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Billionaire Daddy & Nanny

Page 102

by Mia Ford

  Veronica shifted in her seat, and eyed the beautiful diamond ring for a few seconds before looking away from it.

  “It’s so sudden, Calvin. We haven’t seen each other in four weeks,” she blurted out.

  “So? We’ve been together for so many years. We’re practically married already, besides this would be a good excuse for you to come back home,” he said and over the table, Calvin reached out to touch her hand lightly. Veronica didn’t have the heart to pull her hand away from him. Instead, she remained still, with her muscles stiffened. Those electric shocks that Frank sent down her spine every time he touched her, were sorely missing with Calvin.

  “Yeah, but your home isn’t my home anymore. We were taking some time out to work things out,” Veronica said and Calvin nodded his head, like he was in total agreement.

  “And I’ve worked it out. I can’t…and I won’t live without you. You’re my girlfriend and I love you. Your place is in my home, in my bed. I want to be able to wake up every morning and see you by my side,” he continued and Veronica felt her heart drop to her stomach. This was too overwhelming. First Frank and now Calvin. She had waited for so long to hear these words come from Calvin. She had given up on them. She had just assumed that men in the real world, outside movies and books, just didn’t say things like these.

  “But, I need some time to think, Calvin,” she said.

  “You had four weeks. Don’t you miss me?” he asked, squeezing her hand now. Veronica didn’t pull it away.

  “I do miss you, Calvin. I had four weeks to clear my head but not four weeks to think over whether we should be married,” she said and Calvin drew his hand away and sat back in his chair. He suddenly looked disappointed. His features were darkened again, with a steady narrowed gaze, he stared at her.

  “I thought you would be more excited about this, Veronica. I mean, isn’t this what you wanted? More stability? Isn’t this what your parents want for you?” he prodded her and all Veronica could do was stare back at him. At the mention of her parents, she looked away from him. She couldn’t disagree with Calvin on this. He was right. This was exactly what her parents wanted, especially her father. They wouldn’t be happy or satisfied without knowing that their precious daughter was well settled. The prospect of marrying a successful man like Calvin, was the dream. Wasn’t it?

  “I have to go now, Calvin,” she said abruptly and got up from her chair.

  “Go where? Back?” Calvin asked, standing up with her.

  “Yes, I have to be back for the girls. I have a job,” she said and picked up her purse.

  “Promise me you’ll think about this, babe. Please take the ring with you,” Calvin said and she felt him thrust the box into her hands. Veronica had no choice but to accept it, and with that she turned away from him and started rushing towards the doors of the restaurant.

  She could sense that a lot of eyes were on her, on them, but she didn’t care right now. She needed to breathe, she needed to think.

  “Veronica, I love you,” she heard Calvin’s voice behind her. She turned to see him standing next to their table still. He had called it out to her, loudly, for everyone to hear. She gulped and tried to force a smile on her face.

  “I love you too,” she said, more to herself than to him and she didn’t wait to see if he had heard her.

  When Thomas pulled up outside the mansion, Veronica got out of the car quickly. She was feeling suffocated and was constantly too aware of the velvet box in her purse. She hadn’t taken it out or looked at the ring once since she got into the car. Her mind was dizzy with thoughts, her knees felt weak as she hurried towards the front door.

  It was way before midnight, but the house looked dark. She was certain that the girls were asleep and also hoped that Frank had gone to bed.

  Just as she was about to push the front door open though, she found Frank swing it inward. He was standing on the other side, with one hand pushed deep into the pocket of his pants. He was casually dressed, in a thin plaid shirt and khaki pants. He looked handsome and relaxed, with his thick beard covering most of his face. He still had his reading glasses on, so Veronica assumed that he had been working in his study and had been alerted of her arrival by the sound of the car.

  “You’re home early,” he said gruffly and stepped aside to let her in.

  Veronica could barely control her emotions. Seeing Frank was just too much. Carrying the diamond ring in her purse was a whole other ball game. Why hadn’t she just said no to Calvin, there and then? Why hadn’t she confessed everything to him? Surely, he wouldn’t have wanted to marry her if he knew that she was sleeping with Frank Davenport all these weeks!

  “Yeah, I wasn’t feeling too well,” she said, stepping past him into the darkened foyer. The crystal chandelier was above them, an instant reminder of the world of difference between Calvin and Frank.

  Calvin was successful, ambitious and young. Frank was rich, established and much older. He was looking at her curiously now, with his dark brows crossed. He didn’t buy her excuse.

  “How did it go?” he asked, stepping towards her.

  Veronica didn’t step back, she was under his spell again. Just setting her eyes on Frank was enough to remind her of just how he made her feel. Her body was reacting to his presence already.

  “It was…” she began to say, and Frank stepped even closer and took her purse off her shoulder and flung it to the side.

  “Don’t tell me the details,” he whispered, bringing his lips close to hers. Veronica felt a shiver run down her spine. He had begun leading her toward his study, in the dark, without making any loud sounds.

  “The girls are asleep so we can be together,” he said, gripping her hand tightly. He hadn’t even given her a chance to explain herself. What did he assume had happened at the dinner?

  Veronica remained silent as she entered the study with him. The table lamp on his desk was still on, and there were papers strewn everywhere.

  “I was trying to concentrate on my work, but I couldn’t,” he said and gently closed the door shut behind them. “I was thinking about you all evening. I couldn’t help but be jealous. I didn’t want to imagine you and him together,” he continued and encircled his arm around her waist and drew her close to him.

  She could feel her breasts pressed tightly to his chest, and she drew in a sharp breath. Veronica was suddenly afraid of what he was going to do. At the same time however, she couldn’t deny that her body was reacting to his touch. She was aroused by him already, and he had barely even touched her.

  “Frank, I…” she said, and bit down on her lip as she looked up at him.

  “We don’t have to talk about it now,” he said gently and lowered his face so that he could graze her cheek with his lips. She felt a quiver between her legs. The coarseness of his beard as it grazed her soft flesh was enticing. She suddenly felt an incredible urge to kiss him.

  “For now I’m just happy that you’re home so early,” he added, before pressing his lips to hers. Their breaths caught in their throat as they started kissing. She felt his hands gripping her waist tightly while his tongue parted her lips and searched her mouth.

  Veronica couldn’t help but compare the differences between Calvin and Frank. With Calvin, she had felt no inclination to touch him. She went cold in fact when he took her hand. With Frank, she could barely keep her hands to her self.

  When Frank drew his face away from her, Veronica was out of breath.

  “Did he compliment your dress?” he asked gruffly, in a low growl. His fingers found the hem of her skirt and he was pulling up the fabric of her dress. Slowly sliding it up her thighs as he leaned her backwards by the waist.

  Veronica held on to his arms tightly, digging her nails into his shirt as she arched her back.

  He had sent goosebumps all over her skin as his fingers continued to pull her dress upwards, till it was bunched up at her waist.

  “You are so beautiful, Veronica. I missed you so much,” he said, just as his finger
s found the lace material of her panties. She gasped as she felt his fingers slide underneath it. She couldn’t hide her wetness from him any more. She could feel herself throbbing, her juices beginning to slide down the inside of her thighs.

  “Get up on the desk,” he commanded, suddenly letting go of her. She nearly stumbled away from him, but she was quick to do what she was told.

  Veronica wasn’t even thinking about Calvin or the ring any more. All she could think about was having Frank inside her, feeling his cock slide into her. She got up on the desk, her knees resting on the scattered papers as she thrust her ass out towards him.

  “Not so fast,” she heard him say as he came up to her and placed his hands on her ass.

  Veronica felt like her heart had stopped beating, as she felt Frank’s long fingers travel around her hips, then her belly and then dip down.

  She could sense that he had discarded of his clothes, while her dress remained bunched up at her waist, exposing her legs, her ass…his fingers found her hot mound quickly. She was wet and throbbing for him. She felt him press his erect cock against her ass, but only left it there. He was going to let his fingers do all the work for now.

  Gently at first, he only grazed his fingers along her wet slit and Veronica moaned. He was teasing her again. She was sitting on her knees on the desk, with Frank pressed up behind her, his arms encircled around her waist.

  Then she felt the roughness of his two fingers as he started sliding them in, slowly parting her flesh. She started panting, anticipating the moment when his fingers would be completely inside her. She straightened her back, pressing herself against his bare chest. With his other hand, Frank wound around to grab her breast which he squeezed hard.

  Veronica moaned again. He was quickening the pace of his thrusts. His fingers kept sliding in and pulling out, bringing her to the brink of an orgasm and then pulling back. She wriggled as she sat, keeping her legs pressed together so that Frank’s hand was stuck there, between her thighs.

  She threw her head back, so that it rested on his shoulder and she could look up at him. She pushed her breasts forward and Frank continued to massage one of them, through the fabric of her dress.

  “Frank…” she said his name pleadingly but he wasn’t going to stop. He was going to keep pumping into her till he was satisfied that she couldn’t control her orgasm any more. Veronica looked up at his firm face, the thickness of his dark beard with the specks of gray. His eyes were narrowed and glowing at the same time, they were almost glazed over. Like he was on a mission.

  She squirmed around while his fingers pumped into her.

  “I’m going to come…” she moaned sleepily. She didn’t have the energy to protest or think any more. She felt like she was lost under his spell.

  “Not without me you won’t,” he said and abruptly pulled his fingers out of her. With his fingers still sticky from her own wetness, she felt him push her body forward. She was kneeling in front of him again. He was standing at the side of the table, stroking his throbbing cock.

  “I don’t want you to ever wear that dress again,” she heard him say and when she looked around she found that he was reaching for her dress. With one swift motion he had ripped it apart, right down the centre and it fell to the floor.

  She was only in her black lace bra now.

  “That goes too,” he growled and Veronica quickly took it off, her mouth hanging open as she stared at his chiseled muscular body.

  He stepped towards her again, his feet firmly set to the ground.

  “Turn around,” he said, almost angrily. Veronica gulped as she turned, thrusting her ass towards him again.

  Frank reached for her, without giving her a moment to prepare herself. He used his hands to pull apart her butt cheeks so that he could better reach her soft throbbing core. She had just closed her eyes when she felt him push himself in.

  This time it felt different. Almost like Frank was angry about something. He had mentioned jealousy to her. Was he fucking her like this because he was jealous of Calvin?

  Veronica couldn’t think about it for too long, because Frank’s forceful thrusts had taken over her body. She felt tight where he continued to slide in and out of her, slowly stroking her in that spot which she knew only he could reach. His cock felt bigger, fiercer than usual as he continued to push in and pull out.

  He was gripping both her shoulders. She could feel the strain of his fingers on her skin. Veronica started feeling dizzy with pleasure. She wasn’t going to be able to control her orgasm any more. She had reached the point where she didn’t even want to warn him.

  She just came.

  It felt like an explosion as her body shook against his. She was in a dream-like state as she sensed that he was releasing himself as well. She felt the warm seed from inside him, shoot into her and Veronica gasped. Having him inside her, deep inside her like that…was the most comforting feeling in the world. It made her believe that she didn’t have anything to worry about…

  Veronica could feel her eyes begin to droop. She knew she was exhausted, mentally and physically both…but she had never passed out from an orgasm before. She tried to force her eyes to open as she felt him slide out of her.

  “I’m so tired, Frank,” she managed to mumble and then she felt his strong rugged arms encircle her waist. She started to snuggle into his arms, resting her face on his chest as she sensed him lifting her off the desk.

  “Don’t worry, just go to sleep. I’ll take you to bed,” she heard him say. The sound of his beating heart against her ears was like a soothing lullaby to her. She could sense that she was being carried, a silk robe had been lightly draped over her.

  Veronica couldn’t open her eyes. It was like her mind had completely shut down from the experience of the night. Frank was carrying her upstairs…he was tucking her into the bed…his lips were on her cheek and then she was completely asleep. Her body and her mind had given up for the night.

  When Veronica woke up the next day, she was surprised to find that the other side of her bed was empty. When she spread her fingers over that side of the sheet, it was cold. She thought she had sensed Frank sleeping beside her at night, but now she wondered if she was mistaken. He might have just tucked her into bed and then gone to sleep in his own room…but why would he do that?

  Veronica sat up in bed and stretched her arms, enjoying the warmth of the sun pouring in through the windows. For a few minutes she forgot that she had things to worry about. But soon enough, she remembered the previous night all too clearly. Calvin had proposed to her, she came rushing back to the Davenport mansion and then slept with Frank.

  Veronica pressed her temples with her thumbs, trying to stop the dull ache that was arising. How had she let that happen? How had she allowed herself to fall into Frank’s arms so soon after Calvin proposed? She had made up her mind to spend the night by herself, thinking over things. All her resolve had melted away the moment she set eyes on Frank.

  She shook her head, trying to get the raging thoughts in her head to settle. She could still hear Calvin’s voice ringing in her ears. He had told her that her place was in his house, on his bed and that he wanted to wake up every morning with her by his side. She gulped as she thought about that. They had spent so many years together. They had a strong history, their lives were wound up together…he certainly had a point when he said that her place was in his home.

  Then she also remembered that he had pointed out how that was what her parents would want. He was right about that too, wasn’t he? More than anything else, that was what her parents were most happy with about her. That she had a handsome successful boyfriend, and they had high hopes that one day they would get married and live in a big comfortable house and start a family.

  She didn’t even want to imagine what her parents would say if they found out about Frank. They definitely wouldn’t be thrilled. The prospect of being with an older man, who already has two children would not be something that they wanted for their daughter. Esp
ecially her father. No matter how successful or rich Frank was, they would always assume that Frank was with her only for her body and her young age.

  Besides, Veronica didn’t even know for certain if he wanted to marry again. What if Frank was done with marriage and never asked her for her hand? She wasn’t sure if she wanted to spend the rest of her life just as somebody’s girlfriend. Despite how much she loved the girls, Ashley and Kaitlyn, she also still wanted her own children. What if Frank didn’t want any more kids?

  Veronica slid her legs off the bed and stood up, swaying a little on her feet. She could still feel the sensitive spot between her thighs throbbing, where Frank had driven into her with much force the previous night. At least, that wasn’t a dream, she thought and smiled.

  Then the guilt came flooding in, all over again. Calvin had truly changed his ways. He had taken all her complaints and tried to make a positive change in his life and a positive change in their relationship. And how had she rewarded him? By cheating on him, and avoiding seeing him as much as possible.

  Veronica stepped into the bathroom and splashed some hot water on her face and began brushing her teeth. Despite all the thoughts in her head, she still had a day to get on with. She realized that she had overslept, so she wouldn’t have the time to go for a run this morning. She still had a breakfast to prepare nonetheless, and get the girls up and ready for school.

  She stared at herself in the mirror for some moments longer than necessary. She still hadn’t come to a final decision about what she was going to do, but she knew, deep in her heart that she was leaning towards Calvin. Towards giving him another chance, towards saying yes. Frank had said that he would respect whatever decision she made…but every time she thought of Frank, about ending it with him, she felt her heart break a little. What would her life look like without him in it? For the past four weeks, her life had revolved entirely around him, his home and his children. She was happy here, she wanted for nothing.


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