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Smolde: Military Reverse Harem Romance

Page 9

by Cassie Cole

  But if that was the case, talking to Derek himself was still the better plan.

  A knock came on my door, soft and polite. Maybe he’s coming to apologize after all. I slid out of bed and opened the door a crack.

  But it was Foxy waiting for me. He had a backpack slung over one shoulder. “Let me in a sec?”

  “Why?” I said.

  “I’ve got something for you.”

  I stepped out of the way to let him in, then closed the door. Foxy lowered the backpack to the ground and unzipped it, then removed a six pack of Coors Light.

  “It’s the only beer at the gas station next to the base, so I hope you’re not picky.”

  “Alcohol’s contraband on base!” I whispered as if anyone could hear us. “You want to get us in trouble on our second day here?”

  “You heard Trace. Beer occasionally finds its way into someone’s bunk.” The bottle hissed as he twisted one of the caps off and handed it to me. “Uh oh. It’s open now. You’d better help me destroy the evidence. Unless you want me to get in trouble…” He raised his eyebrows in a flirty challenge.

  “I can’t help but think this is a ruse to get in my pants again,” I said, still hesitating.

  He held up one hand. “Swear to God it’s not. I’m here as a friend, not a booty call.”

  I sighed, but I still accepted the bottle and took a long pull. “Thanks. I needed this.”

  “I figured.” He took a very long pull from his own beer, then sat in the chair next to my bed. He crossed his legs up on the edge of the bed and said, “I needed it too, to be honest.”

  I sat on the bed. “Why? You didn’t get into any arguments with someone you thought was a friend today.”

  He shrugged one shoulder. “Nah, but got teased plenty in the locker room when the other jumpers got back.”

  I glanced down at his crotch, then smirked. “Not sure what they have to tease you about, aside from the fact that you’re half horse.”

  “Hah!” he barked. “Naw, they teased us about the work we did today. All that work to save a golf course. Stings a little.”

  I took a longer drink, finishing my beer in three gulps. Coors Light was mostly water, but it still quenched my gullet in a way that actual water failed to do. “I’ve been kind of moody about that myself. Both the mission we had today, and about the other smokejumpers hazing us.” I stretched one arm. “And I can tell I’m going to be sore as fuck tomorrow from using a damn crosscut saw all day instead of a chainsaw.”

  Foxy chuckled silently and stared off at the wall. “Hey, at least we convinced one person that we’re not useless. Trace was pretty impressed by your work with that saw.”

  He was right, but I still said, “It doesn’t matter when what we’re doing is useless. Those guys on the golf course were still out there playing, even though the valley was burning just a few miles from them. They didn’t care at all.”

  Foxy finished his beer and opened two more. “Did I ever tell you about my first tour in the Navy?”

  “Don’t think so.”

  “I was a damage control specialist on the USS Carl Vinson,” he began. “In the Navy, damage control units respond to any emergency on the boat. Damage from enemy fire, unstable ordnance explosions, or deck fires from crash landings. I joined the Navy because I loved the idea of aircraft carriers. They’re these big, floating cities. And like cities, they needed fire fighters.

  “In the movies, accidents happen all the time,” Foxy went on. “Cook fires in the mess, explosions up on deck. The movies made carriers look like exciting places to work. My dad was a municipal firefighter and wanted me to follow in his footsteps, but I wanted to do something more exciting than sit around all day in a fire station waiting for something to happen. That’s why I joined the Navy.”

  “And instead, you spent your tour peeling potatoes?” I said with a knowing smile.

  He laughed and scratched at his beard. “Not quite, but you’ve got the right idea. Being a damage control specialist wasn’t as exciting as I expected. Turns out, landing on a carrier is pretty easy these days. It’s almost completely automated thanks to computers. I spent the first year on the USS Carl Vinson sitting on my ass up on deck, watching planes land with nothing to do. The only flames I ever saw were from other sailors lighting cigarettes.”

  He shook his head and stared at his feet. “After a while, I had a crisis of identity. I should’ve listened to dad and become a municipal firefighter. I would’ve seen more action, that’s for sure. And I had a lot more time in the Navy before I could get out, unless I wanted to do something crazy to get dishonorably discharged.” He tilted his beer in my direction. “Until one day the landing computers malfunctioned. We had a guy come in hot. Landing gear smashed on impact.”

  I was pretty sure he had already told me this story, but I wanted to hear the rest of the details. “What happened?”

  Foxy demonstrated with his palms. “This F-35 slid across the flight deck like a runaway bobsled. Smashed into the control tower and spun out before coming to a stop in the middle of the deck. The two hose crews were all over it suppressing the fire. Jet fuel isn’t easy to put out, but their job was just to knock it down enough so me and my rescue crew could get in there. Even with the fire suits on, the flames were hotter than anything I’ve ever felt in my life. I remember seeing the hose water turning straight into steam on the outside of my suit. But we got up to the cockpit, removed the glass, and pulled the two pilots loose. I carried one of ‘em in my arms away from the wreck. Poor kid clung to me like I was his momma.”

  “Not that I don’t appreciate hearing this story,” I said gently, “but I’m assuming this story has a point?”

  Foxy rose from his chair and slid onto the bed with me, propping his back up against the wall and stretching out his legs. The bed wasn’t large, and it felt like electricity crackled where our hips pressed together. But Foxy just shrugged.

  “You said you felt useless. Would you call a bullet useless just because it sits in a magazine for a few months before being fired? Hell no. Just because we haven’t been utilized to our full potential yet doesn’t mean we won’t be. And it’s silly to think of us as useless until then.”

  I laughed. “I’ve been called a lot of things in my career, but never silly.”

  He spread his arms. “I call ‘em like I see ‘em. But I know we’re going to be given better missions soon. And you know it too, deep down. You’re just frustrated.”

  I took a third beer out of the six pack. The beer was doing its job of taking the edge off of my nerves. “Yeah, you’re right. I’m just anxious. I don’t like sitting around doing nothing, or doing what seems like useless work. Especially while the Shasta Wildfire is raging just to the north.”

  “Preaching to the choir.” He started on his third beer. “Better missions will come.”

  “Apparently so. What do you make of Commander Wallace insisting we get sent into the most dangerous parts?”

  “Might just be confident in this batch of recruits. Why else would he send us to Redding in the first place?”

  “Sure, my ego wants to believe that it’s because I’m such an incredibly amazing, kick-ass jumper,” I said. “But what if it’s something else?”

  “Like what?” Foxy asked.

  “That’s what I’m asking you.”

  He grinned over at me. “I mean, you are an incredibly amazing and totally kick-ass jumper. That’s a plausible explanation by itself.”

  I wanted to believe him and leave it at that, but something itched in my head. And I had a sneaking suspicion that Derek knew what it was.

  Foxy patted my thigh. “We’ve got enough to worry about here without you looking for extra credit levels of stress.”

  His hand lingered on my thigh. It reminded me of where his hand had been the last time we were in a bunk together. I looked sideways at him, admiring the way his chest tattoo peeked above his tank top. His arms were long and corded with muscle, and his shoulders were broad.
Foxy was every bit as delicious-looking as he was when I first saw him at McCall. When we’d fooled around without going all the way.

  I wanted to do more with him. To take it a step further.

  But what about our rules?

  Fuck the rules, I thought. I wanted to straddle him in bed, grind against the thick cock that had teased me so wonderfully three nights ago. I wanted to feel his lips wrap around my nipple and send lightning bolts of pleasure through my body. I wanted to savor his wide hands on my ass, palming me like I was his.

  Yet as much as I wanted him, I knew it was a mistake. It would be a much greater mistake than sleeping with him back at smokejumper school.

  “I’ll be right back,” I said, getting up to go to the bathroom. I needed to get away from him for a few minutes or else I would talk myself into making that wonderful mistake with him.

  “You got any snacks?” Foxy asked. “I’m still starving, and don’t want to raid the mess just to hear the other smokejumpers tell me no.”

  “Check my pack in the closet,” I said. “Should have some Fritos in there.”

  “Oh hell yeah.”

  I went to the bathroom, washed my hands when I was done, and looked at myself in the mirror for a long time. As much as I want him, I can’t do it, I told the image staring back at me. It would feel good for tonight—so good, so incredibly good—but I would regret it when things get awkward around the base. I avoided temptation with plenty of guys in the Air Force. I can do the same with Foxy.

  When I came out, Foxy was still in the closet. He stood very still.

  “You find them?” I asked.

  He turned toward me with a cardboard box in one arm.

  My special cardboard box.

  A huge grin spread on his face. “Holy shit, Haley!”

  I felt my cheeks go red. “That’s not the pack I told you to open!”

  He reached inside and pulled out one of my toys, holding it up for inspection. “Does this…” He lowered his voice. “Does this go in your ass?”

  I could have died of embarrassment right then and there. I snatched the box away from him and shoved it back in the closet, then closed the door with a bang.

  “Thanks for the beer, but I’m going to get some sleep,” I said curtly.

  “Woah, hey, Haley…”

  I could barely look at him as I went to the door and opened it. I just stared straight at the ground, waiting for him to leave so I could scream into my pillow after he was gone. But Foxy hadn’t budged from his spot.

  “Are you… embarrassed?” he asked.

  My cheeks felt like they were on fire. It must have been obvious to him. “Those were given to me as a joke. They’re not mine.”

  Foxy strode toward me and closed the door with a click. “I don’t know why you’re embarrassed. I think that’s super hot.”

  “I said they’re not—” I gave a start. “Wait. You do?”

  His eyebrows shot up his scalp. “Are you kidding? Hell yeah, it’s hot! I’ve never been with a woman who played with toys. Why didn’t you bring any of those out when we fooled around at McCall?”

  “I… I’ve never done that,” I admitted. I was still blushing, but we were talkin about it out loud, so there was no going back. “Those are mine for when I… you know. When…”

  “When you’re by yourself,” he finished for me. “No, I totally get it. Guys jack off too, you know. And if I were surrounded by hundreds of members of the opposite sex, I’d be horny twenty-four seven. It must be even tougher for a girl.”

  “It’s so tough!” I said in a rush. If I had been completely sober I wouldn’t have opened up like this, but the three beers helped loosen my lips. That and the fact that Foxy was so approachable. “Girls can’t sleep with guys in their barracks. They get a reputation, even if it’s just one guy. But I still have… You know. Needs. That’s what the box of goodies is for.”

  He didn’t make fun of me. He didn’t even tease me a little bit about it, like I expected. He just smiled and rubbed my shoulders comfortingly.

  “You’re not weirded out?” I asked.

  “Not even a little bit. I’m kind of curious, though. There were a lot of items in there. It looked like my dad’s tool box. Show me what you’ve got!”

  “Let’s not go too far,” I said.

  Foxy grinned. “Aww, come on. This is all new to me. I have questions!”

  I bit my lip. I was still embarrassed, but not nearly as much as before.

  And Foxy learning about my secret, and being totally supportive, was making me want to ignore the pep talk I’d given myself in the bathroom.

  “What if I distract you from asking about my toys?” I asked in a sultry voice.

  “How do you mean?”

  I put my hand on his hard chest. “I think you know what I mean.”

  He grinned. “You’re going to have to spell it out for me. I’m really dumb.”

  I dropped to my knees and unzipped his jeans. He let out a low sigh as I reached inside, pulling out his cock. It wasn’t fully hard yet, which meant I was able to take all of it in my mouth without gagging. I pressed my lips so far down that I was able to flick my tongue against his balls with his entire cock in my mouth. The sound he let out was music to my ears.

  “I’m quickly forgetting all the questions I had.”

  He was rock-hard within moments, so I couldn’t deep throat him anymore. But I gripped his shaft and stroked it gently while blowing him.

  “What about our rules?” he asked, mirroring the question I had asked myself earlier.

  I smiled up at him through my eyelashes. “Fuck the rules.”

  I threw my full attention into the blowjob. As his moans grew deeper, I reached between my legs and rubbed my clit in a circle. Breaking the rules felt so good right now. Knowing we shouldn’t be doing it, and that our smokejumper teammates were just down the hall…

  Eventually I realized I wanted to do much more than just suck Foxy’s dick.

  I gave his tip a final lick, and then rose to kiss him. Then I went to the door, made sure it was locked, and stripped my clothes.

  “Want to take things farther?” I asked as I stood nude before him.

  His eyes drank in the sight of me, running down and then up my body like invisible fingers that made me shiver. “I do. But only if you do too. The last thing I want is for you to think this is a mistake in the morning.”

  I didn’t care anymore. I’d spent my entire life not allowing myself to get romantically involved with my colleagues, and I was sick of it. For once in my life I wanted to live, to experience all the things I fantasized about when I was alone with my vibrator.

  I grinned. “Definitely not a mistake. And even if it was, it’s the kind I want to make right now.”

  Foxy grinned hungrily. “I was hoping you’d say that.”

  He grabbed me by the waist and bent me over the bed. I gazed back at him while he removed his clothes, revealing the ornate chest tattoo that spread from his shoulders to his sternum. He rubbed me from behind, fingers sliding up into my pussy, and I shivered at his touch.

  “Give it to me,” I begged.

  “Give you what?” he asked coyly.

  “Your cock. I need your hard cock inside of me.”

  He gave me what I wanted without hesitation, ramming his throbbing dick deep into my pussy. I cried out with surprise and pleasure; his cock was long, shockingly so, and he filled all of me with ease.

  “Ohh, I’ve been dreaming about this,” he moaned while fucking me from behind. “Ever since you let me come on you back at McCall…”

  “Me too. I’ve fantasized about you,” I revealed.

  His hands ran over the skin of my ass. “Oh yeah?”

  “Yes,” I said. The words poured out of me. “I rubbed myself the other night, then used a vibrator and imagined your cock buried inside me. It’s all I’ve wanted, ohh yes…”

  Foxy took me wildly and with sexy abandon, proving to me just how much he’d wanted me
since the other night. Each thrust filled me with ecstasy, with the added naughtiness of being something I’d not allowed myself to do for so long.

  After being a good girl, it felt amazing to be bad.

  As he had that night at McCall, Foxy reached underneath me and rubbed my clit with his long fingers. I closed my eyes and melted under his touch as his dick hammered inside of me. I felt my climax on the distant horizon, building like a snowball rolling down the hill faster and faster…

  “Oh Haley,” he moaned lustily. “I’m going to come so hard…”

  “Come inside of me,” I begged as I rubbed myself harder. “Come for me Foxy.”

  He gasped and gripped my ass tightly as he buried his cock as deep as he could, filling my cunt with his salty seed. Spurt after spurt shuddered inside me, and slowly Foxy began to relax.

  “Haley…” He ran his hands over my back, caressing me. Feeling me.

  But I leaned forward until he fell out of me, then twisted around to kiss him gently on the lips. “I’m not done with you yet.”

  He blinked with surprise, then grinned. “Oh yeah?”

  I pointed to the closet. “Fetch my box of goodies.”



  I wasn’t joking when I told her I had never played with toys before. I was curious. Intrigued. I wanted to do all sorts of things with them.

  With Haley.

  “Fetch my box of goodies,” she said.

  She didn’t need to ask me twice. Cock still glistened with her juices and my come, I dashed to the closet and pulled the box down from the shelf. I brought it to her and opened the lid. Inside were a dozen toys and contraptions that boggled the mind. Plugs, rings, and dildos. Vibrators that were as large as power tools.

  I couldn’t wait to see what she wanted to do.

  Haley fished around inside and came out with a vibrator the size and shape of a kitchen mixer. She lay back on the bed, and I put the box aside.


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