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Simply Perfect

Page 28

by Mary Balogh

  “Yes,” she said. “Thank you.”

  She was aware of the duchess smiling warmly at them as she took the duke’s arm and turned to go back into the house with him.

  Joseph was not well acquainted with the park about Lindsey Hall. He turned in the direction of the lake, where the dog had led Lizzie almost a week ago. They walked in silence, he with his hands at his back, she with her hands clasped at her waist.

  They stopped when they came to the water’s edge, close to where he had shown Lizzie how to hurl pebbles so that she could hear them plop into the lake. The remains of the sunset made the water luminous. The sky stretched above, light at the horizon, darker overhead. Stars were already visible.

  “It is altogether possible that my father and my sister will persuade Portia that it is not in her best interests to end her betrothal,” he said.


  “Though she did say nothing could change her mind,” he added, “and I will not compromise. Lizzie will remain a visible part of my life. But it is a terrible thing for a lady to end an engagement—especially twice. She may reconsider.”


  “I cannot make you any promises,” he told her.

  “I do not ask for any,” she said. “Even apart from the one obstacle, there are others. There can be no promises, no future.”

  He was not at all sure he agreed with her, but there was no point in raising any arguments now, was there? The more he thought about it, the more likely it seemed to him that his father and Wilma between them would persuade Portia to resume her plans to marry him.

  “No future,” he said softly. “Only the present. At present I am free.”


  When he reached out a hand to her, she set her own in it, and he laced his fingers with hers, drew her closer to his side, and strolled onward, following the bank of the lake. Up ahead he could see a forest of trees stretching down almost to the water’s edge.

  They stopped when they were in the darkness of the shade provided by the trees. The grass was rather long and soft underfoot. He turned to face her, lacing the fingers of their other hands too and drawing them partway around his back so that she stood against him, touching him with her breasts, her abdomen, and her thighs. Her head was tipped back, though he could no longer see her face clearly.

  “I intend more than kisses,” he said, leaning over her.

  “Yes,” she said. “So do I.”

  He smiled in the darkness. She sounded fierce and prim, her voice at variance with her words and the yielding warmth of her body.

  “Claudia,” he murmured.


  He smiled again. He felt that he had already been caressed with intimacy. She had never spoken his name before.

  And then he leaned closer and touched his lips to hers.

  It had still not ceased to amaze him that of all the women he might have possessed or loved during the last fifteen years or so of his life, she should be the one his heart had chosen. Even Barbara faded into insignificance beside her. He yearned for this strong, intelligent, disciplined woman more than he had longed for anything or anyone else in his life.

  They explored each other’s mouths with lips and tongues and teeth, their hands clasped together behind his back. Her mouth was hot and wet and welcoming, and he stroked into it with his tongue, sliding over surfaces until she moaned and sucked it deeper. He drew his head back and smiled at her again. His eyes had grown accustomed to the darkness. She was smiling back, her expression dreamy and sensual.

  He released her hands and shrugged out of his coat. He went down on one knee and spread it on the grass, then reached up for her hand.

  She took his and then came down onto her knees too and lay down, her head and her back on his coat.

  This, he was very aware, might be the only time ever. Tomorrow all might have changed again. She knew it too. She reached up her arms to him.

  “I don’t care about the past or the future,” she said. “We allow them far too much power over our lives. I care for the present moment. I care for now.”

  He lowered his head and kissed her again and eased himself down until he was lying beside her.

  It had been eighteen years for her, almost three for him. He could feel her hunger and tried to put some sort of brake on his own. But sometimes passion would obey no commands beyond its own fierce needs.

  He kissed her mouth, ravished it with his tongue. He explored her with urgent hands, discovering a body that was shapely and alluring. He drew her skirt up and pushed her stockings down, caressing the firm smoothness of her legs until hands were not enough. He bent his head, feathered kisses from her ankles to her knees, kissed the backs of her knees and licked them until she gasped and her fingers tightened in his hair. He found the buttons at the back of her dress and unfastened them one by one until he could draw the garment off her shoulders with her chemise and expose her breasts.

  “I am not beautiful,” she said.

  “Let me be the judge of that,” he told her.

  He caressed her breasts with his hands, ran his lips over them, licked her taut nipples with his tongue until she was panting again.

  But she did not lie passive. She moved to his touch, and her hands roamed over him and beneath his waistcoat. They dragged his shirt free of his pantaloons and caressed their way upward over his bare back to his shoulders. And then one hand came free and moved down between them to cover his erection through his pantaloons.

  He took her firmly by the wrist, moved the hand away, and laced her fingers with his.

  “Mercy, woman,” he said against her lips, “I have very little control remaining as it is.”

  “I have none,” she said.

  He chuckled, and his hand went beneath her skirt again and up along her warm inner thighs to the junction between them. She was hot and wet.

  She moaned.

  He fumbled with the buttons at his waist, moved over her, pressing her thighs wide with his own, slid his hands beneath her to cushion her against the hard ground, and pressed firmly into her until he was deep and felt her muscles clench about him.

  She raised her knees and braced her feet on the grass. She tilted to him to take him deeper yet, and he drew a slow breath, his face against the side of hers.

  “Claudia,” he said into her ear.

  It had been a long, long time—an eternity. And he knew he could not prolong what was about to happen. But he needed to remember that this was Claudia, that this was more than sex.

  “Joseph,” she said, her voice low and throaty.

  He withdrew from her and thrust inward, and the rhythm of love caught them both in its urgent crescendo until everything burst into glory and he spilled into her.

  Far too soon, he thought regretfully as his body relaxed into satiety.

  “Like an overexcited schoolboy,” he murmured to her.

  She laughed softly and turned her head to kiss his lips briefly.

  “You do not feel like one,” she said.

  He rolled off her, bringing her with him until they were both lying on their sides.

  She was quite right. Nothing had been wrong. On the contrary, everything had been right—perfect.

  And for now it was enough. Now might be all they had. He hugged the moment to himself as he hugged her and willed the moment to become an endless eternity.

  He saw the moonlight overhead, felt the cool breeze, felt the soft, relaxed warmth of the woman he held, and allowed himself to feel happiness.

  Claudia knew she would not be sorry—just as she had never been sorry about that kiss at Vauxhall.

  She knew too that there would be only tonight—or this evening. Tonight he must return to Alvesley.

  She was as certain as she could be that Miss Hunt would not readily give up such a matrimonial prize as the Marquess of Attingsborough. It would not take much effort on the part of the Duke of Anburey and the Countess of Sutton to make her see reason. And of course he—Joseph—wo
uld have no choice but to take her back since the betrothal had not been publicly ended. He was a gentleman, after all.

  And so there was only this—only this evening.

  But she would not be sorry. She would certainly suffer, but then she would have done that anyway.

  She refused to doze off. She watched the moon and stars above the lake, heard the almost silent lapping of the water against the bank, felt the cool softness of the grass against her legs, smelled the trees and his cologne, tasted his kisses on her slightly swollen lips.

  She was tired, even exhausted. And yet she had never felt more alive.

  She could not see him clearly in the darkness, but she knew when he dozed, when he awoke again with a slight start. She felt a huge regret that just sometimes one could not hold time at a standstill.

  This time next week she would be back at school preparing lessons and schedules for the coming year. It was always an exhilarating time. She would be exhilarated by it.

  But not yet.

  Please not yet. It was too soon for the future to encroach upon the present.

  “Claudia,” he said, “if there are consequences…”

  “Oh, gracious,” she said, “there will not be. I am thirty-five years old.”

  Which was a ridiculous thing to say, of course. She was only thirty-five. Her monthly cycle told her that she was still capable of bearing children. She had not thought of it. Or if she had, she had disregarded the thought. Foolish woman.

  “Only thirty-five years old,” he said, echoing her thought. But he did not complete what he had started to say. How could he? What would he say? That he would marry her? If Miss Hunt chose to hold him to his promise, he would not be free to do so. And even if she did not and he was free…

  “I refuse to be sorry,” she said, “or to think unpleasant thoughts at the moment.”

  Which was exactly the sort of brainlessness about which she lectured her older girls before they left school, especially the charity girls, who would face far more risks than those who had families to guard them.

  “Do you?” he said. “Good.”

  And his hands moved caressingly up and over the flesh of her upper back, and his mouth nuzzled her ear and the side of her neck and she wrapped her arms more tightly about him and kissed his throat and his neck and jaw and finally his mouth. She felt the hardness of his erection press against her belly and knew that the evening was not quite over after all.

  They stayed lying on their sides. He lifted her leg over his hip, nestled into position, and came inside her again.

  There was less frenzy this time, less mindlessness. His movements were slower and firmer, her own more deliberate. She could feel his hardness against her wet heat, could hear the suck and pull of their loving. They kissed each other softly, openmouthed.

  And it seemed suddenly to Claudia that she really was beautiful. And feminine and passionate and all the things she had once believed about herself but lost faith in even before she was fully a woman. He was beautiful and he loved her and was making love to her.

  Somehow he was setting her free—free of the insecurities that had dogged her for eighteen years, free to be the complete person she really was. Teacher and woman. Businesswoman and lover. Successful and vulnerable. Disciplined and passionate.

  She was who she was—without labels, without apology, without limit.

  She was perfect.

  So was he.

  And so was this.

  Simply perfect.

  He set his hand behind her hips and held her steady as he deepened his thrusts, though even then there was more sense of purpose than urgency. He kissed her lips and murmured words that her heart understood even if her ears could not decipher them. And then he was still in her, and she was pressing against him, and something opened at her core and let him through—and he came and came until there was no she and no he but only they.

  They remained pressed wordlessly together for a long time before he released her and she knew with deep regret that now they were two again—and would remain so for the rest of their lives.

  But she would not be sorry.

  “I must take you back to the house,” he said, sitting up and adjusting his clothes while she pushed her skirt down and then bent to pull up her stockings and the bodice of her dress. “And I must get back to Alvesley.”

  “Yes,” she said, rearranging some of her hairpins.

  He got to his feet and reached down a hand to her. She set her own in it and he drew her up until they were standing facing each other, not quite touching.

  “Claudia,” he said, “I do not know—”

  She set a finger over his lips, just as she remembered doing at Vauxhall.

  “Not tonight,” she said. “I want tonight to remain perfect. I want to be able to remember it just as it is. All the rest of my life.”

  His hand closed about her wrist and he kissed her finger.

  “Perhaps tomorrow night will be just as perfect,” he said. “Perhaps all our tomorrows will.”

  She merely smiled. She did not believe it for a moment—but she would think about that tomorrow and the next day…

  “You will come to the ball?” he asked her.

  “Oh, I will,” she said. “I would much rather not, but I believe the countess and Lady Ravensberg will be offended, even hurt, if I stay away.”

  And how could she stay away even without that incentive? Tomorrow night might be the last time she saw him. Ever.

  He kissed her wrist and then released her hand.

  “I am glad,” he said.


  The Duke of Anburey requested the presence of the Marquess of Attingsborough in the library, the butler informed Joseph as soon as he set foot inside Alvesley again. He did not go there immediately. He went up to his room, where he found Anne and Sydnam Butler sitting with Lizzie. She had not woken up since he left for Lindsey Hall, they informed him.

  “My father wants to talk with me,” he said.

  Sydnam threw him a sympathetic look.

  “Go,” his wife said, smiling at Joseph. “We relieved Susanna and Peter only half an hour or so ago. We will stay awhile longer.”

  “Thank you,” he said, standing beside the bed and touching the backs of his fingers to Lizzie’s cheek. She had a corner of the pillow clutched in one hand, and held it against her nose. He was so glad that all the secrecy had gone from their relationship. He leaned over to kiss her. She mumbled something unintelligible and was still again.

  There was a terrible row in the library after he went down there. His father stormed at him. He had apparently talked reason into Portia and persuaded her that his son would behave properly and she would never have to see or hear about the child ever again. She was prepared to continue with the engagement.

  Joseph, however, was not prepared to be dictated to. He informed his father that he was unwilling to hide Lizzie away any longer. He hoped to move her to Willowgreen, to spend much of his time there with her. And since Portia had released him during the afternoon, she must now accept this new fact if the betrothal was to resume.

  He held firm even when his father threatened to turn him out of Willowgreen—it was still officially his. Then he would live with his daughter somewhere else, Joseph told him. He was not, after all, financially dependent upon his father. He would set up another home in the country.

  They argued for a long time—or rather, Joseph remained quietly obstinate and his father blustered. His mother, who was present throughout, endured it all in silence.

  And then his father and mother left the library together and sent Portia to him.

  She came, looking composed and beautiful in a gown of pale ice blue. He stood before the empty fireplace, his hands clasped at his back while she crossed the room toward him, took a seat, and arranged her skirts about her. She looked up at him, her lovely face empty of any discernible emotion.

  “I am truly sorry about all this, Portia,” he said. “And I am entirely to blame. I ha
ve known since the death of Lizzie’s mother that my daughter must be even more central to my life than she had been before. I have known that I must make a home for her and give her my time and my attention and my love. And yet somehow it did not quite occur to me until today that I could not do it properly while living the sort of double life that society demanded of me. If it had occurred to me in time, I would have been able to discuss the matter openly with my father and yours before exposing you to the sort of distress you have endured today.”

  “I came to this room, Lord Attingsborough,” she said, “on the understanding that that dreadful blind child would never be mentioned to me again. I agreed to resume my engagement to you and prevent your utter disgrace in the eyes of the ton on the condition that all would be as it was before you spoke so ill advisedly at the picnic this afternoon. And that would not have happened if that incompetent schoolteacher had not set her sights on a duke for a husband and neglected her charges.”

  He drew a slow breath.

  “I see it will not do,” he said. “While I understand your reasoning, Portia, I cannot agree to your terms. I must have my child with me. I must be a father to her. Duty dictates it, and inclination makes it imperative. I love her. If you cannot accept that fact, then I am afraid any marriage between us would be un-workable.”

  She got to her feet.

  “You are prepared to break our engagement?” she said. “To renege on all your promises and a duly drawn up marriage contract? Oh, I think not, Lord Attingsborough. I will not release you. Papa will not release you. The Duke of Anburey will disown you.”

  Ah, she had had time for reflection since late this afternoon, then, as he had rather expected. She was not a young woman as far as the marriage mart went. Although she was well born and wealthy and beautiful, it would be an uncomfortable thing for her to be single again, with two broken engagements behind her. She might never have another chance to make such an advantageous match. And he knew she had set her heart upon being a duchess at some time in the future.

  But to be willing to hold him to a marriage that would clearly bring both of them active misery was incredible to him.


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