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Falling For Liam (Falling Book 9)

Page 10

by Tracy Lorraine

  “Let’s get the weekend started right now then, shall we? I’m going to kick us off with the first couple of songs, and then it’s all over to you, so make sure you’ve hit us up with your requests.”

  Hitting play on my first choice, I sit back and allow my imagination to run wild for a few minutes.

  Chapter Ten


  The moment I wake up, everything from last night slams into me. The fear brought on by my nightmare, followed by the contentment of being wrapped in Liam’s arms. Flipping over, excitement licks at my insides at the thought of him being asleep next to me, but it soon disappears when I see the bed beside me empty. A sigh of disappointment passes my lips as I turn back over to find my phone. If I can’t have him beside me, I need the next best thing.

  My eyes widen when I see that it’s almost 9am. I haven’t managed to sleep this late in ages. I try not to think about the fact it’s probably thanks to my companion.

  Tingles start up in my belly the second his deep voice fills my ears, but it only lasts so long because my stomach rumbles, reminding me that I didn’t eat last night.

  Dragging my body from the comfort of the bed, I make use of the en suite before pulling on a pair of shorts and heading out to find some food, all the while my phone staying locked in my hand so I can listen to Liam.

  I’m totally lost in my own thoughts, munching on a slice of toast, when BJ finds me tucked into the corner of the sofa.

  His lips curl into an amused smirk as he looks from me to my phone on the armrest.

  “You miss him already?”

  My face burns with embarrassment. I guess listening to his morning show is no longer my secret guilty pleasure. “Something like that,” I mutter.

  Falling down onto the opposite sofa, BJ keeps his eyes on me.


  “Are you okay?”

  “Of course, why?”

  “Last night…sounded…intense.”

  Ripping my eyes away from him so he can’t see my pain, I stare at the wall and mutter, “It was nothing.”

  “Liv, you don’t need to do that,” BJ says, his voice unusually soft. “You don’t need to pretend that you’re not still dealing with all that. I know we’re just a couple of guys, but we’re here for you.”

  My eyes get a little damp at his words. Nic was right all those weeks ago; BJ is really just a big teddy bear.

  “Thank you.”

  Liam’s voice thankfully puts a stop to our conversation. I really am grateful for all their support, but I don’t need to talk about what happened.

  “Let’s get the weekend started right now then, shall we? I’m going to kick us off with the first couple of songs and then it’s all over to you, so make sure you’ve hit us up with your requests.”

  We both sit there in silence as the first few beats to ‘Earned It’ by The Weekend fill the room. Putting my plate down, I allow the lyrics to wash over me. I feel tingles erupt within me before goosebumps race across my skin. Something about this song gets me every single time. Whether it’s the beat, the words, or Christian fucking Grey himself, I’ve no idea, but it always hits the spot.

  I feel BJ’s eyes on me but I don’t open mine or question him; I’m too lost in my imagination. I don’t regret not making a move with Liam last night. The timing was most definitely not right, but fuck if the feeling of his body crushed next to mine didn’t kick start things inside me. The softness of his lips against my skin, the heat of his hands pressed against me, his hardness…my thoughts begin to take on a life of their own and it’s not until BJ clears his throat that I remember I’m not alone.

  “Should I leave you to it?” he asks with a laugh as I throw a cushion at his head. “I think you need to let him sort you out, you know,” he calls as I excuse myself to the kitchen when the song comes to an end.

  Ignoring his comment, I set about washing up the mess I’ve made while I dance along to Liam’s next song choice, ‘SexyBack’ by Justin Timberlake. I roll my hips and wiggle my bum in time with the music and allow myself a few minutes of nothingness to just enjoy myself. Everything I’m trying to deal with disappears and it’s just me, the beat, and an imaginary Liam in my head.

  I don’t realise the song’s finished until I hear BJ’s voice, but turning around I find he’s not in the room.

  “Banging song choices,” his voice booms. My eyes fly to my phone and my cheeks heat as I wait for what he’s going to say next. “I think they’ve hit the perfect spot to ensure a fun-filled weekend here. It’s got blood pumping and hips rolling, that’s for sure.” My eyes widen as what he’s really saying hits me. Shit, he was just watching me.

  “Uh…well, thank you,” Liam says, recovering from his best friend’s cryptic statement. “I’m so glad you’re enjoying our music.” To anyone else, his voice would give nothing away, but I hear the slight crack as BJ’s words hit home. “Did you want to request a song?” he asks politely.

  “Oh yes. I’ve already given my choice to your producer. I hope you can get it on.” Dropping my elbows to the worktop, I put my head in my hands and groan as Etta James’ ‘I Just Want To Make Love To You’ fills the room.

  Heavy footsteps make me look up and I find a very smug BJ staring down at me.

  “You’re welcome,” he says with a wink.

  “I can’t believe you just did that.”

  “What? You can’t tell me it’s not what you were thinking while you were in here gyrating your hips.”


  “Exactly. Now you can stop beating around the bush and just fuck him already. Christ knows you both need it.”

  Those are BJ’s final words on the matter because, as I stand there with my mouth gawping in shock, he strolls out of the kitchen, looking proud as punch.

  I roll my eyes at his retreating back, but I can’t deny he didn’t play it well. As embarrassed as I might be, I really wish I could have seen Liam’s face when he discovered his caller was his best friend trying to embarrass him for his song choices.

  Deciding against sitting around the house and waiting to see what happens when Liam reappears after his show, I quickly change out of my pyjamas and head out for a walk. The sun’s shining, so it seems like as good a day as any to have a walk around town and see if there are any jobs going.

  * * *

  By the time I walk into the shack later that afternoon, I’m not only a little sun burnt after stupidly foregoing sun cream, but I’m a little deflated about the lack of job opportunities. A couple of shops are looking for part-time staff. I left my number for them to contact me if they’re interested, but if I’m going to pay my own way here as well as dig myself out of debt, I’m going to need a little more.

  “What’s wrong?” Nic asks the seconds she lays eyes on me.

  “Starting over is hard.”

  “You don’t have to tell me that,” she says with a laugh. “Just give it time. Everything will sort itself out.”

  “That’s if I don’t drown in my own debt first,” I mumble, but slam my lips together when I realise I said it out loud.

  “Why didn’t you say anything? What do you need?”

  “Nic, no. This is my issue, not yours.”


  “No. You’ve done enough. Like you said, everything will be fine.”

  She stares at me for a beat, giving me a silent ear bashing for not accepting her offer of help. “Well, at least tell me you’ve spoken to Lilly to see if Lucas has any jobs going at the hotel.” She must be able to tell by my face that I haven’t. “Liv, seriously.”

  “Fine. I will.”


  “Promise,” I mutter, but I’m not happy about it. I’d rather not have to call in favours.

  “Good. We’re having a girls’ night out tonight, by the way.”

  “Oh, we are, are we? When was this arranged?”

  “When I realised I had the night off and Dec told me he was going out with the guys. It’s perfect
; they can go and do their thing, and we can do ours.”

  I’m not overly thrilled by the idea, but at least I know I won’t be sitting at home waiting to find out what Liam’s going to say about this morning. “When and where?”

  “Go grab some stuff and we’ll get ready at mine. I’m finishing here in about thirty minutes so get a shift on, yeah?”

  “When did you get so bossy?”

  “When I need a giant glass of wine and some girl talk. Now, go.”

  Doing as I’m told, I neck the drink she made for me and walk out of the shack, towards home.

  I know he’s here the second I step through the front door. I can sense his presence before I even lay eyes on him.

  Voices filter through to me as I walk down the short hallway and into the living area where I find Liam, BJ and Dec sat on the sofas, drinking beer.

  “Evening, beautiful,” BJ says with a wink and a cheeky smile while Liam’s lips press into a thin line. I’d have thought he’d be used to BJ’s piss taking by now, but apparently not.

  “Liv.” Dec nods but I don’t look his way. My eyes have been captured by a certain chocolate pair.

  I swallow as the atmosphere surrounding us grows heavy. BJ mutters something but the words don’t register. From Dec’s chuckle, I can only assume it was something inappropriate. My legs take on a life of their own as I watch Liam shift to the edge of the sofa like he’s about to stand. I run up the stairs, my heart pounding in my chest. I go straight to my wardrobe and start rummaging through what I have as I listen to heavy footsteps ascending the stairs.

  My heart races and I can feel it in every part of me as his body fills the doorway. I’m excited to see him, but after my meltdown last night and then whatever that was this morning during his show, I’m nervous as hell. He’s seen too much of me without me realising, and I’m scared about what he’s going to think.

  “Liv?” He’s right behind me, his large body warming my back, his breath tickling across my neck. My mouth waters and I grip onto the hanger in my hand, trying to stop myself from turning and reaching out to him.

  “I’m going out with Nic tonight. I need to grab my stuff and meet her back at the shack,” I say in an attempt to distract myself. “She said you’re going out with the guys.”

  “Uh…yeah, apparently so.” He doesn’t need to say it; I can tell he’s not all that excited about it by his tone.

  “It’ll be fun,” I say, putting as much cheer into my voice as possible.

  “If you say so. I could think of much better ways to spend my night.”

  My stomach flips at his suggestion, and I squeeze my eyes shut as I will any images my imagination conjures up out of my dirty mind.

  Turning, I find myself prisoner in his dark and dirty gaze. It’s like I can see his thoughts playing out in his mind. I’m not sure if they excite or scare me.

  My phone pinging in my pocket drags me back to reality, and I manage to escape Liam’s intensity.

  “I really need to get going,” I say as I rush around the room and in and out of the en suite, grabbing everything I need. His eyes follow my every movement but he doesn’t say any more.

  I don’t stop until I have everything I need for a girls’ night out packed. Throwing the bag over my shoulder, I go to step towards the door, hoping he’ll get the hint and do the same, but instead he steps in front of me, halting my effort to leave.

  “Liam,” I breathe. His scent surrounds me, and I wrap my hands tighter around the strap over my shoulder in an attempt to stop myself reaching out.

  “Was BJ right earlier?” His eyes darken the longer he stares at me.

  “Wh…what?” I know exactly what he’s asking, but my brain is frazzled with him standing so close.

  “Forget it. Have a good night, Liv.” Standing aside, he allows me to pass and walk out of my room. I can hear him hot on my heels, but I don’t look back. If I do, I think there’s every chance of me bailing on girls’ night.

  I practically sprint from the house. I hear BJ and Dec say something in my direction, but I’m too intent on getting away to hear them.

  “I know I said hurry, but Christ, Liv,” Nic comments when I rush into the shack panting like I’ve run a marathon. Shrugging at her, I hop up on a stool and drop my bag to the floor. “I’ll just grab my stuff and we can head out.”

  “So what’s the plan?” I ask as we walk towards Nic’s cottage.

  “I thought we could just go to the pub. I’m not really up for anything crazy.”

  “Pub sounds perfect. Is Lilly coming?” I ask. I haven’t seen Nic’s childhood best friend since I arrived.

  “Uh…not sure. It’s a bit last-minute and she needs a sitter for the twins.”

  “Of course.” I often forget that other people have their shit together and have actual lives with husbands and kids while my own is one giant clusterfuck. “What are the guys doing?” I ask when my mind wanders back to Liam’s defeated face as he allowed me to escape my room earlier.

  “No idea. BJ’s organising, so it’s probably best I don’t know.”

  “You were right about him, you know.”

  “What’s that?”

  “He’s a bit of a softie.”

  “You’ve no idea,” she mutters, but I’m distracted from asking what she means when a giant glass of wine appears in front of my face.

  “What did you bring to wear?” Nic asks while rummaging through her wardrobe.

  “A playsuit. Is that okay?”

  “Let’s see.”

  I pull my pinstriped playsuit from the bag, and Nicole eyes it up and down before nodding, a smile tugging at her lips.

  “Perfect. Shoes?”

  “You need to ask?” I pull the same pair of black heels from my bag that I wore for her engagement party.

  Nic lets out a laugh at the sight of them. “Do you ever wear any others?”

  “Nope. I’m screwed when I wear these out. I went to buy a second pair but they’d been discontinued.”

  Two hours and a bottle and a bit of wine later, we’re both ready to take the town by storm. Nic applied my make up with incredible precision. My eyeliner flicks are epic, and my hair is perfectly curled around my shoulders. I can’t help but smile as I look in her full-length mirror. It feels like forever since I’ve seen this version of myself staring back at me. My eyes look brighter than they have in a long time and my skin has a healthy glow. I’ve had this playsuit since last summer, but although I loved it the moment I saw it, I never had anywhere to wear it. But the second my eyes landed on it while Liam’s stare burned into my back, I knew it was the one—the one to make me feel normal again, if only for one night. Tonight isn’t going to be about what I left behind in Cardiff; it’s about my new life, and I need to feel good about myself once again. I’m not interested in pulling, but the thought of turning a couple of heads does have excitement bubbling in my belly. I feel like I’ve been invisible for so long that I can’t help it. There might only be one guy’s eyes I really want on me, but a huge part of me needs to know that my scars aren’t visible, that everything I’ve been through isn’t written all over my skin.

  “Ready?” Nic asks. Her eyes bright and her smile wide. She’s no idea really, but I don’t think I could have done any of this without her.

  “I am. Thank you.”

  “What for?”

  “Everything.” I don’t go into any more detail, too afraid it’ll end with me ruining my make-up, but Nic nods in understanding. She’s been there for me throughout everything, even when she had no clue what she was supporting me through. I hadn’t told anyone else there was anything wrong with my life. They still have no idea. A rush of guilt races through me that I haven’t told any of my family that I’ve left Cardiff. I know I need to ring my parents, and I will…soon. I don’t want to lie to them, but I also don’t want to tell them the truth. Mum can be a little…overbearing, and the last thing I need is her turning up to mollycoddle me and demand I move back up north with them.
I shudder at the thought.

  My legs feel a little wobbly as I follow Nic down the stairs and out to the awaiting taxi.

  “Couldn’t we have just walked?” I ask, assuming she was taking me to the pub around the corner.

  Instead of answering me, she tells the driver our destination and he pulls away from the curb.

  “What?” I ask, seeing a weird look in Nic’s eyes.

  “Nothing. I think I just had too much wine on an empty stomach.”

  “Hmm…” I hum, not believing a word of it. “This isn’t just a pub, Nic. Why are we here?”

  When we get out of the taxi, we’re stood in front of a very flash restaurant overlooking the sea beyond. It looks incredibly expensive and a little too romantic and intimate for two friends to have dinner.

  “I wanted to treat you. Come on.” Threading her arm through mine, she walks us through the entrance and up to the maître d’.

  “Good evening, ladies.”

  “Evening. We’ve got a table booked under Nicole.”

  “Of course. This way, please,” he says, after checking the computer screen in front of him.

  As we walk through the half-full restaurant, candlelight flickers from each table and happy couples stare at each other lovingly. My confusion disappears as a waiter walks in front of me with the most stunning meals in his hands. My mouth waters and my stomach grumbles. My previous question dies and I continue to walk to the other side of the restaurant where the maître d’ seats us in a quiet corner. I’m kind of relieved to be away from all the cosy couples; they’re only a harsh reminder of my failed relationship.

  “The food here is incredible,” Nic says, clearly sensing my unease once we’re alone. “Are you okay for a minute? I just need to run to the loo. If the waiter comes, get me a glass of pinot, yeah?”


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