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The Jaguar's Mate ( Book 3)

Page 7

by April Zyon

  “All those dates that ended for you with them spouting off whatever it was, they were looking for the woman who is their mate. Shifters know most times from the first scenting if a woman is theirs. Usually we wait a few minutes to be absolutely one hundred percent sure, but yeah since you weren’t theirs they didn’t want to waste more of your time than they had. Whereas for me, the instant I stepped into your home and drew in your unique scent the animal inside knew you were it, my mate.”

  “So all of those men had been shifters?” She was completely shocked by that fact. “Wow. So … what does being your mate mean?” She needed to know. “I’m assuming since you didn’t run off and leave like the others did that means that you want to be with me? That you are feeling this connection every bit as much as I am? Because I am. I feel a connection to you and I don’t understand it at all. How is that possible to feel so much so soon for someone?”

  “Damn straight I want to be with you, Quinn. It’s not exactly easy for a shifter to find his or her mate. Not impossible, but definitely not quite as quick as many would prefer.” Piran stroked his fingers lightly down her cheek. “You have to remember that shifters live by different rules than humans. Not just the laws you follow, but everything else. Our lives have many extremes to them, including finding the one who holds the other half of our heart. Finding that person so we can feel complete becomes a mission of sorts once we get through the hell that is puberty.”

  “So what happens now that you’ve found me? What typically will happen in this sort of relationship? I have never met a shifter before. Well, at least I’ve never met one that I knew was a shifter, so yeah.” She leaned into his touch, soaking up the pleasure she got from having him touching her.

  “Like any other relationship, we get to know one another and when the time’s right we mate fully. I should likely mention at this point that the mating involves me biting you. Not with my human teeth either.” He wrinkled up his nose slightly while his expression turned wary. “I don’t want you being surprised by anything now that the cat’s out of the bag. In a manner of speaking,” he muttered.

  “I would need to get used to it, to your cat, that is. But I like the idea of getting to know you. And we’ve got a big head start. Over the last many months we’ve talked to each other a hell of a lot, gotten to know each other, and have been able to figure out how we fit.”

  “Absolutely, but there is still so much more we can know about one another. We have time and we will take whatever time you need to get comfortable with me in both my forms. I don’t plan to rush you. Somehow I must also keep this from my mother, or she’ll have us married inside a week. Not even joking.”

  “She called you seven times while we were at your shop,” she told him with a little laugh. “But you aren’t her only child, are you? If so, I’m so screwed. How will I ever be good enough for you?”

  “No, I have a couple younger siblings. Unfortunately, being the oldest she intends to see me married off before I’m too old. I’m not entirely sure what age equals this old she speaks of, but she’s been not very subtle in her hints lately. I joined the site to shut her up for a while. I don’t see that lasting for long when she finds out my status on there has changed. And yes, she will know. The woman is hooked directly into the gossip vine around here.”

  “You changed your status already?” There hadn’t been a spare moment to change hers, but she really wanted to. She wanted to change her status to show that she was taken and that she was never going to be out there for the general public again. Everyone wanted to believe in destiny, even her, and she wanted to call him hers.

  “I haven’t had it changed yet, but the instant I do she’ll know. She has spies everywhere in this town. They’ll all go running to tell her the good news and about three seconds later she’ll be hauling out the box that holds the plans she’s had in mind since I turned five. No joke. The woman has planned to have me mated and married off since then. I’d say it may have been because I was a slightly wild kid, but that doesn’t really explain it all away.”

  “Will she be upset because I’m human and not a jaguar like you are? Your animal is so beautiful. How could I ever compete with women who turn like you do? I’m just a human. And I’m sure you have to be exaggerating about her having your mating planned since you were five, right? A mom doesn’t do that, do they?”

  “She won’t care one way or the other. Besides that, you are perfect, Quinn. Absolutely perfect for me.” Piran gave her a gentle, slow kiss that had her melting into the bedding beneath her. “To the rest, my mother is a weird bird. It’s usually easier to go along with the crazy instead of fighting it. Not always, but on occasion it is. She will also adore you. The fact you are mine and that you already liked me before we’d even met are only extra icing on top.”

  “I did, too. I lived for those phone calls and text messages. I loved every time that my e-mail pinged to tell me that I had mail from you. I know how goofy that sounds, but it’s the truth none the less. I think that’s part of why I’m so comfortable with you and even with you being what you are. Because we got to know each other before we even met.”

  “Precisely,” he agreed. Smiling, he gave her another kiss before checking the bedside clock. “We’d better get back before someone raises a stink. And we need to pick up food, too. Need to keep you eating right so you have plenty of energy when I finally get you into bed for that week.”

  “We have to first make sure that I live long enough for that week in bed.” She moved in closer to him and shrugged. “I don’t care who raises a stink. You’re more than capable of taking care of me and I know that now. I didn’t before. You are probably more capable of taking care of me than anyone in the marshal services.”

  “You are damn well living long enough for that week and many more to come, Quinn. What do you want to do? Do you want to head home, or do you want to stay out here? It’s entirely up to you, but if we stay here we have to let your handler know so he doesn’t freak out trying to find you. The neighbors won’t take kindly to men in black invading.”

  She had to laugh and hugged him tightly. “We would also need to make sure that I had clothes, otherwise you would have to share yours or have me naked all the time. Not that I would mind that part, actually.” She was stroking a hand up and down his arm and nodded. “I want to stay here. I love your home, Piran. The second I walked into it I felt like I had finally come home, and I would really love to be able to do just that. Be home here with you.”

  “Then let’s go to your place. We’ll pick up some clothing and whatever other items you might need for say a week. You can let Joe know about the change of venue. I’ll call the sheriff so he’s in on the plan and knows that you now know about the shifters in these parts. Then I’ll call the alpha to update him and alert him to what may be coming in more detail.”

  “You have an alpha? Have I met him before? God, I hope he wasn’t a date I went out on.” She prayed. “I don’t want people to be pissed off at me because I’m bringing trouble to the town.” Which would seriously suck. She knew most of the people there because of her being a teacher, but still she didn’t want them angry with her. “And yes, if I am going to spend a week with you I need clothes, toothbrush, hairbrush, and so on, and I do. Want to stay with you, that is.”

  “Yes, I have an alpha, and you’ve probably met the other Shifter Falls alphas for the other races all before. Four had kids in your class last year, one has one coming in, and then there’s Jagger. His cub is still a ways out, but he’ll get there eventually. No one is upset with you, Quinn. You are ours and we’re all going to do whatever is necessary to ensure you stay alive and in one adorable piece. Come on, let’s get to your place. We should also hit the store on the way back out here. I don’t think I have any milk that’s actually edible.”

  “Okay, sounds like a plan. Let’s do it now before the night comes.” She wanted to be tucked away indoors with him by that time. “Let’s just hope that by the time we get home
there will still be some light so that I can see the outside of the house as well. I will totally keep you and your place if you tell me you have a hot tub or infinity pool outside somewhere.”

  “I haven’t put in the pool yet, but I have plans for one. The hot tub is out back. The gym and sauna are in the basement.” Pushing up from the bed, he climbed off and helped her up. He gave her a gentle kiss, then let her go to grab up his remaining clothes to tug them all on. After tying his boots, he held out a hand to her and led her back downstairs to grab his jacket before they left the house.

  She was reeling. His house was perfect. It had everything in it that she could possibly ever want and then some. He was perfect. How the hell did that happen? She had her hand in his while they left the house, and she gave it one more look. “I love your home. It suits you to a T.”

  “I’m glad you like it,” he said with a smile. He helped her into the truck before he went around, climbed in beside her, and heading up the drive to the road. “If there’s anything you need we should pick it up before coming back out here. We’ll stay scarce in town except for going into the shop each day for me to keep working on that headboard and the other pieces. It’ll help keep you off the radar.”

  “We should pick up some groceries if we are going to stay here. We should get some ribs, too. If you have an outdoor grill, that would be a great meal for after a long day at the shop, right?”

  “I have a grill. Outside and one inside, too. The weather’s pretty good, so we’ll use the outside one. I’ll turn on the deck heaters and we can sit out there to eat in comfort if you’re interested. We can pick up the makings for a salad, too, keep it simple for tonight.”

  “Sounds like a plan. Some fruit as well. I love sweets as much as the next woman, but with as big as I am I need to eat only natural sweets. And no, I know I’m not huge, but I’m not the average size either. I’m larger for my size than I should be, but I love my curves. I just don’t want to add to them.”

  “You are perfect as you are, Quinn. I like all your curves. They are fucking amazing and I can’t wait to explore every single one. With my hands, my mouth, and my tongue. I’ll need at least three hours to dedicate to knowing you from memory. You’re good with that, right?”

  She felt her whole body heat up at his words. She couldn’t speak, so she nodded like an idiot instead. Her mouth was dry and her pussy was wet. All she could think of was how his tongue would feel on her body. Would it be like his jaguar’s, or would it be like his that he kissed her with? Damn, now she was thinking about him kissing her. “I’m having the most inappropriate thoughts right now, Piran. I would say that I’m sorry, but I’m not.”

  His low chuckle stroked her body. “I’d ask you to share but I am driving, so let’s hold off on that until we stop. Maybe at your place you can tell me all the thoughts running through your head. I’m interested in everything you’re thinking about.”

  “Yeah, but here’s the thing, if I tell you there I have a feeling we won’t be leaving anytime soon, and that would ruin all of our plans for the rest of the evening. Perhaps I should just tell you when we get back to your place? After we’ve dealt with Joe, that is.” Her handler was going to shit kittens, but he would get over himself.

  “Right. We’ll wait until you deal with Joe, I deal with the sheriff and my alpha, and we go shopping. You do realize this list keeps growing longer and longer? No more adding things to do tonight. We can spread some things out into tomorrow.”

  “Okay, well those are things that we have to do. Especially you checking in with your alpha. I have a feeling he would be pretty pissed off at you if you didn’t and then suddenly danger came a callin’ on his door. Metaphorically speaking, of course.”

  “Anyone dumb enough to go calling at his door deserves what they get. Especially before he’s had his morning coffee. He doesn’t like unannounced visitors anywhere near his home, has signs to dissuade them, and yet occasionally has to chase a few folks off. Kids he won’t mess with, but adults he figures are fair game if they don’t think the signs he has up are serious.”

  “Good point. Well, should you call him first so that he doesn’t decide to take a few strips out of your hide for us showing up there on his porch unannounced? The last thing I want is for you to be in trouble, because then I would have to bring out my teacher voice to your alpha.”

  “We’re not going near him,” he said in horror. “But I totally want to hear you use your teacher voice later. When we are alone and after you’ve told me all the naughty things you’ve been thinking up. Anyway, I’ll be calling him to give him a heads-up. If he needs to see us, he’ll either tell us to get our asses out there or he’ll show up on my doorstep. One does not go near his place without a very clear invitation.”

  “Why is that? Is he a mean man?” Quinn pulled away from looking at the beauty of the town that they lived in. She couldn’t believe that she hadn’t seen this part of it. Then again she had never had reason to be there either.

  “He’s just old and set in his ways. He also doesn’t trust easily. His mate was killed four years ago by hunters and he’s had a hard go. If the pack needs him, he’s there, no questions asked. But beyond that he wants to live his life and be left alone. I can respect that, because to lose a mate is one of the worst hells to survive.”

  “Oh, that’s terrible. I’m so sorry. How is he able to continue on with his mate being gone? Does he have children? Does he lean on his beta or whatever it is?”

  “He has six kids and fourteen grandkids, with one more on the way from his youngest. There are days that are better than others, but he never once ignores a call from a pack member. While he might not be the most cheerful person around, he’s always there when we need him to be for whatever we need. We could have pushed to have him step down when his mate died, but I think it’s part of what’s kept him going. The knowledge that he is responsible for us all.”

  “I’m so sorry.” She felt a deep hurt for the man. “I’m sure that his family helps a great deal as well. And wow, six kids, seriously? He has a huge family. I was an only child, thank God for that one,” she added. “My mom was an only child. The sperm donor has several brothers, but I don’t think he talks to them. He hates them and thinks that they are out to take over his business, which is silly.”

  “They could be,” Piran said. At her sharp look, he shrugged. “If you haven’t ever met them you can’t be sure, now can you? Maybe his whole family is like he is, and their grand plan is to get him out of the picture so they can take over his hold on whatever it is he’s got a hold on.”

  “Good Lord, I never thought of that.” She gasped and turned to look at him with shock. “Maybe they helped him get out so they could take over his business or help him make sure that I pay for betraying the family? Holy Christ, not good.”

  “I won’t allow anything or anyone to ever harm you, Quinn. Now, have you figured out what you’re going to tell Joe about moving out of the house?”

  “Yep,” she said with complete faith in herself. “I’m going to tell him I don’t feel safe in this home that they got for me. I mean look at all of the safe houses I’ve gone through before landing here.” She shrugged. “Anyway, I’m going to tell him I’m going to move into a home that no one knows, not even him. That if he needs me he can get in touch with the sheriff and he can call you.”

  “Excellent.” He gave her a smile. Reaching over, he squeezed her hand gently, slowing the truck when they hit the town’s limits. There was a small overgrowth of flowering trees coming up, and Piran gave a wave at a sign that, until they were past, Quinn hadn’t been able to fully see. But spotting the sheriff’s department car tucked in behind made it rather obvious. “They catch out-of-towners at that spot all the time. Locals know about the sudden change in speed, but everyone else gets caught flat-footed and over the limit without fail.”

  “Oh. See I’ve never been to your side of the town, so I’ve never traveled this road without you.” Those sneaky devil
s. The way they were catching out-of-towners, she had to give them credit for the trap. Still, it was a trap all the same, and all it would take would be one person to grumble and complain and file a claim against the police department for that trap to be evicted.

  “There’s a couple others, both on the main highway that comes through the town. They’re smart enough to put up signs about speed traps being in the area, but they aren’t all that big. It covers their asses on a legal standpoint, I think.” Shaking his head, he slowed them down a little more and turned toward her house. “You ready for this?”

  She took a deep breath and nodded. “I’m ready. Let’s get my things and call Joe. I don’t think I want a face-to-face with him. Think we can have the phone delivered to him by maybe one of your pack mates or something? Are you in a pack or what is it called for jaguars?” Yes, she was all kinds of flighty right now, but she was seriously nervous. She had been talking to Piran for so long, had given her heart up to him, and she now had brought him into the insanity of her life. She was scared to death that she was going to get him hurt.

  “The generic term is pack, but a group of jaguars is a jamboree. It sounds a little too hokey given the more common references, so pack is just fine. We’ll leave the phone at the house. He can pick it up there whenever he goes through to clean it up to ensure no trace is left of you. Which we both know he’ll do once you convince him you’re not changing your mind about this whole thing.”

  “This is true. He’ll probably go through and remove absolutely everything that has to do with me, including my degrees, which will piss me off. Especially if he messes with things that the kids have given me. But then again I really don’t want to be found either. Well, hell.”

  “We take everything with us,” he said simply. He drew to a stop out front of her house and turned the truck off. “Anything that you want or need we take with us tonight. I know it wasn’t the original plan but that way he can’t throw out anything that might be important or sentimental to you.”


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