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10 Timeless Heroes; A Time Travel Romance Boxed Set

Page 9

by P. L. Parker, Beth Trissel, L. L. Muir, Skhye Moncrief, Sky Purington, Nancy Lee Badger, Caroline Clemmons, Bess McBride, Donna Michaels

  “Where will I sleep?”

  Tanith pointed to the huge bed. “You sleep there.”

  “But isn’t that Kellach’s bed?”

  “Yes, but you can sleep there.”

  “But what will I do when he gets back?”

  “Kellach will fix, don’t worry. For now, you sleep there.”

  “Can I still come over to your house?”

  Tanith laughed, “Of course, you are my sister. I have told you.” With that, Tanith led her around the room, pointing out various things and their uses and left shortly thereafter to wander back to her own home.

  Fiona turned slowly and eyed her new surroundings. It certainly was a welcoming, if somewhat ascetic, atmosphere. Nothing feminine about this place! It didn’t take much imagination to figure out that a bachelor resided here, but it was comfortable all the same. Conan was nosing around and checking areas pretty closely and, rather than take the chance that he’d do something inappropriate, she tied a rope on him and led him outside. He was quick to learn for such a young puppy, eager to please and underfoot most of the time. As she walked him, thoughts of her mother and father overwhelmed her. It felt like forever since she had last seen them. Odd to think that, if she had traveled through time, neither one of them would even be thought of yet, let alone be born. She was still finding it pretty hard to believe and imagining those things only made her feel all the lonelier. She scooped up Conan and hugged him to her. Better quit daydreaming and start getting things readied for her new employer’s return. She stepped back into the dwelling and went to work cleaning and tidying up. This Kellach guy wouldn’t be sorry that she was working for him. Keeping busy kept her morose thoughts at bay and made them easier to digest.

  She cleared a small space and went to work setting up her herbs and with little effort, her pseudo pharmacy was in place. She found a small mortar and pestle for grinding the herbs and conned Tanith out of a bunch of old material scraps for bandages. It wasn’t nearly as complete as her mother’s, but it was a fair comparison. Feeling as though she had made a good start, she decided to take a small break and gather a few more plants. Everything she needed was in a large basket except for water and a snack, if she needed one. It was too nice outside to spend the day in, so a short jaunt would be a welcome respite. Conan jumped and frolicked, and in his eagerness to go for a walk, he wrapped himself up in the leash and she had to untangle him before they could leave.

  The sun was high overhead, a few wispy clouds were in view and a slight breeze stirred. A line of high hills edged the settlement on one side and it was toward them that she turned. To the north, the large desert stretched, called by the villagers as the desert of no return or desert of death, something like that, and while there were probably plants she could use, venturing that direction wasn’t compelling. Strolling along, she let her mind wander and just enjoyed the moment.

  Conan followed along but took short trips to investigate whatever caught his interest. The quiet was unlike anything modern man could experience. The only sounds were those of nature and—the sound of a horse galloping up behind her. An as yet indistinct horse and rider were coming up fast on her. As they neared, she could make out the boy, Cyrnon, at the reins. He came alongside her and then slowed to a walk. Conan was growling and yapping as though he was protecting her, portents of a good watch dog!

  She smiled up at Cyrnon, glad to have company. “Hello, Cyrnon, why here?”

  Cyrnon ducked his head, his face flaming red. At least some things hadn’t changed over time—thirteen year old boys still get tongue-tied when confronted by an interesting female.

  He stole a surreptitious look at Fiona and stuttered, “Tanith,” and then “Xiongnu” but continued talking so fast she was unable to follow what he was saying.

  “Too fast,” she said. “Speak slow.”

  He nodded.

  “Horse name?” She motioned to the magnificent animal.

  He grinned and looked away, face pinking again. “Uasail.”

  “Ah! Uasail. Good name.”

  He nodded his agreement and then chattered away again.

  “Too fast!” she reiterated. He sighed, shoulders drooping. She suspected there were other things he would rather be doing than babysitting her.

  “Go,” she said with a smile on her face. She waved towards the village.

  He scowled, light brows drawing together. “Tanith say stay, protect.”

  Thinking aloud in English she said, “Well, I guess Tanith thinks I need someone to watch over me, and you drew the short stick.”

  Cyrnon’s eyes mirrored his confusion. “Huh? What say?”

  She laughed and shrugged. It didn’t matter. He’d just be offended if she managed to figure out the right words. “Pretty day.”

  Cyrnan nodded and they moved companionably along in silence. By the time they were ready to head back to the settlement, her basket was full with herbs and other interesting vegetation and even some wildflower starts to plant near Kellach’s house. Conan had given out and Cyrnon was carrying him on the horse. She opened her food pack and shared her snack with both of them. At the door to Kellach’s house she stopped, “Go next time?”

  His eyes lit with pleasure. Cyrnan smiled. “Yes, next time.” He handed Conan to her and cantered away.

  Evening was fast approaching. Across the square, Tanith waved and motioned her over. Food was already prepared and on the table. Siran and Machar were seated and she was welcomed.

  “How you like Kellach’s house?”

  “Very nice, very big,” Fiona motioned with her hands. “Too big for me.”

  “Kellach be home soon. Will fill up house.”

  “Who is Kellach?”

  Tanith thought for a moment. “Kellach Lord of Yuezhi.”

  “What is ‘Yuezhi?’”

  Tanith opened her arms wide. “Yellow people call us ‘Yuezhi’.”

  “People called Yuezhi?”

  Tanith nodded.

  “What is Xiongnu?”

  “Bad people live there.” Tanith pointed north. “They kill and take Yuehzi.”

  “Oh,” Fiona said nodding her understanding. “But who Kellach to you?”

  Tanith took Fiona’s hand and led her to Nuala and Baroc’s residence. Motioning to them and then to herself, she labored to explain. “My macar, pacar.”

  Okay, she knew they were Tanith’s parents!

  “Kellach’s macar, pacar,” and again pointed to the older couple. “Kellach Tanith pracar.”

  “He’s your brother!” she exclaimed in English. At least now she knew his connection to them.

  Tanith shrugged, confused.

  “I see,” Fiona shook her head “yes.” Tanith smiled and after hugging her parents, they returned home.

  The next few days passed slowly and Fiona settled into a regular routine. She worked on her pharmacy, readied the house for Kellach’s return, visited Tanith and her family, walked to the market and worked on training Conan. He was such a good companion and helped ease the loneliness she felt in a world where she was the different one. Never before had it occurred to her how it felt to be an outsider, she had always belonged.


  The mountains of home loomed nearer. The journey was almost over and it was Kellach’s intention to settle down and stay in one place. It is time! He had made his fortune and seen the world beyond the horizon. A large flock of sheep moved ahead of them, healthy animals who would make prime breeding stock. He had handpicked the entire lot and haggled long and hard. When it was all finished and done, both sides were pleased with the outcome.

  He and his men had rested at the southern settlement for a week before heading home. Thus far, they had made good time but all would be glad to see the end in sight. They would be home this night, late to be sure, but home all the same. Kellach was tired and looked forward to a few days of rest before he assumed the duties of his station. He was a Warrior Lord by right but only now did he feel comfortable in assuming that role.
Time and experience settled well on him and he looked forward to the challenge.

  In the distance, outriders raced back, excitement rippled through. The settlement was sighted in the distance and the mood lightened with each passing moment.


  Fiona and Tanith made their daily visit to the marketplace. An air of excitement permeated and Fiona was at a loss to understand what was happening. Cyrnon raced up and chattered a stream of incomprehensible garbage. As he spoke, a smile lit up Tanith’s face and she hugged Fiona excitedly.

  “Kellach returns this night or perhaps early morning.”

  Her stomach did a nose dive, “So soon?” She’d hoped for more time to herself before facing the dreaded “Kellach.” She was just getting accustomed to being alone and had looked forward to solitude for a while longer. It appeared she would be stepping into the shoes of housekeeper and cook sooner than she thought.

  Tanith hurried her along. Food needed to be purchased and prepared before his arrival and she wanted Fiona to be presented in the best possible way. A man’s stomach was important to him and a woman who could please in that way was invaluable. Of course, other aspects were important as well, but Tanith wanted their first meeting to be a good one. They soon had a meal in the making and Fiona ran around making sure the bed linens were clean, the floor swept and last minute preparations completed. Machar kept Conan busy and out of the way, so she didn’t have to worry about stepping on him or cleaning up his little mistakes.

  When all was finished to Tanith’s approval, they sat down to rest.

  “We bath now and then I fix your hair.”

  “Why so soon?”

  “No time later and want to look nice.”

  Fiona’s habit was to make time each evening for a trip to the bath house. Never being comfortable with nudity in front of a group of people, she fashioned herself a sort of swimsuit, to the amusement of all. Men as well as women regularly visited the bath house and Fiona spent most of her time looking at the walls, the ceiling or anyplace other than directly at the bathers. These were a clean people, but dental health was a problem for most of the population. A woman who made it to adulthood with all her front teeth was considered a beauty whether or not she really was. Tanith’s teeth were very good and her own were in excellent shape.

  A quick trip to the bath house and then Fiona was ordered to sit while Tanith groomed her hair. “Kellach will like,” she commented as she worked the strands.

  Fiona didn’t understand why her appearance was so important to a prospective employer. Her work ethics were by far the most important standard right now. A good employee was measured by the quality and efficiency of his or her work, not on personal appearances—at least in modern times it was. She was still too new to this place to fully understand what constituted a good employee.

  Tanith soon finished and she held up a brass mirror for Fiona’s approval. She’d pulled the sides back in braids and anchored them behind with a cloth tie. Soft tendrils escaped down the sides of her face, softening the effect. Fiona nodded her approval. Tanith ran across the square and quickly returned with a loose tunic of silk the color of warm burgundy, much too nice for a mere servant, but Tanith was insistent she wear it. Why, it hardly covered anything, and Tanith had forgotten to bring any sort of underthings to wear with it. She felt pretty exposed and concerned. This was the stuff hot sex was made of.

  She scowled. “I can’t wear.”

  “Yes, you wear. Kellach like very much.”

  “I’m sure he will, but I do not like.” Good grief! The cool air of the evening had her nipples sticking out anyway and it embarrassed her to even think that a man she had never met would see her this way for the first time.

  “Why dress like this?” Fiona swept her hand down the front.

  “Make pretty. Kellach like pretty.”

  The tunic was exquisite, but far too revealing for a job interview. The material caressed her skin, caressing every limb as though from a lover’s touch. Exactly the wrong impression she was hoping to make.

  She snorted. The minute Tanith was gone, the outfit was out. She’d wear one of those she wore on a daily basis and present herself for what she was—the housekeeper, not some woman of the evening out on the town.

  Tanith gathered up her hair items and added a quick kiss before departing. “You look good.”

  The silk did feel wonderful and it wouldn’t hurt to wear it for awhile before changing. Silk pajamas were expensive at home and her paychecks generally only allowed for cotton nighties. Tanith hadn’t mentioned exactly when Kellach would arrive but she suspected she had plenty of time before changing. Machar burst in with Conan, handed her the leash, and ran out the door, banging into things as he left, like every four year old. Conan bounced around and ran to his food dish looking expectant. She fed him and then decided to rest for a few minutes. It had been a long and tiring day and a short rest would be welcome. She promptly fell deeply asleep.


  The sheep had been driven to the holding pens and guards posted. After making sure the animals were secure, Kellach bid his men goodnight and made his way to the bath house. He stripped and stepped into the water, the soothing heat easing his aching muscles and relaxing him. They had pushed the animals harder today so to be home, and he was weary to the bone. He washed down quickly and then strode naked to his abode, the darkness covering his passage. He entered quietly and dropped his clothing and weapons.

  Soft candlelight bathed the room and food warmed on the hearth. A servant must have anticipated my arrival and thought to leave some welcome. He was too tired to eat, though, and decided to dine when he arose. He moved to the bed and as he made to climb in, a small cur jumped up and began yapping shrilly, startling him so that he straightened up, somewhat alarmed. A lump in the bed moved and rolled towards him. His hand moved to reach for his knife, but found nothing. His weapons lay on the floor near the table in the center of the room. The covers fell back and a female form sat up.

  Sleep fogging her brain, Fiona heard the pup wildly barking. She rolled over to see what was disturbing him, and came face to face with male genitalia, and from her nursing experience, rather large male genitalia. As she stared, it stirred ever so slightly. Her eyes traveled slowly up higher and higher, over a muscled torso sporting a least an eight pack, to hardened pecs and, lastly, a scowling male face surrounded by shoulder length wet blonde hair. She had to tilt her head back to see him. The man was a giant!

  He reached for her and as he did, adrenaline surged through her and she scrambled to the back of the bed, grabbing the puppy as she went. The wall stopped her progress and she braced herself against it. From her vantage point, she was able to see the entire length of the man. Had this been a different situation, she would have appreciated the fact that he was the most outrageously gorgeous hunk of male she had ever seen.

  He pointed at her and began speaking, but she was too confused and frightened to make sense of what he said. Her heart pounded wildly and she was gasping, such that she was afraid she would hyperventilate.

  Kellach was rooted to the spot. The woman before him was beautiful by any standard. Huge green eyes reflected the light from the burning candles. As he gazed, her tongue darted out, laving full, lush lips. Long hair the color of moonbeams fell to below her waist, the sides pulled back in braids. One shoulder was laid bare as the shapeless gown slipped, the promise of full breasts tantalized his perusal. Who was she and why was she sleeping in his bed—and with a dog?

  “Who are you and what are you doing here?” he growled at her. He was exhausted and, although she interested him greatly, he wanted to sleep.

  The woman flinched, clutching the cur even tighter. Her head swiveled as if searching for an escape. She appeared confused and not a little frightened.

  “Kellach’s house,” she screamed.

  Kellach nodded. Yes, it was his house. At least they had that covered.

  “Go,” she screeched and pointed to the door.
r />   Kellach shook his head, trying to clear his mind. The woman appeared to know it was his house but was screaming at him to go, this didn’t make sense.

  The woman edged farther away from him. “Kellach’s house,” she screamed again, and then, “go.” She pointed to the door.

  The puppy was going wild and he reached over to take the nervous puppy from the woman, before his bed suffered. Not understanding his intent, and being terrified in any event, she jumped from the bed and ran to the far side of the table, screaming as she ran. Kellach moved away from the bed and toward the table.

  “Who are you and why are you here?” he tried again.

  She raced to the other side, her hair flying behind her. The tunic revealed more than it covered, and a good portion of shapely legs and thighs flashed. With her back to the fire pit, the silk provided little cover.

  A part of Kellach enjoyed the view, but the other part was irritated and frustrated. He finally threw up his hands, grabbed a drape covering one of the chairs, wrapped it around his loins, and marched out the door. He crossed the square and, without knocking, entered Tanith’s residence. She was sitting near the fire mending and Siran was lying on the bed near a sleeping Machar.

  Tanith’s face brightened as she regarded him. “You’ve returned, my brother! Welcome.”

  Kellach scowled. “Who is the woman?”

  “What woman?” Tanith innocently asked.

  “The one in my house, sleeping in my bed—with a dog,” he replied tersely.

  “Oh! That woman,” she answered sweetly.

  Siran sat up, leading on his arm. “Oh, you mean the crone?”

  “What crone?”

  Siran grinned wickedly. “The one you found on our journey.”

  Kellach paused, a vision of the hideous old crone flashed through his mind. Surely they were not one and the same.

  “She healed well while you were gone, did she not?” Siran teased him.

  “I ask again, what is she doing in my bed?”

  “You found her, she’s yours.”


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