The Lambshank Redemption

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The Lambshank Redemption Page 2

by Andy Rothwell

  Minty looks into the wood, dark and scary full of dread,

  she is so scared and confused,

  is this the path she really must tread?

  Suddenly a loud rumbling grows near, on the road nearby,

  perfect for Ginger’s lies to apply,

  ‘Hurry! Lambshank, the lorry is here to take you away,

  you must enter the wood, here you cannot stay,

  flee my friend, away from this place,

  your only chance for freedom, you must embrace.’

  And so, Minty enters the wood all alone,

  into a world where everything is unknown,

  slowly she goes deeper into the gloom,

  Ginger smiles broadly, hoping she will soon meet her


  Ginger turns and struts through the grass,

  proud of himself and a plan unable to surpass,

  he starts to hum and sing a tune,

  then goes for a nap, all afternoon.

  ’Tis late afternoon, almost tea time,

  farmer Joe has been gathering his lambs a long time,

  he enters the farmhouse clearly upset,

  ‘Minty is missing,’ he says with regret,

  ‘I have counted the lambs three times through,

  Minty has gone, oh dear! What a to-do!’

  Ginger is woken from a peaceful slumber,

  a storm is moving in, with thunderous thunder,

  lightning explodes and lights up the room,

  Ginger just buries his head, he has sleep to resume.

  Farmer Joe races out into the storm that grows nasty,

  he gathers his dogs, Jasper, Harvey, Ben and Sammy,

  they search the farm and the fields nearby,

  then into the meadow all four dogs fly,

  the storm is angry, raging with torrential rain,

  thunder and lightning with winds of a hurricane.

  They battle through to reach the wood,

  but despite their efforts, it is no good,

  the wind is too strong, the rain is blinding,

  strike after strike there is of lightning,

  farmer Joe finally has to admit defeat,

  he has no choice but to retreat,

  Minty is gone, alone in the storm,

  a lamb lost, scared and forlorn.


  Minty walks carefully through the gloom,

  into the wood, away from farmer Joe’s doom,

  the floor is uneven, tricky and dangerous,

  injury could be caused through being careless,

  above the ground all the tree roots lie,

  leading to a huge Weeping Willow tree nearby.

  A colossal tree sits in the centre of the wood,

  standing magnificently, the creator of the ancient wood,

  the tree is incredibly old, regal and proud,

  through all the ages it remains unbowed,

  flower beds scatter the land as well,

  but Minty walks on, she has no time to dwell.

  Minty is unsure which way to go,

  so heads for the tree, careful and slow,

  upon reaching the Willow tree, she loses her fear,

  Minty feels relaxed, her soul full of cheer.

  Suddenly, wind races through the surrounding


  daylight grows darker, while rain blows in the breeze,

  thunder and lightning rampage across the land,

  the wood trembles beneath the thunder’s hand,

  wind and rain blow incredibly strong,

  Minty knows she cannot stay out here for long.

  She looks for shelter, a safe place to rest,

  somewhere she can see out the angry tempest,

  Minty sees a hollow in a welcoming tree,

  beyond a bed of flowers overlooking the

  ancient Willow tree,

  she enters the hollow,’tis a perfect fit,

  so curls up for sleep and the storm too omit,

  but Minty is disturbed before her rest,

  as a tiny beast approaches, looking very distressed.

  Sophie, a Woodland Shrew nears with haste,

  she has babies too, looking bedraggled and misplaced.

  ‘Our home is gone, their father missing too,

  please can we share this refuge with you?’

  Sophie asks Minty, urgent but still polite,

  she is desperate for shelter for her babies tonight.

  Minty answers, ‘Of course, be my guest,

  snuggle into my body and get some rest.’

  ‘Thank you,’ Sophie says, ‘You are most kind,

  come along children, or you will be left behind.’

  So it is, that the wind swept and soaking wet shrews,

  cuddle up to Minty and escape the storm’s hullabaloo,

  the storm rages throughout the night,

  violently releasing all of its might,

  but Minty and friends are troubled not,

  they sleep soundly, bothered not a jot!

  Minty wakes up the following morning,

  blurry eyed, tired and keeps on yawning,

  sounds fill the wood, gentle and appealing,

  soft music and enchanted singing, sound so intriguing,

  Minty looks out from her shelter for the night,

  oh what a scene! One to delight and excite.

  Buttercups, daisies and bluebells so blue,

  sparkle like diamonds in the morning dew,

  sunbeams have now broken through,

  standing like columns, fascinating the young ewe,

  suddenly movement within the flowerbed,

  the flowers part, now fairies fly overhead,

  a multitude of colour, wings twinkle in the sun,

  they look like they are having so much fun,

  darting gracefully to and fro, here and there,

  Minty is spellbound and can only stare.

  The entire wood looks like glitter is falling down,

  it is indeed, a fantastical, glittering fairy town,

  the singing grows louder as they sing together,

  a wonderful chorus of harmonies, amongst wings all aflutter.

  Now the old Willow tree starts to glow,

  golden light surrounds it, now its magic will show,

  its branches start to shimmer and shake,

  then move at will for a shape to make,

  framing the huge trunk, the branches now start,

  to form a perfectly shaped heart,

  all the fairies gather around and hold hands,

  encircling the tree, the source of the magic woodland.

  A heart shaped portal opens on the tree,

  Minty is mesmerized, what can this be?

  All the fairies now vanish inside and flee,

  until none are left, how can this be?

  Where have they gone? Will they come back?

  Minty wonders, quite taken aback,

  the portal closes, the heart is no more,

  all things inside the wood are normal once more.

  Another tiny creature now comes into view,

  crawling along the ground, heading for Minty and the


  Carlton it is, the curliest and wurliest caterpillar there

  has ever been,

  a hairy body with many colours that gleam with a perfect


  he stops before the lamb, then starts to speak,

  ‘Now you have seen this magical mystique,

  you will be allowed to tread the pathway into the tree,

  for those who witness and who’s mind
s are free,

  will be guided and protected by a powerful fairy spell,

  to go back in time where the ancients did dwell.’

  Minty is lost for words, what can she say?

  She stares at Carlton, her mind in disarray,

  Carlton speaks again as he enters the hollow,

  he speaks excitedly, yet mellow,

  ‘When I become a fabulous butterfly, with soft and

  gentle wings,

  the fairies will take me there, to show me these things,

  if you pass this way and the portal is open,

  you will be allowed this honour, of that I am certain,

  be on your way now, young baby sheep,

  I have to prepare for my big sleep,

  ’tis time for me to hideaway in this tree,

  and transform myself into a butterfly, to fly and be free.’

  Minty and Sophie go their separate ways,

  Minty has a meadow to find and enchanted grass to graze,

  the end of the wood comes into sight,

  just beyond, the sun shines ever so bright,

  she leaves the wood, after such an eventful night,

  Minty steps onto a field, and sees a little to the right,

  a windmill with blue windows and doors, painted a

  brilliant white,

  sitting behind a golden fence, looking stunning in the

  morning sunlight.


  A pathway leads from the wood through the field,

  Minty follows excitedly, the way forwards is revealed,

  she trots merrily along the footpath through the grass,

  she approaches the windmill, not one of Ginger’s


  Its silver sails turn quietly in the breeze,

  turning cogs within for grain to squeeze,

  a beautifully kept garden sits all around,

  multitudes of flowers, butterflies and bees are abound,

  a finely kept white path leads up to the windmill,

  from fence all the way to the open doorsill.

  Minty stops before a golden gate,

  it is locked tight, no way to negate,

  scrumptious cooking smells waft through the door,

  apple pie, biscuits and buns, wonderful aromas galore,

  suddenly a creature races out from within,

  a young puppy dog, of Cocker Spaniel kin,

  a coat of cream, with just a hint of pink,

  long floppy ears and a smiley face, just as cute as you


  Up the path the young puppy bounds,

  all legs and ears, jumping and twisting around,

  it reaches the gate, then climbs to the top,

  then jumps down without grace, almost a belly flop,

  the puppy stands before Minty, in guard dog stance,

  a half growl and milk teeth, stopping her advance,

  the puppy jumps to the left then to the right,

  it then speaks excitedly and forthright,

  ‘I am Jasmine puppy dog, fierce and proud,

  you cannot enter our home, it is not allowed,

  I am the protector of a wizard, full of spells,

  a great and powerful magic inside him dwells,

  tell me, are you friend or foe?

  Are you lost, and know not which way to go?’

  ‘I am Lambshank, and seek a magic meadow,

  this is the path I think I must follow,

  is this place next week, beyond the back?

  This I must find, there is no going back.’

  ‘No, you are mistaken and be on your guard,

  here lives witch Wendy, and the white windmill wind


  he commands dragons with his bare hands,

  as they glide through the air, obeying his demands,

  he raises his arms into the air,

  then, moments later a dragon is there,

  gliding gracefully and dancing on air,

  twisting and turning, with unmatched flair.’

  A large beast now walks through the door,

  It has heard voices, and must explore,

  walking slowly towards the gate, is Arnie the angry


  Minty is worried it seeks confrontation,

  Arnie reaches the gate, then jumps over with ease,

  he stands looking down on Minty, and sees her unease,

  before Arnie can speak, he is under attack,

  by Jasmine puppy dog, nipping Arnie’s legs at the back.

  She nips and runs, then jumps and hops,

  a perpetual motion that never stops,

  a tiny growl and a yappy bark,

  Jasmine wants Arnie to play and have a lark,

  but Arnie is more interested in the new arrival,

  it must be lost from a farm, quite local,

  Jasmine nips Arnie’s leg once again,

  then turns to run away, her mischief unable to contain.

  But this time Arnie is far too fast,

  and grips Jasmine with speed to flabbergast,

  Arnie picks Jasmine up from the ground underneath,

  and carries her tenderly between his long teeth,

  over to the fence, then drops her over the top,

  down she falls, with a flop and a plop,

  but Jasmine is a guard dog! She cannot be denied,

  so climbs the gate again, Arnie must be defied!

  As Minty and Arnie start to talk,

  Jasmine sits upon the fence top, with a shaky stalk,

  Minty tells Arnie of farmer Joe’s plot,

  to put her into his wife’s large cooking pot,

  suddenly Jasmine leaps onto Arnie’s back,

  to start yet another puppy attack.

  Arnie just looks at Minty in comic dismay,

  and does say, ‘This is my life everyday.’

  But Jasmine gives up her attack,

  and lays down content upon Arnie’s back.

  Arnie says, ‘This puppy is bonkers, crazy but fun,

  but I am glad there is only one,

  I know nothing of the meadow you desire,

  you may have to travel far, for your desire to acquire.’

  ‘Thank you Arnie, it was nice to have met both of you,

  but why does Jasmine call you angry? This is not true.’

  ‘Jasmine is very young with a vivid imagination,

  I bet she spoke of a witch and wizard, with much affection,

  there are no witches and wizards here, and no dragons too,

  the white windmill wind wizard, is really windmiller Hew,

  he likes to go up yonder hill, on a windy day,

  and fly his spectacular kites, to pass the day away.’

  Then, quite unexpectedly, a bumblebee lands on

  Arnie’s nose,

  this is B’nard, and has advice to expose,

  his real name is Bernard, but B’nard sounds grander,

  he is a bit of a snob, and to others will not pander,

  he speaks very well, polite and precise,

  he is a bee of the world, and likes to give advice.

  B’nard tells Minty, ‘Just go straight and true,

  at this field’s end, is a wall of yellow to pass through,

  a million tall yellow flowers smell so sweet,

  soon you will hear many other sheep bleat,

  then you will see them, in the landscape below,

  the sheep who finally found the magic meadow.’

  B’nard then flies away, back to the flowers,

  to find the nectar within, and then devour,
/>   Minty says farewell to her new friends,

  and makes her way to the field’s end,

  Minty hums a tune as she skips along,

  she is so happy she will soon be in a place she belongs.

  A magic meadow! What a thing!

  Minty races forward and starts to sing,

  Minty’s escape from farmer Joe’s cooking pot is nearly


  Ginger was right, it is not too far for her little legs and feet,

  Minty reaches the wall of yellow flowers, and steps inside,

  she trots on, putting all her fears aside.


  Before long Minty hears the bleating of sheep,

  then bursts out from the flowers, with a joyous leap,

  down a gently rolling hill,

  lined with daisies, golden grasses and daffodil,

  many, many sheep scatter a meadow,

  enjoying the sun, darting to and fro,

  upon the horizon, across a landscape of green,

  past wood and water, a beautiful rural scene,

  sits the huge hill of Pendleshire,

  a dark and scary past, that can still inspire.

  Minty races through grasses of gold,

  down the hill, her excitement untold,

  the magic meadow! Here at last,

  she rushes to join the sheep amassed,

  Minty sees there are no adult ewes or rams,

  ’tis just a gathering of the lambs.

  Suddenly four sheep dogs race around the outside,

  forcing the lambs together, their master’s commands


  Minty is forced into the middle of the pack,

  she is unable to flee and somehow backtrack,

  all the lambs are moved forward as one,

  the dogs are masters of controlled intimidation.

  Soon the lambs are put inside a pen,

  then loaded into a lorry, by shouting workmen,

  the back of the lorry is shut, with an ominous thud,

  Minty is worried, this cannot be any good,

  all the lambs are so scared, unable to speak,

  inside is dark, cold and dirty, with a foul reek,

  the lorry starts to move and trundle down the road,

  off to the slaughterhouse, with a full load.

  B’nard was wrong and sadly mistaken,

  this no safe place for lambs, only consternation,

  the magic meadow is just a lie,

  to lead Minty astray, hoping she will die,

  Ginger’s plan has worked, but Minty’s doom is unjust,


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