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Mountain Man's Accidental Surprise: A Secret Baby Romance

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by K. C. Crowne

  Mountain Man’s Accidental Surprise

  K.C. Crowne

  Copyright © 2020 by K.C. Crowne

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Created with Vellum


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  Also by K.C. Crowne


  1. Emilia

  2. Graham

  3. Emilia

  4. Graham

  5. Emilia

  6. Graham

  7. Emilia

  8. Graham

  9. Emilia

  10. Graham

  11. Emilia

  12. Graham

  13. Emilia

  14. Graham

  15. Emilia

  16. Graham

  17. Emilia

  18. Graham

  19. Emilia

  20. Graham

  21. Emilia


  Baby for the Mountain Man (Preview)

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  Also by K.C. Crowne

  All books are FREE on Kindle Unlimited and can be read as standalones.

  Mountain Men of Liberty Series (this series)

  Baby for the Mountain Man| Junior for the Mountain Man| Knocked Up by the Mountain Man| Baby For Daddy's Friend | Triplets for the Mountain Man | Taboo Mountain Daddy| Mountain Man’s Secret Baby | Mountain Man’s Accidental Surprise

  Rainbow Canyons Cowboy Series

  Untamed Cowboy |Taboo Cowboy |Cowboy’s Baby|Her Cowboy Daddies

  Big Bad Daddies Series

  Big Bad Doctor | Big Bad Daddy| Big Bad Taboo Daddy | Big Bad Prince|Big Bad Mountain Man| Big Bad SEAL| Big Bad Boss| Big Bad Sugar Daddy| Big Bad Mountain Brothers

  Bearded Brothers Mountain Man Series

  Her Mountain Daddy| Beauty and the Beard| Bride and the Beard| Built and Bearded |

  Firemen of Manhattan Series

  Big Bad Fireman’s Baby| Big Bad Firefighter| Big Bad Fire Daddy|

  Spenser Sisters Reverse Harem Series

  Men on a Mission| Christmas with Four Firemen| Dirty Cowboys

  Checkout KC’s full Amazon Catalog

  All books are FREE on Kindle Unlimited and can be read as standalones.

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  The place is pretty dead tonight, I thought to myself as I pulled into the parking spot at the local bar. Of course, Liberty was a lot smaller than where I came from.

  The rain was coming down hard too, which was reason enough for a lot of people to stay at home. Thunderstorms and downpours never stopped me, though. I loved the sound of thunder and getting a little wet never did me any harm. I most certainly wasn’t made of sugar and wasn’t likely to melt. Not to mention I needed to get out of the house. My brothers and I were renting a cabin outside of Liberty for the time being - and it was just too small for all us rowdy assholes. I loved my brothers, but sometimes, I just needed to get away. No amount of rain would have kept me inside a second longer.

  I walked toward the front door and noticed a sign. I couldn’t read it from a distance, but as I got closer, I made out the words, “Closed for a private event.”


  Before I could turn and head back to my truck, the door swung open and saw a sight that left breathless.

  “There you are! You’re late!” a beautiful twenty-something said to me. She clenched my arm and her eyes widened as she felt my biceps. “You’re a lot better looking than I thought you’d be. We sure got our money’s worth tonight.”

  “I don’t—” I was about to say I didn’t know what she was talking about, but when she looked up at me with dark grey eyes and thick, black lashes, I was smitten. I completely forgot how to speak. And that was not a thing that happened to me. I’d seen combat, for fuck’s sake.

  I didn’t recall ever seeing someone so beautiful in all my life. She was a petite thing, coming in at least a foot under me, plus a little more. I clocked her at maybe 5’4”, at most, though her heels gave her the illusion of being slightly taller. For someone so petite in stature, she had curves that seemed to go for miles. Thick hips and thighs I imagined wrapped around my face before I even realized how terrible that was. She wore a tiny black dress that showed off her voluptuous figure, and there was a white sash across her ample chest with the words Maid of Honor written in pink. My eyes fell upon her cleavage, which peeked out the top of her dress, showing off breasts that were at the very least D cups.

  But it wasn’t just her body that captured my attention - her face was soft and sweet. She had black hair that fell in waves around her shoulders and down her back. Her skin could only be described as porcelain and perfect. And to top it all off, she had dimples in her cheeks. I was a sucker for dimples.

  This goddess who enchanted me was the only reason I could justify doing what I did next.

  I kept my mouth shut and let her drag me into the bar. Immediately, I was surrounded by women - all around the same age - and all of them oohing and aahing at me like I was on display.

  “Wow, good job, Emmy,” a blonde woman wearing a Bride sash said to the Maid of Honor. “I’m seriously impressed.”

  “I know, right? I sure can’t wait to see him naked,” a redhead near us said.

  Naked? What on earth was she—oh no. Oh God. They think I’m the stripper.

  I was just about to open my mouth and admit that I wasn’t the man they thought I was when I turned and looked at Emmy again. She was smiling so brightly, it could light up a room. I knew, in that moment, I would do anything that woman asked me to – including taking my clothes off for a room full of women I didn’t know.

  I saw Magic Mike once; how hard could it be?

  “Where do you want me?” I asked. I’d never danced in my life, much less stripped. And suddenly, I was expected to be a professional. But I couldn’t let Emmy down in front of her friends.

  “Anywhere you want,” Emmy said, sidling up next to me with a devious grin. “You’re the one in control.”

  What I wouldn’t give to let Emmy take control. My mind wandered to all the things I would do to her if given the chance. But, no. She was way too sweet and wholesome to sleep with the stripper. Bummer.

  “Can you put some music on?” I asked, my lips pulling into a grin to match hers.

  “Have any preferences?” she cooed.

  “Nah, I’ll let you fine ladies pick. Whatever suits the mood.”

  Emmy gave me another once over before walking to the jukebox. I watched her perfect ass swish with every step, my cock growing harder by the second. I almost forgot what I was doing, lost in a dream world where Emmy was on top of me, her perfect breasts bouncing in my face, when the music started playing.

  “Sexy Back? Seriously, Emmy? Don’t they have anything from this decade?” the bride teased. She was cackling, so her words weren’t nearly as mean-spirited as they sounded.

  “Nope, sorry, afraid not,” Emmy
answered as she returned to the circle of women. “That’s what we get for renting this bar in the middle of nowhere, Liv.”

  “I know, I know, but I do have to give you some credit for finding us a dreamy stripper.” Liv turned her blue eyes to me and smiled.

  “Remember you’re getting married tomorrow, Liv,” Emmy teased. “So hands off – he’s mine.”

  I was so caught up in these women fighting over me – playfully, of course – that I forgot I was supposed to dance. But once Liv and Emmy stopped their banter, they turned their eyes on me, and I remembered what I was supposed to be doing.

  I needed to get naked, or at least close to it. I tried to find the rhythm in the music, moving my hips to the bass. I’d never really liked dancing, but from the way Liv howled, I must have been doing something right. I walked over to the bride, knowing that’s what strippers did at these sorts of things. I lifted my shirt off, showed off my abs, and she clapped her hands.

  “Hands off, remember, Liv!” Emmy shouted to her friend, laughing loudly.

  You can put your hands wherever you want, Emmy, I thought to myself, turning my attention to the stunning Maid of Honor. Her eyes widened as I headed her way, stripping my shirt off over my head and wrapping it around her waist and pulling her closer to me. Liv and her other friends went wild.

  “Get ‘em, Emmy,” Liv growled playfully.

  Emmy danced with me, keeping the perfect rhythm with her hips gyrating to the music, pressing against me. She had to have felt my raging erection pressed into her belly, but if she did, she didn’t react.

  Emmy turned around and I thought she might be leaving, but she bent over and rubbed that magnificent ass against my groin. I was throbbing with need and finding it harder and harder to think clearly. I grabbed her hips and pulled her against me, grinding into her.

  Her friends screamed like banshees, clapping and screaming at us, cheering us on. Just as the song ended, another song followed, this one with a slower tempo but a sexy beat just the same.

  Emmy slipped away from me, and when she turned back around, her cheeks were flushed. Pearls of perspiration lined her face, and she nibbled her plump lower lip while batting her lashes at me.

  “You’re good,” she whispered, speaking in a tone only I could hear. She moved closer to me, her breasts pressing against my bare chest.

  “I could do this all night,” I told her, staring deep into her eyes.

  “Well, I can’t keep you all to myself,” she announced, smiling at me. “I’m not the bride.”

  And thank God for that, I thought. Though it didn’t mean she was single, the odds were certainly better than if she were the one wearing the Bride sash.

  But I also didn’t want to look at any of the other women there. She was the only one I had eyes for.

  I brushed the hair away from the side of her face. Her curls moved through my fingers like silk. Everything about her was just so perfect. I leaned in close, my lips brushing against her ear lobe. “We can always arrange for a more personal dance later, if you’d like.”

  Emmy shuddered against me, her hands suddenly on my chest. She nudged me away gently, and I caught her blushing – again.

  “I— I’m not into paying for things like that,” she stammered, heat in her gaze, though from desire or anger, I wasn’t sure.

  Confused for a moment, I realized what was happening. She thought I was a prostitute propositioning her. “Oh no, that’s not what I meant—”

  But she had already walked back to her circle of friends. I let out a sigh but continued my dancing, hoping I might get a second chance with her. And if I did get a moment alone with her, I’d make it very clear that I wanted her free and clear. She wouldn’t have to do a thing. I was all-in.

  “Take off your pants!” Liv cried happily, sloshing back the last of her wine glass.

  “Yeah, take ‘em off!”

  The women around us started chanting for me to remove my pants. They were likely expecting a thong or some tight, sexy undies. They were likely to be disappointed when I pulled down my jeans.

  Emmy had joined the chant, smiling as brightly before. And well, her wish was my command.

  I pulled off my belt, swishing it around before letting it drop to the floor. I unzipped my jeans and shimmied them down my hips. I turned away from them, sticking my butt out as I let the pants slide down even more.

  I realized I was also pulling my boxer briefs down with them. It was too late; my ass was bare for the women to see.

  “Holy shit, that’s the best ass I’ve ever seen!”

  The women cackled with laughter, complimenting me on my bare ass. I couldn’t show them all the goods, so I pulled the boxers back in place and dropped the jeans. I stepped out of them, continuing to gyrate and move to the music.

  If the women were disappointed in my lack of sexy undies, it didn’t show. All the women joined me. All except Emmy. She stayed off to the side while her friends danced with me, some of them getting a little handsy, I had to admit.

  But my eyes never left her, and she watched from a distance.

  Had I ruined my chances with her?

  “What’s your name, sexy?” one of the women asked me.

  I knew dancers usually had stage names, but I wasn’t really a dancer. So I gave my real one. “Graham,” I said with a wink.

  “Ooh, I love it,” the redhead said. “Are you single, Graham?”

  “Yes, ma’am,” I said, turning toward Emmy. “But I have my eyes on someone special.”

  “She’s a very lucky girl,” the redhead said, pouting playfully at me.



  Graham didn’t sound like a stripper’s name. I scrunched up my face as I tried to recall the phone conversation I’d had with the business I’d used. He gave me a name - Chuck or Charles or something like that. Most certainly not Graham. Not that I was complaining. He was a lot better looking than any of the men featured on their site. Perhaps Chuck was sick, and they sent Graham instead.

  Liv and the others were happy, so that was all that mattered to me.

  I was pretty happy too. I let myself get a little too close to him; I forgot what he was hired to be doing for a moment. Easy to do with the way he looked at me. Damn, he was too good at his job. Way too good. He almost got me too.

  The man on the phone during the booking had made it very clear that there would be no funny business. No sex. No actual nudity. It was meant to be fun and sexy without going too far. Yet Graham’s offer to me stuck in my ear.

  Not that I wasn’t tempted. That was the problem. I was tempted beyond belief by the offer. Which wasn’t like me at all. I was the virgin of the group, the last one of our friends to have sex. The good girl who focused on school instead of parties and boys. Not that I didn’t want to have sex – I did, very much so. I just hadn’t found the right guy to have that experience with yet. I was picky, and even though I was nearing twenty-three years old, I was in no hurry to give up my V-card anytime soon.

  Until, of course, I saw Graham.

  But a one-night stand? Well, that wasn’t something I’d ever considered before.

  Graham had tempted me; I couldn’t deny that. And I was tired of being the last one in my circle of friends to have sex. I always said when I met someone halfway decent and that turned me on, I’d go for it. Graham definitely made my panties soaking wet.

  Except, I reminded myself, I wasn’t willing to pay for sex. It just sounded gross. No matter how aroused I was by him, I was not losing my virginity to a prostitute. Maybe if we’d met in a bar and we hit it off…I could see it.

  My eyes never left Graham as he continued dancing with my friends. Liv’s ass was pressed against his groin like mine was earlier, and jealousy reared its ugly head as I watched. I’d felt his erection pressing against me and wondered if she felt it too.

  I couldn’t help but notice that Graham’s hazel eyes were on me and only me.

  Our eyes locked from across the room, and I fou
nd it hard to breathe. My body ached with need. No one had ever looked at me the way he did. He made me feel as if he wanted me, and only me, in this crowd of beautiful women.

  Liv was getting married, sure, but there were so many others to choose from. Jenny was a slim redhead who turned eyes wherever she went. She clearly had her eyes on Graham, and I knew from experience that Jenny was far less picky than me. If he gave her a similar offer, I had no doubt she would take it.

  “My turn, Liv,” she cooed as if on cue. “You’ll be getting some of your sexy hubby tomorrow night. Poor little me has no one.”

  I bit my lip and watched as she sidled up against Graham. Jenny and I had never been close – we were friends of Liv’s, but it felt like she was often in competition with me. I let it slide; I knew she was going through a rough time. And she was still reeling over me being selected as Maid of Honor over her.

  I didn’t let it bother me – until now. Even though I admitted to myself that being jealous over the attention of a stripper seemed silly, I couldn’t shake the way Graham looked at me.

  And even with Jenny rubbing against his crotch, his eyes remained on me. I knew from that look alone that I had no reason to be jealous.

  When that song ended, the music stopped entirely. I’d put on five songs, and apparently, we’d reached the end of the playlist.

  I’d only hired him for an hour, since the bachelorettes had other activities planned throughout the night. Our time with Graham was sadly coming to an end.


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