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Dragon Emperor 2: Human to Dragon to God

Page 19

by Eric Vall

  I turned my head and saw her as she ran. Her white hair fanned out behind her, and she came to a stop beside me.

  The cloud that carried the King of Rahma drifted lower until it touched the cobblestones, and then it dissipated into a fine mist that swirled around his feet. He didn’t look like an ancient and all powerful being. The king looked like he could be even younger than me, as if he was in his early twenties.

  His long silvery hair was tied back in a high tail, and long bangs almost hid his strange eyes from view. They were a swirl of amethyst and sapphire hues that glittered in the same manner Alyona’s eyes did.

  In fact, there was a startling resemblance between him and Alyona.

  Then the cold gaze shifted from me to the princess at my side, and the king lifted one eyebrow.

  “This child respectfully greets His Eminence, the glorious sun of Rahma,” Alyona murmured as she dropped to one knee and clasped her hands in front of her. “May the gods continue to bless and grace the sun that protects us all from the darkness.”

  The King of Rahma stepped forward and went on one knee in front of Alyona.

  “Can you imagine my surprise?” The king reached out one hand and tilted Alyona’s chin upward. “Receiving word, first, that the Divine Maiden of our country had been kidnapped by a demonic dragon to the fallen city of Hatra el Shamash. So very strange, because my daughter was meant to be safe and sound deep within the Mihireti Mountains, secluded within the Cave of One Thousand Sages as she continued her studies.”

  Daughter? Alyona was the child of this almost inhuman creature? I knew she was the Princess of Rahma and heir to the White Jade Sect, but I’d assumed she’d been selected as heir because of her power and immortal body.

  But it was the opposite. Her power and immortality came from being the daughter of this immortal and almighty king.

  And I was fucking her.

  “Father, this one can explain.” Alyona clenched her clasped hands tightly as she looked up at the king. “This child left the Cave of One Thousand Sages in order to follow the oath of the White Jade Sect.”

  “Yes, do explain to me how this all happened,” the king hummed as he lifted his hand to his daughter’s head, but then he suddenly frowned. “Alyona, where’s the hairpin I gave you?”

  “This child respectfully begs your forgiveness,” the princess replied mournfully as she looked away from her father. “This child was attacked by miasma, and the hairpin given to her was taken.”

  The temperature all around us suddenly plummeted the moment Alyona said she’d been attacked by the miasma.

  “Attacked?” King Rodion frowned as mist swirled around his feet angrily. “Miasma?”

  I had an inkling the same overwhelming power from before was about to slam into us, and I needed to do something to stop it. So, I put the two children down and stepped forward.

  “This one respectfully greets His Eminence, the glorious sun of Rahma,” I said as I clasped my hands in front of me and dropped to one knee. “May the gods continue to bless and grace the sun that protects us all from the darkness.”

  “And who are you?” Rodion took a step toward me as he stared at me oddly. “There’s something strange about you, almost as if you are not from this world.”

  If I knew the king better, I would say it was shock and recognition I saw in his gemstone eyes.

  “I am Evan of the House of Hatra el Shamash,” I replied as I remained on one knee and avoided the truth about where I came from. “Son of Ruslan, Lord of Hatra el Shamash and Lady Julia, Hatra’s Keeper of Knowledge.”

  “Ruslan, Lord of Hatra,” Rodion echoed as he turned from me to face my father who had just run up to my side, and curiosity dripped from his voice. “Tell me, how is it possible for a fox and a human to have a dragon as their heir? As far as I can remember, there is no dragon blood within your line.”

  “Your Eminence, he is our son.” Ruslan also dropped to one knee and clasped his hands before him. “He was not born of our flesh, but all the proper rites were followed to make him one of our blood. Your own daughter graciously oversaw the adoption ceremony and ensured nothing went awry.”

  “I did hear of a dragon calling himself a son of this city,” Rodion murmured as his brow furrowed, “but I never imagined this would be the reality. Honestly, it seems rumors never truly live up to reality.” Then those unsettling eyes flickered from Ruslan to me. “Although, it is quite convenient you’ve become the son of a ruling house, albeit a fallen one.”

  “Convenient, Your Eminence?” I glanced between the king and the still silent Alyona. “May you enlighten us as to what you mean?”

  “It is I who should be enlightened,” Rodion replied smoothly as he paced in front of us. “Unless the ridiculous rumors were true, and my child was kidnapped by heathens who worship a demonic dragon. I see little evidence of the power of demons in you, so such a thing cannot be true.”

  “Yes, I am a dragon,” I stood and pushed back my sleeves to reveal the black scales on my arms, “but I will never do anything to harm Hatra el Shamash or the people who call this city their home. I will do anything and everything in my power in order to continue protecting this city against anyone who would harm her.”

  “A dragon, protect mortals?” Rodion tilted his head in amusement as he bit back a laugh. “That hasn’t happened in eons. Why are you any different than all those who have come before you?”

  “I’m different because I have saved the people of this city, time and time again,” I replied as I tried to rein in my anger. This was the same shit I had to go through with the adventurers from the Green Glass Sect. “What have you done for Hatra? I don’t know your reasons, but I know Hatra hasn’t received a single iota of help from you or the White Jade Sect. Alyona is the one who brought the Blue Tree Guild here, she’s the reason why I even ended up in Hatra.”

  “Evan,” Julia whispered as she placed her hand on my shoulder. “What are you doing?”

  “I’m saying what has to be said,” I almost growled at my own mother, and I turned to glare at the king. “Nothing has been done for Hatra, she was abandoned by this country. I understand you were forced to pick between Hatra and the world, but that choice isn’t in front of you now. Will you do something now? Will you do your duty as the king of this country and close the demon gate that threatens this city? Will you lift the death curse on the Crimson Dragon Valerra? Will you help me heal the broken? Will you protect Hatra el Shamash?”

  There was an audible gasp at my words from the people around me, and a heavy pressure filled the air. It wasn’t powerful enough to force any of us back onto the ground, but it was like all the air in the world had disappeared.

  Out of the corner of my eyes, I could see Ruslan and Julia glancing frantically between Rodion and me. I knew they were worried about how the king would react, but I kept my chin raised and my eyes locked on Rodion’s.

  Maybe I had gone too far with the king, but somebody needed to say this to his face.

  Finally, after what felt like eons, King Rodion cracked an amused smile.

  “You’re a brave one.” Rodion’s voice was almost fond as he shook his head at me. “It’s not that you’re a fool. You do have fear in you, but you persevere on regardless. No matter the cost to yourself, you will keep pushing on forward to protect that which you consider yours. You, Evan, are a proper dragon if I’ve ever met one.”

  The heavy pressure disappeared, and my family visibly relaxed. Julia’s white knuckled grip on her fan slackened, and she slumped against Ruslan in relief.

  “Thank you?” I wasn’t quite sure if he was insulting me or praising me. “Does that mean you’ll help us?”

  “I will.” Rodion smiled as he raised one finger. “On one condition.”

  “What condition?” I asked immediately. I didn’t care what he would ask for as long as he helped my people.

  “You must find the lost Sword of Hatra el Shamash.” Melancholy shifted behind Rodion’s gemstone eyes, and h
e almost seemed to wilt. “It was lost when this city was attacked by demons a thousand years ago and has never been seen since by any living being.”

  I didn’t know why the king wanted me to find a lost Sword. I mean, I could understand it being an emblem of the city and using it to raise morale, but we didn’t need a weapon or something that would harm. What we needed was something that could break the death curse on Valerra.

  But if finding a fucking sword made King Rodion happy, then fine, I’d find it.

  “And if I find the Sword, you’ll keep your promise?” I asked. Somehow, I knew King Rodion was a man of his word, but I wanted to make sure.

  “In a show of good faith,” King Rodion replied as he placed his hand over his heart, “I will even go and seal the demon gate.”

  “Father, what are you planning?” Alyona asked as she glanced between us, and confusion glimmered in her eyes.

  “Nothing, dear child.” Rodion’s eyes softened as he turned to face his daughter. “This is merely a show of good faith. I have the highest of hopes for your dragon meeting my every expectation. Now, tell me, where is this demon gate you speak of, and why has the Crimson Dragon been cursed?”

  “A demon gate opened by her canyon, and she was attacked,” I explained quickly. “I think she was targeted, and a Demon Lord was attempting to turn her to their cause.”

  “The Crimson Dragon has always been ruthless in the defense of her territory,” King Rodion explained as he tilted his head in thought. “It would stand to reason her refusal of such an alliance.”

  “So, will you help her?” I asked with a frown.

  “Valerra’s viciousness has never been without reason,” King Rodion continued, half to himself, “and she has never once attempted to expand her domain beyond the walls of the canyon.” He paused and then finally gave a decisive nod. “Take me to her.”

  His sudden command made me blink, but I guess there really was no time to waste when it came to this situation.

  “Follow me, Your Majesty,” I replied as I led King Rodion to Alyona’s room where Valerra and the dragon egg were resting.

  Alyona and the Elders followed behind the quiet pair the king and I made. But while the Elders stood off to the side, Alyona stood right next to the king.

  Valerra was asleep as she was examined by Rodion. Her eyes fluttered beneath her eyelids restlessly, and her breath came in short pants.

  “Now let’s see this death curse.” A white glow emanated from Rodion’s hand as he placed it on Valerra’s forehead, and he hummed thoughtfully. “Evan, you were the one who healed her? Tell me, how did you find her?”

  “The demons had begun to rip her apart by the time we arrived.” I stepped forward and motioned at Valerra’s body. “Alyona reached Valerra first and was working on containing the curse before I started to heal her wounds. There was something weird about her blood, though. There were black chunks in it, and her body smelled as if she was already dead and beginning to decay. This was all while she was still conscious and before I healed her.”

  Reporting like this was something natural to me, it was just like the end of an EMT shift back on Earth, and the familiarity of it was soothing.

  “I see.” Rodion turned from Valerra and looked at me. “What about the egg? What condition was it in?”

  “The egg was fine,” I replied as I moved closer to the bed. “Valerra protected the egg with her life, and nothing happened to it. I doubt the demons were even able to think of touching it.”

  “Sounds just like her,” Rodion chuckled as he lifted his hand from Valerra’s forehead.

  “Father,” Alyona smoothly interrupted as she stepped forward, “there is still the matter of the demon gate. You said you would seal it.”

  “True,” Rodion sighed as he ran his hand through his hair. “That does take precedence at this moment. There is no point wasting time studying this death curse if another demonic horde pours out through that gate.”

  “Well, then let’s close that rift,” I declared before I turned to the priestess beside me. “Alyona, can you take us there?”

  “Of course,” Alyona replied sweetly as silver light covered her hands.

  Then the princess opened a portal for all of us to travel to the demon gate, and the moment we stepped through it, King Rodion frowned at the sight before him.

  The gateway to the demon world was like a scar on the face of the cliff, a festering wound from which seeped out poisonous miasma and tendrils of darkness. Black and purple spots were painted over the golden sands, and the dark colors had spread out farther since I’d last seen the demon gate.

  Alyona’s seal was partially intact, but there was a large hole in the bottom of it, like something had forced its way out. I thought back to the numbers of demons we’d encountered in the canyon and winced. More like a lot of somethings.

  The King of Rahma walked to the demon gate and tilted his head as he stared at it. A faint glow emanated from his body, but the glow was gone when I blinked.

  Laika held onto my hand tightly as she stood at my side, and her fur bristled as a cold wind rushed out of the demon gate. She huddled closer to me and I squeezed her hand gently in order to reassure the wolf Demi-Human, but the fur of her tail refused to smooth over.

  The air seeping out of the demon gate was full of malice and cruelty, similar to the way the miasma would cause despair to take over its victims before they died. I drew in a breath, concentrated on drawing forth my healing power, and a sheen of glitter gently fell on everyone around me like a cloak.

  I focused my power on the sole thought of protecting everyone from the negativity of the demon gate, to heal my friends and family from the darkness that threatened to taint them.

  Interesting, you didn’t just throw power at everyone this time.

  I ignored Asher’s comment as I zeroed in on the strange and toxic power that surrounded the demon gate. It was like the rift had doubled or tripled in strength overnight. I wouldn’t be surprised if miasma started seeping out of it even while we were in front of it. But although we were strong enough to fight it now, subduing the miasma wasn’t something we could afford to waste our time and energy on. We had to completely eradicate the demon gate, not just put a bandaid on the issue.

  “Oh, this is a bit of a nasty one indeed.” Rodion leaned forward and tapped a finger on the tattered magical array in front of him. “Come here, Alyona.”

  “Father?” the princess stepped forward with a furrowed brow.

  “You placed a temporary seal on this.” Rodion glanced at his daughter as he kept his finger on the tattered array in front of him. “Why did you not use the Sutra of the Forty-Four Seals instead of a common seal?”

  Alyona tensed at his question and clasped her hands behind her back. She seemed disappointed with herself, as if she knew more had been expected of her but she’d fallen short.

  I knew that was exactly what was going through her mind because Alyona was just like me. She held herself up to strict standards and would accept nothing less than perfection from herself.

  Clearly, so did her father.

  “Forgive me, Father.” Alyona’s inner glow dimmed as she met Rodion’s gaze. “The Dark Lady of the Nine Heavens had come through me earlier that day, and I did not have enough power to manage even one of the Forty-Four Seals or any other sealing spell.”

  “I see,” Rodion sighed as he glanced from Alyona’s face to mine. “What a pity you were incapable of placing even one of those seals, so much could have been averted. Though, the blame isn’t on you, dear child. Managing even a basic seal after summoning the Dark Lady is a feat in and of itself.”

  “Thank you, Father.” Alyona almost vibrated with relief at not being blamed. “I was taught well by my masters.”

  A tenseness left my shoulders, and I was relieved the blame hadn’t been laid at my princess’s feet. I knew I wouldn’t be able to keep my mouth shut if her father started to berate her for it.

  “Though I do wonder,�
� Rodion hummed as he turned his gaze to the demon gate, “at the timing of it all and why one even appeared so far away from the other cities. It doesn’t make sense to attack Valerra after all of this time. What is it that they were trying to accomplish?”

  I tilted my head and realized he did have a point. If the Demon Lords wanted to turn Valerra to their side, why hadn’t they done that before? A thousand years had passed since Hatra’s fall, and they had all of that time to kill her or kidnap her. In fact, if it was me trying to wipe her off the map after she turned down my offer of alliance, I would have killed her the same night Hatra was destroyed. No one would have been surprised by the timing, and no one would have been able to find her in time to even try and break the death curse.

  “Father?” Alyona asked as she tilted her head. “Are you going to use the Sutra of the Forty-Four Seals for this?”

  The king had begun to draw a multi-layered magical array on top of Alyona’s tattered one, but then he glanced over at his daughter.

  “What?” Rodion paused, and confusion slid through his dual colored eyes before he cleared his throat. “Ah, yes. This would be a good opportunity for you to learn.”

  “You’re going to teach me?” Alyona’s inner glow had dimmed before, but now it was like someone cranked up the dial. “Truly?”

  A soft laugh bubbled out of my throat, and I coughed in order to hide it. From the exasperated glance Julia shot me, I knew I hadn’t fooled anyone with my fake cough, but Laika smirked next to me and squeezed my hand.

  What could I say? I had a weakness for Alyona’s enthusiasm, and it was contagious.

  Thankfully, the two immortals in front of us apparently hadn’t noticed my faux pas because they forged on in their discussion.

  “You have memorized the Sutra of the Forty-Four Seals, have you not?” Rodion asked his daughter as a smirk slid onto his face. “Otherwise, how would you have gotten out of that cave?”

  A bright blush I was very familiar with spread across Alyona’s cheeks and ears as her eyes darted downward.


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