in finding out what evil plans the council was forming. But the news about the stone tightened in my gut. All this time I placed blame on the council as a whole. In reality, only two—that we knew of—were conspiring to rule the world, or whatever they were up to. “Most of the pages are blank. It was just a list. A candle, a page from a grimoire, and a phoenix feather. No other details. What do you know about the stone?”

  “The Sleeping Stone has two powers: putting anyone within a hundred miles of it to sleep and placing them under an unbreakable trance where they have to do anything the bearer of the stone tells them to. Salrus could create an army with it and get anything he desired.” Lewis stared at me with wide eyes. His hands began to shake. “It has to be destroyed.”

  We fell silent for several moments before Lewis spoke again. “I believe Harrison is looking for a way to become a god. I found notes in his personal files about an immortality ritual.”

  “How the hell does he plan to do that?” Wyatt and Trevor said at the same time before I had the chance to say it.

  Harrison was the leader of the council and currently held the power over the magical communities. If he was corrupt and insane enough to think he could become a god, then the whole world was doomed.

  “I assume with the missing relics Maxine noted in her journal. The page from the grimoire could be the actual spell, or part of it. But I’m not sure how the stone fits into it.” Lewis stood and began to pace.

  “It’s a distraction for Harrison’s bigger plan.” It had to be. That was the only thing that made sense. There has to be more in the journal that I missed. Something we are all missing. “Who in the council is backing Harrison? Is there someone he trusts with his life?”

  “Benson. They’ve been best friends from birth and are closer than brothers.” Lewis stopped pacing and faced me. “Salrus has taken up residence in an old warehouse we own but never use anymore. I’m almost certain that is where you’ll find him, or some clue to where he is.”

  I jumped off my stool and darted around Zane to stand in front of Lewis. “Where is it?”

  He conjured a folded sheet of paper, then handled it to me. “That is the address and my cell number.”

  I took the paper from him. “While we’re looking for Salrus, what are you doing?”

  “I have two daughters that are half wolf shifters. They are in hiding. I need to find them before Harrison does. Call me if you need anything. I can’t make promises, but can see what I can do.” Without another word, Lewis walked out the mansion.

  I clenched the paper to my chest and met the stares of my guys. Zane stepped up to me. His wild green eyes searched mine. He was still on edge.

  I understood why. Newly mated and unsure if Lewis was a threat. Plus, with everything we learned, the wolf needed out to run.

  Zane took my hand and led the way back to the portal. Once we were back in the garage, he handed me the keys to his truck. I passed them to Wyatt. I didn’t have a driver’s license and had never driven before.

  I cupped Zane’s face in my hands. “Go. Let the wolf run free for a few.”

  Zane pressed his forehead to mine, then rubbed his cheek against mine. “I’ll be late.”

  I kissed him. “I know.”

  He took a hesitant step back, glanced at Wyatt and Trevor, then took off out the door, shifting into his gorgeous black wolf.

  Wyatt hugged me from behind. “It’s hard for him to leave you right now.”

  “I know. But he knows you two will see that I get home safe.” I smiled and turned in his arms while grabbing Trevor’s hand. “Let’s go home.”

  Chapter 5

  It was past midnight and I sat in the middle of the ritual room floor with just about every spell book I could find spread out around me. Since Zane hadn’t returned from his run yet, we couldn’t plan our trip to the warehouse. So I obsessed over breaking the spell on the journal.

  Mom hid those pages for a reason. I just wish she told me how to unlock the secrets in the blank pages.

  All I had to do is find a spell that would hide words on a page and counter it.

  I hadn’t had much luck.

  What frustrated me more was I wanted to go search for Dimitri.

  After standing, I walked to the sink area next to the door, then pulled a glass bowl from the cabinet above it. The bowl was smaller than the one I broke, but it’d work for scrying.

  I’d made a few handwritten copies of the address to the warehouse, putting the intent to find my loves into each letter. I dropped one of t
he pieces of paper into the water. “Show me.”

  The water rippled, then clouded over. A warehouse came into view surrounded by a stone wall. A few feet from it was a small house. “Where are you?”

  I didn’t dare say Salrus’s name out loud. His connection to me, even with the amulet Dimitri and I made to protect me my father, could pick up on my focusing on him. I didn’t need the demon to break through my wards, again.

  The vision in the water faded. Ugh. I blew out a breath and resisted the urge to throw the bowl.

  I sensed Wyatt before he entered the room so I stood and carried the bowl to the sink. When I turned to him, our eyes met as he filled the doorway. Then I noticed he only wore a pair of pajama bottoms. Heat uncurled inside me and I drifted to him. Instantly, he wrapped his arms around me and placed a kiss on my forehead. His freshly trimmed beard tickled my skin.

  “Come to bed. We’ll help search for the spell tomorrow.” He scooped me up in his arms, not waiting for me to argue.

  Instead of taking me to my room on the first floor, he exited the stairs on the second floor where each of the guys had their own rooms.

  When we entered the room, Trevor lifted his gaze from a book he read. A slow, wicked smile claimed his lips. Heat filled me from the inside. Anticipation of what they might have planned for me made my body ache with desire.

  Trevor put the book down and stood. I admired his lean muscled frame as he moved closer to the bed where Wyatt placed me. These two definitely had plans of seduction. Their desire-drunken gazes locked onto me.

  We didn’t always do the threesome thing because they each needed their individual time with me. But it was always hot when the three of us played.

  Wyatt removed my panties, then dropped to his knees, spreading my thighs wide. I briefly met Trevor’s desire-drunk gaze. He undressed then crawled on the bed. Before he could lay down, I took his cock in my hand and stroked.

  Wyatt picked that moment to lick my clit, sending a pulsing shockwave to my core. Them he covered me with his mouth and sucked. Grabbing a fist full of hair with my free hand, I rotated my hips. Pleasure filled me, making every part of me sensitive.

  He slid two fingers deep inside me. I groaned and picked up the tempo. He licked in time with my movements while adding two more fingers and pumping.

  Trevor cupped one breast and pinched the nipple between his fingers, rolling the tight nub. Desire and pleasure overwhelmed me, making me forget all my worries.

  Wyatt bit down on my clit and I lost it. The orgasm slammed into me and I came harder than I had in a long time. I let out a low growl and the last shudder went through me.

  Wyatt nipped at my skin, sending a wave of chills over my flesh as he moved up to claim my mouth.

  Trevor laid beside me, gripping his cock. “I love watching him come undone while buried inside you.”

  Oh gods. Another wave of hot need rolled through me while Wyatt thrust inside me. A whimper of pleasure escaped. I closed my eyes but opened them again. I wanted to see them both come apart. There was something beautiful about it.

  Wyatt’s thrusts increased, harder and deeper. Dizzying desire swam in my head. I teetered on the edge of another climax, yet didn’t want it to end.

  As if on the same wave, Wyatt’s body tensed, then he cried out with his own orgasm. Trevor followed, sending me over the edge with them.

  Chapter 6

  My sneakers touched down on the gravel driveway and I fell into a squat, waiting and listening. Scaling the ten-foot block wall was a breeze since the council didn’t use the location. Which meant no guards, nor were there any magical wards in place.

  I hadn’t expected there to be any. At least not from the council. If my father was using the property to hide, he’d be arrogant enough to not use any.

  Zane had plucked the address out of my head while we were at the mansion on the island, which I was still annoyed by, and checked out the warehouse while he was out on his run last night. He said it was for all our safety to know what we were getting into.

  Although the Alpha thought he was protecting us, he also wanted a reason to not trust Lewis. I knew that because of the psychic bond we had. We had some kind of telepathy with each other.

  I shivered at the feel of dark magic hanging in the air. The darkness that ran in my veins. My father’s power.

  The bastard demon stole two of my loves: Dimitri and Wade.

  Each minute of every day for last few months brought me closer insanity. The thought of my guys at the mercy of my demonic father fueled my anger and anxiety.

  A low growl sounded beside me. I turned my head and met the gaze of my Alpha wolf, Zane. Our mating bond allowed us to feel each other’s emotions, hear each other’s thoughts, and connect in a way I’ve never connected to anyone before.

  That and the bond I formed with Wyatt and Trevor, who were waiting in the truck on the other side of the wall. Neither were very happy about being left behind, but they compromised to being the getaway driver and tagalong.

  Another growl from the Alpha male, then a nudge on my back made me cut a glare to Zane. In wolf form, he was tall and bulky. His coat was pitch black and it made his green eyes stand out. He was beautiful.

  “Don’t growl at me. You could have stayed at home.”

  He let out a sneezing-like sound, then tilted his head to toward the small house a few feet from the warehouse. Pressing my lips together in a thin line, I stood straight and let him lead the way. The council spared no expense when it came to their meeting locations.

  According to my mother’s journal, the council had places around the world where they met and performed rituals and whatever other evil things they did. They moved from location to location in a random pattern. Another reason for me to mistrust them.

  If they weren’t hiding things from the para communities, then why change locations?

  Zane stilled, then tilted his head. I moved closer so my legs touched his side. His ears perked up and he let out a whimper before darting off toward a building behind the main house. “Dimitri.”

  My heart hammered against my ribs at the sound Zane’s voice in my thoughts. I gave chase. Fear burned through my veins and dread sat in my gut like a rock. I sent a quick prayer to the Universe that Dimitri was okay. However, by Zane’s whimper and mixture of sadness and anger he was trying to hide from me, I guessed my love wasn’t doing so well.

  When we reached the building, which looked like a run down guesthouse, Zane looked up at me. “Stay here.”

  “I’m going in.” I pursed my lips and stared until he huffed. Then he nudged me on the back of the leg. “That’s better. For the record, Salrus is going to die.”

  Zane growled in agreement while I opened the door. “I smell a trap.”

  “Yeah, Yeah. So do I. In fact, I’d be disappointed if it wasn’t one.” I’d trained with Zane for the past two months when we weren’t searching for information and clues on where the demon would have taken the guys.

  The training kept my mind off calling the whole council out and killing each one of them slowly. When the ass-kicking from Zane stopped distracting me, he, Trevor, and Wyatt took turns distracting me in other ways.

  But my heart still longed for Dimitri and Wade. I didn’t seem whole without them.

  The snap of Zane’s teeth brought me out of my thoughts. Glancing at him, I noted he was in the middle of what was once a living room. “Where are they?”

  The light in his green gaze dimmed. Heartache flowed through the mating bond. Something wasn’t right. But he didn’t answer me, just turned and trotted off toward the hallway.

  About mid-way down the hall I heard a groan. Dimitri. It had to be.

  Ignoring Zane’s warning growl, I charged into the room to my left. The door slammed against the wall and I glanced around. Being half demon, I had some night vision, but it was nothing like Zane’s. Holding my hand up, I formed a ball of light and made it hover in the middle of the room.

  The room filled with a soft
glow. When I turned around, I froze. Dimitri sat with his back against the wall, his head hung down. His auburn hair had grown out and covered part of his face. He was surrounded by a magical circle.

  Zane moved closer to Dimitri, apparently not seeing the circle. “Stop. Salrus put him in a magical bubble.”

  I dropped to my knees inches from the circle, then lifted my hand. The hum of power coming from the bubble was dark, demonic. Not surprising, considering Salrus would have been the one to create it.

  Another thing I’d learned in the past two months was to embrace my demon side. As much as I hated my father, I needed to learn what abilities I had and how to use them in combination with my witch powers.

  Tentatively, I moved my hand closer to the bubble. Power slapped at me and I jerked my hand back, not expecting the aggression of the energy. Fury and anger were laced in the magical threads of the circle.

  A crash sounded from the front of the house. I whirled around and glared at the bedroom door. Zane growled, then he darted out of the room. Cursing low, I stood to follow the wolf.

  I got a few feet from the door and two demons materialized in front me. Both had short, dark hair and a crimson hue over their skin. One had black eyes. The other demon’s eyes were violet.

  They snarled at the same time. The sound cut through me, rattling my insides. Inky power flowed around the room.

  Straightening, I called my magic from deep within and directed it to my hands. “Hello, boys.”

  Violet Eyes glanced to Dimitri and I snapped my fingers at him, letting out a spark of my demonic power to zap him. He jerked his gaze to me, brows drawn and sharp teeth bared.


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