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A Guardian's Passion

Page 17

by Stein Willard

  The remark made Gabriella chuckle and she took a long sip from her soda.

  “When did you try to eat solid food last?”

  Trinity put her coffee mug down and leaned forward, but the offensive smell of the pizza made her sit back quickly.

  “That bad, huh?” Gabriella teased. “So?”

  “The last time I ate solid food was the night I was bitten by Tristan. I had smoked trout, corn bread and peas.” Trinity smiled faintly. “It was my favorite dish. My mother always sent my younger brother out to catch enough trout for the Keep as well as for ourselves.”

  Gabriella slowly pushed the empty plate away, her expression serious.

  “Tell me about your life before you became a vampire?”

  Trinity inhaled deeply and exhaled loudly. She had never told Gabriella about her human life before. The murder of her family was too close to Gabriella’s own experience and she didn’t want to upset the girl.

  “We grew up together. Tristan, Clarissa, and I. My mother was the personal maid of Tristan and Clarissa's mother as well as the midwife at the Keep. She brought both Tristan and Clarissa into the world. My father was the carpenter and my brother, Jeremy, the stable boy. I was a chamber maid at the Keep. It was a simple but fulfilling life and I never expected to die so young.” Trinity swallowed. “But I did. Tristan saw to that.”

  “But why did he bite you?”

  Trinity's jaw hardened. “I refused his attentions. When I turned fifteen, Tristan started to pursue me, but I turned him down every time. I was already seeing Clarissa at the time.”

  Gabriella frowned.

  “You were already sleeping with Clarissa at the age of fifteen?”

  “We actually only became intimate a little later, but yes we were already in love by then.”

  Fascinated, Gabriella leaned closer. “And Tristan? Did he know about the two of you?”

  “He only found out the night he caught us making love in the firewood shed. By that time he had already slaughtered his own parents and my mother along with them.” Trinity stopped for a few seconds, surprised at the dull ache in her chest. Gabriella put her hand over hers and squeezed. “He first bit Clarissa and let me watch her ‘die' while he raped me. The next night he went back to the village to kill my father and my brother. He then took me to Italy with him, raping me every chance he got.” The green eyes were hard as she allowed her mind to go back four hundred years. She could still smell the blood on Tristan's breath.

  “Was that where you meet Genevieve?”

  Trinity smiled. It was a cold upturn of the lips.

  “When we arrived in Naples at Mercredi's castle, Tristan was informed that a live Royal Clan member had been caught. They were all extremely happy about the news. Mercredi ordered Tristan to get rid of me so he could concentrate on their plans.” Trinity reached for the serviette to keep her mind off the hatred that boiled to the surface. “He bit me again that night and took a lot of blood. Afterwards, he threw me into the cell where they kept Genevieve, hoping she would finish me off. I begged her to save my life so I could take revenge and make him pay.” Her green eyes softened at the thought of Genevieve. “She was scared of breaking the most sacred of Royal Covenants, but she could not bear to see me die like that…angry and with so much hatred. She converted me. In return for her great sacrifice she made me vow that I would live by the laws of the Royal Clan and rid the earth of Tristan’s minions.” Her eyes hardened and she looked away. “I don't know how Tristan found out that I was still alive, but I could sense his presence throughout the centuries, biding my time until I was ready to destroy him.”

  She had been so lost in thought that when Gabriella spoke, she stiffened. Gabriella's eyes were brimming with unshed tears when she bent her head to kiss the stiff, cold hand.

  “I’m so sorry for the pain you had to endure, my love.”


  Gabriella was stunned that Trinity still managed to stay human deep down inside after all the brutally she’d endured. She gently rubbed Trinity’s hand trying to warm it a little, but after a while she gave up. Trinity still looked cold and distant. It was time to distract her.

  “Let's go home. The movie can wait.”

  This time she drove them home, parked the car, and led Trinity to her bedroom. In silence she undressed Trinity and put her to bed. She took care of her nightly ritual, keeping the door to the room open so she could listen in on Trinity. For a moment the pain she felt for Trinity overwhelmed her and she sunk down on the couch. Warm tears ran down her face.

  Afterwards she washed her face and entered the bedroom. Trinity lay on her side, facing away from her. Gabriella got in behind her and curled her warm body around Trinity’s cold one. She placed a soft kiss on Trinity’s shoulder.

  “By the way, have I told you today that I adore you?” she said. When there was no immediate reaction from Trinity she tightened her embrace.

  Trinity turned her head and smiled. Gabriella’s heart jerked in her chest.

  “I know you do, silly.”

  They were quiet for a minute enjoying the moment and reminiscing. Trinity would appear in her room with a bag of snacks and non-alcoholic champagne and they'd have a midnight picnic on her bed. Afterwards they would lie on the bed and Trinity would hold her just like Gabriella was holding Trinity now. Most of the times she was fast asleep when Trinity left, but the few times that she was awake, the vampire would hold her tightly for a few seconds before planting a soft kiss on her head.

  “I love you, Trinity,” she'd mumble sleepily and Trinity would pinch her nose and look at her with those fascinating green eyes.

  “I know you do, silly,” she would answer, giving her a gentle hug before she left.

  Gabriella suddenly felt a strange flashing presence in her mind. Alarmed, she sat up, but Trinity pulled her back against her body.

  “That was me. Besides wanting to share the moment with you, I also want you to get use to my presence in your mind.” Trinity said softly and touched the tip of her nose.

  “Can I read your mind too?”

  Trinity smiled.

  “Yes, I can drop my mental blocks and allow you to read them, if you want.”

  Gabriella blinked.

  “Only when you drop your mental blocks? Why's that?”

  “I have been bitten by Tristan and because of that he is capable of reading my thoughts if I drop my blocks around him. As a vampire, leaving one's thoughts unguarded is a fatal mistake. My thoughts can expose the whereabouts of the group, our secrets, our human allies…you. Tristan could cause immense damage if he got hold of that kind of information.”

  Gabriella turned on her stomach and with her face turned toward Trinity she broached the subject that she'd been trying to avoid for the week. Since they were opening up to each other, they might just as well get this one out in the open too.

  “And Clarissa?”

  She saw the slight tightening of the skin around Trinity's cheekbones.

  “What about her?” she Trinity asked evenly.

  “When did you last speak to her?”

  Trinity rubbed her eyes, a sign that Gabriella knew so well. It not only meant that she was tired, but also weighed down by the topic. She'd seen the gesture so many times as a teenager.

  “She refuses to see me or talk to me.” She inhaled deeply and exhaled loudly. “She is very upset about our relationship. I went to see her a week ago to talk to her, but she became agitated when I told her about us and told me to leave. We have not spoken since.”

  Gabriella moved closer and pressed her body against Trinity's.

  “Do you still love her?”

  There was no hesitation.

  “Not the way she wants me to.”

  Gabriella understood. She gently pushed a wayward curl from Trinity's forehead.

  “It's getting late and since you're going to be a day walker for the next two days, you'd better get some rest too.”

  They snuggled up and after a few minutes
Gabriella’s eyelids began to droop. She’d hoped to stay awake a little longer, knowing Trinity would not fall asleep. She promised herself to make it up to Trinity tomorrow.


  Chapter Sixteen

  She felt his presence in her mind almost immediately and Clarissa threw her feet off the bed.


  She heard Tristan's low chuckle and she felt a potent mixture of rage and hatred boil to the surface.


  Seething with rage, Clarissa listened to Tristan baiting her. She wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of reacting to it. She could feel his anticipation, but when her outburst didn't come, he continued.


  Clarissa didn't say anything; instead her eyes focused on the dark silhouette a few feet away. It was Trinity. She would know her scent anywhere.


  Clarissa ignored him again and walked to the opposite side of the wall. There was only one way to silence Tristan's voice. She pulled her head far back and banged it hard against the wall. She heard Tristan curse just before the mental link was severed. She didn’t know why it worked that way, but she hoped the same blinding pain she felt had hit him too.


  Clarissa smiled her satisfaction at the thought of the pain she'd inflicted on him. She'd heard Trinity's gasp when she had banged her forehead against the wall and turned to face her now.

  “What are you doing here?”

  Trinity stepped out of the shadows into the soft yellow light of the lantern. She was dressed in black as usual, but her hair look mussed as if she'd just come from her lover's bed. Clarissa’s stomach churned as jealousy clawed at her insides.

  “I just want to talk.”

  “I doubt we have anything more to say to each other.” A few seconds went by and still Trinity didn’t make a move to leave. ‘What are you still doing here?”

  Trinity stepped closer and walked through the invisible shield formed by the containment spell. Except for a slight shift in the air when she breached the shield, Trinity came out unscathed on the other side. Clarissa was studying the shield and she shook her head.

  “You will be killed if you try to walk through the shield.”

  “Who says that is not the plan,” Clarissa snapped back at Trinity, acutely aware of the other woman's nearness now. Trinity still looked like the young girl she'd fallen in love with all those centuries ago, but she'd matured quite nicely as well. There was a confidence and deadly purpose about the way she carried herself. She still smelled the same too—fresh and earthy. The green eyes watched her calmly as Clarissa studied Trinity.

  “I came by to tell you that what you are trying to do is childish and unfair. We have not been aware of each other’s existence for over four hundred years. Trying to make me feel guilty for having moved on is not fair.”

  Clarissa stared back into the green eyes, her brown ones seeing the shadows lurking there. Trinity was worried that Clarissa would try to hurt her mate.

  “What are you trying to say?” she asked unnecessarily.

  Trinity's eyes hardened slightly.

  “I love Gabriella very much and I will personally tear you apart if you try to harm her or conspire with anyone to harm her.” The green eyes softened abruptly. “You are a part of a life that I will always cherish, but I will not allow you to hurt my mate.” Trinity took a step closer to her and Clarissa felt the powerful pulse in the air. “Do not even think of conspiring with your brother, for I promise you the world would be too small for the both of you to hide from me.”

  She turned to leave, but Clarissa called out to her.


  Trinity didn't turn around to face her. Clarissa shuddered slightly. Just now when Trinity had turned to leave, she had got the sinking feeling that she would never return. If Trinity walked away from her too, she'd be completely alone. Frankly, she wasn't ready to give up on her yet. No matter what, she wouldn't want to lose Trinity too. She needed Trinity. Trinity was hers. She slowly walked around Trinity until she stood in front of her.

  “Except for you I have nobody else who will look out for me. I loved you four centuries ago and I still love you today.” She slowly licked her lips as she looked into the green eyes. Scenes of the two of them making love in the forest, in her bedroom, in the stables, in the woodshed, it all rushed through her mind. The cool green eyes, looking back at her now, had always looked so tender and loving back then. She reached out a hand and cupped Trinity's cheek. Her pale skin still felt as soft as silk. Her lips still looked so luscious. Overwhelmed by the need to taste them, she quickly leaned forward and pressed her lips against Trinity's.


  Stunned, Trinity tried to push her away, but Clarissa tightened her hold, deepening the kiss. She heard the scraping of footsteps and turning her head, unceremoniously pushed Clarissa away from her.

  Gabriella stood there, her amber eyes wide in shock. Trinity quickly walked over to her, but Gabriella looked past her. Turning her head Trinity muttered under her breath at the sly look in Clarissa's eyes. She'd been setup. Clarissa must've sensed Gabriella’s approach and staged the kiss. She turned back to Gabriella and this time the amber eyes were looking up into hers. Anger, hurt, and disappointment warred in her lover’s eyes.

  “No matter what I say now, I doubt you will be objective.” Trinity said with pain in her voice. She turned to give Clarissa a final look, before stepping around Gabriella, leaving the two of them alone.


  Gabriella stared at Clarissa for a moment longer, before she turned to follow Trinity. They needed to talk. Waking up alone, she’d known instinctively where to look for Trinity. The sight that greeted her was so unexpected and momentarily made her want to flee. It was only when she saw the gloating look in Clarissa’s eyes that made her realize that Trinity was innocent. She trusted Trinity and knew that she wouldn’t jeopardize their relationship.

  “Someone like you knows nothing of the kind of love that Trinity and I have shared. Why do you not find yourself a nice human girl and live out your life with her?”

  Gabriella turned back slowly to face Clarissa. She regarded the smirking renegade through narrowed eyes.

  “Don't think for one moment I fell for that little stunt you tried to pull just now. Trinity loves me and only me. You will never get your claws in her ever again.” The smirk washed from Clarissa's beautiful face as a tight mask of anger replaced it. “Don't underestimate me, Clarissa. I might not be as strong as you, but Trinity is mine and I will fight for her.”

  Without a backward glance Gabriella walked away.






  The hair in her nape stirred and feeling a dark presence nearby, Clarissa instinctively took a step backwards, only to bump into a hard body. Swinging around, she met the unblinking black stare of the Vampire Queen.

  Tahlia's hand snaked out with lightning speed. Cold, hard fingers curled around Clarissa's throat as Tahlia lifted her off her feet. She roughly bent Clarissa's head to the side and sunk her teeth deep into the renegade's neck. After a few sips she pushed Clarissa away from her and with a wave of her hand she unraveled the spells, which had held Clarissa prisoner for the past two weeks.

  “Your brother is a danger to the people in this house. With you here I am making my family vulnerable to an attack from him.” She lifted her hand and two hunters stepped out of the shadows. “Escort her off the grounds, please.”

  The men grabbed her forearms and marched her up the stairs, out of the house, and across the garden until they were outside the heavily-guarded mansion. They set her on her feet and disappeared, soundlessly.

  Looking around to see if anyone was there, Clarissa stealthily moved away, unaware of sharp black eyes that followed her every movement. She didn’t know where to go, but the horizon was beginning to lighten and she needed to find a place to escape the approaching dawn.


  After her confrontation with Clarissa, Gabriella had rushed after Trinity, hoping to catch up with her, but Trinity was nowhere to be found. The bedroom was empty. Agitated by her inability to locate her lover, Gabriella had paced the room for a several minutes before she threw herself on the rumpled bed. She tossed and turned for a long while, haunted by the hurt look on Trinity’s face and the pain in her beautiful voice.

  She called out desperately to her lover.

  It was only when she felt the mattress dip and strong arms came around her that she felt herself relax. Trinity’s scent enveloped her and Gabriella snuggled into the embrace. Trinity held her gently as she rubbed Gabriella’s back slowly. Gabriella purred softly at the sensation.

  “I did not kiss her.”

  Relieved by Trinity’s presence and soothed by her lover’s gentle ministrations, Gabriella was close to dozing off. She stifled a yawn before she answered Trinity.

  “I know.”

  “But you looked angry.”

  “It was a bit of a shock to see you in the arms of another woman.” Gabriella turned her head, but the room was too dark to see Trinity's eyes. “It was unsettling, but I could see from the smug look on her face that she'd staged the whole thing.”


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