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A Duke of Her Own

Page 14

by Lorraine Heath

  Ravensley was also aware of the rendezvous. He would lure Jennys brother to the library partway through the sixth waltz with an invitation to join him in a glass of Pemburtons finest brandy. Instead, he would find his sister in Hawks arms, his mouth latched upon hers, with the shoulder of her gown pushed down just enough to leave no doubt that his actions, if permitted to continue, would be far from honorable.

  Young Mr. Rose would be incensed on his sisters behalf. Ravensley would feign being appalled. Miss Rose would be duly embarrassed by being caught in the arms of a cadand Hawk would be honor-bound to preserve the ladys reputation.

  Jenny was presently dancing with Falconridge. The next dance was the sixth waltz. It was time for him to prepare to meet his prey. To take the final step toward fulfilling his obligations, to ensuring that he was in a position to protect Caroline.


  The harsh whisper came from behind her. She turned to see her brother barely visible behind the broad leaves of the potted frond. Shed been relieved to see him at Pemburtons ball. Hed even danced with Jenny. She didnt like the idea of his moping around simply because Mrs. Rose didnt think him worthy, and while Louisa might not have considered him acceptable a few weeks before, she was beginning to reassess her evaluation of him as a potential husband.

  He pressed his lips together, rolled his eyes, and jerked his head back, obviously having a desire to speak with her in secret. What was this then?

  She glanced around; everyone was otherwise occupied. She slipped around behind the plant. What is it?

  I needed to speak with you privately.

  She pressed her lips together. Obviously. I need to be watching my charges, so what is it?

  Actually, it has to do with them. He closed his eyes. One of them at least. Jenny.

  She touched his arm, and he opened his eyes. I know you must still be feeling the sting of Mrs. Roses unkind words

  No, no, he said hastily cutting her off. Im beyond that. My concern now is you.

  She furrowed her brow. I beg your pardon?

  He took her gloved hand in his, his expression earnest. I know this position means a good deal to you, and that you need nothing untoward to happen, nothing that will challenge your reputation as a trusted chaperone. What you said about my being unsuitable, it was true. I can see that now. I can also see that if you recommend a gentleman who is not of the highest caliber, you risk your ability to continue to serve in this capacity.

  I accept your apology.

  Im not apologizing, Louisa. Im striving to convince myself that what Im about to do must be done. For Jennys sake, but more for yours, because it simply would not do for this travesty to happen under your watch.

  She furrowed her brow, alarm beginning to skitter through her. What are you rambling about?

  I have never betrayed a confidence, but I fear my friend has put me in a rather unconscionable position. If his plan succeeds, it will ruin your reputation as a chaperone. My loyalty is being tested, but I know that I have no choice except to remain loyal to you, dear sister.


  Hawk intends to compromise Miss Jenny Rose during the sixth waltz. He has arranged an assignation in Pemburtons library

  He what? she interrupted, scarcely able to believe what she was hearing.

  He has asked her to meet him in the library for a kiss. But I fear it will be more as he has asked me to wait a few minutes. And then I am to bring her brother with the ruse of sampling Pemburtons fine brandy

  No, she said, glancing at her dance card. The sixth waltz was next. The strains of the music that accompanied the previous dance were fading. You have to stop him, Alex. This is not the way to do it, to ensure that she marry him.

  He will not listen to me, and if something should happen and she was caught with both of usyou can well imagine that her reputation would be left in tatters and yours along with it. No one will hire you again to serve as chaperone

  She waved off those concerns and began to look frantically around the room. She couldnt see Jenny. She turned back to her brother. The library, you say?


  Do not take her brother there. I will do what I can to extricate Jenny from this situation with no harm to her reputation. She squeezed his arm. Thank you.

  He gave her a funny look that she couldnt quite decipher: one of guilt or shame. Maybe a little of both, but she had no time to contemplate it further. She had to get to the library as quickly as possible and pray that she wasnt too late.

  She slipped into the library. Closing the door immersed her in total blackness, the draperies drawn across the windows, no fire flickering on the hearth. Of course. Illicit assignations required darkness. Well, she was here to put an end to that notion. This was a modern house, with electricity recently installed. She needed only find the

  An arm snaked around her waist and she found herself pressed up against a hard, firm body. Hawkhurst. His scent filled her nostrils, his mouth blanketed hers, and his tongue breached her halfhearted attempt to deny him access.

  Lord help her. Shed not forgotten the magic of his kiss, the heat it generated, the sensations of desire, yearning, and passion that it invoked. She should push him away. Instead, with a soft moan, she drew him nearer, raking her fingers up into his hair.

  She should break free, make him aware that she was not the woman he sought, not the woman hed planned to ruin, not the woman he intended to marry.

  One more sweep of his tongue, and she would do just that. She would alert him to his mistake.

  One more momentof feeling wanted, of feeling beautiful, of feeling desired.

  His kiss stirred at her insides, curled her toes, reached deeply, and sent incredible sensations skimming along her nerve endings. His large hand cradled the back of her head, angled it, as his tongue delved deeper, more frantically as though he couldnt have enough of her.

  Pain speared her heart because she knew it was Jenny whom he thought he could not have enough of. Jenny whom he thought he was holding in his arms. Jenny whom he wanted so desperately that he was willing to compromise her in order to ensure that he possessed her for all eternity.

  Breaking off the kiss, he released a feral growl, a low groan as his hot, wet mouth trailed along her throat. She dropped her head back, rasped his name, her voice barely a whisper. One second more, then she would speak aloud, one second more and she would alert him to his blunder

  He began pushing her backunerringly avoiding tables and chairsand she realized that he must have memorized the room, become familiar enough with it that he knew the path to his destination. Or perhaps hed simply been in the room long enough for his eyes to adjust to the deep, lingering shadows.

  His hands, his mouth did not stray from their course, even as his legs guided her. The back of her knees struck something, and she found herself falling onto plush cushions. A couch, she realized. Long and wide, crafted for a gentlemans pleasure and now serving at hers.

  Hawkhurst followed her down, his breathing as harsh as hers, robbing them both of words, allowing only the release of muted groans and soft moans. His nimble fingers made short work of lowering her bodice and his mouth closed over her breast. Lost in the sensations, bucking against him, she pressed her head back against the pillows.

  This was madness.

  She felt as though she were on fire, felt as though she must have him nearer, or she would die. She was barely aware of unbuttoning his waistcoat, his shirt, but suddenly her hands were traveling over the heated flesh of his chest, her fingers enticed by the soft hair.

  He shifted, bunching her skirts at her waist. She felt the first probe of hot flesh to hot fleshwas shocked by it, even as she found herself arching toward him, needing, wanting, desiring

  The pain came swift and sharp, the fullness of him filling her as his mouth captured her cry

  Then the stillness, the hush of harsh breathing.

  Next time, he rasped, there will be no discomfort.

  She should have told him there would be n
o next time, but a part of her embraced the promise, held it close as though hed made it to her and not another, as though he would fulfill it, as though she would again have the opportunity to hold him close and be held near by him, to feel the weight of his body pressing down on her, to thrill at so intimate a joining.

  He began moving against her, and the discomfort hed alluded to began to ease and in its place came sensations unlike anything shed ever experienced: a tightening that spread out to encompass every inch of her body. She released a tiny squeal, and his mouth returned to hers, hushing her even as it worked to increase her pleasure

  Because that was what this was. Pleasurable. Intensely pleasurable. Almost painful and yet not. It was indescribable. But she wanted it, wanted it with a desperation that almost frightened her

  Felt herself climbing toward a pinnacle

  Then a million brightly colored stars burst through her body in a maze of sensations that had her arching as he threw his head back, his satisfied groan echoing around them.

  Dear God in heaven, what had he done?

  She was lying beneath him, her breaths coming fast and harsh in the darkness, a woman pleasured, seeking to regain her equilibrium.

  While he doubted that he would ever regain his.

  He heard the door click open


  He rolled off her, barely had time to fasten his trousers before light filled the room. He heard her horrified squeak, sought to move himself into a position to protect her modesty as best he could.

  As he turned to face the expected intruders, he was vaguely aware of her scrambling off the couch.

  Alex, I can explain she began.

  You have nothing to explain, Hawk heard himself growl, as he stared at Ravensley and the young Mr. Rose.

  To his surprise, Ravensley appeared to be in stunned shock. Rose didnt even try to hide his fury. It marched over his features like Victorias armies set on conquest.

  You bastard, he ground out as he crossed the room.

  Hawk saw the balled fistdamn but the man had large handsbut he stood completely still, not bothering to turn away or duck from what he knew he deserved. Roses fist landed squarely against his cheek, beside his nose, beneath his eye. Pain ricocheted across his face, pounded through his skull as he stumbled to the floor. He was vaguely aware of Louisas tiny screech, the ringing in his ears muffling the sound.

  Hit me again, he thought. I deserve a harder blow than that, damn you. Hit me again.

  He watched as Rose removed his jacket and draped it carefully around Louisas shoulders, drawing it close, and buttoning a center button, even though shed somehow managed to straighten her clothing. Still, her hair was askew, and she looked like a woman thoroughly ravished. Perhaps because she had been.

  He couldnt meet her eyes, couldnt bear to see the accusation he was certain hed find there.

  Ill inform my father that youll be at the house at eight oclock in the morning to set this matter right, Rose said. If youre so much as a minute late, youll get a face-to-face introduction to the firing end of my gun.

  Rose ushered Louisa out through a door that led onto the gardens. Hawk assumed hed discreetly get her to the carriage and then find his sisters and get them all safely home. He looked over at Ravensley, who was staring at him as though he didnt know him.

  You said your plan was to be caught kissing her, Ravensley said slowly, as though needing to search for each word before he spoke it.

  Hawk looked away as he pushed himself to his feet. His clothes were disheveled, and he, too, would use the back door to leave the party.

  A kiss! Ravensley roared.

  Hawk wasnt aware of the fist coming at him until he felt its impact slam his jaw upward, knocking his head back until it slammed against the marble mantel. He dropped to the floor. A blurring Ravensley crouched in front of him.

  She is my sister! May you rot in hell for what you did here tonight!

  He heard Ravensleys loud, angry footsteps as he stormed from the room, a man who could still exit through the front door. Hawk lay back on the floor, not certain he would ever again be worthy of exiting through anything other than a rear door. Rot in hell? He had a feeling he was going to burn in it for eternity.

  Louisa was cold, so terribly cold, even though she sat in a tub of hot water, the mist rising, falling, circling around her. Jeremy had been so solicitous, so kind, assuring her over and over that she was innocent in all of this, not to blame, and that everything would be all right.

  Only how could it be all right when they all thought that Hawkhurst was going to marry her? A man in need of money marrying a woman without money? They were all mad not to see the truth of the situation.

  She was equally at fault. She shouldnt have gone to the library alone to confront him. When his mouth left hers after the first kiss, she should have spoken aloud, should have announced that it was herrather than whispering his name in ecstasy. When he had laid her down on the couch, she should have gotten back up. When he had lifted her skirts, she should have shoved them back down.

  While hed certainly been eager, hed not forced her. She could have said no at any moment, and she was certain he would have heeded her request. But shed wanted one more moment, one more toucha little something to last her a lifetime.

  Tears filled her eyes.

  Its all right, Jenny said, wiping a warm cloth over Louisas face.

  With Louisas hair draped over the edge of the tub, Kate sat behind her, brushing out the tangles.

  No need to cry. Papa will make everything all right, Kate continued.

  Papa. Their father. Not hers. Because hers was dead. And not her brother, because hed simply stood inside the doorway like a buffoon and done nothing.

  No, not nothing. Hed brought Jeremy Rose to the library, knowing, knowing that Louisa would be there, most certainly alone, with Hawkhurst. Why had he done that when shed specifically asked him not to? Why had he betrayed not only his friend, but her? The pain sliced through her. A more miserable night shed never known.

  Nothing needs to be done, Louisa said quietly. We are the only ones who know, and if we keep quiet, it need go no further.

  Jenny released a laugh laced with incredulity. Louisa, the man comprised you in the worst possible way.

  Worst possible way? She could think of worse ways, and shed certainly not objected at the time. Rather shed relished his attentions.

  Jenny held her gaze. If you hadnt gone to meet him, it would have been me that your brother and mine would have walked in on.

  Louisa felt the tears burn her eyes. Dont you see? Thats the very reason that I cant marry him. It was dark. He didnt know it was me. He doesnt want me.

  He doesnt want me either, Jenny said. He just wants my money, and obviously hes willing to do anything to get it.

  Well, you did say that you wanted a man who could deliver passion, Kate said. And based on the way Louisa looked when we first stepped into the carriage, Id say the man delivered that without question.

  Theyd stopped calling her Lady Louisa, as though tonights unfortunate incidentLouisa thought she would always think of it as the unfortunate incidenthad transformed them into longtime friends, had created a bond that until now had been lacking.

  Kate! Jenny chastised. Thats a horrible thing to say.

  Its the truth.

  Louisa felt the continual tugging on her hair cease. Kate came around and knelt beside her. The encounter was passionate was it not?

  Louisa was no longer chilled as images swamped her. Even though it had been dark she could see him so clearly in her mind, still feel the touch of his mouth and hands, the weight of his body

  Kate, thats an entirely inappropriate thing to ask, Jenny said, but her voice held no conviction.

  Youre as curious as I am, Kate said. So dont be a hypocrite about it.

  I may be curious, but I would never ask, although I think Louisas blush has given you the answer to our continual debate. There can be passion without love.

nbsp; And with that truth voiced aloud, Louisa burst into tears. Because all his touches and kisses and sweet murmurings had been intended for another woman. And on the morrow, she would have to face him again. How could she after the intimacy theyd shared?

  Chapter 14

  Y ou were supposed to secure a duke for my daughters, not acquire one of your own!

  Mrs. Rose had been ranting, huffing, and puffing ever since shed joined the somber assembly in Mr. Roses study and learned that the Duke of Hawkhurst would be arriving any moment to make his intentions clear regarding Louisa.

  It did not help matters that Louisa was harboring such guilt. She did not want to explain that in a darkened room, hed thought she was another. She did not want to have to confess that shed willingly allowed him to harbor those thoughts. Shed accused him of being without scruples, and yet it was she who was responsible for bringing them to this devastatingly ruinous moment.

  Now, dear, lets not be that way, Mr. Rose said gently from where he sat behind his desk. The girl is under our protection, after all.

  She is a paid servant, Mrs. Rose said.

  A chaperone is not a servant, Louisa retorted, stiffening her back and sitting up straighter.

  Mrs. Rose stopped her pacing. How badly were you compromised?

  With all due respect, Mother, Jeremy said from his place behind his father, where he stood with his shoulder pressed against the wall and his arms crossed over his chest, his raw, skinned knuckles visible. There are not levels of being compromised. One is either compromised or she isnt. I can attest to the fact that Lady Louisa was compromised.

  Rather fortuitous that your brother invited Jeremy to join him for some brandy, Mrs. Rose said snidely. I cannot help but believe this was all arranged in order to ensure you achieved exactly what you sought.


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