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Searing Lies (Love, Power & Sin)

Page 15

by Marie Astor

  Ally nodded. The file on Platt that Marion had given to Ally had detailed information on him from his favorite brands to what kind of women he dated. “He was born into money, but he built a very successful business since, increasing his fortune several times over. He’s in his early forties. He’s never been married and has a reputation as a womanizer. One of those types that has a new model on his arm every week.”

  “He dates models?”

  “Models, actresses, aspiring singers. I was using the word loosely. Any woman who’s foolish enough to throw herself on him in exchange for his influence and money.”

  “Brunettes or blondes?”

  “He doesn’t seem to care one way or the other.”

  “Is he handsome?”

  “I guess most women would find him attractive.”

  “But not you?”

  Ally shook her head. It wasn’t just the fact that the man had bought her father’s company on a dime; the set crudeness in his jaw line and the steely look in his eyes made something inside Ally recoil.

  “That makes it easier. The fewer distractions we have the better.” Rebecca finished the rest of her tea. “How do you feel about changing into something more comfortable?” She held up a silk robe similar to the one she had on. “And then we can see if blond is a good color for you.” She motioned at a set of wigs propped on the vanity table. “You can change in there.” Rebecca motioned at a paper screen divider with flower motif on it.

  Ally changed into the robe and took a seat behind the vanity table. She was surprised to notice that the feeling of unease had completely left her. Whatever it was that Rebecca used in her tea worked.

  “I say we change things up a bit and go for a short do.” Rebecca reached for a blond cropped cut wig.

  “I always wanted to see what it’d be like to have short hair.”

  “Now is your chance.” She placed the wig back on the mannequin and started pinning up Ally’s hair. A few minutes later she placed the wig over Ally’s hair. “Sorry it’s a little tight, but it makes it look more realistic.”

  “Wow!” Ally exclaimed. The girl who stared back at her from the mirror looked completely different.

  “We’re not done yet.” Rebecca smiled. “What color eyes would you prefer? Green or hazel?”


  “Green it is. Do you wear contact lenses?”

  Ally shook her head. She always had perfect vision.

  “It makes it easier that we don’t have to worry about prescription, but you’ll have to practice putting these in. I’ll show you for now and I’ll give you several packs to take with you. Keep your eyes wide open. I’ll just pop them in.”

  Ally inwardly cringed, but barely felt a thing as Rebecca placed the lenses into Ally’s eyes.

  “Now take a look.”

  “I don’t even recognize myself.”

  “That’s the idea. You can be anyone you want, Ally. And you don’t have to do anything you’re not comfortable with. There are many ways to get people to do what you want. Sex is one of them, but I find that seduction, anticipation, and misdirection are even more powerful.” Rebecca opened one of the vanity drawers and held up a small vial between her thumb and index fingers. “A drop of this powerful sedative is enough to knock out an elephant. I find it’s always useful to have a back-up plan.”

  Ally nodded gratefully and slid the vial into her purse. The idea of knocking Platt out seemed much more alluring than seducing him.

  “And here’s a little something that might come in handy too.” Rebecca lifted a small perfume bottle. “It’s an experimental product, a mixture of pheromones that the agency’s research department’s been tinkering with to increase attraction of the opposite sex—”

  “Wait a minute,” Ally cut in, “do you mean to tell me that if I spray this on me men will be falling all over me? I’ve seen this stuff on infomercials and there was this movie . . . What was it called? Oh, yes, Love Potion No. 9!”

  Rebecca chuckled. “Not exactly. Although the agency would be delighted to have a substance like that at its disposal. The product hasn’t been perfected yet. It doesn’t always work, but when it does, it’s very powerful. I really don’t think you’ll need its help. You look stunning enough to catch any man’s eye as it is, but it never hurts to have back-up.”

  “Hey, if it helps, I’m all for it.” Ally placed the bottle into her purse. “Just one question,” she paused, a little embarrassed. “If I use this substance, how do I make sure that Agent Morrissey won’t be affected?”

  A slight smile curved Rebecca’s lips. “I wouldn’t worry about it. The effect is only temporary: it wears off in about two hours. As a senior agent, Jake is aware that the use of pheromones is standard for this type of an assignment.”

  “Great. Thanks for the tip,” Ally mumbled. Using a love potion to attract Platt was embarrassing enough in itself. She was relieved that at least she wouldn’t have to discuss it with Jake.

  “Now, just a few finishing touches.” Rebecca reached for the makeup kit. She dusted some powder and blush over Ally’s face and applied eye shadow, mascara, and eyeliner to her eyes. A coat of red lipstick came last. “Now I know that this is a bit much, but since you’ll be going to an evening event, I think it’ll be perfect.”

  Ally looked in the mirror. “Wow!” was all she could say.

  “What kind of dress do you think she’d wear to a black tie affair?”


  “The blonde in the mirror.” Rebecca winked.

  Ally thought for a moment. “A glamorous gown with a skirt that sweeps the floor. I’m thinking black or navy or maybe red.”

  Rebecca smiled approvingly. “I think you’ll like the dresses we selected for you.” She checked her watch. “Where’s Delilah?” Rebecca muttered. “She was supposed to be here already. I sent her to pick up some dresses for you to try on,” she explained to Ally.

  “Delilah’s working with you?”

  “She’s helping me on some projects,” Rebecca explained vaguely. “While we’re waiting, there’s something else that I wanted to give you.”

  Just then there was a knock on the door.

  “That must be her.” Rebecca went to open the door.

  “Hi, sorry I’m late.” Delilah stumbled inside. She had several gowns on one of her arms and packages in the other. She carefully laid everything out on the chairs. “Hi, Ally!” She gave Ally a kiss on the cheek. “So excited about your new assignment! I know it’s top secret and all,” she added, noticing Rebecca’s meaningful gaze. “Hope you like the dresses I picked. I’ve been to these types of events with gentlemen friends of mine and the ladies there really deck out.”

  Ally lifted the wrapping from one of the gowns and held up the hanger. “It’s beautiful,” she murmured, eyeing the midnight blue gown. It had a full-length chiffon skirt and a silk strapless bodice.

  “So happy you like it!” Delilah rubbed her hands together with delight. “Just wait till you see the shoes!” She opened one of the boxes, lifting up a pair of dark navy stilettos with glittering heels. “Those are Swarovski crystals on the heels,” she pointed out.

  “I love them!” Ally exclaimed, forgetting for a minute the reason behind all this glamour. “I’m going to try them on.”

  “But wait, there’s more,” Delilah stopped Ally. “I wasn’t sure what’s your favorite color or style, so I got a few other options.” Delilah removed the wrapping from the other two dresses and held up the two gowns side by side. One was made of red silk with a peplum waist and the other was a black column-style dress. “The black is my least favorite one,” Delilah admitted, “but I got it just in case you wanted something simple and classy. And I have the shoes and purses to match, too.”

  “They look amazing. I can’t wait to try them on,” Ally said.

  “A beautiful dress is only half the picture. A lady must have undergarments,” Delilah added with a wink. She opened another box and revealed a pale blue lace corset
with a garter belt, and a similar one in black. There were several pairs of stockings with ornate lace, both in nude and black. “These corsets are the best—not only do they look great, but they also hold you in, in case you overindulge on hors d’oeuvres. I got several pairs of stockings just in case; they rip all the time.”

  The sight of the lacey corsets made Ally gasp. She had promised Marion that she’d do whatever it took to complete the job, but she sincerely hoped that Blaine Platt would never get to see her in her underwear, no matter how ornate or beautiful it was. “I think I might need your help to get into these.”

  Ally headed behind the screen. In her heart she already knew that she was going to pick the midnight blue dress, but she decided to try the black one first, saving the best for last. With a little help from Delilah, Ally got into the corset and the stockings, and tried all of the three dresses one by one. They all agreed that the midnight blue gown was the winner. Ally put on the matching shoes and eyed her reflection in the full-length mirror. For a moment she felt like a princess, but even that momentary slip was enough for her to mentally chastise herself. She couldn’t afford to forget that she wasn’t going to a ball and there would be no Prince Charming waiting for her to sweep her off her feet.

  “I almost forgot—can you do ballroom?” Rebecca asked.

  “What’s that?” Ally asked, worried it was some kind of crazy sex trick she had to master in order to conquer Blaine Platt’s attention.

  “You know, ballroom dancing? Foxtrot, waltz, the rhumba,” Delilah explained.

  “Yes, I can do it. I’m pretty good actually,” Ally assured them. As a little girl she used to love watching ballroom dancing competitions on TV, and her dad got her dance lessons. She continued to take them on and off until college. She didn’t have many opportunities to use her dance skills in real life, except for a few black-tie events Ron had taken her to. His foxtrot and waltz moves were basic at best. Little by little she had given up on her hobby, but she still remembered the steps, and with a little practice she was sure it would all come back to her. It was time to put on her dancing shoes.

  Chapter 18

  The next morning at work Ally shifted in her chair as she nervously checked her watch. She had a meeting with Instructor Morrissey—correction, Agent Morrissey—in less than five minutes. To say that she was nervous would be an understatement of grand proportions. She was shaking like a leaf. She’d gone over Platt’s file so many times that she had practically memorized it by heart, and she had done her own research on him as well. Ordinarily she would’ve felt that she was well-prepared for the meeting, but the fact that Jake Morrissey was going to be her partner made her stomach weak and her legs shaky. How was she ever going to get through this?

  Ally pushed back her chair, grabbed her files and headed for the conference room she’d reserved for her meeting with Jake.

  “Ally,” Jake Morrissey greeted her, rising from his chair abruptly. By the looks of it, he must’ve been in the conference room for hours: files and papers were piled high on the table. “I thought I’d get an early start,” he added, motioning at the files.

  “Instructor Morrissey,” Ally blurted out and wanted to bite her tongue.

  “It’s Agent Morrissey now, but please call me Jake.”

  “Jake,” Ally repeated, swallowing hard. “I look forward to working with you on this case.” She plunked her files on the desk and took a seat across the table from him. She didn’t trust herself to be too close to him. This was a work meeting, but she couldn’t help noticing how dashing he looked in his tailored gray suit. Back at the training facility he’d sported khakis and polo shirts, but now looked like an advertisement for Brooks Brothers.

  “I’m glad to hear it, Ally,” Jake said with some reluctance. “Platt has been on our radar for some time. And now we finally have the opportunity to get close to him.”

  “Marion briefed me on the situation, and I’ve done additional research on my own,” Ally offered, attributing Jake’s reticence to fatigue. He must’ve been working non-stop to amass the numerous files now spread over the table. “Platt owns Infinity Capital, which is one of the largest service providers to nuclear plants. As you know, Infinity Capital took over Roberts Enterprises after bankruptcy proceedings and offered to complete all of Roberts’ projects at cost, including rebuilding all Pollux plants that were affected by failures in Roberts’ maintenance. What sets Platt apart from his competition is that his company has two arms, servicing and financing. Smaller plants often contract with Infinity because even though their prices may be steeper, Platt wins them over with financing options, whereas banks had turned them down. Of course there’s always a catch: his lending terms are very aggressive and many companies have difficulties meeting them. Just imagine if Infinity Capital was a monopoly. They’d stand to make astronomical profits.” Ally paused, catching her breath. She wanted Jake to see that she was prepared. The grave, almost stern expression on his face was not at all the reaction she expected.

  “Excellent work, Ally. I can see that you’ve done your research,” Jake uttered belated praise, noticing her astounded stare. “However, as your former instructor I have to tell you that you’re not ready for this assignment. It was my intention to speak with Marion and ask her to reassign you, but I wanted to speak with you first.”

  Ally felt her face grow hot. Jake Morrissey no longer seemed handsome to her. She hated the smug expression on his face and the stiff way he sat in his chair, all buttoned up in his suit. Who the hell did he think he was to judge her? Yeah, sure he had years of seniority over her, but that didn’t make him the boss. She pressed her lips together, determined to keep her cool. “I appreciate your concerns, Jake, but Marion obviously thought me qualified for this assignment and I intend to follow through with it.”

  Jake clenched the right fingers of his hand into a fist so tight that his knuckles turned white. “Marion doesn’t give a rat’s ass about you, Ally,” he spoke in a low, controlled tone. “All she cares about is her damn cases, and she’ll stop at nothing to get her leads. She knows you’ll do anything to be on this case because of your personal history, and she’s throwing you to the wolves. You’re going to be eaten up alive and spit out and she won’t give a damn.”

  Ally could literally feel Jake’s harsh words take the wind out of her, but she forced herself not to budge. “If you’re trying to intimidate me, Jake, you’re doing a very lousy job of it. I knew what I signed up for when I took this job and I’m not about to back down now. You’re damn right I have a personal history that ties me to this case. Somebody killed my father with lies and accusations, destroying everything he stood for.” She noticed the alarmed look on Jake’s face. He didn’t look so tough now. “Don’t stare at me as though I’m crazy,” she snapped. “My father didn’t die of a heart attack. He died because everything he ever worked for was smeared with filthy, searing lies, and he simply didn’t have the will to go on. I will find the bastard who did it and I will make him pay. Now I don’t know if Platt was behind the lies that destroyed my father, but I sure as hell will not back down till I find out for sure.” She stared Jake down. She was done being the nice, obedient girl.

  “I can see how emotional you are about this assignment, Agent Roberts, which only adds to the list of reasons I already have to remove you from the case. I’m going to make my recommendation to Marion today.”

  “What makes you think that she’ll listen to you?”

  “Because as your former instructor I have the authority to re-evaluate your training test scores.”

  “But I graduated with flying colors,” Ally gasped. “You gave me an A.”

  “I’ve gone over your file and there appear to be some discrepancies, a suspicion of cheating. And if you read the code of ethics, you are aware that cheating is a very grave offense, punishable by dismissal from the training program and withdrawal of offer of employment.”

  “So is lying. Marion will never believe you.”

�Try me.” Jake groaned, rubbing his forehead. “Look, Ally, I’m not trying to be some tight ass, ruining your chances. I’m trying to protect you. This is a very dangerous job and I don’t want you to get hurt. I don’t think I could survive it—” he broke off.

  Ally looked up, stunned by Jake’s emotional reaction. She felt her anger drain away. “I know,” she said. “And I appreciate it. But I’ve been through my share of beatings and I’ve been hurt plenty. I promise you that I will follow your instructions within reason, and I won’t let you down. I’m prepared to do this. I want to do this. I have nothing to lose and all I care about is this job.”

  “You have your life to lose, Ally,” Jake breathed out. “I couldn’t live with myself if anything happened to you.” His face pale, he rose from his chair and staggered out of the room.


  Back in her cubicle, Ally contemplated what to do next. She had been nervous about her meeting with Jake, but she had never anticipated him reacting the way he did. It had hurt her to hear him say that she wasn’t ready for the job and she had firmly stood her ground, letting him know that she wouldn’t be pushed around. Now, in retrospect, she knew that she had made a mistake. Jake had seniority over her and she had overstepped her boundaries, way overstepped them. While giving in to her emotions had felt good for a moment, it hadn’t achieved anything. She wanted this assignment desperately. If she were going to be good at this job, she had to learn to be more patient. She briefly contemplated reaching out to Marion, but rejected the idea. She didn’t want Marion to see her as a crybaby or, worse, take Jake’s side and reassign her. What Ally needed was to convince Jake that she was capable of doing this job.

  Twenty minutes later Ally knocked on Jake’s office door. In her hand she had a tray with two doughnuts and coffees. Those weren’t just any old doughnuts, but freshly made beignets from a French bakery around the corner. It was a simple plan and she hoped it would work.


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