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10 Timeless Heroes; A Time Travel Romance Boxed Set

Page 115

by P. L. Parker, Beth Trissel, L. L. Muir, Skhye Moncrief, Sky Purington, Nancy Lee Badger, Caroline Clemmons, Bess McBride, Donna Michaels

  They started back toward Stephen’s holding. “The men are ready. We leave soon. Take what you like from my cottage and provision well. You will find sacks in my cupboard and additional plaids in the trunk. Meet me at the castle when ready.”

  “What of weaponry?” Alan asked.

  “I will see that you get a sword and more daggers. How are you with a bow?”

  “As good as with any weapon.”

  Stephen nodded and then left them at the cottage. She and Alan worked well together and said little as they packed their satchels with fewer dry goods and more items that would aid them when traveling. Food could be hunted and picked along the way. Items such as twine, hooks, netting and small knives would be non-existent.

  Caitriona didn’t look back as they walked away. Her memories of being a bairn needed to remain here. Her time as a mystic lay north. By the time they reached the castle, the courtyard was teeming with horsed warriors and excited clanfolk. Tamas stood with Arianna and Stephen. With a wide smile, he greeted them. “Ah, ‘tis the lass and the lad she brought to heel!”

  Oh, the man was a lecherous twit! Hard to understand why the rest of the clan did not see such. Careful to act the part she’d played so well the eve before, she said most genuinely, “Good morn, my Laird!”

  “It will sadden me to see you leave so soon. But it does make sense to travel with Stephen then make your way home,” Tamas said.

  Caitriona knew the truth of it. The laird wanted Alan gone. What was it that so threatened him about the Stewart chieftain outside of the obvious? Tamas spent little time conversing with them before taking Arianna aside. This afforded Stephen the opportunity to take them to the stalls.

  “Will you not visit the innards of the castle once before we leave?” Alan said.

  A chill crawled over her skin. That was one place on Broun land she would never again step. “Nay, ‘twas not a place I visited much as a bairn.” She inwardly cringed as she asked, “Unless, that is, you would like to.”

  Alan’s astute gaze looked from her to the castle. “Nay, lass. ‘Tis best we ready ourselves for travel.”

  Thank goodness. It was time, at last, to truly begin the most important journey of her life. While a part of her wouldn’t mind more time spent with Alan here on Broun land, another part was eager to set this prophecy to rest and hopefully find a way to keep the Stewart laird.

  Caitriona was pleased to see her horse. A dappled gray, it suited her size well. Alan’s, in turn, well suited his. Jet black and spirited; it stood several hands taller than hers. Alan was given a sword, several daggers and a bow and arrow. Caitriona opted for several smaller daggers.

  By the time they emerged, Tamas was hoisting Arianna onto her horse. It was clear to see she nearly glowed. While most would think it was because she was setting out to fulfill her obligations to the clan, Caitriona knew better. The Broun woman was ready to escape and begin a much desired new life…even if it didn’t include her clan and family.

  So it was that they soon crossed over the drawbridge for the last time, half the retinue ahead, and the other half behind. Once they were beyond the outer compounds several would fan off and ride ahead to scout the land beyond the Broun borders. Alan and Arianna rode alongside her. Stephen rode near the front.

  “We will keep a brisk pace. The less time off Broun land the better,” Arianna said.

  Honestly, Caitriona was grateful that they had horses, at least for now. When she traveled with Iosbail MacLomain it was mostly on foot. This journey would take several long days and that was just to Loch Lamond. Somehow she doubted, at least for this leg of the trip, that any magic would be used to help them travel faster.

  Alan’s earlier lighthearted disposition on the beach had all but vanished. Now, he was every inch the traveling warrior. In addition to the claymore, bow and arrows, and hidden daggers, he also had a battle ax strapped to his shoulder. It seemed the horse carried more weaponry than it did man. They were just entering the woodland when Alan asked, “How long will we remain on Broun land?”

  “Until mid-day tomorrow,” Arianna replied.

  Another Brounsman trotted up alongside. “M’lady, I will stay with you. Your Da would have wanted it such.”

  A wide grin split her face. “William! Where have you been off too, my friend?”

  The lad grinned just as wide. “Business for Tamas. Just arrived home.”

  “Yet here you are ready to travel again.” She shook her head and nodded toward them. “This is Caitriona and Alan, friends of Stephen’s. Set to travel home this way.”

  “Ah, will you travel all the way to the MacLomains then? ‘Twill be a grand celebration!”

  Caitriona couldn’t help but notice the look exchanged between William and Arianna. It seemed perhaps his words were for the benefit of listening ears.

  Alan said, “We will likely travel there then home after.”

  William glanced between Alan and Caitriona. “Well, Stephen and Arianna are my brethren which makes you as well. Know that I will help in any way I can to see you there safely.”

  “You are a good laddie, William.” Arianna nodded ahead. “Why not go check on the front guard. Stephen could use your company.”

  Arianna said nothing more as he cantered ahead but her look in their direction spoke volumes. They had an ally in William Broun.

  Later that day as the sun dipped beneath the horizon and they dismounted, William and Stephen returned. They’d made better time than expected traveling and the retinue would leave Broun land behind on the morn. The forest was thick in this area affording good coverage from trouble. Because, much like it was in the highlands, borders in the lowlands were only as defined as the men protecting them.

  “You traveled well today,” Alan said as he helped her dismount. “Gives me much hope for a simple lady’s maid.”

  “‘Twas lucky for me that my Lady traveled often.” She knew his jest was meant to encourage. “And worry naught; this day has not tired me for those to come.”

  His soft words came near her ear. “There will unlikely ever come a time when I dinnae worry for you, lass.”

  Their eyes held as he reached up past her to grab the satchel. The darkening woodland cast shadows across his face somehow making him look even more wickedly alluring. Her eyes drifted over his face until they came to his lips. They were tempting lips that promised nights of undiscovered pleasures.

  “I think, mayhap, the newly betrothed need set up their sleeping area first,” Arianna said with a knowing grin.

  Caitriona turned her warming cheeks away and grabbed the other satchel. Alan made her feel terribly young and innocent which aggravated her. Though her virginity might be intact, she’d felt the touch of other men, been kissed by other men.

  But they had not been him.

  “‘Tis good you brought extra skins for tenting. This eve will be warm enough but the further north we go the colder. Protection beyond our plaids will be needed,” Stephen said.

  Those around them thought he spoke only of their destination, the MacLomains in Cowal, but Caitriona knew better. He spoke of the frigid highlands and its unforgiving weather.

  “Nay, not just the plaids this eve. I will set up our tent,” Alan said.

  Caitriona swung around; eyes narrowed before she schooled her expression. They were married after all. “Really? I think it rather warm.”

  “Oh, ‘twill be warmer still,” Alan promised, the devil in his eye.

  Her brows rose. What did the man intend?

  Arianna gave a low whistle, winked at Caitriona and laid out a spare plaid. “If I didnae know better I would say you are a man who keeps his word, Alan.”

  “Aye, especially when it comes to this wee lass.” For all he jested with words his pointed look told her the truth of it. She would not go untouched this eve.

  Well, he’d know the truth of it soon enough too.

  He would not get what he wanted.

  Caitriona kept that thought firmly in her mind th
e remainder of the eve despite his flirtations and innuendos. Even when he set up that tent he promised, she remained resolute. But her stomach fluttered as she ate, her gaze often traveling over the fire to where they’d sleep. It was set back some from the rest but still well within the parameters of protection. However, if sounds became too loud they would be heard.

  The meat in her mouth became hard to swallow at the thought.

  A merry and wicked gleam in his eye, Alan held out a small flask of mead. “Drink lass, ‘twill help the food go down better.”

  Regrettably she couldn’t respond because a drink was exactly what she needed. After a few long swallows, she set aside her food.

  “Nay.” Alan put the food back in front of her. “Eat. You will need strength.”

  “For what?” she said automatically.

  Stephen chuckled. Arianna raised her flask in salute. “Need a married lass ask such?”

  William stoked the fire, his eyes scanning the surrounding fires. “We will not have many eves ahead such as this. Too many fires.”

  “The weather will not allow it anyway,” Stephen commented. “A storm brews to the west. We will meet it head on tomorrow.”

  “Good in many ways.” William looked at Arianna. “I will ride with you for a time when the rain grows strong. We will talk of the days when the weather didnae bother us so much, eh?”

  “Aye.” Arianna gave a slight nod and looked at Stephen. “‘Tis always good to talk with an old friend.”

  Hers were not words to assure Stephen of her fidelity. Nay, they meant something else altogether. What, Caitriona could not be sure. She suspected more plans were being formed and William intended to be part of them.

  Yet after that it turned to idle chatter. Meaningless words meant to keep them free of suspicion. Only once all had finished their meal did Alan say, “Well, I didnae build a tent merely to look upon it.”

  “I would hope not,” Stephen said.

  Hex on him. The Broun clansman knew she and Alan were not really together. He could have managed a way to keep this all more proper. But nay, it seemed he was no hero. Caitriona ground her teeth and nodded politely to the others as Alan pulled her after him.

  “You would think I led you to slaughter,” Alan muttered as he held the rawhide aside so she could crawl into the tent.

  Utter darkness seemed to swallow her as she felt her way. Then suddenly a small flicker of light filled the tent and neatly laid plaids became visible. Alan set a small candle beside them as they sat.

  “Will they not see clearly into the tent with that light?” she asked grimly.

  “Caitriona, I didnae build this shelter so that I could have my way with you.” His eyes slid over her face. “Though the thought did occur to me.”

  “Then why, if you knew it made me uncomfortable, did you erect it?”

  “Because ‘tis something you need to get used to on this journey. As Stephen said, the weather will grow harsher. Do you think Arianna and Stephen will want to share a tent with us, then?”

  Modest, she pulled her cloak tighter around her shoulders and folded her hands in her lap. “I would think not.”

  Alan, far more casual, stretched out his long legs and yawned. But she sensed he was more tightly wound than he appeared. “The highlands are unforgiving, even at this time of year. ‘Twill come down to body heat some nights.” He gaze lingered on hers. “Yours and mine.”

  Despite her determination to remain unaffected, a thrilling sensation sizzled through her veins. As if he felt the very same thing, Alan’s eyes grew more watchful and his breathing switched pace. After what they’d experienced when they’d kissed before, she knew as well as he that being alone so close together would inevitably lead to more kisses…at the very least.

  “I am sure we can remain civil, despite our need to survive,” she said, the words far more breathy sounding than she would have liked.

  “Tell me, Caitriona, why do you remain an innocent?”

  Oh, but his lack of tact! “You do not know such about me.”

  “Aye, but I do.” A small but warm smile blossomed. “So why, at your age, are you?”

  My age? But of course she was rather old when compared to others. Most were married off and lost their virginity soon after their first bleeding. Fine then. “‘Twas requested by my Lady. She preferred her girls pure. Better to keep the lads away.”

  “She imagined keeping young women virginal would deter the lads? It seems she didnae ken her own countrymen verra well.” Alan continued to stare at her, his too-cunning gaze not convinced. “Either way, you are no longer obligated to your lady and I see the desire in your eyes.” He leaned closer. “I think you will be unable to ignore it. I cannae ignore it. When I look at you something…”

  His words trailed off. Perhaps the right ones didn’t exist. Roughened from weapons, one hand stroked her cheek feather-light. Unable to resist, she closed her eyes and leaned into his touch. Like him, there were no words to describe the way she felt, whole, certainly, but much more than that. Her need for him was intense, almost too intense. There could be no doubt that he was the greatest love of her life.

  What other way could it be with twin souls?

  When his lips came softly against hers, Caitriona released a low moan. They were warm and eager but not forceful. He did not demand, not at first. Instead, his kiss turned into several slow, chaste, patient kisses. His other hand sifted through her hair as if he cherished the feel of each, individual strand.

  Clever, manipulative, he stroked her cheek then cupped her neck, his thumb swiping ever so slowly over her tender collarbone. At the same time his tongue skimmed her lip, a passive gesture done intentionally to rally her interest.

  It worked.

  Wanting more than anything another taste of what they’d had the night before she allowed him entrance.

  That was, perhaps, not the best of moves.

  The candle flickered out casting them into darkness. Yet it seemed with the loss of sight came an intensity to all her other senses. Their hearts thrummed against one another. The heat of her body burned against her clothing. Her skin became far more sensitive. Above all, there grew a building passion, a wicked need.

  More persistent, their tongues twirled and explored. Gentle, careful, he pulled free her cloak so that only the simple fabric of her dress remained between them. Wave after wave of sensation rippled down her body when his hand cupped the side of her breast. His lips left hers and his hot breath came against her neck. Her neck muscles turned to liquid and her head fell back. Though she tried to speak there wasn’t enough air in her lungs.

  All she could do was feel.

  One arm wrapped around her lower back and held her in place. Then his lips trailed slowly down her neck, searching out extra sensitive spots then lingering. And as his lips learned, his free hand explored and teased. It was as though he knew she wanted his hand to slip beneath her dress but he purposefully chose not to. No, he used the slightly abrasive wool material of her clothing as a weapon against her.

  “So soft,” he’d whisper against the skin of her collarbone while he slowly dragged the material back and forth over her painfully hard nipple. “And plush, perfect,” he murmured against her cleavage while his fingers pressed gently against the hard contours of her pelvic bone and upper thighs, searching out the exact areas that made her whimper with pleasure.

  How did a lass fight this?

  They didn’t. They couldn’t.

  He all but tenderized her body, making it defenseless against his relentless investigation. Caitriona didn’t even realize he’d lowered her until he came over her. Then it occurred to her what he’d done up to this point was nothing compared to what he intended.

  But the realization came too late.

  When he touched her again it was more aggressively and a thousand times more potent. Excitement uncurled in her belly and her legs jerked open when his lips closed over her nipple through the fabric. His thick erection pressed against
the weakening fabric between them. Eager, she ran her hands up beneath his tunic, feeling the taut muscles of his abdomen and chest. He groaned in response, the sound vibrating beneath her fingertips. It felt empowering and delicious having this large man on top of her…needing her as much as she needed him.

  She pressed up, searching to fill the need between her thighs.


  In an instant, Alan kneeled over her, one hand over her mouth, the other hand holding a dagger. He meant to defend. Caitriona’s body trembled with both desire and fear.

  “Pssst.” Whisper soft, the sound came from just outside the back of their tent. “‘Tis Stephen.”

  Alan hung his head and sighed in frustration. “Timing.”

  She couldn’t agree more. Her thighs trembled, her core was on fire and her poor heart nearly beat out of her chest.

  Embarrassed, Caitriona sat up and wrapped the cloak around her as Alan went to the back and opened the rawhides ever so slightly. “Aye.”

  “I will be leaving long before sunrise to scout. As Arianna will be doing, find some time to speak with William. ‘Twill be he who ventures on to the MacLomains once we are gone. ‘Twill also be he who first speaks with Laird Iain MacLomain.”

  “Worry naught. I will speak with him and protect Arianna.”

  Stephen offered a small grin. “She would not like me asking it of you.”

  “But you didnae ask, aye?”

  The Broun nodded and vanished. Alan seemed unsettled when he returned and relit the candle. “‘Tis a strange thing knowing I am part of betraying my friend like this.”

  Caitriona didn’t dare touch his arm in comfort lest she rekindle what they’d nearly done. The very thing she was not supposed to do! And how very close they’d come. Pained by his expression, she instead offered soft words of reason. “‘Tis not an act of betrayal if true love is found. If not for your actions now, four people would not be with whom they are meant to be with.”

  “Such truth still does not release me from my lies.”


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