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Billionaire Daddy & Nanny

Page 14

by Mia Ford

  “Thank you. These are all my late mother’s recipes.” She said, trying to suppress a smile. As much as she detested the way he spoke to her, she still couldn’t lie to herself and convince her brain that she didn’t want his body. Leon Cooper was the first man to set her body on fire like this.

  “Why did you drop out of college? Your father said you were only there for two years.” He said, after a few moments of silence.

  Ivy breathed in deeply, and took a bite of the hot pie.

  “Because I wasn’t good at school and felt like I was wasting my time. I wanted to do something with my hands, something practical.” She said, meeting his sparkling eyes.

  Leon took a sip of water to wash down the food he had been chewing.

  “Getting an education is practical experience. Your father should have never let you drop out of college.” He said and Ivy felt the rage return to her veins. When was, he going to stop pissing her off? Who was he to lecture her?

  “I didn’t want to waste my time doing something that I didn’t enjoy.” She said snappily, and looked away from him. She could feel her cheeks growing more bright because of the anger she could feel.

  Leon gave a small sarcastic chuckle that made her look up again.

  “Nobody does what they enjoy for the rest of their lives. You have to do what you have to do.” He said, glaring at her with narrowed eyes.

  “You look like you’re enjoying your life. Why are you criticizing mine?” Ivy found herself saying, and she noticed the way Leon’s face immediately hardened.

  “You don’t know anything about me. What makes you think I’ve not earned this lifestyle?” He thundered at her, his voice was raised and his eyes were focused on her. She could see the rage in his reddening eyes.

  “What makes you think you know anything about me?” She asked, taking another bite of her pie. She wanted to enrage him more, she wanted to set his skin on fire. He had done the same to her, and she believed he deserved it too.

  Leon stood up suddenly from the chair and banged both his fists on the table.

  “Don’t expect you can talk to me that way, young lady!” He thundered again. Ivy scrunched her face, and dropped her cutlery on her plate to look up at him. She was glad that he was angry, that she had made him this angry.

  “I only work for you, Mr. Cooper. I am not your ward or your wife. You have no control over how I speak.” She said, looking up at him calmly. She could see the way he was glaring at her, how angry he was, how he didn’t expect anyone to speak to him that way.

  Leon banged the table again with his fists.

  “This was a mistake. I shouldn’t have hired you. I will speak to your father so he can come and collect you tomorrow morning.” He said, stepping towards her.

  Ivy wiped her mouth delicately with a napkin on her side, gulped down the rest of her food and then slowly stood up.

  “I will gladly make the phone call myself. And I will be sure to tell him what a displeasure it has been to work for you. Just for a day.” Ivy hissed at him, as she watched him walk closer to her.

  “You are a nuisance.” He barked at her, and she saw a vein throbbing on his forehead, how his eyes glittered with anger, how he had bunched up his fists. Ivy raised an eyebrow and smiled at him.

  “You knew that when you hired me. You saw that in my eyes. Working here wasn’t what made you give me the job.” She said, and stepped towards him herself. Their bodies were now inches away from each-others. She could smell him, a mixture of his sweat with the musky scent of the aftershave he had splashed on his face. She could feel the adrenaline coursing through her veins as she glared at him defiantly.

  In a flash his lips were on hers.

  Leon had grabbed Ivy by the waist and drawn her close to him. In the surprise of the moment she had thrown her arms away from her body, accepting his kiss hungrily. His lips were rough and wild as he parted hers and thrust his tongue into her mouth. She had kissed only two boys before this, and nobody had kissed her like this. He made her body shiver, her fingers quiver with anticipation for what was going to happen next.

  She knew what she wanted, she wanted him inside her. She wanted him to be the first man inside her.

  Leon’s hands were moving up her body as she kissed him back. She could feel her breasts pressed against his chest, as his hands found its way inside her blouse. The feel of his fingers on her skin set it on fire. She could feel her body burning up, the wetness growing between her legs. She had never felt this aroused, this ready for a man before. She had to have him.

  Leon was the one who pulled away from her, he was breathing hard.

  “What are you doing to me, Ivy?” He growled as his hands found their way to the front of her blouse. He ripped it down the center, in one quick gash. Ivy gasped, as her torso was exposed to the air. She could feel her nipples hardened and erect. He saw them too, hungrily, greedily and before she knew what was going to happen, he was tugging at her lacey black bra with his teeth.

  Ivy craned her neck back, thrusting her breasts towards him as he pulled her bra out of the way with his mouth. She was shy, she was embarrassed, nobody had seen her naked breasts before. She hadn’t allowed anyone to go this far.

  “You are all woman, aren’t you?” She heard him say as he wedged his face between the soft folds of her bare breasts. He was clutching her waist as he did this, and she held on to his shoulders.

  Then he pushed her, gently, so that she felt her back press against the cold wooden table top. He had laid her down on it, with her torso bare of any clothing.

  When Ivy looked up she saw Leon towering over her, unbuttoning his shirt as he kept his eyes on her body. He was watching her breasts like he was in a daze.

  His shirt came off and Ivy gasped again. He had the most chiseled rugged torso she had ever seen. Like it was right out of a glossy magazine. She couldn’t believe that a man who looked like this was going to have her virginity and she was so ready for him.

  He dipped his head then, not giving her any time to think. She felt his mouth on one of her swollen hard pink nipples. He was sucking on it, and Ivy moaned, clutching his smooth bronze shoulders, digging her nails into his flesh. She could feel herself growing wetter by the second, her juices flowing out of her. Then his hands were on the buttons of her jeans.

  Ivy bit down on her lip, as she felt his big rough hands slide her jeans down her voluptuous thighs. She felt small and delicate in his hands. He flung her jeans aside, and without giving her a moment to feel ashamed, he parted her bare legs, wedging himself between them.

  When he raised his head to look at her, his lips were covered with his own saliva.

  “I’ll only do it if you’re ready for me, Ivy.” He said, looking straight into her eyes. How was she supposed to explain to him that she had been ready and waiting for him from the first moment she saw him?

  She only nodded her head and bit down on her lip.

  She hadn’t seen his dick, hadn’t seen him take his pants off, but now she felt it slide into her. Ivy screamed, louder than she had expected herself to. She wasn’t a virgin anymore.

  Leon slid into her, slowly, gently, afraid that he was hurting her.

  “Go deeper. Give me more!” She screamed, throwing her head back with pleasure. She hadn’t expected it to feel this way. She hadn’t expected it to feel this good.

  Leon started pumping. He was pumping hard. She could feel his full length inside her, taking over her body. He was holding her legs in place, keeping them spread wide apart as he thrust repeatedly into her.

  Something else was happening inside her, way down in her belly. Leon kept his hands on her breasts, pinching her nipples with his fingers, while he thrust himself into her. The more he pumped into her, the more she could feel it growing. Ivy moved her hips, welcoming him in deeper and deeper. She could hear herself moaning, but she was also preparing herself for a release. She was so close to the edge.

  “Oh my God, I’m going to come!” She screamed at the top
of her lungs as her body exploded into a burst of sensations. She couldn’t control it any more. She heard him growl and then felt him shoot inside her too. They were coming together.

  Ivy’s body shook wildly, and her toes curled as Leon continued to pump and thrust into her. She could feel him sliding in and out, stroking her deep in her center, the first time anyone had ever stroked her there.

  She was smiling from the sensation; she could feel her body soar. If this was what sex felt like, she felt foolish for having waited this long to experience it. Then, as her breathing began to finally subside, and she could feel Leon slowly pulling himself out of her, Ivy couldn’t help but wondering again if this was what sex felt like, but only with Leon Cooper.

  Ivy remained on the table, with her legs still spread apart, her breasts rising and falling from her raspy breathing. Leon had extracted himself from between her legs and was now standing naked in front of her, completely naked. Now she could finally see the enormous dick that he had just fucked her with. She tried to suppress a smile.

  “I’m sorry.” Were the first words that escaped his lips.

  Ivy straightened herself up. She was sitting on the edge of the table now, with her legs dangling off the side.

  “You’re sorry? What for?” She asked him, brushing a few of her blonde ringlets away from her eyes. This man was always full of surprises.

  “For this. I didn’t mean for this to happen.” Leon replied, and she noticed that he was avoiding her eyes. He had started to look for his clothes that were strewn all over the floor of the dining room.

  “I wanted it too. You don’t have to apologize to me.” She said, and recognized a certain degree of desperation in her voice. She didn’t want him to punish himself for what had happened in the heat of the moment.

  “This was your first time.” He said flatly, pulling up his pants to his waist.

  Ivy remained silent, she didn’t want to reply to that statement because she wasn’t sure how he would react to that.

  “You should have told me. You should have stopped me.” He said, in a louder voice, now buttoning up his shirt. Ivy was still naked on the table, and she saw how his eyes briefly went to her large swinging breasts.

  “I didn’t want you to stop. I wanted this to happen.” She said, following his every movement with her eyes. Leon was tucking his shirt into his pants, and had then started to fold his sleeves up to his elbows. His dark brown eyes had lost their luster and sparkle, he looked worried.

  “Leon! I wanted it!” She said, louder, to get his attention.

  He jerked his head up to look at her.

  “I told myself that I was hiring you only for the work. I should have known that I wouldn’t be able to control myself, you have to leave.” He said, turning away from her again. He had started to pick up her clothes off the floor.

  Ivy jumped off the edge of the table, now standing naked in front of him. She wasn’t shy or ashamed of her body anymore, she knew the effect she had on him, she had watched him grow helpless when he saw her naked. She knew that even right now; he was struggling to keep his hands to himself.

  “I don’t want to go just yet; I think we can find a way to work together. You need someone to look after the house anyway.” She said, pleading with him with her voice.

  “I’ll find someone else.” He said and thrust a handful of her clothes towards her.

  “I want to work here. We got off to a bad start, that’s all.” Ivy said, trying her best to not simply break down in tears.

  “This cannot happen again. You have to leave!” He thundered, turning to her with rage in his eyes again.

  “Why not? If we want each other, why can’t it happen again?” She yelled back at him, plucking the clothes out of his hands. Leon turned away from her, and walked towards the dining room door.

  “I came here to get myself away from all this. Because I needed a break from women. I didn’t expect to find you in this town. I should have never hired you.” He said and stormed out, leaving Ivy alone and naked in the room.

  She could feel her shoulders quivering as she stood beside the table, the food only half eaten on the plates. She held her clothes tightly to her chest as she licked her lips. She had just lost her virginity, she had never felt this good before, she had never felt this attracted to a man before, and now he had just gone and banished her from his life.

  What did he mean he needed a break from women? Why was he punishing himself like this?

  Ivy began to slowly put her clothes back on, and ran her fingers through her curls. She felt tired from the day, she wasn’t hungry anymore and she was more confused now than she had been when she first arrived here. In one moment, she hated Leon Cooper and wanted to get away from this house, and in the next she couldn’t stand the thought of going away.

  Ivy bit down on her lip as she started clearing the dishes and cutlery away, taking them back into the kitchen.

  She couldn’t hear Leon anywhere in the house. She didn’t know if he was still in the house or had left. She wished she could talk to him, make him see how he was affecting her life, how in the span of only one day, he had managed to give her a new purpose and make her body quiver with desire for him.

  After clearing up, Ivy managed to muster the courage to walk to the bottom of the stairs in the foyer. She looked up at the bedrooms upstairs, but couldn’t tell if he was in one of them or not. She wanted to call out to him, but she held her tongue. Leon Cooper didn’t seem like the kind of man who would take defiance lightly. What other choice did she have but to allow him to call her father and leave his employment?

  After all, he had all the right to fire her, he had no obligations to her. It was her fault for mixing up her feelings for him. It was nothing more than lust and he had already fulfilled her desires for him. Why then did she still want more? Why was she so desperate for more of this man who was only trying to push her away?

  Ivy woke up on the sprawling springy bed in Leon’s guest room, all by herself. Now, at seven in the morning, she could hear Leon moving around upstairs in his own room. She stretched her arms, slipped off the bed and walked into the en-suite bathroom. She decided to take a shower.

  She chose a knee length floral skirt for the day, along with a basic cotton black t-shirt which she knew would accentuate her breasts. She stared at herself in the mirror, as she dried and brushed her hair. Her green eyes were large and eager, the bright red of her cheeks had returned. She couldn’t wait to see him again.

  She was in the kitchen, toasting bread and buttering them before it was even eight. She heard Leon’s footsteps on the stairs at eight sharp and within moments he had joined her in the kitchen. Ivy turned to look at him, and their gazes met. For the first time, she thought she saw embarrassment in Leon’s eyes. It was as though he hadn’t expected her to be there.

  “Did you call daddy yet?” She asked him quietly, placing a plate of four buttered toasts on the kitchen island behind her. In a glass, she poured in orange juice and placed it next to the plate. Leon seemed to be debating whether to eat the food or not.

  “No, I figured it was too early. I’ll call him in a couple of hours. You should pack your bags and stay ready.” He said and walked over to the plate of toasts. He picked one up without sitting down. Ivy wiped her hands on a kitchen towel and turned to him, crossing her arms over her breasts.

  He looked handsome in the morning light. A dark stubble had begun to form on his chin, and he had changed into his usual plaid work shirt and dusty jeans, the hat was back on his head too.

  “Well, I’ll do something to pass the time anyway. I’m packed already.” She said, breaking the silence. Leon didn’t respond but continued to munch on the toasts.

  “Maybe I’ll brush the horses? I like doing that.” She suggested, she knew she sounded too eager, she was giving away her feelings, but she wanted to hear his voice again.

  Leon looked up at her with heavy lids, and shrugged his shoulders.

  “I’m not working wi
th the horses today, so you can do what pleases you. Thanks for the breakfast.” He said and dusted his hands and made to walk away.

  “Leon.” She called out to him, using his name for the first time. He had been inside her, he had made her come, she had felt his dick slide into her. The least she could do now was call him by his first name.

  He only half turned, just his head, to acknowledge her.

  “Why did you say you came here to get away? Get away from what?” She asked him. Leon looked away again, but he didn’t move. She could see that he was clenching his jaws now.

  “If we’re never going to see each other again, how does it matter if you tell me the truth?” She asked him, taking a few steps in his direction. She could see the muscles on his back tense up. His jaws were still clenched; he was battling his own emotions. Ivy had a sudden urge to simply throw her arms around him and give him a hug. As annoyingly arrogant as he was, she felt like this strong rugged man just needed a hug.

  “I have to get to work. I’ll call your daddy and tell him to come pick you up. I’ll tell him I changed my mind and I don’t need help around the house after all.” He said, in a flat emotionless voice and then he was out of the door.

  Ivy threw the kitchen towel from her hands to the floor in anger. What was wrong with this man? He made her want to scream. Why couldn’t he just say something to her? Tell her the truth? Why was he pushing her away, when he clearly just needed some human company?

  Ivy clenched and unclenched her fists and then turned around and tied her hair up in a bun. The golden ringlets framed the sides of her face, exposing her delicate pale long neck. She told herself that she didn’t care anymore. That was all she could do. If Leon Cooper didn’t want to be open to her, if he didn’t want to talk about what was going on in his life, she couldn’t make him.

  All she could do now was kill time till her father arrived. Her father would tell her, he told her so. But she would lie and tell him that Leon Cooper changed his mind. She wouldn’t allow her father to find out what happened between them, and she wouldn’t let him find out that Leon Cooper was firing her because he couldn’t keep his hands off her and it made him feel guilty.


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