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Our Forever (Every Curvy Inch Book 2)

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by Alexa Blue

  I take a few moments to take in her words, then it hits me. Her words spark something inside me, something I believed was dead.

  I look into my sister’s eyes, “Amanda, when did you become so wise?”

  Her chuckle is playful and innocent. “I’m not wise, I just hate seeing my sister in pain. Not when her happiness is not far from here.”

  I stand to my feet, a broad smile plastered on my face. “Amanda, you’re right! I’ve been a such a fool. Storm has been the one for me since I first met him, and I’ve known it,” I pause, “maybe just a little scared to admit it.”

  I reach down and plant a kiss on Amanda’s forehead, before grabbing my phone and running out our apartment.

  I go out in public dressed in comfy pajamas and bedroom slippers, but I don’t care. The only thing that matters is that I fight for Storm, even if I look like a dog’s breakfast.

  The man has had my heart since I first laid eyes on him in Kung-Fu Kitchen, and he still does. Hell, he’s all I fucking think about.

  Fuck my two golden rules, fuck the previous men that hurt me. Fuck it all. Storm is not like those guys. After him fighting for me, it’s now time I prove my worth—even if that means going down on one knee and asking for his forgiveness.

  Sitting in the back of my Uber, I tie my roughed-up hair in a bun to make myself look a little more presentable.

  The car barely draws to a halt when I run out the car and into his apartment building. The security guard remembers me from the last time I was there, and after some pleading, he allows me into the building.

  To the outside world, I probably look frantic as I press on the elevator button repeatedly, but inside I’m a nervous wreck.

  My heart pounds rapidly inside my chest. It's as if every emotion I've ever felt crashes over me all at once. I'm excited yet terrified. I'm nervous as hell, yet helplessly in love.

  I exit the elevator and take in a sharp breath before walking over to his apartment. Okay, Brooke, it's now or never. I rap my knuckles on his door. Suddenly, I realize I had not prepared a speech. I have no idea what I’m going to say to Storm, or even how to ask his forgiveness.

  Moments pass, and there's no response. The suspense is fucking killing me.

  I knock on the door again, when his neighbor, I recall from our passionate moment in the elevator, steps out of her apartment. She is one nosy lady. Lady, please go back inside, I cannot be apologizing to Storm with your prying eyes watching.

  “You’re looking for Storm?” She says.

  “Um, yeah. Do you have any idea where he is?”

  She gives me a pitiful glance and shakes her head in disapproval.

  “Young lady, his apartment is in total darkness. Lately, he hasn’t been home much.”

  Her words are like a sword stabbing at my heart. I picture Storm drowning his sorrows at a bar.

  I thank Ms. Paddy and turn to leave when her voice stops me. “My angel, you are two weeks too late, but for what it’s worth,” she says. I turn around and look at her expectantly. “For what it’s worth, I’ve never seen him happier than the day he brought you home.”

  Chapter Twelve


  I’ve become a regular at Easy Joe’s, a local convenience store not far from my apartment.

  Surprisingly, the store stocks everything I need to claim Brooke as my own. Not surprising, the owner’s name is Joe.

  For the last two weeks, I’ve walked into this store every afternoon, stocking up for that evening’s supplies. By now, I’ve made friends with Joe. I know he has a disabled daughter he would move mountains for, and that the store had been held up twice this year. But it isn’t until today that he asks why I walk into his store buying the same items every night.

  “This,” I tell him, handing him a new box of tealight candles “is for someone very special.”

  Joe laughs as if I'm out of my mind. “I see, but is she not tired of having the same thing every night?”

  I hold a brave smile. “She hasn’t seen it, yet, but I know she will when the time’s right.”

  To Joe, I may just be a fool in love, a fool that should know when to quit. But I will walk into this store every fucking night if it means I’ll get one more chance to prove myself to her.

  Having Brooke run out on me a second time hurt like hell. It’s a sure recipe to crush any man’s ego. I’ve never had to fight this hard for anything in my life, but they say the best things in life are worth fighting for, and that’s the plan.

  I know my cupcake ran out of fear. She’s scared of giving her heart to me, afraid I will hurt her.

  I also know she feels the sparks of electricity that runs up our arms every time we touch. Brooke may come across as a feisty girl, sometimes even a little full of shit, but I know underneath all that armor, she’s frightened. Now it’s up to me to prove I will never do anything to hurt her, that I’m deserving of her love.

  I still haven’t written a word in two weeks, and have no interest in stripping for a group of girls either. I have something far more important to worry about; I need to fight for the love of my life.

  Glancing down at my wristwatch, I see the time is now 18:03. I need to have everything set up by dark.

  “Joe, thanks again for the chat, but it’s time for me to get going.”

  He gives me a warm, fatherly smile, “you go get her, son.”

  I grab hold of the plastic bag he hands me, “I won’t stop until I do.”

  Bouncing out of his store, I get in my car and drive off to the hill. I got carried away chatting to Joe, so I’m a few minutes behind schedule today. It will be dark soon, and I don’t have much time to set up.

  My car is parked a block away, so I take a walk to the hill. The last thing I’d want is for her to spot my car and ruin the surprise. I climb up the hill and begin setting up.

  After doing this every night for the last two weeks, I’ve developed a system. I even pack all the items in my bag systematically, in order of how I need to set up.

  By the time I’m done setting up, I lay out the blanket and find a seat, staring into the distance as the Los Angeles buildings begin lighting up the sky. I sit and hope that tonight is the night she makes an appearance. When Brooke told me that this was the place she comes to when she’s feeling down, I knew this is the perfect spot to profess my love.

  I consider the short note she left in my car before running off.

  I can’t do this. I’m so sorry.


  If I had to respond in words, I’d write back:

  I can’t give up on you, on us. Sorry.


  I hear footsteps and the sounds of leaves being trampled on, perking my attention. After two weeks of waiting, my Queen had arrived.

  My heart flutters inside my chest as she takes a few moments to observe her surroundings.

  Today I prove my worth to her.

  Today, Brooke will be mine once and for all.

  Chapter Thirteen


  Since Amanda spoke sense into me, I’ve given up the drinking.

  Okay, I lie. But, I have given up drinking to numb my thoughts of Storm. I had to curb the wine because joining a twelve-step program is not one of the plans I have for the future.

  Every day after work, I stop over at Storm’s apartment. I told myself I won’t stop until I see him, until I can apologize and tell him I love him. I don’t even need to beg the guards to let me in, I now walk into the apartment building like a tenant.

  Ms. Paddy and I have grown surprisingly close in these last two weeks. She tells me she hardly sees Storm anymore, and I can’t help but feel I’m to blame. I’d never forgive myself if anything happened to him.

  If there were a day I needed my wine, today would be it. But I can’t drink because I promised myself the next time I drink it would be to celebrate, not to drown my sorrows.

  Jumping in the backseat of my Uber, I’m not going home; instead, I’m heading off to Hillside. I haven't be
en to my happy place in ages, and tonight I really just need to get out and clear my head.

  I ask the driver to stop close to the hill and climb under the fence. I haven’t been here in a while, but there’s something different about this hill. Apart from the usual glow of the surrounding lavish homes and the city’s skyline, there’s a trail of candles on the ground, leading up the hill.

  I narrow my eyes curiously and follow the trail of lit candles. “What the fuck?” I mumble to myself.

  Climbing higher, I discover rose petals scattered along the path. When looking up, my knees go weak, and I come close to falling, once I catch sight of him.

  Storm is down on one knee; a single red rose is clutched between his teeth.

  I pull my hands to my mouth. “Storm…”

  It takes me a few moments to take in my surroundings. Ahead of me, Storm has his knee planted on an open blanket. On the blanket is a picnic basket and around the blanket is at least 50 tealight candles.

  Without thinking twice, I run up to my man. I stand over him, but he remains on his knee. It looks like he will not get up until he says what’s on his mind.

  I search for the right thing to say, the right thing to ask, but my mind comes up blank. “What is… what is all this?”

  He pulls the rose out his mouth. “It’s a midnight picnic, silly. This is the spot you come to when you’re feeling down, right?”

  Storm takes my hand in his. “Brooke, I have been madly in love with you from the moment I laid eyes on you! I was a fool to let you walk away the first time, an even bigger fool to let you walk away from me the second time. But I will be damned if I let you walk away from me this time.”

  My hand grows moist inside his, and I look down at him, listening intently to his every word.

  “Brooke, I will give you all the love you need. In return, all I want is you.”

  “Are… Are you asking me out?” I stutter. I’m sure my face must be as red as a fucking tomato, right now.

  After everything I’ve put this man through, he insists on fighting for me?

  “I’m not asking you out,” Storm says and lifts himself up to his feet.

  I gasp as he pulls me into him. I feel his cock is hard again as he presses his body into mine. I gaze into his fierce, brown eyes with parted lips.

  Swallowing hard, I speak again, “So, what is all of this?”

  “Cupcake, I don’t want to date you. I’m going to marry you. Brooke, make me the luckiest man and be mine, forever.”

  My breathing grows erratic as our bodies press into each other. There’s a cool breeze in the air, but my body is on fire.

  “Brooke, will you be my wife?”

  Despite his question, he has a surety in his eyes, suggesting he will not accept ‘no’ for an answer. I have been his forever since he laid eyes on me, and now he wants to seal the deal.

  “Yes!” I cry out, the excitement in my voice echoes in the distance. I want the whole fucking world to know that Storm is my man, and I’m his!

  A man willing to fight this hard for me is worth giving my life over to.

  Storm seals the deal by leaning in and captures my lips in a kiss. With the skyline glistening behind us, I can’t think of a more romantic way to give him the rest of my life.

  Storm pulls out a bottle of Dom Perignon from the picnic basket and hands me a glass of poured champagne.

  “Here’s to us, for the rest of our lives.” He says, holding up his glass to meet mine with a clink.

  “To us.”

  He tells me his neighbor had no idea what he was planning, so she couldn’t have told me where to find him. That he’d come every day and set up this trail of lit candles and rose petals, knowing that he’d be here for me on the day I needed him most.

  I sit in front of Storm. I'm between his legs, my back pressing to his front, and his arms wrap around me. He nibbles playfully on my ear lobe as I take a few moments to admire the view.

  For the first time in my life, I feel like I do not need to defend myself, I don’t need to hold a brave face for anyone. I can just lay back, taking comfort knowing this man has only the best of intentions for me.

  The excitement of this evening has my pussy dripping and judging from the feeling of his stiffened cock on my back, I can tell I’m not the only one excited.

  “Storm,” I say with a slight moan in my voice.

  He leans his head in closer. “Yes, cupcake?”

  “I don’t think this night could get any better,” I tell him, with a touch of naughtiness in my voice.

  Storm swings his legs over my body until I’m flat on my back. He rests his body on mine, and I feel his cock pressing against my wetness. Instinctively, I spread my legs for him, wrapping them around his waist. His hazel eyes gaze into the depth of my soul.

  “Oh, baby, this night is just getting started.”

  I bite on my bottom lip and shoot him a flirtatious grin. “Oh, really? What do you have in mind, big boy?”

  My body trembles as he runs his hands up my thighs, placing pressure on my pussy as he works his way higher onto my belly. “I'm going to make sweet love to my wife now,” his lips shift up to my ear, “and I won't stop until I fill you with my baby.”

  My vision has grown blurry, and my breathing is erratic. It takes all the strength I can gather to speak again, “Baby, I’m yours.”



  6 Months Later

  True to his word, Storm did not stop making sweet love to me until he filled me with his baby. When I told him I was pregnant, he seemed even more turned on. Even with the weight gain, the mood swings, and the constant cravings, Storm is madly in love with me.

  The sex is fucking unbelievable. On some days, he fills me up with his come four times in a single night. I joke and tell him it’s impossible to get me pregnant again. “We’ll see about that,” he tells me.

  Climbing up the hill and admiring the city’s skyline used to be my happy place. Now, whenever I'm feeling moody, I pull a mental picture of Storm’s face on the day I told him I’m pregnant. If happiness had a face, its name would be Storm on the day he found out he’s going to be a daddy.

  I can’t think of a better man to be the father of my unborn daughter. Storm will look after her, protect her, and treat her like a princess.

  I moved in to live with Storm not long after he claimed me as his own and have not looked back since.

  Amanda is always at our place. I love that she and Storm get on like a house on fire. The only time I get annoyed with them is when they gang up on me and tell me how stubborn I am, or that Tupac doesn’t count as a lullaby to play for my unborn child.

  Right now, I’m living the life of a queen, a big beautiful queen.

  I’m standing over the stove, whipping up Chicken Ala King for supper when Storm walks into the kitchen with a fresh bouquet of flowers.

  “Is this for me?”

  Storm bites on his lip playfully. “No, I thought I’d try my luck with Ms. Paddy.”

  “Idiot,” I tell him and whack his arm with the wooden spatula in my hand. “I don’t have a problem with you flirting with our neighbor, but don’t you dare get her carnations, those are my favorite.”

  He leans down on me, planting a kiss on my forehead. “Of course, there’re for you.”

  Heat fills my cheeks, and I take a few moments to admire my flowers. “Thanks, Mr. Muscles,” I pause, “wait, what’s the occasion?”

  Storm steps away from me, pulling his hands to his hips. His eyes are large and filled with concern. “Please, don’t tell me you forgot?”

  My mind works in overdrive. Oh, God, did I forget our anniversary? No, wait, our six-month anniversary was last week.


  He nods his head with disapproval. “I can’t believe you forgot such a big day for us?”

  I grab on his arm, rubbing on his bicep apologetically. “I’m sorry, babe! Wait, what is today?”

  “Brooke, today is 191 days
since you’ve made me the happiest man alive.”

  I watch a coy grin form on his lips.

  I slap his arm again. “Oh, my God, you’re such a clown! You had me freaking worried for a moment.”

  Storm pulls me into him, his coy grin remaining. He runs his hands down every curve of my body. “Cupcake, I will buy you flowers every day if I see fit. My queen deserves nothing less.”



  Two years later

  Once Brooke agreed to be my wife two years ago on that hill, I quit the stripping. Now I live with the only woman that should ever see me naked.

  I’ve pursued writing full time, and Brooke has been by my side since, encouraging me, motivating me when the going got tough. Today, my writing has afforded us a new house in Trousdale. With our extended family, we needed a bigger house. Brooke has adopted two rescue dogs from the ASPCA, which she loves to bits. Her business has also taken off and she is now the proud owner of her own Real Estate agency.

  After reading her a bedtime story, I kiss Jessica, my baby girl, good night on her forehead before setting her to bed.

  Brooke tells me she has a special anniversary surprise for me and my cock throbs at the thought of what she has planned. Today is our one-year wedding anniversary.


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