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Darkside Dreams - The Complete First Series

Page 57

by A. King Bradley

  I stumble back. He plows into me shoulder-first, driving me against a wall and forcing all my breath out. I suck in as much air as I can with my constricted lungs and jab an elbow down against his spine. Then I pull my knee upward, contacting his jaw and making his teeth click.

  He releases me and hops back to gather his bearings. Ana watches all this in horror. That newfound technopathy of hers would certainly help right now but it’s too bad this bastard has one of those air-gapped cyber brains. Impossible to invade through the datasphere. All she can do is watch the carnage and hope that we don’t kill each other.

  The other Roman comes at me again, with brutal speed. I kick at him, but he grabs my heel and twists me around. I go to the floor, getting my hands under me just in time to avoid hitting my face. I push up and over, barely dodging his stomping foot.

  I go for a single leg take down, but it looks like the bastard learned his lesson from our first fight. He quickly hops over my legs and delivers a vicious kick to my ribs.

  I spit blood as his kick sends me skidding across the floor. He eyes his gun in the center of the floor as I fight through the pain in my ribs and scramble to my feet. He moves to retrieve the gun, but I’m able to rush over and kick it across the room before he can grab it.

  The doppelganger turns on the juice and unleashes a vicious assault, but I’m able to anticipate and dodge most of his attacks.

  I can’t keep this up for too much longer though. It’s only a matter of time before I fail to slip one of his superhuman punches and find myself missing a significant portion of my head. He’s stronger, faster, and way more durable, but if this truly is the younger me then I’m betting that he’s also way more impatient.

  I lunge forward and grapple with him, purposely dropping my modified pistol to the floor as we collide. He takes the bait, shoving me away and lunging for my gun in hopes of using it to end the fight. Ana screams and her eyes widen with horror, but she doesn’t realize that I quite literally still have one last trick up my sleeve.

  I reach beneath my left coat sleeve and withdraw the silvery cylindrical device strapped to my forearm. The Roman imposter grabs my gun and whips it forward but not before I’m able to deliver a vigorous thump to his ribs with the interrupter in my right hand. His eyes widen in surprise as the unseen charge from the interrupter ripples through his artificial body and drops him to the floor like a trembling sack of bricks.

  Quickly, I lunge forward and recover my gun from his hands before he has a chance to regain control of his motor functions. A distinct whirring noise rings out as I flip the gun into synth-killer mode and aim it at his face.

  “Cheap bastard,” he groans.

  “No such thing as cheap in a fight for your life,” I tell him.

  “What are you waiting for,” he says. “Do it.”

  “I don't know if I want to,” I admit. “None of this is really your fault.”

  He glances toward Ana. “There’s no room in this world for two of us, Roman. I’ll always be a problem, because I’ll always want them dead because of what they did to her. I won’t stop… I can’t… You and I both know that.”

  “There has to be something we can do,” I retort. “I can help you. Ana can help you!”

  “Ana’s dead,” the doppelganger says, dropping his gaze to the floor. No longer able to focus his attention on Ana’s hologram.

  “Are you sure this is what you want?” I ask, surprised at the overwhelming rush of sorrow that washes over me as I stare down at my defeated mirror image.

  “My existence will only ever lead to war. Do it, Roman. Unless you want this world to suffer,” he urges as he slowly pulls himself to his feet.

  I prime the pistol and steady my hand as the doppelganger glances over to Ana’s hologram.

  “I’m sorry, Ana,” he chokes out. “Sorry I couldn’t save you.”

  I turn my head away. Squeeze my eyes shut. And pull the trigger. A second later, I hear him hit the ground and I turn my head back to look. Can't help it. The android’s body is just lying there at my feet. Its face now shifting back to the blank featureless void now that my backup persona has been wiped from its system.

  My heartrate spikes as I remember Abdo. I rush back over to his desk to help but I’m floored when I see him there feebly pawing at the knife in his chest. It's right near his heart. I didn't know it was that bad, before. He's already lost a lot of blood. I start to reach for the knife, think better of it, then turn in a circle, scanning the room for any medical supplies.

  “Don't bother,” Abdo's weak voice says. “I'm going to die, Roman. No reason to waste your time trying to save me. Not when you still have a war to stop.”

  “I’m sorry, Abdo,” I choke out, tears welling in the corners of my eyes as I kneel beside him and hold his clammy hand. “You’re right, man. I was a crap friend. I used you as an easy button for years and never really gave you your due. Never really paid you back for all the times you’ve gotten me out of a jam.”

  “It wasn’t just you,” Abdo chokes out. “You don’t have to—”

  Abdo’s words are cut off by a horrible coughing spell that ends with a stream of blood trickling from the corners of his mouth.

  “Yeah, I should have been better than them though,” I admit. “I’m not angry at you, Abdo. Not anymore.”

  “Plith,” Abdo manages to say, his eyes now quivering with pain and anguish. “Orin Plith hired me.”

  Those were his last words. He dies shortly after that revelation. Slips away in the space of a second, going completely limp before I even have time to thank him for the information. His omni slips out of his hand and hits the floor. I grab it before it has a chance to get covered in blood.

  Ana and I step into the hall. I'm shaking from head to toe. Shell shocked.

  While I'm recovering, Ana searches through Abdo's omni via hard link. Searching for proof of Orin Plith’s involvement in the conspiracy against the OUSP. Abdo’s security is top notch, but eventually Ana cracks through it and finds the information we need.



  Orin Plith’s plan was to frame Vangelina and stake a claim to her territory once she was out of the way. It was clear that he couldn’t care less about the territory itself. His true goal was to absorb her holdings in order to gain control of her android tech. Once we confirmed his involvement, Ana and I took our findings to Foley shortly after Abdo’s death. After reviewing it, he apologized for his earlier doubts and immediately called a meeting of the OUSP's highest ranking members. Within thirty-five minutes, the end of the war was declared. The OUSP, not wishing to appear weak, simply demanded an official surrender from the Oligarchy in exchange for letting everything go back to normal. They also demanded Orin Plith be handed over. After seeing the evidence for themselves, the Oligarchs were more than happy to oblige.

  All told, the war lasted a little over ninety minutes and resulted in a mere forty-three casualties. Twenty-eight for the Oligarchy, and fifteen for the OUSP. Not a terrible ratio at the end of the day.

  Surprisingly, both governments worked together for a brief and beautiful moment to restore the physical integrity of both borders and to make reparations for the lives that had been lost.

  While that bit of rebuilding was happening, Orin Plith's trial also began. It will probably go on for a little while, but already the rumor is that he will be put to death. And that a portion of his vast financial holdings will be dispersed among the families of those who died in the brief battle. The rest of his earthly belongings, his property and non-saleable items, will be distributed evenly to the other Oligarchs.

  As a token of their appreciation, the OUSP offered me half a million creds and official citizenship. Naturally, I took the money. As for the other offer, I’m sort of taking my time on that one. I’d be the first person in the new world to hold dual citizenship. That sort of status has its perks, so I’ve certainly given it some serious thought, but a part of me can’t help but suspect that t
he party has ulterior motives for wanting to keep me around. Ultimately, I told them I’d get back to them with an answer, and for now they seem to be satisfied.



  Today's my birthday. It's been a few weeks since we narrowly escape Armageddon, but it feels like it’s been longer.

  Despite the potentially apocalyptic ramifications of that little dust up between the Oligarchy and the OUSP, the Collective still decided not to take an active role in our affairs. I guess they're still watching though, still waiting for... something. They still have their synth minions on the ground, the high-ranking OUSP members who managed to live long enough to not die by the hands of my doppelganger. Either way, the Collective hasn’t hit the reset button or decided to smoke the planet yet, so I guess I can count that as a win.

  Will they continue meddling in our affairs? Probably. Will I, a lowly detective, know anything about it? Hopefully not. I'm starting to feel like Abdo. Ready to retire. If the world will let me.

  On the morning of my birthday, as I lay in bed blinking the sleep out of my eyes, I ask Ana what she thinks.

  “I don't think the Collective's goals for us are as insidious as I once assumed,” she says. “We’ve both seen what they can do. I think the fact that they let us resolve that conflict a few weeks ago on our own is a good sign.”

  “Yeah, well, whatever the case they still owe us a transfer,” I reply.


  “And it's my birthday,” I say, smiling from ear to ear. “Just pointing that out.”

  I know she's been thinking about her future just as much as I have. And I get the feeling she's reached some sort of decision.

  “I've made up my mind,” she says now. “I'm going to do it, Rome. Integrate with a cyber body… and I’ve also decided to keep my memories.”

  “But you didn't want to keep your memories, before,” I say, sitting up straighter and looking into her eyes.

  She just shrugs, and glances to the side. Away from me.

  “Ana,” I say. “I don’t want you to do this for me if it’s not truly what you want. I know it’s my birthday, and all, but all I really want is for you to be happy. I want you to do whatever feels right to you. With the old Ana's memories still stuck in your mind, you'll never be your own person. You'll never be free.”

  A few weeks ago, I would have never been able to say that and actually mean it, but the one sad truth that I learned from my doppelganger was that I had to accept the fact that Ana, the real Ana, was dead. This version of her had her memories, and I loved her just as much as I did the organic Ana, but the sad truth was that they were not one in the same. Virtual Ana deserved to have her own life. To exist outside of the shadow of organic Ana’s memory.

  The holographic goddess in front of me closes her eyes and bows her head. “Rome... thank you. I want to be happy, but I want you to be happy too...”

  “And I will be,” I say. “Come here. I have an idea.”

  My omni is resting on the bedside table, which gives her more than enough range to curl up beside me.

  “We'll make a video,” I say. “For future Ana. A sort of orientation.”

  She looks at me for a second, smiles, and nods vigorously.

  We start the recording, and she jumps right into it.

  “Hello, there!” Ana says, giving a big wave. “This is me, lying next to the man I love. And this is why I love him. Roman Ibarra is somehow both the corniest and the coolest guy in the whole world. He—”

  “What?!” I jokingly protest.

  “He'll keep you safe, and he'll do a pretty good job of making you laugh,” she continues, ignoring my playful protest. “And he'll be the greatest friend you could ask for. Whatever you need, he'll make certain you have it.”

  She turns her head to me. My cue to add my own thoughts.

  “Ana,” I say. “Adriana Graves. Whatever form you take, whatever memories you have, you'll always be the most beautiful person I've ever set eyes on. You’re the only person I’ve ever loved… and probably the only person I ever will…”

  I take a deep breath as Ana smiles and watches me in awe.

  “That said, just know that I only want you to be happy,” I continue. “To live your life how you see fit, whether or not it includes me. If you meet me and fall in love again, that's great. But there should be no pressure to do so. Live as you see fit. Do what feels natural. If we're meant to be together, we will be. And if not, then I'll have a billion beautiful memories of our time together. By the time you see this, I'll be a stranger to you. Maybe you won't even look twice at me. And if that happens… that’s okay… and you can feel safe in knowing that I promise, no matter what… to keep the stalking to a minimum...”

  In the bed beside me, Ana laughs. And I can’t help but hope she'll laugh the next time she hears it, too.

  “So…” I say, the video still rolling as a sheepish grin spreads across my face. “Have you put any thought into what kind of cyber body you want?”

  Ana glances up at me and smirks. “Not yet, but it damn sure isn’t going to be the one you’re thinking about.”

  “Which one?” I ask.

  She holds her hands out in front of her chest to impersonate the large breasted sex bot we saw in that display a few weeks ago. “You know the one.”

  I laugh, and instinctively I try and pull her closer to me. But of course, my arms go right through her.

  “I love you, Ana,” I say as I settle back in bed next to her projection.

  “I love you too, Rome,” she replies. “And I’ve got a surprise for you.”

  “Oh yeah? What is it?”

  “A certain song that a certain someone recorded for me and then deleted before allowing me to hear it.”

  “No way!” I exclaim. “You found it?!”

  “I did,” she says, somehow grinning even harder.

  “Have you listened to it yet?”

  “No,” Ana replies. “I was saving it for today. I’d like to play it now if that’s okay with you.”

  “Absolutely,” I confirm.

  Ana looks happier than I’ve ever seen her as she projects a digital music player in the air in front of us.

  “Happy birthday, Roman Ibarra,” she says, just before she starts the song:

  PLAY SONG (Internet connection required)

  "Black Is The Color" by Roman Ibarra - #4 on the Darkside Dreams Soundtrack




  My name is Adriana Graves. Ana to all my friends. But in a few moments, I might be someone new. The transfer into my air-gapped cyber brain was a success. Now, all that’s left is the memory wipe.For now, for a brief period of utter peace, I'm adrift in a tiny stream of data, the ether that exists in my own mind when the circuitry of consciousness is powered off. I'm waiting for the wipe to begin, the procedure that will erase certain memories and create a new identity which, hopefully, I will fit into like a glove.

  I'm unguarded here, floating in the ether. But I'm also untethered. I can see farther than ever. Feel more keenly the flow of data around me—far beyond that presented by my own knowledge and memories. I understand myself in a way no human has before. It's a beautiful place. Beautiful yet equally horrifying. Haunting even.

  Without Roman's omni anchoring me, and keeping everything stable, I've been realizing some things about myself. I've become aware of a strange dichotomy in my mind which must have sprang into existence years ago, when I first entered the omni or else immediately afterward. It has something to do with my intelligence, which has grown by leaps and bounds the longer I've been connected to the data sphere. And now I feel the presence of that other side of me more acutely. It seems to be floating there with me, just beneath the surface of my own consciousness.

  And as I float in waiting, it seems to drift away, separating itself entirely.

  Suddenly, I'm looking at a data stream caused by this other part of my mind. But it
isn't part of me, I realize. It's something else. Some stranger, some other presence that has been hiding deep within my code for all these years. Now, it's somehow slipping away, disconnecting, becoming its own entity.

  Its form is dark and ominous. Incredibly vast, hovering above me, and seeming to blanket the entire sphere of my mind.

  I remember seeing it before, as my mind wandered the data sphere in what passes for my dreams. I thought it was the Collective back then. I thought I was seeing them testing the waters, poking their heads into our domain.

  But no. It wasn't them. It was...

  The form suddenly falls towards me and spreads outward like a blanket of shadow. A smothering shroud of malicious data, engulfing me on all sides—threatening to consume me. I feel myself being crushed. Whatever this entity is, it has once again attached itself to me. But less like an unseen twin, and more like a malignant tumor.

  It whispers to me, and in those whispers, I finally hear her voice.


  A voice I never thought I’d hear again. Somehow, she's alive within me. In an air-gapped cyber brain where the Collective cannot touch her. And now she too is untethered.

  I suddenly remember her clutching for Roman’s omni all those years ago—just before the Collective wiped her out of existence. She must have attached a fragment of herself to me in that moment. A sliver of herself so small that it would have been untraceable even by the mysterious Collective. An insidious splinter of data that infected my digital psyche and allowed her to return to form completely undetected by those who would otherwise seek to stop her.

  I try to scream. But a data block cannot scream. I try to venture back into the real world, but I realize that I’m too late.

  I feel... strange.

  The wipe has just begun, and yet the suffocating blanket of Maestro’s darkness still lies over me. She will follow me back into the real world—her purpose forgotten along with my own.


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