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Smolde: Military Reverse Harem Romance

Page 16

by Cassie Cole

  It was crazy. I knew it in a logical, objective way. But I didn’t mind sharing Haley because it was better than not having any of her, and that’s where I thought I stood just a few hours ago.

  And then there was the threesome itself…

  It was insanely hot. It shocked me how good it was, both being with her and Foxy at the same time, and having anal sex. Maybe the alcohol had helped smooth out what would otherwise be an awkward coupling, but I was sober enough to know that it was amazing all by itself.

  I couldn’t wait to do it again.

  “We can’t stay long…” I whispered while stroking Haley’s dark hair. “We have to get back to our own rooms.”

  “Just a little longer,” she murmured, already half asleep.

  I was bone tired, both from the boning and from the day we’d spent firefighting. Work hard, play hard. But Haley felt warm and soft, so I decided to cuddle for a few more minutes before leaving.

  Next thing I knew, Trace was banging on the door.



  I had the most amazing dream. Two handsome, sexy men were sharing me in the filthiest ways. Filling all of my holes in ways that toys could not compare to. Sandwiching me between their rock-hard bodies like I was their dirty little plaything.

  Except it wasn’t a dream, because when I woke up I was still sandwiched between them on the ground.

  The door banged on its hinges. “Hinch! We’ve got the morning run in five! Get your ass out of bed!”

  That was Trace.

  It was morning.

  And Foxy and Derek had slept here all night.

  “Shit!” Foxy whispered. He jumped to his feet, still totally nude.

  “What… dude!” Derek protested. “Cover that shit up.”

  Foxy searched around the floor. “We’ve got to go!” he hissed. “Where are my clothes? I think you’re sleeping on my clothes!”

  “I put them on the chair,” I pointed. “Keep your voice down!”

  We all rushed to get dressed. I was able to grab running clothes out of my dresser, but my two handsome lovers had to put their Forestry uniforms back on. Foxy put his ear to the door.

  “They’re all getting ready,” he whispered. “They’ll see us leaving.”

  An icy sword of fear stabbed me in the chest. Part of the fun of being with two of my teammates was the fear that we would get caught, but it only turned me on as long as we didn’t actually get caught. If the other jumpers saw me with one of my teammates, the whispers and rumors would spread. My reputation would be forever damaged.

  But if they saw two teammates leaving my room in yesterday’s clothes? I shuddered to think what they would say.

  Suddenly the door banged three more times. Foxy, who still had his ear to the wood, went careening away from it while wincing.

  “Three minutes or we leave your ass,” Trace said.

  “Almost ready!” I replied while tying my shoes.

  I heard his footsteps move down the hall.

  “Okay, here’s the plan,” I whispered. “I’ll leave to join them. When we’re gone, you two crawl back to your rooms.”

  “What will they say if we’re late for the run?” Derek asked.

  “Same thing they said yesterday,” Foxy replied. “They’ll call us lazy and make us run the extra lap.”

  I unlocked my door and opened it a crack. I froze, listening, but the only sounds were deeper in the building. When I stuck my head out into the hallway, I found it clear.

  “I’ll go first. Don’t get caught,” I said.

  “Wait!” Foxy said.

  I closed the door. “What?”

  He wrapped me in his arms and kissed me passionately. “I just wanted to say good morning. I had fun last night.”

  “Me too,” Derek said with a bashful smile, taking me and kissing me next. “It was hot.”

  “I’m sure my morning breath is super hot,” I muttered.

  “You’re always hot,” Foxy said, pinching my butt and making me yelp. I gave him a playful glare and then slipped into the empty hallway.

  When I reached the end of the hall, I glanced back. Foxy and Derek slipped out of my room and into their respective doorways, disappearing within a few seconds. Content that nobody had seen us, I jogged out to the back of Redding Base and onto the tarmac of the runway.

  Trace and the other smokejumpers were already a few hundred yards into their run. Cursing, I turned on my afterburners and caught up to them as they rounded the first corner of the airport boundary fence.

  “Needed some extra beauty sleep?” Brinkley teased as I passed him.

  “Yeah, but I don’t think it worked, because I still feel the way you look,” I shot back with a smile. The other jumpers barked laughs.

  I fell in beside Trace at the front. “Sorry I’m late. I was so tired I slept through my alarm.”

  Trace’s massive, bulging arms moved back and forth as he jogged. “You don’t need to make excuses. Today’s technically a day off.”

  “Then why were you so insistent on waking me up for the run?”

  “I was trying to spare you from being teased by the other jumpers for sleeping in.” He looked sideways at me. “Although clearly you can handle yourself with them.”

  “The Air Force gave me thick skin,” I replied, but I savored the compliment. As a woman, being able to handle myself was something that took a long time to prove to my colleagues, regardless of the group.

  My happiness was short-lived because Trace said, “The other two rookies are happy to let you take it?”

  Oh, they let me take it last night alright.

  “I… what do you mean?” I said more calmly than I felt.

  “They stayed in bed,” Trace responded coolly. “Didn’t even respond when I knocked. They’re happy to let you take the abuse from the team for almost sleeping in?”

  “I guess I can hold my whiskey better than them,” I said. “I’m sure they’ll take their own abuse when they eventually wake up.”

  Trace grunted in response. Did he know more than he was letting on? Obviously we had made some noise last night, but I didn’t think we were loud enough for the others to hear.

  It’s just my imagination. Trace is clueless.

  Yet for the entire run it felt like Trace kept stealing glances at me.

  We got back to the barracks and I took a much-needed shower. If I had felt gross when I woke up, I was extra disgusting after running two laps around the airport and getting covered in sweat. Once I was clean and wearing my olive Forestry uniform, I got some breakfast in the mess. Today was French toast.

  Foxy and Derek were sitting together at the table, chatting quietly. “You two look thick as thieves,” I said with a knowing smile as I joined them.

  “Just discussing the values of cooperation,” Derek said, deadpan.

  “Yeah, teamwork is especially important in a job like this.” Foxy grinned around a piece of food. “Wouldn’t you agree, Haley?”

  “I suppose that makes sense,” I said innocently.

  “Too tired to join us?” Trace said, sitting with us and sipping from a coffee mug.

  “Needed the extra rest, boss,” Foxy said smoothly. He was very carefully not looking in my direction. “We really wore ourselves to the bone yesterday.”

  Derek almost snickered, but somehow stopped himself. “Still adjusting to this schedule, sir,” he managed to say. “Won’t happen again.”

  Trace groaned. “Seriously. Stop calling me boss and sir. I’m a team lead, but otherwise we’re equals.”

  “Sure thing, bossman,” Foxy said. I grabbed my glass of orange juice to cover my smile, but I knew it was a weak attempt. Derek lowered his head and shook with silent laughter.

  “Were you three this close at McCall?” Trace asked. “Because it feels like you’re ganging up on me.”

  “Oh, we’re not ganging up on you,” Foxy said, just barely emphasizing the last word. His crystal eyes glanced at me for a heartbeat, and I gav
e him a stop it stare.

  Trace looked at each of us in turn suspiciously. Like he knew something was going on. Then he resumed drinking his coffee while chatting with Ramirez on the other side of him.

  It filled me with a weird sense of uncomfortableness that Trace might know, or might at least suspect what was going on. As we ate breakfast and I eyed the huge man, I realized it wasn’t just my fear of getting a reputation around the base. Trace was our team lead, and he was warmer to us than Commander Callaway himself, so it really did feel like he was the leader figure of our group. I realized that, deep down, I desperately wanted to impress Trace. To gain, and then hold, his approval. That’s why it felt so good to hear him say that I could handle myself while we were jogging this morning.

  It’s just because he’s the team lead, I told myself.

  But as Trace continued glancing over at me during breakfast, I wondered if there was more to it than that.



  Things were surprisingly normal for the next two weeks.

  Our jumps were aggressive, but nothing we couldn’t handle. One day we landed in an especially rocky section of the valley and had to dig a handline through ground that was as hard as asphalt, but managed to clear away the exposed pine trees before the wildfire arrived.

  The jump after that was in the middle of the Shasta Valley, with a resource protection goal. A ranger station and campsite that was vulnerable to being overrun. Our handline there was more like a moat surrounding the camp’s buildings and equipment, and we finished it with so much time to spare that the ranger on duty invited us all inside for iced coffee and donuts before we needed to maintain the line.

  We jumped, and worked, and then went home and relaxed.

  And then Derek and Foxy took turns doing filthy things to me.

  Sometimes we had vanilla sex; I’d ride Derek’s cock cowgirl style while Foxy watched, and then when I’d squeezed all the come from him, Foxy took over. But the boys really enjoyed testing with the toys in my fun-box. Butt plugs in increasingly large sizes, sliding them in and out of my ass while I moaned and squirmed. Holding me down on the bed and using my Magic Massager Deluxe vibrator on the lowest setting, pressing it hard against my clit while I begged for more, pleading with them to turn it up so I could come, delaying my gratification to the point that when they did crank the setting up, I screamed so loudly with pleasure that they had to muffle me with a pillow. One thing they especially loved was taking turns controlling the vibrator on me while the other guy fucked my pussy.

  One night, Foxy surprised me. He marched into my bedroom with a huge smile on his face and his hands behind his back. “You look like you’ve done something bad,” I said.

  “It’s something very, very good,” he said as he closed the door. “At least, I hope so.”

  The object was shaped like a big purple ring, with a bulging part on top. “I don’t… oh,” I said when I realized.

  “It’s a vibrating cock ring,” he said, still grinning widely. “It just arrived.”

  “Oh my!” I giggled. “Should we wait for Derek?”

  Foxy wrapped me in his arms. “He told me I could have you all to myself tonight. Hope that’s okay.”

  “It’s more than okay,” I said as he kissed me.

  The cock ring was an entirely new type of intensity. It connected to the base of Foxy’s long dick, and was shaped in a way that pressed hard against my clit whenever he was buried deep inside my pussy. The result was a constant on-and-off vibrating sensation against my lady-bits in time with his passionate thrusts, which brought me to a slow—but powerful—orgasm. Based on the noises Foxy made, he seemed to enjoy it almost as much as me.

  The jump the next day was more aggressive than most. The wind swirled as we parachuted into the forest, causing two of our team to land on the other side of the valley and the rest of us to land far from our expected drop point. By the time we grouped up and began working, the fire was rapidly approaching.

  “Fall back!” Trace reluctantly bellowed. “Move back to the B-line!”

  We gritted our teeth and began carrying equipment, but we didn’t complain. At least, not until after.

  “What the fuck, Commander?” Foxy said during the debriefing. “This was the second drop we’ve had that went sour.”

  “It’s tough to do our jobs if we’re being scattered all over the damn valley,” Derek added.

  From behind the podium in the briefing room, Commander Callaway patted the air to calm us down. “I know, I know. We’re working on it. The spotters have assured me they discovered a malfunction in the wind and heat-spotting equipment. That was responsible for the poor drops lately.”

  More arguing and complaints were voiced during the briefing, but I kept my mouth shut and let others do the arguing for me. At least, until I went outside to look at the stars that night. The light pollution in Redding was low enough that we got a great view of the planets and stars, so I’d gotten in the habit of sitting outside and enjoying the fresh evening air while stargazing. But as I walked out onto the tarmac, I saw movement over by our C23 Sherpa aircraft. One of the spotters was fiddling with something inside a maintenance hatch on the outside. I heard him curse, toss a wrench to the side, and then start striding toward the gear warehouse.

  “Hey! Ramirez, right?” I called while jogging over.

  “What’s up?” he said without slowing. “Got a long night ahead of me, so if you want to complain, make it quick.”

  I fell in beside him. “No complaints. I know your job is just as hard as ours, in different ways.”

  “You could say that,” he said dryly.

  “Commander said the bad drops lately are due to malfunctioning equipment.”

  Ramirez snorted. “That’s what they claim. Can’t say I agree.”


  He gestured behind him. “I’ve spent two hours under the Sherpa’s hood. Ran three diagnostic tests while cross-referencing against the ground data. No malfunctions that I can see. But if Edwards insists…”


  Ramirez stopped just inside the warehouse door and sighed. “The other spotter. The one responsible for the bad drop points. He’s got thirty years more experience than me, which means Callaway considers anything he says to be gospel. He’s the one blaming the equipment. But…”

  “But you can’t find anything wrong,” I said.

  He shrugged. “Edwards claimed he re-calibrated the equipment and fixed the issue. Commander asked me to follow-up behind him and check his work, but damned if I can find what he fixed. So either it’s still broken and I’m an idiot, or it was never broken in the first place.”

  I gave a start. “If it was never broken, then that means…”

  Ramirez nodded, and lowered his voice. “Look. Like I said, Edwards has a lot more seniority than me. He’s got a lot of friends here, and connections to all the base commanders in the Forest Service. If I call him out publicly, it’s my ass that gets blacklisted around here. So pretend I didn’t say anything, alright?”

  “Alright,” I said as he strode away.

  But it was tough for me to just ignore it.

  That night, rather than wait for one of the boys to visit me, I slipped into Derek’s room after he’d excused himself from the common room. He was sitting in bed, browsing the internet on his phone.

  “Haley,” he said, surprised. “Didn’t expect to see you tonight. You said you were tired.”

  The way he was slouched in bed, wearing just his baggy Forestry pants and a tight-fitting tank top, was incredibly sexy. But as much as I wanted to rip his pants off and start licking every inch of his chiseled body, I’d come here for a different reason.

  I curled up in bed with him and told him about my conversation with Ramirez.

  “Edwards?” Derek said. “He seems like a nice guy. On the older side, but enthusiastic and helpful, despite the bad jumps.”

  “Yeah,” I sighed. “It sounds like he would’ve got
ten rotated off spotter duty if not for his connections.”

  I felt Derek’s body stiffen. “Ramirez said he had connections?”

  “To the other base commanders,” I said absently while resting my head on his chest. I was beginning to relax so much that I could fall asleep right here against his body. “Apparently Edwards has made friends. So it’s doubtful he’ll get punished for his mistakes.”

  “Not mistakes.” To my immense dissatisfaction, Derek slid out of bed and began pacing the room.

  “What do you mean, not mistakes?” I asked. “Missing our drop points is a pretty big mistake.”

  Derek’s blond hair swayed as he shook his head. “I mean it’s not a mistake—it’s intentional. He meant to fuck up our drop points.”

  “What? Why would he do that?”

  Derek glanced at me, then continued pacing. “I don’t know.”

  I sat up in bed and crossed my arms. “I know that look. You’re not telling me something.”

  “You don’t want to know,” he muttered.

  I hopped out of bed and grabbed his arm. “Stop pacing and talk to me. What’s wrong? What do you know?”

  A wary look passed behind his sapphire eyes. He was hesitating, even now. “It has to do with my time in Syria.”

  I paused. The three of us had shared a lot of pillow talk in the past week, including details from our respective backgrounds, but Derek was always tight-lipped about his time in Syria. “What about it?” I asked carefully.

  Derek led me to the bed and sat on the edge. He took my hand in his and squeezed it. At first I thought he was trying to comfort me, but then I realized he was the one who needed support.

  Whatever wound he’s about to expose, it’s a deep one.

  “We were on the outskirts of Homs,” he began. “Preparing to evacuate by chopper to the Al-Tanf military base. Bravo Company of the First Ranger Battalion, on a special reconnaissance mission to identify Syria’s surface-to-air missile launch sites, which were scattered throughout the city. Our Company was split into three smaller units to scout these launch sites.”

  He took a slow breath. His voice was thick with emotion.


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