Jurassic Submissive

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by Sophie Stern

  Jurassic Submissive

  Sophie Stern

  Copyright © 2015 by Sophie Stern

  All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.


  Bianca hates the shifters.

  Hates them.

  They're loud and smelly and they shift unpredictably. Still, she serves them with a smile plastered on her face when they come into T. Quila: the bar she runs with her sister.

  When one of her customers begins giving her a hard time one night, Bianca isn't sure how to handle the disruption. Then Patrick steps in and everything changes.

  He's nothing like the dinosaurs she's known before. He's tall, handsome, and has an air of gentleness despite his ferocious shifter side.

  But Patrick is more than just a shifter.

  He's a Dom.

  And when it comes to Bianca, he wants all of her.

  For Jack


  Jurassic Submissive











  Bianca pushed her dark hair back from her face and pasted on a smile. The shifter in front of her stared at her with a dark possessiveness she was used to. He'd been in here before, as most of the dinosaur shifters had, but it never made her feel better about his animal nature.

  "What are you drinking tonight?" She asked, leaning forward so her cleavage showed even more. The corset she wore was too tight and too small, but she made more than double the tips on nights that she wore it.

  The shifter cocked his head as he looked at her for a moment. She tried to remember what kind of dinosaur he was. Velociraptor? Allosauras? After awhile, they all ran together. He stared at Bianca's heavy breasts for a long moment before his gaze shifted to the row of bottles behind her.

  "Scotch," he said, finally. "Neat."

  She nodded and turned to make the man's drink. She tried not to think about how she felt with him staring at her. While she used to feel sexy working at T. Quila with her sister, Addie, now she just felt tired and worn out. She'd been at the bar for nearly a year, and in that time she'd met more losers than she ever thought possible.

  What she really wanted, more than anything, was to take her meager savings and just run away, just start over somewhere new. She had thought Mesozoicara would be a place to start fresh, to find someone she could connect with after Jeremy’s death, but it wasn’t. The men here were just like all the rest. Bianca wanted to find a good Dom, someone she could give herself to completely, but it had been so long.

  She was beginning to think such a man no longer existed.

  Addie would never forgive her if she left, but sometimes Bianca thought Addie couldn't possibly understand what it was like to be her. Addie was very vanilla. She was normal. She didn’t have the need to submit that Bianca did. She didn’t have the desire to give up every aspect of control to the one person she trusted more than anyone else.

  The sisters had come to Mesozoicara because Addie's husband, Joseph, was a shifter. This community was supposed to be a safe haven for shifters and their families, but it had turned out to be nothing more than a place for dinosaurs to act like cave men. There was a fight at the bar almost every night. There were drunk shifters hitting on her constantly. There were even people who would yell at her for "infiltrating" their close-knit community.

  Bianca wasn't one of them and everyone knew it.

  Though most of the shifters were kind to Addie, they didn't extend the same attitude to her sister. Addie was, after all, married to a shifter. She had birthed two shifter babies. She owned a house in the shifter community.

  But Bianca?

  Bianca was just another dirty human to them.

  And they had no qualms about letting her know it.


  Bianca was closing up when the man approached her. He smelled like the expensive liquor she'd been serving all night, but that didn't mean anything to her. He was just another dinosaur, just another creature who wanted something she couldn't give.

  "I'm closing," she commented, glancing over her shoulder at him. She knew who he was, but Hank wasn’t one of her regulars, so she didn’t pay him much mind. She grabbed the cash bag and flicked off the light behind the register. "You need to leave." There were still a few other patrons in the bar, but they were slowly making their way to the door. This man, however, seemed to have no intention of leaving.

  "You look good enough to eat," he growled at her. Hank’s dinosaur eyes flashed yellow as he looked at her. Bianca did her best not to shrink back from him. She knew if he shifted, she'd be done for. Even with the tranquilizer gun she kept behind the bar, a strong dinosaur would overpower her quickly.

  She took a deep breath and tried not to show her fear. If he got off on that, she didn't want him to get even more excited. If he got out of control, he could rape her or eat her. Maybe both.

  Bianca felt like crying. She never should have come to this stupid place. She already hated it. This was even worse. Now, instead of running away like she wanted to, she was going to be killed by an overzealous shifter who couldn't control his urges. Bianca wanted to be dominated; she didn’t want to be killed.

  "Get out of my bar," she said. She furrowed her brow and tried to look fierce. Unfortunately, she knew that the shifter could probably sense her heart rate. He might even be able to smell her fear. Each dino was different and she had no idea what this one could do.

  He licked his lips, slowly and seductively. He was trying to turn her on. He was trying to egg her on so he could say she came onto him. He was trying to get her to make the first move, whether it be physical or sexual.

  "Make me," Hank whispered.

  She moved her hand for the tranquilizer gun, but he shook his head.

  "I wouldn't do that if I were you." Hank lifted his glass of liquor to his lips. His yellow eyes never left Bianca's brown ones. Her hand stilled as he finished the rest of his drink, downing every drop. His tongue slithered out of his mouth and swirled inside the glass, ensuring he got every bit of liquor he had paid for.

  Then she realized he was starting to shift.

  While most dinosaurs shifted as quickly as possible, some liked to take their time. Some enjoyed scaring the humans who lived here by shifting their tongue, then their ears, then their snout. Some liked to sprout their wings and walk around in a state of half-humanness.

  Some just liked the rush they got from the control of completing only half a shift.

  Bianca thought this man might be one of those.

  She didn't move as he placed his glass back on the bar. Her heart was racing and he glanced at her chest again. Oh yes, he could definitely tell she was terrified. What was worse is that she wasn't sure what to do about it. She didn't glance at the front door, though she wanted to. She didn't glance at the side door, either. He would get there first. It was obvious.

  No, Bianca was stuck. She heard the last of the patrons leaving for the night. The front door jingled as they did.

  Then they were alone.

  "What do you want?" She whispered. She wanted to say, "I'm closed. Fuck off." She wanted to say, "Get out of here before I kill you." She wanted to say, "I hate dinosaurs for a reason and you're the very worst kind."

  But she didn't.

  She just stood there, watching him bide his time until he was ready to devour her.

  Bianca was stuck.

  And there was nothing she could do about it.


>   Patrick sat in the corner of T. Quila. It was his favorite bar in town, and not just because its name was a play on the type of dinosaur he was: a Tyrannosaurus rex.

  No, the reason Patrick liked this bar was much more shallow, much more simple than any of that: he liked the bartender.

  Bianca had worked here for almost a year. He knew this because he had been coming here every Wednesday night since she started. While most of the girls who worked at T. Quila were flirty and seductive, eager to sleep with any dinosaur who wanted them, Bianca was different.

  Bianca seemed to be immune to their advances.

  Patrick wasn't sure if she hated her life or if she just hated shifters, but he was fascinated by her. She moved with an agility and an ease that most dinosaur women didn't possess. He knew she was human: that much was obvious. What he didn't know was why she wouldn't flirt with any of the shifters, why she never took any of the men home with her after work, or why she always had a glint of sadness behind her deep, dark eyes.

  She held last call and most of the bar patrons began to make their way to the door, but one man in particular did not. He sat at the bar with his back to Patrick, but it didn't matter. Patrick knew perfectly well who he was.


  The Alioramus was nothing compared to Patrick, but that didn't stop the dinosaur from giving him hell as often as possible. Patrick didn't blame him. Not really. Hank was still mad about that business years ago when Patrick had fucked Hank's little sister. The Velociraptor had been gorgeous and smooth, soft and tough in all the right ways. As a young shifter male in the throes of puberty, he hadn't been able to resist her.

  When Hank found out, he had vowed never to forgive Patrick for "tainting" his sister.

  Little did he knew that Erica had already been "tainted" by every other male in their school. Patrick had been the last in a long string of one-night stands. While he didn't mind being last, he did mind being the one who took the blame for all of Erica's shortcomings.

  Still, it had been over a decade.

  Surely Hank should have gotten over that by now.

  Patrick knew, however, it was wishful thinking to expect that the dinosaur could do something as human as forgive. Hank was far more beastly and feral than anyone in town wanted to admit. Patrick wondered how long it would be before Hank pissed off the wrong dino and found himself at the bottom of someone's stomach.

  He watched from the corner of the bar as Bianca stood her own. She was beautiful and strong. She held her head up and her shoulders back as she spoke quietly with Hank. Patrick couldn't quite make out the words, but then he saw Bianca's hand shift.

  The tranquilizer gun.

  He knew she kept one there. He had been the one who insisted on it when she and her human sister, Addie, began working at the tavern. Though most dinosaur women could hold their own in battle against the males, he didn't want to think about a human woman being put at risk simply because of her size.

  Why was she reaching for the gun?

  What had Hank just said to her?

  Patrick rose as Bianca's countenance changed. Suddenly, she didn't look so put-together. Suddenly, she looked afraid.

  Very afraid.

  Then Patrick noticed the scales beginning to creep out from under Hank's shirt and he realized what was happening.

  Hank was going to shift and he was going to take Bianca.

  There was no doubt in Patrick's mind as to why Hank would choose tonight, of all nights, to try something with Bianca. He knew Patrick fancied her. He knew Patrick had taken a vested interest in her wellbeing, even going so far as to warn the other men to stay away from her.

  But now Hank was taking things too far.

  He was going to hurt Bianca and there was no way in hell Patrick would ever let that happen. He shifted quickly and silently before lunging at Hank's back.


  The skin on Hank’s hand began to ripple as he started to shift even further. Bianca darted a glance at the door and Hank’s hand lunged for her throat across the bar. She closed her eyes, trying to accept her untimely demise, but it never came.

  Instead, a loud roar filled the bar, shaking the glasses and windows, forcing her eyes open. Patrick, one of her regulars, had shifted and was attacking Hank, who was still in a state of half-shift. She knew Hank wouldn’t be able to finish shifting if Patrick hit him too hard, but she didn’t care about it being a fair fight. She cared about him leaving her the hell alone, about him never coming back into this bar.

  Still, the sight of a full grown dinosaur in the center of the tavern unnerved her, and she shrank back into a corner, curling up and wrapping her arms around herself. She knew there would be damage to the building, no matter how this fight ended. When the bar had been designed, the architect’s had chosen to have 40-foot ceilings, which gave the building a very strange, very unusual look.

  When the occasional shifter got too drunk and accidentally turned, though, she was always grateful for the ceilings since it meant the building would need minimal repair.

  Hank squealed and yelled something at Patrick. Bianca peeked an eye open to see Patrick gripping Hank’s arm between his teeth. There was blood everywhere. If Hank didn’t shift soon, he’d either lose his arm or bleed out completely, but she didn’t care.

  She hated the shifters.

  She hated all of them and she hated what was about to happen to her tonight.

  Patrick was different. She knew that. In the entire year he’d been coming in to T. Quila, he’d never tried anything with her. In fact, he’d been the only one she could talk to freely about how she was settling in and how she was doing.

  She watched as he bit and chewed at Hank, causing the man to scream and moan. Blood spurted all over the barstools and the floor, but somehow, Bianca couldn’t bring herself to care. Hank deserved this. He was going to rape her. He was going to devour her. He was going to make her wish she’d never come to Mesozoicara, but worse than that, Hank was going to make her wish she hadn’t been born at all.

  Hank’s fighting began to slow as he lost more blood. Patrick had attacked him from behind, so it hadn’t been a fair fight to start, but she didn’t care. She wondered if he was going to pass out. Though he had, at first, been fighting quickly and ferociously, he had slowed down incredibly.

  Then Patrick did something Bianca didn’t expect.

  He dropped Hank, shifted back to his human form, and reached for the phone behind the bar. He didn’t look at Hank as he dialed a number. He didn’t even look at Bianca.

  “Yeah, I need medics at T. Quila.” He was calling for help? Bianca wasn’t sure why Patrick would have attacked a man and then called for help. Shouldn’t he have just let him die? Isn’t that what the monsters did? Dinosaurs weren’t really human. She never let herself believe that they could be, but here was Patrick, doing something bold and brave for the good of someone else.

  She watched as he briefly explained the situation, but she was still in shock. After a moment, Patrick hung up the phone and turned to Hank, who was curled up in a ball on the floor.

  “The medics are coming for you,” he said coldly. “Never come to this bar again.” Then Patrick turned to Bianca and walked over to her. She scooted back further into her corner, as if that would keep him from seeing her or reaching her, but he came over anyway and stood so that his feet were almost touching hers.

  “Are you okay?” He asked her.

  Bianca said nothing. She just squeezed her eyes shut. Maybe Patrick would go away. Maybe he would leave and she could just go home. She didn’t want to be here anymore. She didn’t want to deal with this.

  “I said,” his voice was deeper, “Are. You. Okay?”

  Something in the way he said it made her look up. He looked annoyed that she hadn’t responded, but more than that, he looked concerned. For her? Why would Patrick be worried about her?

  “I’m okay,” she whispered finally, and he seemed to accept that. Then he reached down and grabbed her hand. Patrick pu
lled Bianca to her feet and stared into her eyes for a long time, as if trying to decide whether or not she really was fine.

  “You’re coming with me tonight,” he said to her. “You shouldn’t be alone.”

  “It’s okay,” she said quickly. “I have an apartment on-“

  “No.” Patrick’s voice was certain. “You’re coming to my house.”

  Despite the fact that Bianca didn’t particularly like being told what to do by someone she wasn’t in bed with, she found herself nodding. Patrick’s words had left no room for argument. They walked past Hank to the front door, barely glancing at him. The medics were already outside as they walked away. Patrick said something to one of the men, who nodded, then he led Bianca to his car.

  She got inside and he drove her home.


  Patrick wasn’t sure what he was thinking, bringing Bianca back to his place. He knew they could never have normal, vanilla, run-of-the-mill sex. It just wasn’t an option. Patrick didn’t want someone who would lie on her back and take what he gave her while the lights were off. He didn’t want someone who would tolerate him putting his dick in her.

  No, Patrick needed someone strong, someone like Bianca. He needed someone who was an independent woman, but who would sacrifice that independence for a little while. He needed someone who was always in control, but who would give up that control to him.

  What Patrick needed was submission, and he needed it from Bianca, even though he doubted she would stay once he brought up the idea of domination.

  They reached the house and walked inside. She still looked scared and nervous, so he told her to sit on the couch while he made her a cup of tea. When he came back from the kitchen with a mug of chamomile tea and a warm blanket, she hadn’t moved.


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