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Billionaire Daddy & Nanny

Page 4

by Mia Ford

  I went on my laptop to order vibrators from online sites, as well as dildos and various other toys that were offered. I found quickly that my hand wasn’t enough as I continued to spy on my boss, applying the various toys into my life to quench my growing lust.

  I felt like a hormonal teenager every night as I went upstairs to pleasure myself. It was exciting to do it near the gym as well, fueled by the sounds of music as well as the weights. That was reserved for nights when I was confident that he’d be in there for a while and I couldn’t make it to my room.

  I missed Nick when he was traveling, occupying my time with Carmen and just taking care of the house. I worked out some nights alone, imagining him here in my head as I pushed myself on the machines. I fantasized about him coming in and watching me the way I did him, longing for him to take it further. There was a lot of equipment in here, and I thought about him taking me on one of the benches where I could watch him in the mirror.

  I was mid-fantasy one night when I heard Carmen’s little voice, blushing furiously as I turned my head to look at the door. I saw her pale face and pushed the button to shut off the machine before I walked over to her. “What’s wrong?” I asked as she looked sadly at me.

  “I don’t feel good. I’m hot then cold, and my stomach feels sick,” Carmen told me as I felt guilty for being two floors down. Nick said that she was confident about getting around the house, only stressed about setting the house alarm when I was going to move about, but I still felt bad.

  I was covered in sweat, and I frowned before I picked her up. “I am gross but let’s go upstairs and take your temperature, okay? You might have a bit of a fever.”

  Carmen was running a little hot, something that the thermometer proved to me within just a few moments. I got her some medicine to control it as well as a glass of ice water to keep Carmen hydrated before I sat on the bed. She’d changed into fresh pajamas, and her blankets were pushed down as she let out a sigh, closing her eyes.

  I sent Mom a text, asking if I did everything right. She said yes and just to keep checking her in case, she got too hot, in which case she’d need to be seen by a doctor. Her hospital was a few miles away, and while I’d make it if necessary, I wanted Carmen to rest.

  I watched her sleeping and looked around to see the full-sized futon that was in the playroom. I scurried up to my room to change into some clean yoga pants and a t-shirt after splashing myself with some cold water. I didn’t have time for a shower right now, but maybe if she felt better tomorrow, I would attempt that. I grabbed a blanket from the closet in my room and made myself at home on the futon with my Kindle for the night. Since it was already eleven, I didn’t expect that Carmen would make it to school in the morning. I felt my phone vibrate and glanced beside me, expecting to see Mom’s name, but it was Nick. He often sent texts to check in on Carmen, and I frowned as I told him that she was sick with a bit of a fever.

  Nick called immediately, and I assured him that I was in touch with my mom, whom he adored. I also told him that I’d given her something to help her sleep and I was on the futon to keep an eye on her. “You’re a good woman, Celia. You take excellent care of her.” His voice was gruff, and I sensed that he had more to say as I waited.

  “I had a great example in my own parents,” I reminded him as Nick fell quiet for a moment. “How is everything in Florida?”

  “It’s going smoothly, though I want to be home. Especially now,” he responded, making me feel sorry for telling him that Carmen was sick.

  “She’ll be okay. Mom will come over in a heartbeat if she’s needed.” Mom had grown close to both Nick and Carmen lately, inviting the family to Thanksgiving in a couple of months.

  “I just want to be in my house, my bed,” Nick’s voice was low as he spoke, making me frown. “It’s felt more like a home lately than it has in some time.”

  “It has?” I asked, wanting to know more. We’d talked on the couch, but it was just general things about life. I didn’t know too much about his relationship with his wife, and his words made me wonder if he was unhappy before that.

  “Yes,” Nick replied, making me smile in the dim room. “The house is locked with the alarm on, Celia?”

  “Of course,” I told him as he let out a sigh.

  “Try and get some rest,” his words signaled the end of the conversation. “Good night. I’ll call tomorrow morning to talk to Carmen.”

  “Good night,” I told him, ending the call before I set my phone on the futon. There were nights that this house felt empty and this was becoming one of them as I settled back into the pile of pillows, intending to read for a while before I dozed off.

  Carmen cried out sometime during the night, and I blinked before making my way to her room. She was shivering now, making me wrap her blanket around her before reaching for the thermometer again. I glanced at her clock and saw that a couple of hours had passed since I tucked her in again. She was wavering between one hundred and one hundred and one degrees. I knew that Mom said I could alternate medicines, so I grabbed the next one and woke her up just enough to get her to swallow it, offering her some water to get it all the way down.

  Carmen settled back into sleep, and I waited half an hour to check her again. She was down to one hundred degrees, and I let out a breath as I stroked her damp hair back softly.

  I ended up falling asleep curled up on her bed for another few hours before I woke up to the sound of her whimpering, reaching out to feel her skin clammy and damp. It was just past four, and I knew that this little girl was not going to be going to school in a few hours.

  I dozed until it was time to call her in sick and then the phone rang again. It was Mom calling to see how Carmen was and I told her all about my night as I sipped coffee in the kitchen. She told me that if Carmen got some rest, she’d probably be fine but assured me that she’d get started on some homemade chicken noodle soup and bring it over in a couple of hours.

  I alternated between watching television in the living room and checking on Carmen until there was a knock at the door. I turned the alarm off and looked through the hole in the door to see that it was Mom before opening it, smiling at her. “Thanks so much.”

  “It’s nothing. I’m retired and you know I love to cook. I made some brownies for when she feels better too.” Mom walked to the kitchen, looking around as I closed and locked the door.

  I went into the kitchen and poured her some coffee as she pulled a stockpot out of her bag, followed by a large Tupperware container. “Are you tired, sweetie? Want me to take over for a while so you can nap?”

  I yawned and smiled at her. “I’d love that. I was up and down all night, and I am too nervous to sleep too deeply when I’m alone with her.”

  “I understand,” she replied as she gave me a hug. “I remember when you were sick and your dad would walk in after work, take one look at me, and send me to bed. Everything will be okay for a couple of hours.”

  I thanked her and went upstairs, peeking at Carmen before I went to my room and dropped into my bed. I wasn’t a parent, but I loved Carmen, and I was worried about her. It was hard to drift off to sleep for a little while, but I remembered how safe I was as a kid and smiled. Mom treated her like a granddaughter, so Carmen was in good hands.

  When I woke up a couple of hours later, I stretched and got in a quick shower before pulling on some leggings with a sweatshirt. I walked downstairs and found Carmen on the couch, watching a movie as she snuggled under a blanket. “Feeling better?” I asked as she looked at me with sleepy eyes.

  “Nana Brooke gave me some soup and juice when she brought me downstairs. I feel a lot better, but I want to sleep some more,” Carmen told me as she smiled weakly. I loved that she called Mom that, especially since both sets of grandparents lived in other states and didn’t see her on a regular basis. I went over to kiss her forehead before I went to find Mom in the kitchen, smiling at her.

  “Thanks, Mom. How was she?” I asked as she looked away from a book that she was rea
ding at the table.

  “I got some soup into her and a bit of juice, so I think she’ll perk up. Nick called your phone while you were sleeping, so I answered and brought him up to date. He sounded so worried.” She smiled in a way that I recognized as being affectionate. “He’s a good Daddy.”

  “He is,” I replied as I walked over to the table and sat down. My stomach growled, and Mom grinned. “Is there any soup left?”

  Mom got me some and poured some more coffee before she sat down again. I ate it slowly, enjoying a brownie when I was done as we talked about Carmen. Mom stayed for the day, enjoying a walk on the beach for a break as I checked Carmen to find that her temperature was returning to normal.

  I was surprised to hear a key in the door in the late afternoon, and we both looked up to see Nick walking into the house. “You’re not due back until tomorrow,” I said as he set his luggage down and glanced at Carmen curled up on the sofa.

  “I was worried about her,” he told me as he walked right over and knelt to feel her forehead. “I can’t work when she’s sick.” For a moment, I wondered if he didn’t trust me and looked down at the floor.

  Mom offered him some soup as he looked past me to see her, blinking. “I came over to bring the soup and thought I’d stay and help.”

  “That was sweet of you,” Nick said as he looked into my face. “Are you okay?”

  “Yes,” I replied quickly as he searched my face. “Her soup is so good. You should have some if you’re hungry.”

  He walked past me into the kitchen as I took a deep breath, inhaling his masculine scent. I was happier that he was home than I cared to admit, and it wasn’t just because Carmen was sick. Mom went home after he ate, telling us to call her if we needed anything.

  Nick said that he was going to take a shower and asked me to keep an eye on Carmen, to which I nodded. I glanced at the little girl and walked over to feel her skin, smiling when she felt like she was returning to normal. I checked her temperature even though Nick already did, knowing that she might be going to school tomorrow.

  Once Carmen was bathed and tucked in, I noticed Nick headed into the basement dressed for a workout. I gave him a few moments, fighting the urge to go and watch him just for the simple fact that I missed him so much. I had listened for a bit before I walked down the stairs and around the corner where I could look in to see him running on the treadmill, his chest glistening as he moved steadily. I remembered what he’d said over the phone and wondered why he was happy here now, apart from having a nanny to help him. I stared at him for a long moment before he turned his head, making me hide against the wall so that he wouldn’t catch me.

  When I could, I ran back up the stairs with my heart pounding after I made sure that he wasn’t looking. I went into the kitchen for some water, jumping when I heard someone clear their throat. “Why did you leave?” Nick asked as I looked at him with wide eyes. “I have known that you watch me for a while now, Celia. I hadn’t said anything because I was trying to fight my feelings for you, but now…I can’t. Seeing you care for my daughter the way that you do and how much you love her makes me want…makes me want something that I shouldn’t. Seeing you watch me in the gym makes me want something that is probably so wrong.” He stepped towards me as my eyes slid down his broad chest and defined abdominal muscles slowly, hungrily. I was sweating, and I slid a hand into my hair to push it away from my face, knowing that I was a hot mess after the day.

  He left me in the kitchen that night, going back upstairs as I heard the water turn back on. I downed the last of the water in the bottle and dropped it into the recycle container as I took a deep breath. I saw the invitation in his eyes before he turned to leave to go to his room and the bulge in his shorts. My nipples hardened against the soft cotton of the shirt, and I ran my hands up, cupping my breasts as my body ached with need. I could just go upstairs and take care of this myself and save any uncomfortable situations in the future.

  My heart told me to do just that, but my pussy was throbbing. I was ready for Nick, and I stumbled forward towards his room. I could still hear the water as I pushed open the door, looking around the massive room with desperate eyes.

  At some point, Nick saw me watching him in the gym. He didn’t say anything to stop it, making me wonder what else he knew about. Did Nick know about the way I made myself come in that small space, biting my lips so I wouldn’t moan aloud? I wondered if he recognized the scent as he left, knowing that it could only be me?

  I heard when the room went silent, standing there as I heard movement in the bathroom as I held my breath. I had time to leave as the seconds ticked away, but my bare feet remained in place. If he walked out of that door and saw me, I knew that there would be no turning back. While our conversation had been brief in the kitchen, there was an intensity to it that I couldn’t deny.

  The door swung open, and Nick stepped into the room with a towel wrapped around his waist, his hair damp as it brushed his forehead. He looked up, meeting my wide eyes as he slowed his pace and walked slowly towards me. Nick didn’t take his eyes away from mine as he moved, finally reaching me as he held my face in his hands and kissed me hard. The weeks of pent up frustration were released as he found the part of my lips with his tongue, driving it inside to meet mine as I whimpered and reached up to hold onto his shoulders as my knees weakened.

  Nick kissed me until I was breathless, his lips and tongue making me forget my own name. “I smelled you in that little hallway. I smelled you and knew that you were touching yourself, Celia. Do you know how hard I jerked myself off when I got back to my room after that?” His voice was low against my mouth as I opened my eyes to look at him. “I’m going to close and lock the door. I have a monitor, so we’ll know if Carmen wakes up, but until then I want you on my bed. I want you naked and touching yourself.” Nick walked away from me, making me stumble back as I felt my lips and looked at the bed. I turned and walked towards it as the door clicked and I lifted my shirt slowly as I sucked in my breath. I dropped it on the floor as I slid my pants down, relieved that I showered earlier. I was a sweaty mess before that.

  Nick walked across to the dresser and clicked something on before I felt him walking towards me. I crawled onto the bed, willing to do anything for this man as I made my way to the pillows. I turned slowly and faced him, keeping my legs together for a moment as he let his eyes pass over my body. My nipples were hard, and he licked his lips as he paused to look at them, making slick heat trail down my thighs. I parted them, dropping back as I slipped one finger across my chest to tease the pebbled peaks while my other hand moved against my hot folds. “That’s it. Find your clit for me,” he said as he stared between my legs in the light from the lamp on the nightstand.

  I groaned as I parted myself, finding the hard nub as I stroked it firmly. It was hot enough doing this hidden by the gym, but Nick’s hungry eyes watching my every move made me want to come right now. “Nick,” I breathed as I jerked, feeling the pressure release deep inside of me. I cried out as I came in pulsing waves, feeling someone sit on the bed. My hand was tugged away, and I felt his mouth wrap around my fingers as I opened my eyes to stare at him. Nick was eating the juices off my hand like a starving man before he tugged the towel away from his waist. He was hard and so big, making me moan as I felt him push me back and kiss my stomach. His cock nudged my leg, making me jerk as I felt his finger slide inside of me.

  His teeth were on my nipples, biting and tugging as he slipped a second finger inside of me. I rocked against him as he moved to the other breast to do the same, sucking hard as I whimpered his name. “Nick, I need you,” I told him as he pulled away and stared at me. “I know that this is probably wrong, but I’ve wanted you for a while now. I can’t stop.”

  “I haven’t wanted a woman this way for some time,” Nick told me as he pulled his hand away from me and took a breath. “You’re beautiful, and there’s compassion in you that even Carmen couldn’t deny. That made me want you even more.” He kissed me, and
I tasted my sweet juices around his lips as he claimed my mouth. “Are you on something?”

  “I am,” I replied as he nodded and spread my legs apart and dropped between them. When he slid inside of me, I hoped that we could work out this sexual tension between us, putting it behind us with just one night. He moved slow, letting me get accustomed to his size as our lips met clumsily.

  I slipped my arms around his neck as he filled me, pausing before he pulled back and thrust again. My body wrapped tightly around him, clinging to his cock as he fucked me earnestly. He slipped a hand between our bodies, stroking my nipple as I arched my back. I met his hips with my own, feeling him deeper inside of me as I clung to his back, scraping my short nails down his skin as he moaned my name.

  Nick pushed my legs back as he took me harder and deeper, growing inside of me as I felt him drag across a part of me deep inside that made me cry out. “Nick,” I gasped as I flooded him uncontrollably, feeling him jerk one more time before he cried out my name. Nick dropped gently over me as he kissed me again. “What the fuck did you just do to my cock?” He whispered before doing it one more time. “I’m going to pull out of you, and all of that heat will come right out.” Nick breathed in deeply and moved slowly as I closed my eyes. I gushed all over the sheets, feeling overwhelmed by something that I’d never done before as he pushed up off the bed.

  Nick moved to get the towel, tucking it underneath me carefully as he looked me over. “I haven’t met a woman that squirts in quite some time. That might be worth keeping you in my bed tonight,” Nick said as I blushed. He was naked above me, flaccid as I looked at his body for a moment. I’d never felt so exposed in my life.

  “What about Carmen?” I asked softly as he grinned.

  “We’ll set the alarm to get us up before she needs to. If she needs to stay home sick tomorrow, we’ll be here together to take care of her.” Nick dropped onto the mattress beside me and pulled the blanket over us. I tucked it around me and met his gaze as he looked at me for a long moment. “I’d like to think that this was just for tonight, Celia. I know that we’re both aware that this has been building for a few months, but I don’t want to flaunt it in front of Carmen. If this continues, it’s just between us for now.”


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