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A Duke of Her Own

Page 4

by Lorraine Heath

  Lovely. I was just thinking that I needed to see where you stood amonghow to phrase it politelythose issuing invitations.

  Dont worry, Kate said. We get only the finest. Bertie was quite taken with Jenny.

  The Prince of Wales has acknowledged you?

  Jenny shrugged. He smiled at me. We had a single dance. Nothing more than that really.

  Your mother must have been delighted.

  An understatement, Kate said. Judging by her reaction, you would have thought she expected Jenny to become a princess. Unfortunately for you, thats when she got the notion to hire a social chaperone.

  Actually, Im quite pleased that she did, Louisa said.

  Jenny sat on the bed. Now, tell us about you.

  Kate took a seat in a nearby chair, surprising Louisa by not opening her book and burying her nose in it.

  Theres really not much to say, Louisa said, sitting in a chair and beginning to sift through the invitations. She had to admit to being quite impressed. They were being invited to soirees hosted by the upper crust.

  Have you ever been in love? Kate asked.

  No. Louisa did not look up.

  Have you ever known passion? Jenny asked.

  Louisa looked up then. I dont mean to be rude, but truly, you girls need to broaden your horizons. Your topics of conversation seem to be terribly narrow. Tell me what you like to do.

  I like to read, Kate said.

  What a revelation! Jenny exclaimed, with a roll of her eyes. She never would have guessed that.

  What do you like to read? Louisa asked, ignoring Jennys sarcasm.

  Romantic stories.

  What else do you like? Louisa asked, encouraged, feeling at long last that she might be making progress.

  Chocolate. Which is the reason Im more round than Jenny. I like to eat chocolate while reading.

  And she does an inordinate amount of reading, Jenny said.

  Im not certain its possible to read too much, Louisa said.

  She never goes anywhere without a book in hand.

  Because Im easily bored by your company, Kate said. I must have something to keep me entertained.

  Ladies, I believe weve once again strayed from our topic, Louisa said, before more insults could be delivered. You were to tell me what you enjoy doing.

  I prefer being outdoors, Jenny said. I love riding horses and bicycles.

  Bicycles? Louisa asked. Arent they rather unsteady?

  The high wheeler, yes. I tried that once and took a topple. Have a little scar right above my brow, she said, pointing. The high-wheeled tricycle is safer, and Ive tried it, but I dont really enjoy safe. Do you?

  Of course, I enjoy being safe.

  But safe is boring, Jenny said, shifting around on the bed until she was lying on her stomach, her chin resting on her hands. I like excitement.

  So you want a husband who is exciting, Louisa said, striving to narrow the girls wants down.

  Most assuredly. Handsome, as weve already established. And a fine kisser. Which of the lords have you experienced?

  Louisa felt as though shed just swallowed the sun, and the heat was radiating out of her body. I beg your pardon?

  Which of the lords have you kissed?

  Slowly she shook her head in disbelief. Ive not kissed any.

  Not any? Kate asked, sounding as shocked as Jenny appeared.

  No, its improper to kissat least until you are engaged.

  But how will you know if you like his kiss? Jenny asked. What if hesslobbery, like a dog?

  Well, II hadnt given any thought to that.

  Jenny swung her legs around and sat up. Id heard you English girls didnt kiss, but I hadnt really given any credence to it.

  We kiss, Louisa said defensively. Ive been kissed on the hand, and once a gentleman kissed me on the cheek.

  Jenny covered her mouth. Oh, my dear Lord, how scandalous! On the cheek? Left or right?

  Louisa thought back. Left.

  Thank God. If it had been your right, you might have had to marry him. A kiss on the right is much more scandalous.

  Leave her be, Jenny, Kate said. In truth you give your kisses away much too freely.

  I like kissing, Jenny said. She gave her attention to Louisa. We dont have chaperones in America. We are a bit more free to experience passion.

  But you are not in America now, and you must respect our traditions, Louisa said. You are seeking to entice a lord into marriage. You must be proper at all times lest you lose his esteem for you.

  He wont like me if I allow him to kiss me?

  Louisa sighed. He would not favor a woman who was easy to enticeinto misconduct.

  Then I ask again. How will I know if I will favor his kiss if I do not experience his kiss?

  Is his kiss so important?

  Most assuredly. Dont you agree, Kate?

  Its not often that I agree with Jenny, but on this matter, I must admit, she is right.

  Would you not marry a man because you didnt like his kiss? Louisa asked.

  Now, that I do not know, Kate said. It would depend on whether or not he loved me, I suppose.

  Suddenly Louisa felt terribly naïve, young, and unsophisticated next to these ladies. Shed mistakenly thought they were the innocent ones. So if you wont make your decision based on his kiss, why is it so important that you experience his kiss?

  Because it might be a factor.

  Handsome and a good kisser, Jenny said. So lets move on to the next requirement, which is large hands.

  Louisa glowered at her. You are making sport of me.

  No, not at all. Although in truth, Ive never had a man touch me intimately, but when I think of him doing so, I think of large, strong hands, hands capable of delivering passion.

  Louisa cleared her throat. I think we need to concentrate on something a bit more measurable from a distance.

  Such as?

  His sense of humor, his wit, his ability to converse on interesting topics

  Where is the passion in all of that? Jenny asked.

  Passion is not simply physical, Louisa said. It is the way a man looks at his estate and sees the generations that have come before him. It is his appreciation of Shakespeare. It is his standing by his obligations. It is his courteous nature. His respect for his elders. So much can be determined from a distance.

  Jenny sighed. Youre not going to let me slip away to kiss a man, are you?

  No, Im afraid not. Our gentlemen require very proper behavior in the ladies they are considering to marry, and I must ensure them that you are as suitable for them as they are for you. Im beginning to think I must give you an appreciation for our heritage.

  I dont want lessons, Jenny said. Ive had far too many lessons. She pointed to the invitations in Louisas lap. So which balls should we attend?

  Louisa began sorting through the invitations again, wondering if she had not set an impossible task for herself.

  Chapter 4

  T he very thought of marriage sent a chill skittering down his spine, but Hawk knew he had reached the point in his life where he no longer had a choice. At four-and-thirtyas his mother constantly reminded himhe wasnt getting any younger. He had a duty to provide a legitimate heir, and he was also obligated to arrange some sort of financial security for those to whom he was responsible. An American heiress would provide him adequately with both.

  While the Rose sisters werent the only heiresses in London this Season, Lady Louisa had tossed down a gauntlet, whether intentional or not. He had decided he would marry one of them by God, simply because Lady Louisa was so determined that he wouldnt.

  He did love to embrace a challenge.

  Standing unobserved near the glass-paned door that led to the terrace, Hawk had watched Lady Louisa elegantly circling the room, introducing her charges to a number of gentlemen of her choosing, men she no doubt considered suitable. Boring and unadventuresome. A pity none of those staid, proper, and well-behaved gentlemen had taken her to wife. Then he would not have to deal with
her high idealism now.

  The first ball was without a doubt quite important. The impression the ladies made would have an impact on the remainder of their Season. From his observations, hed managed to deduce that both ladies were exceedingly lovely, graceful, and poised.

  But then what American heiress wasnt?

  They had money at their disposal, and money was power. Of course, so was a title. Mix the two, and he would be unconquerable. He would be able to do anything he damned well pleased where he damned well pleased when he damned well pleased. Life would be what it hadnt been in a good long while: enjoyable. His burdens would be lifted, his responsibilities would be easier to bear.

  Hed spent considerable time plotting the strategy that would result in his achieving his goal of marrying one of the Rose sisters. All that remained was for him to put his plan into action.

  The music for the quadrille eased into silence. He watched as each Rose sister in turn was escorted back to her chaperone. He waited while gentlemen approached, Lady Louisa gave her charges into their protection, and the ladies were escorted back to the dance floor. It was time for Hawk to make his move.

  He enjoyed nothing more than he enjoyed the thrill of the hunt.

  She was aware of his approach long before he came into her field of vision. She felt his gaze, his attention focused on her as though he had sighted his prey. She didnt know where that thought had come from. She knew only that it was the way she felt.

  She shifted her gaze slightly and could clearly see him striding lithely toward her, something predatory about his movements. He was a civilized man who suddenly appeared quite uncivilized. He was so incredibly dark, not only in his looks but in his manner. The name his intimates used when referring to himHawkseemed quite appropriate. Shed never referred to him as such, would never take it upon herself to be that informal with him.

  She could fully understand the reason hed gained a reputation for being a man with whom ladies hearts were far from safe. As he came to stand before her, he suddenly appeared to be quite dangerous.

  His eyes darkened, his mouth curved up into a slow, sensual smile. Shed never before noticed a mans lips. How soft they looked, how inviting. She was finding it increasingly difficult to breathe, as though invisible fingers were slowly tightening the laces on her corset.

  Lady Louisa, he said with a sultry purr that closely resembled the low growl shed once heard a lion emit during one of her visits to the zoological gardens. May I have the honor of this dance?

  Her cheeks warmed, and she wondered if her flush was visible. Your Grace, as Im sure you are well aware, Im in attendance this eve as a chaperone, not an invited guest. Initially an embarrassing predicament as acquaintances greeted her and began to comprehend her role. She had effectively taken herself off the marriage market and suffered through looks of pity from those with whom shed once shared the dream of marriage. They had acquired the dream, while she was left with nothing but a nightmare. But the damage was done, the rumors would spread, and she was certain making an appearance at the next ball would be much easier, and by Seasons end all would forget shed once had hopes of marriage and family.

  I daresay youve done a remarkable job in seeing that your charges are otherwise occupied, in no need of your services at this moment. I can see no harm in your taking a turn about the dance floor as well.

  How she longed to accept his invitation, to be whirled across the polished floor as though she hadnt a care in the world. But she couldnt help but wonder: Why now? Why ask me to dance now when you have never before asked?

  It would not be appropriate, she insisted, striving to convince herself as well as him. What would it hurt for two minutes, three at the most, to simply enjoy the evening and the attentions of a man?

  I can think of nothing more appropriate than to dance with a lovely lady.

  She narrowed her eyes. What are you up to, Your Grace?

  He extended his elbow. You seem to be of the opinion that Im not good husband material, and so I thought a simple demonstration was in order: merely to prove I can be most charming when I set my mind to it. I would ask you be equally charming. If you dont place your hand on my arm and allow me to escort you to the dance floor, all will know you have snubbed me. Not exactly an enviable position for a chaperone to be in, now is it?

  You have backed me into a rather uncomfortable corner.

  Tilting his head slightly, he gave her a devastatingly dangerous smile. Then allow me to lead you out of it.

  Truly, what choice did she have other than to accept his invitation? She tried not to look too pleased that she was going to have an opportunity to move with the rhythm of the music. Without a word, she placed her hand on his arm and allowed him to escort her to the dance floor and into a waltz.

  Shed not danced since the Christmas holidays. It felt wonderful again to have her slippers following where a gentleman led. Shed not considered this aspect when shed made her decision to seek a position as a social chaperone: that she would be relegated to observing the merriment rather than being ensconced in the midst of it. While shed never had any serious suitors, neither had she ever been relegated to wallflower. Shed had dance partners and a dance card often more full than not.

  How are you enjoying your recently acquired role of chaperone? Hawkhurst asked.

  She nearly tripped over her feet. Had he somehow managed to read her mind? Was her face more expressive than she realized?

  I am enjoying it quite well, thank you.

  It comes with a great deal of responsibility.

  Indeed it does.

  It did not escape my notice that you introduced one of the ladies to Lord Ainsley.

  Yes. Jenny.

  Mmm. He pressed his lips together as though to stop himself from speaking.

  What exactly does that mean?

  Forgive my boldness, but your brother mentioned that you mentioned that Miss Jenny Rose was searching for passion.

  Damn her brother! Was nothing spoken be tween them sacred? Shed worried about the servants gossiping, and apparently it was Alex with whom she should be concerned.

  She does feel that passion is important, she admitted reluctantly.

  Then I daresay it will be a miracle if she finds it with Ainsley.

  I beg your pardon?

  It is well-knownhed lowered his voice slightly, which had her stretching up on her toes to hear himthat Ainsley has yet toexperience passion himself.

  Are you implying he has no mistress?

  I am implying far more than that. Im implying he has never known the intimate touch of a woman.

  She fought not to blush at words so brashly spoken and forced herself to imitate a smile laced with satisfaction. Then in my book, he is quite the catch: a man who does not seek frivolous dalliances.

  Is there no passion in your book? he asked, with a seductive voice that sent warm shivers cascading down to the heels of her slippers.

  Why was he having such an effect on her? She had no doubt he was intentionally seeking to rattle her with his inappropriate conversation and sweltering looks that belonged in the bedchamber, not on the dance floor.

  Of course there is passion. She sounded breathless. Surely, they must be dancing too swiftly, and yet she hardly felt her feet touching the floor. But I dont see that a man needs to be promiscuous in order to be passionate.

  Then how, pray tell, is he to learn how to pleasure a woman?

  She couldnt help herself. She laughed at his audacity. So you justify visiting brothels as a learning experience? Some sort of school

  Quite. Ladies of the evening serve an important function in our society that is seldom appreciated. They ensure a man does not bumble about on his wedding night. They instruct him on how to touch a woman. He lowered his head slightly, the warmth of his breath wafting over her cheek. Where to touch a woman so the act of making love is as satisfying for her as it is for him.

  She was suddenly acutely aware of just how large his gloved hands were, how long his fingers
. She wondered at the passion they might elicit and exactly how he might use them. What had he been taught? She had little doubt hed been an adept student. Even now, with only his eyes, his voice, his nearness, his gloved hands, he was managing to create unsettling carnal images in her mind.

  Based on what my brother has revealed about your endeavors, you are no doubt quite the expert.

  I do consider myself such, yes. Would you want a man who did not know the way to lead you on a journey into passion?

  Jerking her head back, she came to a stunned standstill. That is quite enough, Your Grace. It is entirely inappropriate for you to speak of such things to me.

  My apologies, but you seemed unable to decipher why Lord Ainsley would be incapable of giving Miss Jenny Rose what she desires, and unable to fathom why it is not such a horrendous thing that men such as your brother, Falconridge, and I do seek pleasure before marriage.

  For the sole benefit of your future wives? she asked incredulously.

  He gave her a decidedly wicked grin and a wink that caused her heart to flutter madly as though it were a trapped bird seeking freedom. Not solely, of course, but I do think one can argue that at some point, the benefits will accrue to the wife. Now come, the music continues, as should we before we become the fodder for gossip.

  He tightened his hold on her and swept her along, giving her no choice except to follow.

  You may justify your behavior as much as you like, she finally managed to say after a while. I shall not consider you a suitable match for these ladies.

  Then it seems the way to one of the ladies hearts is through you.

  She wasnt exactly certain what he meant by those words, but they definitely carried a hint of a challenge and perhaps a bit of warning. She couldnt have been more grateful when the final strains of the music drifted into silence. He placed her gloved hand on his arm and began to lead her toward the chairs where shed been when he first approached.

  I must confess that I do not blame you for considering me such a bad influence. In my youth, I was quite the rabble-rouser, and on more than one occasion you caught me engaged in activities that were questionable. Still, I assure you that with the years has come maturity. I would like very much to gain an introduction to Miss Jenny Rose.


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