Jurassic Submissive

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Jurassic Submissive Page 2

by Sophie Stern

  “Talk to me,” he said softly as he sat next to her on the couch. He tried not to think about the way she smelled, how arousing her fear was. He tried not to think of how he could still see the goose bumps on her arms or how she was still shaking a little bit. He couldn’t let himself go that far. He needed to be in control of this situation. He needed to conquer her fear.

  Bianca didn’t say anything at first. She set the tea down on the coffee table and shifted beneath the blanket. She crossed and uncrossed her legs, then she placed her hands in her lap. After a very long minute, she turned to Patrick.

  “He was going to eat me.”

  He nodded.

  “But he didn’t.”

  “Because you saved me.”

  “Because I saved you.”

  Bianca looked at Patrick curiously, like she was noticing him for the first time. They’d known each other for a long time, of course, but he’d always kept his distance. He knew what he needed in a relationship and he wasn’t sure it was the same thing Bianca needed. Now, though, as she sat on his couch, her arousal and excitement and horror pulsing through her veins, he hoped more than anything she would take what he was offering.

  “Thank you.” Her words came softly and she closed her eyes as she said them, not meeting his gaze anymore. The gesture was demure and submissive and made him instantly hard. He wondered what she would look like on her knees with her hands bound behind her back and his cock thrusting into her mouth.

  He tried to brush the image from his mind, but it was of no use. Bianca would be forever embedded in his memory, but honestly, he didn’t mind. It had been a long time since he’d felt this way about a woman, since he’d had the desire and the need to keep a woman safe, to protect her.

  “What will happen to Hank?” Bianca asked suddenly. Patrick wasn’t surprised at her concern. She was one of the most thoughtful women he knew. Of course she would want to know what would happen to him and if he would be all right.

  “The medics know what happened,” Patrick said simply. “Justice will be swift.”

  She gasped.

  “Are they going to kill him?”

  “What? No. He’ll likely just be banished.”

  “Oh.” Bianca breathed a sigh of relief. Patrick was amazed, once more, at her tender heart. “That’s good, I guess. I mean, he doesn’t really deserve to die.”

  Patrick grabbed her chin and forced her face to his. Her brown eyes went wide as she stared into his. Patrick’s body trembled slightly as he fought the desire to shift, as he pushed back the urge to show her just how big and protective he could truly be when it came to hurting someone he cared about.

  “He deserves it, Bianca. He deserves that and more.”

  Before she could say anything, Patrick crushed his mouth down over hers. He kissed her hard and fast and deep: the result of a year of waiting. Bianca’s body arched into his and she let the blanket fall from around her shoulders. She placed her hands on either side of his face as he ravaged her mouth, all the while wishing he was ravaging the rest of her body, as well.

  He stopped after a minute, but it was far too soon.

  Judging by the way her breathing had gone ragged, he knew she felt the same way.

  “I’ve wanted you for a long time, Bianca,” he told her. “But not like this.”

  “Because I almost was hurt?”

  “Yes. You’re still in shock. You’d fuck anyone right now.”

  Suddenly, her playful mood was gone. She glowered at him.

  “You’ve known me for a long fucking time, Patrick,” she spat. Her voice was venom. “Is that really what you think of me? That I’m loose? Well, fuck you!”

  She stood and started marching toward the front door, obviously set on heading back to her own apartment, but Patrick stood and stopped her. He grabbed her arm and when she turned around, she continued yelling at him.

  “I haven’t fucked anyone in over two years, I’ll have you know! When my Dom, Jeremy, died, I knew I couldn’t replace him, Patrick. You really think I’d just go fucking any ol’ dinosaur, any ol’ man, just because I’m sad? Do you have any idea how sad I am every damn day because of what happened to me?”

  She stared at him, her chest heaving as she breathed. She was frustrated and angry. He guessed it was from both the situation and from her outburst, but his cock was hard at her words. Her Dom? Is that what she’d said? She had once had a Dom? As in, Bianca was a submissive? He tried to control himself as his mind raced. Did she have a need to submit the way he had a need to control? Was she attracted to him as fiercely as he was to her?

  And did they actually have a chance of a future together?

  “I’m sorry he died,” Patrick said. It was true. He’d never had a relationship end suddenly or abruptly like that. The few submissives he’d trained over the years had all moved on to mutually satisfying relationships with other Doms and the choice had always been one they both agreed on. He had never dropped a sub. He’d never had one leave.

  Bianca blushed, suddenly, and she looked at her hands.

  “It was why I came here.” She whispered. “Everyone thinks it’s because of Addie, and that was part of it, but the truth was that I needed something new. I couldn’t move on with my life. I was barely eating. I was barely sleeping. I kept trying to find a new Dominant, someone who could help me, but I never found that perfect match.”

  Patrick reached out and stroked her cheek. Bianca leaned into his touch. A thrill shot through him. She was the perfect girl for him. She was exactly what he’d been looking for, exactly what he’d been craving.

  “Oh, my sweet human,” he whispered. “I think you have.”


  Bianca stared at Patrick.

  Was he saying what she thought he was saying?

  His eyes burned into her and she realized, with a start, that he was saying exactly what she thought. He was a Dominant. She should have known. All those nights he spent chatting her up in the bar, all those times he paid special attention to how she was feeling, all those times he had made comments like “Good girl.” He was a Dom.

  And she was a sub.

  Bianca wasn’t sure if this was really happening, but then Patrick spoke.

  “What do you think, Bianca?” He looked at her like she was the only woman alive. He looked at her like he was dying and being born at the same time, and she loved the way he did. Could she do it, though? Could she really submit to a man again? Could she submit to someone who was only half a man? No matter how attractive she thought he was, he was a shifter and she was human. There would always be a divide between them.

  Jeremy had been the one to introduce Bianca to the world of domination and submission. He was the one who had tied her up and taken her virginity, awakening a world of craving within her. He was the one who had shown her just how powerful submitting really was.

  And then he had been taken from her.

  Now she had a chance, an opportunity to try again with someone who had saved her life tonight. It had been so long since she’d found someone who felt the same way that she did, was she really going to turn that down?

  In the end, there was only one thing she could do.

  Bianca met Patrick’s gaze, then dropped to her knees in front of him. His mouth dropped open as he watched her: his cock fighting to break free from his pants. She placed her hands on her knees, palms up, and bowed her head.

  “I am yours,” she whispered.


  The bedroom was dark, but Patrick lit several candles to give the room a nice, soft glow. Bianca looked around at the huge bed and the massive wardrobe, wondering exactly what she was getting herself into. She had craved submission for two long years, but now that she was here, she felt nervous and afraid.

  Patrick could sense her fear, though, and he came up behind her.

  “It’s going to be okay,” he whispered, wrapping his arms around her waist. “I’ll go slowly, and we can stop if you need to.”

you, Sir,” Bianca whispered.

  “Do you have a safe word, pet?” He never played without one, no matter how experienced the other person was. In Bianca’s case, he wanted to be careful since it had been so long since she played. He didn’t want either one of them to get too caught up in the moment that something went wrong.

  “Yes, Sir,” she whispered again. She bit her tongue and hesitated for a moment, then she said, “Jurassic.”

  Patrick let out a hearty laugh.

  “Can I ask why?” He wondered aloud.

  “Addie was already dating Joseph when Jeremy and I started playing. I knew he was a shifter and I used to tease her about it all the time. It was a subtle way for me to keep myself grounded during heavy scenes.”

  “I love it,” he kissed her cheek. “It’s perfect.”

  Then he dropped his hands from her waist.

  “Strip.” Patrick commanded.

  Bianca, still with her back to him, did not turn around. She knew better than that. Patrick had asked her to take off her clothes. He didn’t ask for a striptease. He didn’t ask to watch. She would give him exactly what he commanded: nothing more, nothing less.

  She unlaced her corset and let it fall to the floor. Her breasts were heavy and full, but she knew he would love them. Even though she was curvier than many of the dinosaur women, she didn’t mind. She knew Patrick wouldn’t either, if he was anything like Joseph. Joseph swore that all dinosaurs liked their women with a little bit of meat on them.

  Bianca kicked her shoes off and unzipped her jeans, wiggling out of them and depositing them on top of the corset. She stood before him in just her panties, but soon those, too, joined the rest of her clothing. She heard Patrick’s breathing deepen and she wondered if he noticed hers doing the same. There were goose bumps covering her skin and she shivered, slightly, in the darkness.

  “Oh, my sweet human,” he murmured. “You truly are a gift.” He moved up behind her and traced a finger down her spine. She arched her back into him and he laughed. “You like that, pet?”

  “Oh yes, Sir,” she said breathily.

  When he reached her ass, he stroked each round, pink globe before smacking her several times. Bianca did not cry out. She didn’t make a single noise. If Patrick was surprised, he said nothing as he continued spanking her slowly. He wasn’t gentle on her, by any means, but he did take his time. When he was done spanking her, he rubbed her ass slowly, then slid a finger between her legs.

  “You’re wet,” he said. “Did you enjoy your spanking?”

  Bianca nodded, but quickly felt her head being jerked back. Patrick fisted her hair and yanked her head toward him

  “Answer me,” he said.

  “Yes, Sir,” she said quickly. Shit. She was more out of practice than she thought. “I enjoyed my spanking.”

  “Would you like another spanking?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Ask me to spank you.”

  She bit her lip. This was what she missed. This banter. This playfulness. This commanding atmosphere. He would make her beg until she cried and then she’d beg him some more.

  “Please, Sir, will you spank me?”

  “No. Beg me to spank you.”

  “Sir,” Bianca heard her voice grow whiny and needy. “Please, please spank me. Will you spank me, please? I need it. I need you to spank me, Sir, please.”

  “Very well,” Patrick said casually. “Choose how you would like to be spanked.”

  At this, Bianca turned around and Patrick saw her breasts for the first time. He sucked in his breath sharply at her gorgeous, round tits and her silky, shaved pussy. She knew from the look in his eyes that neither one of them would last long tonight.

  “I would like to be spanked over your knee, please,” she said. “With a paddle, Sir,” she added quickly.

  Patrick nodded and walked over to his wardrobe. He pulled out a small paddle and headed to a large chair that sat in the corner.

  “Come,” he commanded, and Bianca started to walk over. “No,” he stopped her. “Crawl to me, little pet.”

  She didn’t hesitate.

  She dropped to her knees and crawled to him, slowly, taking her time. She wiggled her ass as she crawled, loving the way she was completely giving herself to him. She was already soaking wet and they had barely started.

  Bianca wondered what would have happened if Hank hadn’t tried to hurt her tonight. Would she and Patrick have ever discovered their mutual need? Would they have ever connected? She hated thinking that there was a chance this might not have happened. She pushed the thought from her mind and focused on crawling. When she reached Patrick’s legs, she knelt in front of him, keeping her eyes down.

  “You look like you have a lot on your mind, pet,” he said.

  “Yes, Sir,” Bianca told him. “I just…” She hesitated. Should she tell him how she was feeling? She knew trust and open communication was key. They hadn’t talked about much before agreeing to come upstairs. They were both so eager and needy they had hurried to the bedroom. Was Patrick the type of Dom she could confide in? Was he the type of Dom who would stop a scene if she needed a moment to process what was happening?

  She felt his hand stroking her hair and she looked up into his eyes.

  “Tell me, Bianca. What’s wrong?”

  She teared up at his words. Of course he was a gentle Dom. She should have known. He was so much like Jeremy. So protective. So caring.

  “I miss Jeremy,” she whispered. “I’ve been so scared and so alone for so long. Finding out tonight about you, about this, about us,” she murmured, “it’s just so much to take in. I’m scared I might be dreaming.”

  Patrick stroked her hair once more, then brushed his thumb over her lips.

  “It sounds like you have a lot on your mind, little human.”

  Bianca nodded.

  “Would you like me to help you clear your head?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Climb on my lap.”

  She crawled quickly up onto his lap and laid across his knees. She could feel his erection throbbing, poking into her stomach, but she tried not to think about it as she waited for him to paddle her. He would fuck her for sure, but it wasn’t time.

  Not yet.

  The first strike hit her and she gasped. All of her breath disappeared and a wave of pain rushed through her. It subsided immediately as she felt Patrick’s hand stroking her. He dipped a finger inside of her, then hit her again. And again.

  It felt like hours, this pain mixed with pleasure, and she remembered perfectly why she loved submitting so much.

  Patrick could make her pain go away. He could make her forget, even if it was only for a little while. He would hurt her, then he would heal her: a perfect god in this world they had created together.

  When he stopped hitting her, she had completely forgotten any notion of sadness or despair, and he carried her gently to the bed. He placed her face-down on the comforter, then gently massaged lotion into her ass. She knew she would be bruised and battered tomorrow, so she appreciated the gentle touch. The lotion wouldn’t erase the pain she felt in her bottom, but it would help.

  “Thank you, Sir,” she said.

  “Are you doing okay, pet? Talk to me.”

  Again, she was struck by how gentle and perfect he was with her.

  “Yes, Sir,” she whispered. “Yes.”


  Patrick stared at her sweet little ass as he rubbed it gently. Though he wanted to play with his new toy as much as possible, he knew tonight would be fast. She was tired and worn out from the emotional intensity of her evening, and he was tired from his fight with Hank.

  They both needed this.

  While Patrick loved fucking face-to-face, he knew it would be cruel to force Bianca on her back tonight. When her bruised bottom rubbed against the comforter, she would be more focused on the pain than the pleasure.

  Right now he wanted her to feel pleasure.

  He lifted her hips so she was on all f
ours and leaned in close. Sliding his tongue gently against her ass, he licked her bruises before dipping his tongue lower, swirling around her soft pink bud. Bianca moaned loudly in both pleasure and surprise, and he felt a rush of excitement. He wondered if she had ever been licked there before. He played with her ass, teasing it with his tongue, until she began bucking back against him. Then he knew it was time.

  He reached a finger up to her clit and rubbed, ever-so-slightly, until Bianca exploded against his face, yelling things he couldn’t understand.

  Before she had come down from her high, he gripped her hips and thrust his hard cock deep inside of her. She immediately tensed with another orgasm, screaming into the pillow in front of her. The sounds of her pleasure made him even more hard, made him even needier.

  “This is going to be fast, love,” he whispered. “I need your tight pussy so bad tonight.”

  “Fuck me harder, please, Sir,” she moaned in response.

  Patrick obliged.

  He fucked her until she came a third time, making him feel, not for the first time, that he was the luckiest dinosaur alive. When he joined her in release, he ran his fingers through her hair, enjoying the way his gentle human had submitted so perfectly to him tonight.

  He would not soon forget.


  Once they had cleaned up, Patrick guided Bianca back to the bed and wrapped his arms around her. He held her tightly as she whispered about her life before moving here, her hopes for the future, and how bleak she had been feeling. She thanked him for what he had given her tonight.

  “You are the one who should be thanked, Bianca,” he told her honestly. He had been searching out the perfect submissive for years, wondering if it was even possible to find someone he could be compatible with. Though he could always wander into the human world, it was hard to find someone who could be both a submissive and accepting of his shifter nature. In the shifter world, sex was a fast, feral thing. Most dinosaurs didn’t like to play, not the way he did.

  They talked deep into the hours of the night, then fell asleep wrapped up together. He resisted the urge to shift before he fell asleep, to show her once more just how strong and powerful he could be, and instead decided that tonight, his strength would come in gentleness.


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