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Around the Way Girls 11

Page 15

by Treasure Hernandez

  “Excuse me? I don’t know what you think the dick has done to me, because you are being delusional and you need to realize whom you’re speaking to. As a matter of fact, I think I’ll let you go. Good day, sir.”

  Before she could hang up Jerron laughed and said, “Look at the video I just sent to your phone and call me back when you’re ready to talk some more. Good day to you, Your Honor!”

  Tammy saw the text message on her phone once the call ended, and she pulled it up. What she saw made her heart skip a beat and made her feel nauseated. She couldn’t believe that Jerron had taped their sexapades that night in Dallas with him and Dynasty. She flinched as she watched as he smacked her hard on her ass while she had her head stuck between Dynasty’s legs eating her pussy. She continued to watch the video with the realization that she was royally fucked. And all because she had gotten fucked literally by that blackmailing asshole Jerron. Fuck!

  When Jerron hung up the phone, he didn’t expect to feel guilty for doing what he felt he had to do to get his brother out of federal prison. He didn’t want to hurt Tammy’s career. He realized that he did, in fact, care for her more that he thought. Damn, this is fucked up. Come on, ma, hold me down and make this happen for me. Shit, even if she does make it happen it’s not like she gon’ ever fuck with me again. Damn, he said to himself.

  * * *

  Debbie was sitting in her office, pissed off with a capital P. She couldn’t believe what she was hearing as she listened as Tammy told her what Jerron was trying to do to her.

  “Girl, see, this is what we get. We break our rules, and this shit comes and bites us in the ass. That fucker Chris needs me to loan him ten thousand dollars so he can pay some Crips back for taking their weed and not paying them for it. This shit is absolutely insane.”

  “I prayed that Jerron wasn’t going to ask me for money but, after seeing this shit, I wish that prayer would have not been answered. Debbie, he has my career in his hands. He can destroy me and all I’ve worked for in my life with that video. What the fuck am I going to do?”

  “Enough talk on this phone, girl. Meet me at the store across the street from the Temple & Sons funeral home. It’s time to go back where we came from,” Debbie said and hung up the phone.

  Tammy knew exactly what Debbie meant. She wanted her to meet her back at the old Prince Hall Apartments where they grew up. It was a place they had been proud to get out of. Debbie wanting to meet there could only mean one thing: in order to get out of the mess they were in, they were going to have to call on some serious gangsters and, without a doubt, they both knew some men of that caliber.

  Thirty minutes later, Tammy pulled into the small convenience store that was across the street from the apartment complex that was once known as the Prince Hall Apartments. The name of the large, low-income apartments had been changed after the state finally gave in and had the apartments redone. It was now called the Heritage Pointe Apartments, but it would forever be known as the Prince Hall Apartments, home of the notorious Prince Hall Villain Crips. The state did a good job making the apartment complex look more presentable, but it was still just as dangerous as it was when it was a raggedy, beat-down complex.

  Tammy couldn’t help feeling nostalgic as she got out of her car and entered the same store she had been to so many times as a kid growing up right across the street. She smiled as she entered and was hit with the strong aroma of fried chicken and pork chops behind the counter. She thought back to the days of those ninety-nine cent pork chops, and her stomach gave a low growl. She was hungry so, why not? she thought, and she ordered one large pork chop and bought a grape juice.

  After paying for her pork chop and juice, she stepped outside and watched as Debbie parked her car next to hers. Debbie got out of the car and said, “Come on, girl.” They started walking across the street, not toward the apartment complex they grew up in, but across Kelley Avenue toward Temple & Sons. Tammy was baffled but did as she was told and followed her friend across the street.

  Once they entered the funeral home, Debbie said a few words to the receptionist and was given directions to one of the viewing rooms. They went into the viewing room and saw Debbie’s cousin Crip Jack sitting down on the sofa, staring at the deceased person lying in the casket. Tammy’s heart dropped when she saw the young dead man dressed in all-blue Crips attire. He couldn’t have been more than seventeen years old. Yet another young brother lost to those cold streets, she thought.

  Crip Jack stood and gave them both a warm hug and said, “Sorry to have y’all meet me here, but I had to stop in and pay my respects to my young homie here because I don’t do funerals. I can’t take all of that emotional shit. Especially when the preacher gets to doing his thang. You know, at gang funerals they tend to get extra long-winded, trying to reach as many souls as they can while they have us heathens in the church. Anyway, you said you needed to have a serious conversation, so I figured what better place to have that talk? In here we have all the privacy we need. On top of that, if you are calling on me I know it’s serious, so we definitely need the privacy. So holla at me, cousin. Who done did you dirty enough for you to call on Crip Jack?”

  “Boy, you know me too well. It’s like this,” Debbie said as she explained both her and Tammy’s dilemmas to her cousin.

  When she finished, Crip Jack shook his head and said, “Okay, is there any particular way you want me to do this? Or do I have the green light to handle it how I see fit? Because you two know how I’m going to handle it, correct?”

  They both knew what he was saying, and they both knew that this had turned from a serious situation to a deadly one by calling on Crip Jack. They stared at each other briefly and then they both looked at Crip Jack and nodded in unison. They both felt they had to do what they had to do.

  Debbie told her cousin, “I want you to handle it however you want to handle it, Jackson.”

  Crip Jack laughed and said, “Girl, if you use my government name again, I’m leaving you in here with my li’l homie who is now Crippin’ in peace.”


  “No, you ain’t. You’ve always liked doing that shit. But, anyway, give me the info on where these weak-ass fuck boys are and let me do the rest. The Dallas dude will be touchy, but as long as you know where he rests, it should be easy. You do know I have my prices and make my dollas outta shit like this, but since you fam I ain’t gonna do that to you. Never know when I may need a favor from y’all,” he said, staring at Tammy, and she knew exactly what that meant. If he ever needed her, she was in his debt.

  “I know that nigga Cabbage. He a good homie, so I think I can make some bread from him by handling that other clown. If he not willing to kick it in then I’ll just chalk this one up. Hate fuck boys who try to take advantage of decent women. These rat hoes out here deserve what they get, but you two are the type of black women we should always look out for and be proud of for what you did to make it out this life. So, I got y’all.”

  Debbie and Tammy both thanked Crip Jack after giving him the information on how to get to Jerron in Dallas, and Chris, which was easy since he was staying with Debbie.

  “You be careful,” Debbie said to her cousin as they were leaving.

  “I’ve been in this shit twenty-plus years, cousin. I have always been careful, but you never know how shit may fall. One thing you can be sure of is I’m gon’ handle my business.”


  Tammy couldn’t help herself; she had to ask Crip Jack what happened to his friend. “How did he die, Crip Jack?”

  Crip Jack shook his head sadly and said, “Trying to rob some niggas and shit went wrong, and he paid for it with his life.”

  “That’s so sad.”

  “This life we lead is sad, but it is what it is. I’ll get at y’all when everything is everything; then you can take me to a nice, fancy dinner somewhere.”

  “That’s a date,” Tammy said and smiled.

  “Stop it. You know I’ve been wanting a date with your cute s
elf for decades now.”

  “Will you stop flirting with me in this place? Respect the dead, boy.”

  Crip Jack laughed and said, “Yeah, all right. I’ll hit y’all up, though.”

  Tammy and Debbie went to their cars feeling relieved yet scared to death. They had just signed the death certificates for both Jerron and Chris. They were relieved because they knew that this was the only solution to their problems. They were scared because, though they were both from the hood, they never had any real dealings in hood shit, and that scared the hell out of them.


  It had been a week since Tammy and Debbie had met with Crip Jack and they still hadn’t heard from him. Debbie knew that nothing had happened because Chris’s begging ass was still at her place, so they took it as Crip Jack was taking care of Jerron first. Tammy had called Jerron a few times, and he wasn’t taking her calls. After the first call, he texted her and made it clear that if she didn’t do what he told her to do for his brother, then he would be forced to do what he had to do and for her not to call him unless she was informing him she would do it. He also told her that he wouldn’t be waiting too long, and that made her extremely nervous. She hoped Crip Jack would hurry up and get it over with. She didn’t know if she could take too much more of this. She even thought about just retiring and accepting her fate from her bad decision. Her damn hood rat ways had come back to haunt her, so maybe this was what she deserved. When she shared her thoughts with Debbie, she got cursed out in a major way.

  “Are you really that lame and weak and fucking stupid? Girl, we worked too fucking hard to get where we are. That shit doesn’t have anything to do with how we want to get our freak on. We just chose to break our rules with two stupid niggas who didn’t deserve it! I’ll tell you one thing, though: we damn sure not breaking them again! Fuck love. We don’t want it or need it. We love each other and got each other. All we need from a man is some fucking dick! Period! Do you hear me?”

  “Yes. I hear you loud and clear. But I’m losing my mind waiting on your cousin. This shit is driving me nuts.”

  “Me too, Tammy, so this is what we need to do: I’m about to book us a flight somewhere so we can go unwind and do what we do best. We’ll find us some good dick and wait for this shit to be over. I’ll call you back when I have everything set up and paid for, and I’m not taking no for an answer.”

  “You don’t have to worry about a damn no from me, girl. Call me when you got it together. I need it bad,” Tammy said seriously.

  “’Kay, I’ll call you back in a little bit,” Debbie said as she ended the call.

  Tammy lay down on her bed and tried her best to take her mind off the problem at hand, but she couldn’t. Her thoughts were consumed by what Crip Jack was going to do to Jerron, all because of her. The law-respecting woman she was was fighting and beating herself up about this. But the hood girl who was deep inside of her was making her accept that this was how it had to be.

  She didn’t bring this on. Jerron did. This was the reaction to his actions, and he was going to have to pay for what he tried to do to her. If she had to suffer fighting her conscience over what was going to happen to him, then oh well. She would pray on it and hope God gave her solace over her decision.

  She smiled at the thought of whatever Debbie was planning, because she needed some new dick to get her mind off of Jerron. Fuck him. She was moving forward, and she agreed with Debbie that there would be no more breaking the rules, and no emotions. Men are not to be trusted, period. Fuck love. From now on it’s dick only. No strings attached, she said to herself firmly.

  * * *

  Debbie smiled as a plan formed in her head. She knew she was being scandalous, but what the hell? She called Chris and said, “Hey, you, looks like I’ve been able to save your neck with that Crip guy you owe.”

  “What? How? What did you do, baby?”

  “We can’t go into all of that over the phone. Just know everything will be taken care of this evening when I get off work. What I need you to do is get me the ten thousand that you have for him. Have that ready when I get home; then I’ll go take care of everything else. And make sure that it’s crystal clear that you understand fully that you will pay me back my money, Chris. I mean every penny.”

  “Definitely, baby. I’m going to make sure of that. I swear on my mom I will.”

  “No need to say all that because those are just words. I need and expect action. Speaking of action, I need some of that big dick tonight, too. Look at that as the interest on this big loan I’m giving your ass.”

  Laughing, Chris said, “Come on, now. You know you can have that anytime you want it, baby. But I hear you.”

  “’Kay. Like I said, make sure you have the money when I get home so I can go get your ass out of this mess.”

  “It’s already at your house, babe. I’ll be there when you get there to give it to you.”

  “All right. I’ll see you later then.”

  “Thank you so much for doing this for me, Debbie. You really are saving my life. I love you.”

  Hearing those words come out of his mouth literally made her cringe with disgust for him. She was going to go on and fuck him later, but he just ruined that.

  “’Kay, love you too. Bye,” she lied and hung up the phone. She then went online and began looking for a place where she and Tammy could take an impromptu trip. She knew it would be expensive booking a trip on such short notice, but right now she didn’t really care. The trip was going to be paid for with Chris’s money. She planned on spending every dime of his $10,000.

  She laughed out loud and said, “Thought you was playing me, but look who’s going to get played for real! I’m from Prince Hall, fuck boy!” She was still laughing as she found the perfect place for their upcoming impromptu getaway.

  Chris set his phone down after Debbie ended the call and he gave a sigh of relief. He then started laughing. “If that sex-crazed bitch really thinks I’m paying her back that loot, she’s out of her damn mind. Just as soon as she tells me it’s all good with Cabbage, I’m out this bitch. I’ll fuck her a few more times to keep her calm then I’ll tell her I’m headed back to the ATL since moms is improving. After that, she will be shook all the way back to the left. Fucking her is a plus but her pussy ain’t as good as she really thinks it is.”

  He laughed again as he thought about how he really got down. He was into trannies, and Atlanta had some of the best ones he had ever laid eyes on. He had even taken a few to the club with him, and no one ever could tell that he was with a woman who had a dick. He couldn’t help but laugh again as he wondered what Debbie would think if she ever found out that he was bisexual.

  Oh, well, he thought as he grabbed his phone and pulled up some of his favorite trannie porn and began to masturbate. He was feeling extra horny knowing that Debbie was about to get him out of debt. Oh, yeah, I’m back for good now. It’s time to push on, he said to himself as he started stroking himself.

  * * *

  When Tammy received the text from Debbie informing her that they were flying to Houston to take a three-day cruise to Cabo San Lucas, she smiled. She then burst into laughter when she read the rest of the text. They weren’t going on just any cruise; they were going on a swingers’ cruise. Nothing but a bunch of freaky couples and singles freaking like crazy while on a big-ass ship. Perfect. Fucking perfect.

  What made it better than perfect was learning that they didn’t have to spend any of their money because Debbie said the trip was being funded by Chris. After reading that part of the text, Tammy was somewhat confused, but she decided to not ask any questions. If she didn’t have to spend any of her hard-earned cash, then that was fine by her.

  She started to get wet just thinking about all of the dick she was going to get once they got on that ship. Though in the back of her mind, she was still worried about what was going to happen to Jerron, she knew she would be able to move forward from it simply because that was what survivors did. They survived a
nd pushed ahead without looking back. Fuck Jerron! Good riddance, jerk! You chose the wrong woman to fuck with. This Prince Hall, nigga! she said to herself and laughed out loud.


  Crip Jack had been a gangster for a long time now. He gave the credit to God that he was still among the living after all of the notorious things he had done in his crazy life. He thanked God on a daily basis. To his peers, though, he bragged that the reason he was still living was because he was an OG gangster and because of his no-nonsense approach when it came to handling the business. Right now was one of those moments, as he watched as Jerron eased his Buick Verano out of his driveway. Before Jerron’s car could make it to the end of the driveway, Crip Jack pulled in and blocked Jerron’s car.

  Crip Jack hopped out of the stolen SUV he was driving and calmly walked to the driver’s side of Jerron’s Buick with his gun aimed at Jerron’s head. “Open the door, cuzzo, or take two through this here glass. I’m just trying to handle some business. Don’t make this worse when it don’t have to be,” Crip Jack said calmly.

  It was the calm in Crip Jack’s voice that let Jerron know that this man was serious about his killing, and he wasn’t ready to die. So he did as he was told and opened the door. “Man, what’s all this for? Who are you?”

  “I’ll explain all that in a minute, cuzzo. Right now, I want you to hop out your ride, and let’s go inside your spot.”

  “If you think I got some ends in there you wasting your time, my man. I don’t have any cash, and I am not on no baller status. So whoever told you that you would come up off me straight played you, my nigga. For real for real,” Jerron said as he got out of the car and led the way toward his front door.

  Once they were inside, Jerron turned around and faced Crip Jack. “Okay, we in here. Now what?”

  “Take some of that there bass out your voice, youngsta. Like I told you outside, all I need to do is handle some business. You can make this real easy or real hard. How you answer my questions will determine that.”


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