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Too Good to Be Wrong

Page 5

by Sam Crescent

  “What is this?” she asked.

  In her hand was a picture frame. Taking it from her hands, he glanced over it seeing an image of the three of them. “It’s the day we went to the beach.”

  “No, look closely. Why are you holding me like that?” She pointed at his hand. “Why are you holding me like that, but you’re barely touching Julia?” Her finger landed on Julia and where his hand was.

  “This is insane. What are you doing banging on my apartment door like that? It’s late. Where’s David?” How he got the other man’s name out without cursing or sounding disgusted, he didn’t know.

  She laughed. “He thinks there’s something between us and refuses to have anything more to do with me until I figure this out.” She held her hand up between the two of them. “I tried to tell him nothing was going on, but he wouldn’t believe me. I think this is crazy, but then I saw this picture and I needed to know.”

  “My hand landed funny that’s all.”

  “Why were you around my apartment tonight? Why did you look miserable when you saw David?”

  April kept firing questions at him.

  “I was worried about you, and then I realized I shouldn’t be worried. You’re a grown girl. You don’t need me to worry about you.” The lies fell easily out of his mouth.

  “There are a lot of things that don’t add up, Henry. Your attitude when it comes to me. You blow hot and cold. One moment I think you hate me, but the next you’re telling me I’m not prepared for your feelings or how you feel about me.”

  “What do you want from me?” He placed the picture on the coffee table taking a step toward her.

  “I want you to start making fucking sense.” She shoved his chest hard. He didn’t move. April didn’t compare to his strength at all. “You confuse me all the time. Julia’s dead, and the one connection between us is gone. Why do you keep entering my life and doing this to me?” she yelled.

  He stared at her, and something snapped.

  Reaching out, he grabbed her wrist tugging her close. She tripped and fell against him. He sank his hands into her hair, gripping the length in his fist.

  Henry took what he wanted for a damn change. When he slammed his lips down on hers, April tensed in his arms. He waited for her to push him away, but she simply stayed frozen.

  Sliding his tongue along her bottom lip he coaxed her lips open moaning as her tongue touched his.

  Time passed. He didn’t know how long it took for her to respond, and he didn’t care. Something changed within April. She wrapped her hands around his body, holding onto his shoulders. He pushed her up against the nearest wall, consuming her lips as she wrapped her arms around him.

  This was what he’d been craving all those months but kept secret. April filled his thoughts, forcing him to want something he didn’t think he was allowed to have.


  “No, stop talking,” he said, kissing down her neck, sucking on her pulse. He needed to taste her, to devour every inch of her.

  “We can’t do this. Julia—”

  “Yeah, we’re doing this, and she doesn’t matter. It was over with Julia.” He tugged on the hem of her shirt drawing it up over her body. He revealed her full, brown tits with a darker shade to her nipples. Her body was beautiful. Henry went to his knees before her, sucking one of her nipples into his mouth. She cried out. Glancing up, he saw her head thrown back against the wall.

  She gripped his arms arching up against his touch.

  He glided his hands down her full curves, memorizing them. Releasing her nipple, Henry pulled her sweatpants off, revealing her sweet pussy to view. Her mound was covered in pubic hair. He opened her thighs, sliding his fingers up to the lips of her sex.

  “What are you doing?” she asked.

  Henry didn’t say a word. He held her sex open and sucked her clit into his mouth. The taste of her exploded on his tongue, taking him by surprise. She tasted sweet and musky.

  Moaning, he caressed down her slit to plunge into her tiny cunt. She was soaking wet. Her cum slid into his mouth, and he swallowed every drop, loving the taste of her.

  When tasting her wasn’t enough, he pushed his sweatpants down, gripped his cock, and started to work his shaft.

  He tongued her clit, circling the bud then sliding down to plunge into her sweet pussy.

  “Henry, please.”

  She tugged on his head, and he expected her to stop him from doing anything more. April moved away from him but instead of going toward the front door, she walked in the direction of the bedroom.

  Kicking his sweatpants all the way off his body, he followed her into the bedroom, desperate for more. She stood at the foot of the bed. He didn’t give her the chance to speak as he wrapped her in his arms and claimed her lips once again.

  She gasped, opening her lips, and he took full advantage.

  “Fuck me, Henry,” she said in between kisses.

  He shoved her to the bed, gently. She sat down on the edge staring at him.

  “Open your legs. I’ll fuck you all in good time. I want to taste you. Before I put my cock inside you I want you to come on my tongue.” He went to his knees before her and slid his hands up the outside of her thighs before going inside.

  April lay back on the bed, opening her thighs wide for him. For the longest time he simply stared into her eyes before returning his attention to her sweet pussy.

  Using his fingers he opened her lips and started to suck on her clit. She cried out, jerking into a sitting position on the bed.

  “Are you tender there?” he asked.

  “Yes. No one has ever, erm, gone down on me before.”

  “It’s their loss.” He wasn’t going to give her any reason to hate oral. Henry was already addicted to the taste of her in his mouth. “I love the taste of your pussy.”

  He flicked his tongue over her clit before licking down to tongue-fuck her pussy. She gripped the bedding on either side of her. Her hands went into fists as he drove her closer and closer to orgasm.

  Henry kept her at the peak of pleasure refusing to let her over the edge until he wanted her to. Leaving the lips of her sex, he teased her opening with one hand while the other held onto her stomach to keep her in place.

  She squirmed in his hold.

  He pumped two fingers inside her, sucking her clit into his mouth. That was all it took to have her climaxing. He wouldn’t release her until he was sure she was over the peak.


  April cried out as her orgasm took her completely by surprise. His tongue was wicked, in a good way. She collapsed to the bed, but he wasn’t finished with her yet. He budged her up the bed until she lay amongst the plump pillows.

  She watched him lick his lips, and his mouth glistened with her cream. “You taste so good,” he said.

  She reached out to touch him. This couldn’t be real, yet it was. Henry was naked above her, touching her, bringing her to orgasm. It didn’t seem true to her. She touched his face sliding down his chest.

  “Touch me, April. I’m all yours.”

  He sat back on his heels, and she took the time to caress him. His body was rock hard beneath her fingers. The hours he took working out must have been worth it. She never liked working out and saw no use for it other than to give people jobs.

  They were both naked, and she sat up. His cock stood out long and hard. He was the biggest man she’d ever seen. She gripped the length of his shaft working from the root down to the tip. The foreskin peeled back to reveal the mushroom head.

  “Fuck,” he said.

  Henry covered her hand with his, speeding up her actions. He wanted her to hold him a little tighter and move her hands faster. The way he touched himself looked painful, yet the look on his face showed something else.

  For several minutes she touched his cock, finding out what he liked and what it would take to please him.

  “That feels so fucking good, April.” The way he said her name was like an erotic moment all in itself.

  A fresh wave of arousal hit her hard, and she continued to touch him.

  “As much as I hate to say this you’re going to have stop.” He pushed her hand away.


  “I don’t want to come all over the sheets for our first time together. I want to feel this tight pussy around my dick.”

  She groaned as he rubbed the tip of his cock against her clit.

  “You’re so wet for me, April. Tell me you want this.”

  “I want this. I want you, Henry.” They were not hard words to find.

  He pushed the head inside her, and she gasped.

  “Fuck, you’re tight.”

  April had had sex before, but with her infatuation for Henry, she’d not been with another man since then.

  When the tip of him was inside, his hands went to her hips, and with one long thrust he was completely within her.

  She cried out. Henry wasn’t a small man. The length and thickness of him filled her completely, pushing her to the verge of pain.

  He took her lips in another searing kiss. “Heaven,” he said.

  Gripping his arms, she started to move her pelvis. “Do something.”

  The torture was too great. She needed him to move or to do something to take away the burning within her.

  “Your wish is my command.” Henry pulled all of the way out of her until only the tip remained. She stared up into his eyes and lost herself.

  Her feelings for Henry hadn’t been those of an infatuated girl. She’d been in love with Henry since the moment she met him. He wasn’t hers though, and never had been.

  Cutting those thoughts off, April knew she’d deal with those feelings tomorrow. Instead, she was going to bask in having Henry all to herself.

  “You feel so fucking good.”

  He slowed his pace down until she felt every inch of him going in and out of her. The arousal built within her, and she clenched her inner walls to make it tighter for him. Henry growled in response and thrust into her over and over again.

  After several rough slams within her, he took hold of her hands and pressed them beside her head. She was held captive to his need. He closed the small distance and locked his lips with hers. His tongue slid inside her mouth, deepening the kiss. Each touch aroused her further.

  She was so close to the peak that she didn’t know how long she’d last. Henry changed from slowly fucking her to roughly pounding inside her. She saw his teeth clench seconds before he apologized. “I’m not going to last.”

  His cock jerked within her, and his orgasm washed over him. She didn’t know how, but April followed him with an orgasm of her own. They collapsed together on the bed. The only sounds to be heard in the bedroom were the sounds of their heavy breathing. She stared up at the blank white ceiling, loving the feel of him in her arms and wishing it could have been different.

  The guilt started to take over.

  In her mind she hadn’t just fucked Henry Jones the man. No, she’d fucked Henry, Julia’s boyfriend. The pain was instant, and she didn’t know what to do.


  The following morning Henry woke up reaching out for April only to come up with empty space. Lifting his head from the pillow he glanced around to see that she wasn’t anywhere. He climbed out of bed, grabbed a robe and moved from room to room. There was no sign of her. The sweatpants and shirt he removed off her body last night were gone. There was no sign that she’d even been in his apartment. Moving to the sitting room he found the picture frame with a Post-it note covering her face.

  Last night was a mistake. A

  The words filled him with dread. Last night had been the best night of his entire life. April was with him all the way. What had changed between last night and this morning? He ran fingers through his hair as he started to get agitated. This shouldn’t be happening.

  He grabbed his cell phone from the kitchen counter and dialed Marcel’s number.

  “This is too early for me to be dealing with whatever you’ve got going on.”

  “Is April in today?” he asked.

  “Well she was, but she called in sick this morning.”

  Henry cursed.

  “What’s going on?” Marcel asked.

  “April was with me last night. She sneaked out of my place leaving me a note to say it was a mistake.”

  “Maybe you should let her be. She clearly knows what she’s talking about,” Marcel suggested.

  “I can’t leave her alone.” He’d tasted her, been inside her, and knew what heaven was all about. No, he wasn’t letting her get away from him. He’d fight her and do whatever it took to prove to April that he was serious about what he wanted.

  Within half an hour he was dressed and in his car. He started by going to her apartment only to find no one answered. Next he went to Marcel’s only to be told she wasn’t there. The only place he hadn’t checked was Julia’s graveside.

  Crap. What was he going to do if she was crying next to her friend?

  Bracing himself, he drove to the grave and climbed out. In front of Julia’s stone marking her resting place there was a bench. April sat in it wrapped in a jacket.

  His heart pounded as he entered the gate then took a seat beside her. April tensed but made no move to leave.

  This is the last place he wanted to be. When it came to Julia he possessed a secret of his own that he never wanted April to find out.

  “You left without waking me up,” he said.

  “I’ve never been good at the morning after routine.” She kept her hands locked together in her lap.

  “Why did you leave this?” He showed her the note she’d left.

  “I thought you’d take the hint and not try to follow me today. I’m not in the mood to do this with you.”

  “You’re going to try to ignore me?” He turned to look at her.

  He saw the tearstains on her cheeks, and he hated them.

  “I was going to try and put some distance between us, Henry. Last night, it shouldn’t have happened. Whatever is going on shouldn’t have happened.” She licked her lips, and he wanted to reach out and touch her. He couldn’t do anything as she kept to herself. April didn’t turn to look at him.

  His heart broke a little at the pain clearly in her eyes.


  “Don’t pretend you don’t understand,” she said.

  “I don’t. You’re not making any sense to me.”

  “Please, shut up.” She glanced at him.

  “No, I’m not going to shut up. Last night was fucking amazing like I always knew it would be.” She shook her head and got to her feet. He refused to let her leave. “You can’t cut me out. I didn’t use a condom, and I bet you’re not on the contraceptive pill.”

  “My God, how low will you fucking go?” She tugged out of his hold. “I don’t care what you think. I am on the pill, but I didn’t give it a thought last night.”

  “We were both in the moment.”

  “It was a mistake. A big, gigantic mistake.” She went to turn away.

  “Why? Is it because I belonged to Julia, is that it?”

  “You were Julia’s boyfriend. I betrayed a friendship.”

  “I was never Julia’s to belong to, and she knew it.” He took a step closer to her. “That picture says it all, but you’re too afraid to admit the fucking truth.”

  “You hated me!” she yelled.

  “Hate is the furthest thing between us, and I never hated you.” He gripped her arm and pulled her close. Henry stared into her eyes, soaking her in like he always did. Why did she have to have so much power over him? “Julia saw it, and she was fucking jealous of you.”

  She shook her head. “I’ve no idea what you’re talking about.”

  He fought with himself, but the truth he wanted to keep from her had to be told. It’s tell her or lose her. “Julia knew how I felt about you. From the first moment I saw you, I wanted you. When I started to get to know you, I knew I wanted more. I fought it because I couldn’t do that to J
ulia, and I knew if I hurt her I’d lose you. I’d rather get the short bursts of time with you than nothing at all.” He cupped her cheek, tilting her head back. “Then she saw the picture I kept of you that day.” His hands shook a bit as he recalled their argument.

  “What?” she asked.

  “I left my wallet on the dressing table. She found the picture I kept of you for my own pleasure. It’s one of you smiling with the sun shining down on you. Julia started screaming at me for cheating.” He didn’t want to say anymore, but he started it. “I told her I never touched you and that you didn’t have a clue how I felt. You two were going out shopping, and there wasn’t any time to mend fences. She left with you, and it was only later that I felt real pain.”

  “The day of the accident, she found out you cared about me?” Tears were falling down her cheeks.

  “I got a text ten minutes before your call. She asked me a simple question.”

  She opened her mouth and then closed it.

  “Julia asked me if I’d be able to love her if you were dead.”

  April gasped. “No, Julia wouldn’t do that.”

  “Ten minutes later you called, April. She was trying to kill you but killed herself in the process.”

  “No, you don’t know that. Julia wouldn’t do that.”

  He held her tightly as her tears fell harder than ever before.


  His words made no sense, yet April knew he spoke the truth. That day Julia had been withdrawn, and she simply hadn’t seen it. Her friend had been particular about her driving until that day.

  “How do you even know this? It could have been a complete coincidence.”

  “I got an investigator to check out the crash site. There were cameras in the area. His investigation told me all I needed to know. Julia aimed for your side of the car. What she didn’t anticipate was the pull of the curb that changed her aim so that she was the one who took the impact killing her instantly.”

  “Julia tried to kill me?”


  She pulled out of his arms and started walking away.

  “April, don’t walk away.” He went to grab her again, but she dodged his arm.


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