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A Duke of Her Own

Page 1

by Lorraine Heath



  For my realist

  From your dreamer

  With love, always

  Chapter 1



  Gentlewoman of noble birth offers to chaperone genteel American lady in need of social guidance. References provided. Send inquiry to the attention of Lady Louisa Wentworth, in care of this publication.

  The Ladys Quarterly Review

  W hat in the devil is this?

  Lady Louisa Wentworth jerked her head back slightly to avoid having her nose bruised by the publication her brother was flapping furiously in front of her face. Shed been enjoying her usual breakfast of porridge laced with butter, milk, and an abundance of sugar before hed come storming into the morning dining room as though he were some avenging angel. Delicately pressing her linen napkin to each corner of her mouth, she summoned up every ounce of fortitude within her in order to confront his belligerence with serenity.

  It appears to be a magazine, she said.

  Not this ! he shouted, frantically jerking the periodical up and down, before slamming it on the table. He pressed a blunt-tipped finger beneath a particular block of words. This!

  Glancing at the familiar phrasing, she took a calming breath. My advert.

  Your advert, he repeated with an unnatural calm that caused a frisson of unease to travel the length of her spine. Then he quite simply erupted in anger. Your advert! Youre advertising for a position as a chaperone?

  Yes, and I have an interview later this morning, so I would appreciate it if youd cease your shouting so my digestion is not unduly upset.

  You are not taking a position as a chaperone. I absolutely forbid it.

  Her stomach tightened into a painful knot. Having made her decision after much agonizing, carefully scrutinizing her options, weighing the benefits against the disadvantages, and accepting the enormous consequences that would ensue after effectively changing the direction of her life, she wasnt about to allow himor anyone else for that matterto deter or forbid her from seeing her plan through to the finish.

  Im twenty-six years old, Alex, old enough to do as I please. Serving as a chaperone is a respectable position for the daughter of a peer

  Unmarried ladies younger than thirty require a chaperone. How in Gods name can you be a chaperone when you need a chaperone?

  Shoving back the chair, she came to her feet, tossed the linen napkin into her bowl of porridge, and steadfastly met her brothers blistering blue glare. She wondered if her blue eyes darkened as much as his did when challenged.

  A lady requires that her reputation remain pristine when there is some chance in hell that a gentleman will seek her hand in marriage. No gentleman is going to ask for my hand, and you damned well know it. His jaw had dropped at her first bit of profanity; his eyes had bulged at her second. I have no dowry at all. It is time that I face reality, that you face reality. We have nothing of value

  We have ourselves.

  Then allow me to rephrase and be perfectly clear. You have value; you have a blasted title. I have nothing. No dowry, no property, no hope of ever enticing a man into looking past my impoverished state

  Somewhere a man of rare intelligence exists who can see your true worth.

  She laughed bitterly. Dear brother, how long shall I wait? Ive never been courted. Oh, a few men have dallied with me here and there, but it was more for sport than any serious consideration. No one sends me bouquets of flowers. No one sits beside me in the parlor, chatting aimlessly. No one dreads running the formidable gauntlet of asking you for my hand. Im not seriously sought afternot at all. The reality is that I never shall be. Not as a wife anyway, and I will not stoop to becoming some mans mistress

  I would kill any man who even entertained the notion of using you thusly.

  Yet she knew he had no compunction whatsoever about keeping a mistress for himself. Men were such odd creatures. Still, she thought it sweet that he would jump to her defense so quickly.

  Alex, Im weary of being without funds, of not being in charge of my life or my destiny, of waiting in vain for some man to decide Im worthy of his affections or his attentions when I come with nothing.

  Alex looked down at his shoes, slightly worn, a sight that tore at her heart, because hed always taken such pride in his appearance. Their situation was becoming very sad indeed when he went so long without replacing his shoes.

  You are worthy of a great deal more, Louisa, he said quietly. He lifted his gaze to hers, and she could see how he suffered because the truth of their lives was not as either of them would wish it to be. But to take a position, to be seen as someones servant

  A chaperone is not considered a servant.

  Semantics. You will serve at their pleasure.

  I shall have pin money. Making light of the situation was the only way that she could avoid weeping every moment of every hour of every day. She was no happier with her decision than Alex was, but honestly, what choice did she have? She was well past her prime, and now that American heiresses had descended on London like ravenous vultures and were taking the choicest among the lords, she had no desire to settle for the scrapsnot that any had ever been tossed her way. But still she had to allow for the possibility that it might happen, that some aging lord might see her as a last resort.

  But not the young and virile ones. No, they were taking advantage of the wealthy Americans, marrying their daughters when they could come to terms on a generous settlement. Why shouldnt the British ladies take advantage as well? Why should only the men benefit from this madness of Americans wanting to elevate their status by becoming titled?


  Alex, Im quite determined to see this through. Please dont make it any more difficult than it already is. Giving him a gamin smile, she returned to her chair. I hadnt expected you to hear of my plan. I didnt realize you read ladies magazines.

  Pulling out a chair, he sat as well, his anger effectively doused. It always burned so brightly it could seldom burn for long. I dont, for Gods sake. My mistress showed it to me. She had quite a chuckle over it, I can tell you that.

  They were well ensconced in poverty, yet he still managed to keep a mistress, had no qualms whatsoever about asking merchants to extend his credit so he might continue to enjoy all the benefits life had to offer. Louisa detested that particular habit, but it was one all merchants seemed to expect of the nobilityallow them to purchase items in haste and pay in leisure, usually not until the end of the year, if then. And if not this year, then the next.

  She, however, believed one should live within ones means. Their problem was that their father, upon his untimely death three years earlierironically hed been reviewing the latest figures for debts owed when his heart quite simply had ceased to beathad left them with no means whatsoever, and Alex had not accepted that fact yet. Although the state of his shoes indicated he might be on the cusp of facing the unfortunate reality of their situation.

  Your mistress can read? Louisa asked smugly. Fancy that. I had no idea youd chosen a woman based on her intellect.

  As fair of complexion as she, Alex had difficulty hiding the fact he was embarrassed. Crimson crept over his chin and high onto his cheeks. He cleared his throat as though hoping to distract her attention from his brilliant coloring. So what do you know about this position for which youll be interviewing?

  Its with the Rose family. They have two daughters

  Of New York?

  You know them?

  Not personally, of course, but I have heard the rumors. James Rose is a banker, from what I understand, and extremely well-off.

  She nodded, acknowledging the rumors hed heard to be true. Ill know more once Ive spoken with him and his w
ife. I suspect they are hoping to land each of their daughters a titled husband.

  A mischievous smile crossed her brothers handsome face. You dont say? Ive heard these Americans are more than generous when it comes to arranging a marriage settlement. Leaning forward, he whispered conspiratorially, Im talking thousands. And here Ill have someone in a position to put in a good word for me.

  Would you want to marry an American heiress?

  Much less work than serving as her chaperone.

  She laughed. Gentlemen dont serve as chaperones.

  Reaching out, he took her hand, all teasing gone from his face. Im truly sorry, Louisa, that youve had to resort to actually working. I feel as though Ive let you down.

  I dont blame you, Alex. Youre not the reason we have so little, although I will admit I do get cross when I think of your mistress living in what would be the dower house if Mama were alive and you ever did marry.

  Thank God, shes not.

  She tugged her hand free of his. Their mother had succumbed to death shortly after their fathers passing. The physician had identified the cause as pneumonia, brought on by the damp weather, but Louisa had always believed it to be a broken heart. Her mothers rather lengthy list of shortcomings did not include an absence of love for her husband.

  Im sorry, Louisa. It would only be more difficult if she was alive, and well you know it. Her insatiable appetite for spending went a long way toward putting us where we are today.

  A habit you seem to have embraced.

  He grimaced at her chastisement, but he could not deny the truth of her words. A man must have his distractions; otherwise, his responsibilities will overwhelm him, and hell be of little use to anyone.

  She rolled her eyes at that ludicrous statement while her stomach rumbled. She did wish she hadnt tossed her napkin into her porridge. Rather bad planning that.

  And to whom might I attribute that ridiculous sentiment: Hawkhurst or Falconridge?

  I fail to understand why you think so poorly of my friends.

  They are a bad influence. Neither has bothered to take a wife and see to the business of his title.

  Neither have I for that matter.

  My point exactly.

  Well, perhaps this year will be the one when well each take a wife. A pity the Roses werent blessed with three daughters. You could steer them all toward us.

  Id steer them away from you is what Id do.

  Have pity

  On them I shall. If Im offered the position. I have to endure the interview first and leave them with a favorable impression.

  I daresay you shall charm them.

  Can you guarantee that my daughters will marry a man with an impressive title and lineage?

  Louisa fought not to stare at the behemoth who called herself Mrs. Rose. She in no way resembled the delicate buds for which her family was named. Rather she sat in the massive yellow floral-print chair across from Louisa giving the impression that she was queen and failure to provide the right answer would result in her shouting, Off with her head!

  Louisa darted a glance at the two young ladies sitting on either side of their mother. Jennys deep green eyes reflected amusement at her mothers question. Louisa had no idea what Kate might be thinking. Her gaze was focused on the novel she was reading, as though she truly couldnt be bothered with this nonsense of finding a husband.

  Clearing her throat, Louisa met Mrs. Roses gaze, a gaze as green as her elder daughters. Her hair, however, was another matter. Shed passed her vibrant red hair on to her younger daughter, Kate, while Jennys was a muted shade, more like mahogany.

  I would do my best

  And if your best was not good enough?

  Louisa could sense she was on the verge of losing this position. Mrs. Rose seemed dissatisfied with every answer shed given. Louisas father had been only an earl. With a haughty sniff, Mrs. Rose had stated shed hoped for a dukes daughter to serve as chaperone. Louisa suspected in truth shed hoped for more than that: the daughter of a prince or king.

  Mrs. Rose thought Louisa dressed dowdily. Well, not every lady could afford to hop across the Channel to Paris and have Charles Worth design her gowns.

  Louisa spoke too quietly. The quiet-spoken Louisa had refrained from explaining that she spoke with refinement, something with which the American mother was obviously not familiar.

  Louisas stomach rumbled. Damnation, it always did when she was tense. Mrs. Rose arched a brow as though the low growl emphasized whatever point shed been attempting to make.

  Louisa fisted her gloved hands in her lap. Im well acquainted with the lords. Im familiar with their character, their heritage, their family scan dals, and their family triumphs. I know the value of their titles. I know of their dalliances. I recognize who is suitable and who is not. I would seek a husband for your daughters as I would seek one for myself. One who is kind

  I care nothing at all if he is kind. I care only that he is well placed among the aristocracy. Can you guarantee me his position will be such that other American mothers will look upon me with jealousy and unbridled envy because my girls have done so well for themselves?

  With resignation, Louisa shook her head. I cant guarantee that, no. I would strive to ensure that your daughters would make a good match, but I cant guarantee that others would be envious. In all honesty, Im not certain any chaperone could meet such exceedingly high expectations. We can only guarantee our own actions, not those of others.

  At least you appear to be honest.

  I am honest, Louisa quickly countered. She might desperately need this position, but she could swallow only so much pride without strangling, and shed reached her limit. Im striving not to present a false impression or create false expectations.

  Louisa thought she detected one corner of Mrs. Roses mouth twitching, as though she were more amused than annoyed at Louisas sudden show of nerve.

  Mrs. Rose tapped a neatly manicured finger on the lace doily covering the arm of the chair. Were you in a more favorable position, which lord would you select for yourself?

  Louisas stomach tightened at such a personal and intimate question. It was a test. She was certain the nasty woman was giving her some sort of test. She angled her chin only enough to show she wasnt intimidated without appearing haughty. Having never been in a more favorable position, Ive never given the matter a great deal of thought.

  Oh, come, come. Every woman fantasizes. Who would be your ideal mate?

  Oh, Mama, surely you are aware that the man a woman fantasizes about is not necessarily the one who would make an ideal mate, Jenny said.

  Louisa was stunned that the young lady had spoken exactly what she had been thinking. An image of Hawkhurstdark, roguish, dangerousflashed unexpectedly through her mind. An odd thing really, as he was neither fantasy nor idealwell, perhaps he was a bit of fantasy, if she was honest with herself, and hadnt she just claimed to be honest?

  Adding to that honesty was the admittance that he was partly responsible for her present situation. Whenever he visited her brother, he ignored her as easily as any other man. If she couldnt even snag the attention of her brothers most trusted friend, then what hope was left to her? None.

  Why, Lady Louisa, youre blushing, Jenny said.

  Im simply not accustomed to being bombarded with such personal inquiries. We English are a bit more circumspect when it comes to hiring someone to do a specific job. Who would be ideal for me, Mrs. Rose, has no bearing upon who might be ideal for your daughters. If it is your fear that I will offer some competition, I assure you I will not. A painful admission, but again a truthful one. All my efforts and energy shall go toward fulfilling your expectations.

  I admit I have not found your answers satisfactory

  Louisas stomach knotted as disappointment swelled through her. Did she graciously accept defeat or did she make one last, valiant effort

  Were you to hire me to serve as a social chaperone for your daughters, I shall do all in my power to see that you are not disappointed in the outcom
e of our association. We would all benefit, and is that not the measure of a successful partnership?

  Do you often interrupt your elders? Mrs. Rose asked.

  No, I hardly ever interrupt anyone, and I apologize for my rudeness. I simply wished to make my finalplea made her sound as though she were begging, and she refused to stoop that low and acknowledge that was exactly what she was doingto address what I consider strong points in my favor before you said anything we might both wish you hadnt.

  What Id planned to say was that Ive grown quite weary of our going in circles, but have decided you will do. Youre hired. She came to her feet, with a rush of movement that had her skirts rustling. My husband will work out the vulgar details of payment with you. You may move in tomorrow. A room will be readied near my daughters so you are available to them at all times. Dont disappoint me, Lady Louisa. Im not someone you want to disappoint. I can make your life miserable

  Yes, yes, I think youve made your position quite clear, my dear, Mr. Rose said, speaking for the first time since Louisa had come into the room and introductions had been made. He was sitting in a chair off to the side by the window as though he were merely an afterthought.

  Mrs. Rose gave him a pointed glare, and Louisa couldnt help but wonder if shed made his life miserable. It seemed to be her purpose: to overwhelm and intimidate.

  Very well, Mrs. Rose said. I shall leave you and the girls to get acquainted. I have other pressing matters that require my attention.

  And with that she swept from the room as though a strong gale blew at her back. Louisa found herself sinking against the chair, an equal mixture of relief and dread swirling through her. What had she fought so incredibly hard to get herself into, and how soon before she began having regrets?

  Not to worry. My wife is more bark than bite, Mr. Rose said, as he moved to the chair his wife had vacated. He was well fed, well dressed, and well-mannered.

  Louisa felt some sort of response was required, and she had no wish to insult her new employer. While she had little doubt Mr. Rose brought the money into the household, she suspected Mrs. Rose oversaw its departure. She seems to know her own mind and what she wants.


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