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Vampires (Death by Reaper MC, #2)

Page 2

by Esther E. Schmidt

  “Now just wait a moment, dammit,” Jagger growls.

  “What for?” I throw over my shoulder. “Our bond is in place, you’re the one who’s put a pin in sexytime, don’t complain to me about shit. My sister came to see me and I would like to see her too. We’re done here, right?”

  I don’t wait for his answer but swing the door open. A group of people have congregated in the yard. I don’t recognize most of them, just a small handful of people. Among those are my two sisters and their mates, Alastair, who’s Eliana’s mate, and Velma’s mate Os. Those guys are Hellhounds. Freaking Hellhounds!

  And I’ve been told my half-sister, Velma, is a Guardian, the same as my biological father. Eliana, though? She’s part Witch, that’s why she smells so good...correction, smelled. Not anymore. Eliana sees me and steps forward. I’m about to go to her but Alastair steps in front of her.

  “Get back,” he growls at me.

  “Rude,” I snap back. “She’s my sister. And it’s about time we got to know one another.”

  “It’s safe to let those two sisters get close, Alastair,” Jagger says from behind me. “Tessera isn’t a threat for Eliana, not anymore.”

  “You know damn well Vamps can’t go near a Witch, I ain’t risking my Old Lady,” Alastair barks.

  “And I am telling you my Old Lady won’t hurt her.” The way Jagger’s voice comes out, fierce and determined, makes my chest fill with warmth. He’s standing his ground, standing up for me.

  That’s actually the first time in...I can’t even remember how long, or if ever, anyone has done so. I grew up in foster homes and learned the hard way I could only trust one person; myself. Apparently, things just changed. But I’ve also learned good things can disappear in the blink of an eye. Hence the reason I’m not jumping with joy.

  I remember all too well that this man set the bond between us in place but refused to take it to the next level. Dammit. I can’t even remember what it’s like to have sex. How’s that even possible? I’m not a virgin. I’ve had boyfriends. Seriously. I think...awkward...I have no recollection at all.

  Eliana manages to slip by Alastair and with my next breath, I have her in my embrace. My sister. Well, half-sister, but who is looking at technicalities? Like I said, I’ve been alone all my life, foster care really wasn’t the warm home many kids enjoy. And now I’ve got all these half-sisters. Two were with me when I was held captive by our so-called father. They managed to escape on their own when they had the chance. Both being Fae, and twins, they had the ability to blink...transporting from one place to the other with the speed of light.

  But Eliana? She was there when Jagger helped me. She stayed. Well, she did keep a safe distance because I couldn’t resist the smell of her blood. But she never gave me a reason why she didn’t want me, on the contrary, like today...she barges in and demands to know how I’m doing.

  My hair is being pulled back roughly, making me hiss. I manage to twist to protect Eliana so I can see who’s got a hold on me when I hear Alastair curse. “Why the fuck are you protecting Eliana? I’m her Old Man.”

  “I’m being attacked while I’m hugging my sister. Yes, I’ll damn sure protect my sister, from anyone. She’s here, no matter what, I owe her,” I snarl, but apparently I’m talking to air.

  “I told you my woman wouldn’t hurt her.” Jagger has thrown Alastair to the ground and is hovering over him.

  The whole atmosphere changes. I glance back at Eliana and she gives me a look where we both know we have to do something before those idiots start fighting. It’s too late when Alastair shifts into a large Hellhound with thick black fur, flames dancing like mist wafting around his body. He now has two large heads, with long teeth in double rows like a shark. Behind him a tail swings back and forth, a head snapping at the end of it. Holy shit.

  Jagger stands his ground but removes his leather cut. Large black wings sprout from his back. Magnificent. Black feathers appear as if they are made from the finest silk. Where the Hellhound has red flames wafting around his body, Jagger has blue flames crackling around his black feathered wings.

  He spreads them wide and with a powerful surge, he’s up in the air and all the ones who were standing in front of him, including the Hellhound, go flying. Every single one of them, no matter their size or strength, they all tumble back and land on the ground on top of each other.

  Alastair scrambles up, shifts back, points at Jagger and growls, “What the hell is that bullshit? Fucking hell. Os, are you seeing this?”

  Os, his VP, comes up next to him. “Shit. It’s the mating,” Os says. “That vamp had some power juice boost, like you did when you mated your Old Lady and got a second head on your tail. It’s the Heaven Charter element, for sure.”

  “No, it’s not,” Velma says.

  Velma is Os’ mate, and also my half-sister. She doesn’t have a human mother though. She’s a pure-blood; her mother was our father’s true mate. Her mother was killed and set everything in motion for our father to spiral into a plan to create powerful mixtures of Supernaturals to go against The Orderly.

  The Orderly, or so I’ve been told, are the ones in charge of all the MC’s on this planet, making sure there is balance and order. Well, with all these half-bloods our father created, balance is disrupted and needs to be restored.

  It’s the Hellhounds’ job to oversee the search for all our half-sisters. They are the first responders so to say. As far as Jagger told me, each MC is in charge of their own breed but when they can’t, or won’t, handle a situation...the Hellhounds step in. The Hellhounds? They are under the command of The Orderly. It’s a food chain kinda thing, a ranking system.

  Jagger braces his wings and curls one around himself. He spins around and looks at me with awe, his hand still stroking his wing. It’s as if I gave him the most precious of gifts and I have no freaking clue what it was.

  “What’s wrong?” Why is everyone acting weird and keep staring at me?

  I didn’t even have a clue Jagger had wings. Yes, he told me all Vampires could levitate, and I even manage to do so myself. Though I managed to do it without realizing it, doesn’t make it any less awesome. He did mention vamps higher up in rank had actual wings, but I certainly haven’t seen any...he sure never showed me, though I’m getting an eyeful now.

  I do have to add it’s been hard processing everything he’s been telling me these past few weeks, hence me hiding in the basement of Jagger’s MC. To say it’s overwhelming is an understatement. Jagger accepted it and let me be, cared for me, even if I kept pushing him away. And now he’s looking at me with such open emotion, as if I’m the solution to...

  “What?” I repeat, with a little more snap to my voice.

  “Don’t fucking say it,” Alastair growls, glancing around. “None of you. Don’t say any-fucking-thing. You know what I’m talking about, right? They’ll hear, both fucking sides, and we don’t need that shit. End of discussion.”

  Okay, now I’m even more confused than I already was. What the hell is going on, and why is Alastair ending a discussion that didn’t even start yet? Jagger’s wings disappear into his back. He grabs his cut off the floor and shrugs it on.

  Alastair steps closer to Jagger. “How did you know Tess wouldn’t hurt my Old Lady?”

  “Because for me, she didn’t smell appealing anymore. I’m pretty damn sure my Old Lady feels the same way.” Jagger holds his hands, palms up. “No offense.”

  “Fully mated I gather? That was a bit fast, though. We waited here for...what, ten minutes, top? And don’t say anything about you know realize that if it’s true...if she is one, she’s untouchable, right?” Alastair slips right back into talking gibberish.

  “We’re not fully mated. I want to take my time, but yes, the bond is in place. Clearly, you’re right with your suspicions and that does mean she’s untouchable, but you do realize that brings a truckload of trouble instead, right?” It’s contagious, Jagger is talking gibberish now too.

  This has to freak
ing stop. “Okay, you two. Talk. As in normal phrases and words so you make sense to all of us. Or explain in lil’ ol me language. Because I don’t freaking understand any of it, except for the fact that I’m damn sure you’re talking about me. That’s just rude, you know, talking about someone who’s standing right here. And again, because I can make myself very clear...riddles, dudes! You guys need to stop.”

  Alastair’s eyes go from me to Jagger. “Mind link in place? If so, share your thoughts.”

  Jagger turns to me, gracing me with a sweet smile before I hear his voice in my head while his lips stay sealed. “Your biological father was trying to make powerful Paranormals. He only figured out just before we stopped him that the power was only brought out when the person would mate. Your sister isn’t half human, her mother was part Witch as you know. My wings...before we mated they resembled the same as those of a bat. Not feathers, and not the blue flames. The blue flames are clearly from the Heaven link you share from your father. The feathers? My fucking magnificent wings that are now black feathers? We believe your mother wasn’t fully human but maybe half Angel, meaning you have Angel blood running through you. That’s the only explanation.”

  “My mother is part Angel?” I squeak.

  Jagger slams his hand over my mouth.

  “Never mind doing that now. Fuck. Weren’t we fucking clear a moment ago with not blurting that shit out loud? For fuck’s sake.” Alastair rubs a hand over his head. “If something happens, you have only yourself to blame. But don’t repeat that shit again. Use the term Elite; that stays under the radar most of the times when it’s voiced.”

  Jagger’s hand falls away as he directs his attention to Alistair. “Did you find anything out about her background?”

  “No. She was in foster care. Basically, left on the doorstep of an orphanage the day she was born. There’s nothing.” Alistair steps closer to my sister, Eliana. “We’re leaving now. If the sky, or the damn earth, doesn’t crack open in a few days...give me a call and we’ll come back.”

  I don’t even have time to say goodbye to my sister before she’s already gone. Glancing around, I notice every Vampire is eyeing me. It makes me feel really icky. Even more when Jagger’s VP is wearing this creepy smile while he studies me like a piece in a museum that’s on display.

  “Stop it,” I hiss.

  Dammit. That only makes the corner of his mouth twitch. He’s freaky enough as it is with that long blue hair, goatee, black freaking nail polish on his fingernails, and all the silver jewelry he’s wearing.

  “I can’t.” Caius shrugs. “Those Hellhounds might run along with their tail between their legs, but I’m fucking excited. My Prez mated the best one out of all those daughters that Derek fucker put on this earth.”

  My cheeks heat from the unexpected compliment. Though I have doubts it even is one.

  Jagger snarls before he directs harsh words toward Caius. “I’d rather you focused on following up that lead you were talking about.”

  “I did, Prez. I got a call when you know, claiming your mate. Can we head into your office to talk instead of out here in the open?” Caius is back to flashing his creepy smile, and I’m glad this time it’s directed at Jagger.

  “Let’s go.” Jagger’s hand sneaks to my hip as he guides me forward.

  I absolutely expect him to lead me to the room downstairs I was staying in but instead he walks straight to his office, closing himself, me, and Caius inside.

  “There, sound-fucking-proof. Now let’s hear what you found out,” Jagger states.

  My eyes widen when I realize that they are including me. “Shouldn’t I...I dunno, like...leave you two to it?”

  “You’re not leaving my side,” Jagger growls as if I stepped on his toes.

  Another one of Caius’ creepy smiles is directed at me when he says, “Something that precious can’t be walking around unattended.”

  Wait...what? Anger rises inside me. “So that’s it? Here I thought you two were letting me in the loop of things, but instead I’m now treated like a prisoner?”

  “Your words, precious, your words.” Caius winks.

  Oh, how I would love to have a knife in my hands right now, I’d cut that winky eye right out of his skull.

  “Woah, did you see that?” Caius says in awe.

  “Fuck. There you have it...won’t need any background check for more proof than this...It’s fucking true,” Jagger whispers as he eyes my hand.

  Following his line of sight, I yelp and watch as the knife that I was suddenly holding clatters to the floor. Where the hell did that came from?

  Chapter 03


  Fuck. All this time and I haven’t even told her half of the history of what being a damn Vampire all entails. This is the exact reason why Vampires need to be born and never created; because you need to be educated into the lifestyle and understand our laws and orders, history, and fucking legends. One should slide into their abilities with full understanding. Yet she’s already wielding powers of her ancestors...the ones we thought she might have but this proves it. A damn knife appearing in her damn hand out of thin fucking air.

  “Angel, what were you thinking before you were holding the knife?” I ask.

  Caius shakes his head. “I’d kindly advise you pick another endearment, Prez. Every time you call her that could send out a vibe they could pick up.”

  “You know it doesn’t work that fucking way,” I snarl. “She’s precious, Angelic with her beauty, pale skin, and black silk hair. It’s a fucking endearment and I’ll call my Old Lady whatever the fuck I want. They won’t be flagged by that word if I use it in that way.”

  “Who are ‘they’?” Tessera asks and yet again confusion is painted on her pretty face.

  “First, tell me what you were thinking,” I press, needing to know for sure her thoughts are linked.

  “The thought crossed my mind that I would love to have a knife in my hands, okay? Then boom, there it was,” she snaps at me.

  Caius tilts his head. “What did you want to do with it, precious? You don’t palm a knife without having any use for it. Let me guess, I was going to be on the receiving end.”

  “I might have wanted to cut your eye out of your skull when you winked,” she mutters and releases a deep breath. “But you really get on my nerves when you smile that creepy smile, and then you winked and,” She finishes with a frustrated scream, making me swallow the laugh that almost slips out.

  “It’s one of the perks, love.” I brush my knuckles against her cheek, needing to touch her gorgeous face. “The items that are tied to any of your blood connections, or those close to you, can be recalled within your grasp.”

  “Even you?” she gasps.

  “No. Objects owned by me, or others connected with you, yes.” I glance at the knife on the floor. “Does the knife look familiar? Is it yours?”

  She glances down for an instant and connects her gaze with mine, shaking her head slowly.

  “Okay. Are you sure? Because it’s not mine either. Maybe one of your friends, or maybe from work?” I question, but that I take a closer look. “Caius, get Theon in here, right fucking now.”

  “Oh, shit. Yeah, Prez. On it.” Caius rushes out and I take the advantage to let Tessera know my train of thoughts. “If you don’t recognize it, and the way the knife looks...and let’s not forget the fact that your powers just awakened...I have good reasons to believe this knife belongs to one of your ancestors. Meaning they could track it.”

  “Oh, shit. Like how I blurted know, what you think one of my ancestors is?” Her eyes go from the knife back to me as she backs away.

  I revel in the fact that she inches closer to me. It’s a clear show of trust and comfort. Sneaking my arm around her waist, I pull her close and murmur in her ear. “No worries, Angel. Even if I have to fight heaven and hell both at the same time, there’s no fucking way I’m ever going to lose the one thing that completes me. What I’ve been long
ing for centuries to find. You’re mine, and I protect what’s mine.”

  She melts against me for only an instant when she pulls back and locks eyes with me. “You should seriously stop calling me that.”

  My gaze travels to her mouth. If I didn’t hear Caius and Theon coming this way, I’d be kissing the fuck out of her. But I can’t, so I regretfully step away from her and let her know. “I like the way your eyes light up when I call you that. There are only a few walking this earth who I respect enough to listen to, and for everything else, there’s only one rule I follow.”

  “And it’s called ‘I do whatever the fuck I want.’” Caius rolls his eyes as he strolls into the office. “Can we continue with this knife incident before we have uninvited company? Yes? Thanks. For fuck’s sake.”

  My VP has been with me for centuries and clearly he’s heard me say that shit more than once. It doesn’t mean he needs to be disrespectful.

  “Fuck,” Caius snaps. His upper lip tips up in a snarl but he manages to keep the rest of his discomfort on the inside. “Sorry Prez. Didn’t mean any disrespect, it’s always been you and me, I know that’s different now with your Old Lady, but fuck. Yeah, shutting up now.”

  Every single one in my MC is linked with me. When I need to reprimand someone, it’s easy to inflict pain with a single thought. When one of them dies? I see what they see right before they leave this fucking world. You might think it’s neat to have these kind of abilities, but it’s also a burden. One I’ve learned to live with over centuries.

  For instance, the Vampire who turned Tessera? She was called Aura and was a part of my inner circle of trusted ones for a very long time. I’ve always felt protective of her, as a friend; something close as a sister. When Dedrick killed her, I had no other choice than to watch it happen. The pain that sliced through my body was excruciating; I felt what she felt, saw what she saw. It’s something I will never forget.


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