The Lambshank Redemption

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The Lambshank Redemption Page 4

by Andy Rothwell

  off the stones and onto the beach,

  up the slope for the tree to reach.

  A few more strides and Hazel is there,

  in perfect position, for the king to ensnare,

  Fischer stabs Hazel hard with his bill,

  she jumps high off the ground, with a loud shrill,

  Hazel then rolls down the slope, onto Minty’s back,

  who quickly crosses the stones, to complete the hijack,

  waiting for Hazel are some of her friends,

  they wander off together, Hazel’s isolation ends.

  As expected, King Fischer keeps his word,

  and shows Minty the secret underpass inferred,

  but the passage is a long way from the fallen bridge,

  and the gateway, waiting upon the ridge,

  eventually, the river turns into a bend,

  the way forward now comes to an end,

  the river disappears around a tall cliff face,

  this land ends, nothing beyond but airspace.

  They say their goodbyes, a king’s gratitude expressed,

  Minty enters the dark, and continues her quest,

  daylight brightens the gloom up ahead,

  to quell any feelings of woe and dread,

  plip, plop, pliperty – plop, water drips from ceiling to floor,

  Minty clears the tunnel, back into daylight once more,

  but she stands in shock at what she sees,

  what she sees, is hard to believe,

  how can she continue? She starts to wonder,

  her pathway is blocked, is this the end of her adventure?


  Minty walks carefully towards the land’s end,

  a misty valley is below, to which she must descend,

  Pendleshire hill lay across the land like a sleeping whale,

  rising up from the mist, like a guardian of this vale,

  to the right, a waterfall cascades far below,

  upon the land from a high plateau,

  beyond the waterfall, a rope bridge reaches,

  from land to tower, out from the mist it breaches,

  a black stone column, built in ages past,

  a foreboding presence, built to everlast.

  Minty is tired, her little legs ache,

  she needs to rest and take a break,

  but she must move on, and not remain,

  to find a way across this rugged terrain,

  then she sees steps built into the ground,

  that lead to the waterfall, a way forward is found,

  a hidden pathway comes into view,

  behind the waterfall and her adventure starts anew.

  Minty walks cautiously along the slippery path,

  any slip and she will feel the waterfall’s wrath,

  sitting behind the falls is a small cavern,

  perfect for a nap, for her journey to adjourn,

  she hums a tune as she falls asleep,

  and dreams of sunshine, with meadows full of happy


  But when she wakes, with a stretch and a yawn,

  siting there watching her, is an angry leprechaun,

  dressed in green, wearing a hat of red,

  smoking a pipe, a bearded face full of dread.

  ‘How dare you invade my home,

  begone sheep, or I shall turn you into a gnome,

  to live underground, no more sunshine no more,

  guarding your treasures for evermore.’

  Minty is shocked, and still half asleep,

  she is too slow, and fails to leap,

  away from this peril, and the spell to be cast,

  to flee a leprechaun’s magic, and a bewitchment to last.

  The leprechaun inhales a cloud of pipe smoke,

  blows it at Minty, for the spell to invoke,

  she breathes it in, then starts to cough,

  the leprechaun smiles then begins to scoff,

  as Minty transforms under a magic spell,

  she is given command, words that compel,

  ‘Go to the gnome city, behind a locked door,

  find a treasure without measure, for me to adore,

  three days there, is all to do as asked,

  failure to do so and the spell is permanently cast,

  one day here, is one year there,

  may your time bring you much despair,

  fetch my prize, and I will set you free,

  this I promise, I do decree,

  go now, into the dark and down the stairs,

  to find and face your worst nightmares.’

  The leprechaun vanishes, and Minty is changed,

  her previous body is now exchanged,

  for that of a gnome, young and stumpy,

  Minty actually looks quite grumpy,

  red cheeks, a round nose with grey hair and beard,

  a black pointy hat, she feels most weird,

  a blue shirt with a red waistcoat on top,

  brown boots and trousers with a shiny belt, so they

  cannot drop.

  A stairway appears, at the back of the cavern,

  Minty descends slowly, wishing she had a lantern,

  a dark abyss swallows her up, she is gone,

  from the world above, Minty is withdrawn,

  what foul things may lurk in the dark,

  horrors unseen, but still she must embark,

  along this path, to free herself of leprechaun magic,

  and find the magic meadow, now that would be fantastic!


  Minty feels she is not alone in the void,

  the darkness seems alive, all light devoid,

  icy cold breath blows upon her face,

  fingers in the dark grasp, a terrifying embrace,

  Minty panics, and cries out in fear,

  then runs blindly away from here,

  she is so scared her breathing has stopped,

  she bangs her head, to the ground she is dropped.

  Minty is dazed, and is unaware,

  of rolling down into the darkness, stair after stair,

  she lands at the bottom, onto hard ground,

  Minty looks around to find a chamber is found,

  the chamber is large, but there is nowhere to go,

  it is a dead-end, but there is a warming glow.

  Set into the rock, is an arched marble face,

  lined with fire, from lanterns evenly placed,

  the marble sparkles, like glitter in the gloom,

  from the firelight, illuminating this tomb,

  scattered around the marble are jewels of all kind,

  an array of colours, skilfully designed.

  A window to the left, a window to the right,

  look down upon Minty, from a fair height,

  a golden door stands at the base,

  Minty wonders, “What is this place?”

  Just ahead is a round hole in the ground,

  inside, many steps go around and around,

  deep into the ground they go,

  is this an exit? Minty needs to know,

  suddenly, a voice from a window up high,

  hiding in the shadows, unable to identify,

  ‘Who are you? What do you seek?

  Far from home, in lands hidden and bleak.’

  ‘I seek treasure without measure, to break a spell,

  ’tis leprechaun magic,’ Minty answers with a yell.

  ‘Are you bewitched? Are you the one?

  The leprechaun’s magic is cast upon.’

  ‘Yes,’ replies Minty, ‘I am the one,

  I have th
ree days, until my body is gone.’

  A gnome’s face appears in the window to the right,

  offering words to aid Minty’s plight,

  ‘Listen to my words, hear them well,

  for any chance to break the leprechaun’s spell,

  there is a land, below winding stair,

  full of treasures, beyond compare,

  that place is Lyconia, a land of wonder,

  infinite riches and fortune to plunder.

  Diamond waterfalls, gold growing on trees,

  jewel filled rivers can be plundered with ease,

  silver strands of grass, scatter throughout,

  but treasure without measure is not here, no doubt,

  you will find it hard leaving said place,

  with such preciousness to embrace,

  many here before you, failed to return,

  unable to leave, their desire no longer to yearn.

  You must find a key and fill two bags with gold,

  then we will let you in, our word we will uphold,

  the key unlocks a sacred door,

  a treasure trove, from ceiling to floor,

  only here will your desire be found,

  to free yourself from a life spellbound,

  take these bags and follow the winding stair,

  my help and advice is over, farewell and take care.’

  Minty collects the bags, then descends the stair,

  around and down it goes, she cannot see where,

  each step is embedded with diamonds that glow,

  a pathway of light, for the way to show,

  soon Minty feels she is going up, not below,

  ascending each step, towards a hole aglow,

  she reaches the top, then leaves the stair,

  the hole closes, she can but stand and stare,

  a terrified Minty looks on in despair,

  as surrounding her, many werewolves glare.

  Huge beasts with grey and brown hair,

  large mouths, immense fangs for prey to ensnare,

  the werewolves remain seated, and do not encroach,

  but slowly part, as one different does approach,

  this one is larger and totally white,

  it then sits in front of the others, an intimidating sight,

  after a moment the silence is broken,

  as the white werewolf says words softly spoken,

  ‘How odd, a gnome all alone,

  in search of riches and gemstone,

  tell me, why is this so?

  When you seek fortune, your bags to overflow,

  my name is Kira, I am the eldest throughout this land,

  answer wisely.’ All the werewolves now stand.

  Poor old Minty, what a carry-on!

  Her misfortune just goes on and on,

  but she remains calm, surprisingly so,

  then answers Kira, her voice nervous and low,

  ‘I seek gold and a special key,

  then the gnomes behind the locked door will help me,

  to find something to break a leprechaun’s spell,

  a treasure without measure, for the spell to dispel.’

  Kira asks, ‘Do you not desire gold for yourself?

  To take with you for power and wealth.’

  ‘I desire no treasure for myself, only to break a spell,

  and maybe find a safe place I can dwell,

  for I am lost and not a gnome,

  my body is changed, and without home,

  I just wish to be set free,

  to leave these lands, and live carefree,

  gold and jewel mean nothing to me,

  I am only a lamb, please, please do not eat me!’

  A circle of werewolves stand and draw near,

  Minty has no escape, but tries to show no fear,

  but inside she fears the worst,

  fang and claw approach, to quench their thirst,

  as they grow near, ever so close,

  they sit down, Kira almost nose to nose.

  Minty looks upon their faces, and what a surprise,

  all the werewolves have human eyes,

  not red or yellow, with no soul behind,

  but eyes of meaning, eyes of mankind.

  Kira smells Minty, looks into her eyes,

  then says, as she does recognize,

  ‘It is true, you are a lamb and smell tasty,

  lucky for you we cannot be so hasty,

  we cannot feast upon the innocent and pure,

  but must wait until adult and mature,

  the leprechaun will never break the spell,

  just take what you give, then leave you here to dwell,

  here you will find nothing, no gold or jewels,

  the gnomes are deceived, avaricious fools.

  Once human in a life gone by,

  greedy and selfish, their wealth to glorify,

  before all else, their greed came first,

  before family and friend, a soul stained and cursed,

  now they guard an immense treasure, in a vast hall,

  but the hall is empty, inside is nothing at all.

  The key for the hall they believe lies here, and

  come looking,

  so we gobble them up, despite them tasting appalling,

  there is no treasure here to be found,

  only the gifts of Gaia, waiting to astound.’

  Minty is saddened greatly by this news,

  she remains silent and starts to muse,

  she is now trapped in body and place,

  with no escape from a meat eating race,

  Kira feels she needs to quell Minty’s fear.

  ‘Do not worry, have some cheer,

  all is not yet lost,

  the point beyond no return has not been crossed,

  so come with us, stay a while,’

  Kira says softly, with a smile.

  Minty asks, ‘Please, may I ask before we continue,

  what kind of creatures are you?’

  ‘We are Lycanthrope, werewolves fierce and bold,

  this is our home now, as we grow old,

  we come here as we cannot transform,

  back into our human form,

  this is the place we come to die,

  away from the world, a sad goodbye,

  if you wish for us to set you free,

  we must search for the earth elemental, Juhee,

  she lives in a valley of purple and white,

  a stunning place of beauty and delight,

  so join us, show trust and a stout heart.’

  Now all the werewolves slowly part,

  as they do so, they all smile,

  as Lyconia is revealed, mile after mile.


  Lyconia, a vast landscape as far as the eye can see,

  on the horizon, a deep red sun drops behind a calm sea,

  the sea completely surrounds this land,

  an island it is, both huge and grand,

  rugged mountains and sweeping woodland hills,

  with flower filled meadows, a sense of awe it instills,

  in the centre of the island, a jagged hole punctures the


  flowered vines drop down, surrounded by bird and


  Directly below the hole, a mountain stands alone,

  a dark castle sits on top, made from the blackest of stone,

  even from a distance it looks a scary place,

  one to avoid, and never to embrace,

  around the castle a dark mist forms,

  a warning sign of danger, to all it informs.

Kira says, ‘Come with us, night time is nearly here,

  Lyconia nights are long, the darkness breeds fear.’

  Minty asks, ‘What lives in the castle, yonder way?’

  Kira does not answer, as Minty is whisked away,

  picked up briskly, then placed upon werewolf back.

  ‘Hold on tightly,’ a voice says within the werewolf pack,

  they speed over the land, to reach their home,

  who would have thought it, werewolves protecting a


  The pack races along a path, into a tall limestone ravine,

  then they stop, before a sight no human has ever seen,

  a waterfall flows upwards and out of the land,

  behind hides the werewolves homeland,

  watery sounds bounce off the ravine walls,

  as they take a secret entrance, to pass beyond the


  Kira says to Minty, ‘Please follow me,

  I have much to tell, and you have much to see.’

  Inside the hillside they start to go,

  through a hidden doorway, inside a camouflaged hollow,

  deep they go into the land,

  Minty follows Kira, close at hand,

  soon Minty sees what awaits inside,

  the place dying Lycanthrope now reside.

  Moonlight beams break through the walls, from

  way up high,

  partly revealing a huge cavern, a vista to mystify,

  a luminous pale blue river meanders through,

  many arched bridges span the water that lead to,

  a tall rock wall, stretching far into the distance,

  built into the wall, homes scatter in great abundance.

  Each entrance is intricately made,

  two stone columns and detailed door, a personal


  finely crafted spiral stairways lead to each home,

  beautiful work indeed, by the hands of ancient gnome,

  for once upon a time, this was their land,

  before war raged, to leave this place damned.

  As the werewolves cross bridges, and climb the stairs,

  tiny blue lights rise from the river, a light individually


  as each light floats gracefully inside each home,

  the cavern comes alive, a beautifully lit catacomb.

  Kira leads Minty across a bridge to the other side,

  into her home, sitting close to the riverside,

  all the homes are as you would expect,

  built to the highest standards, nigh on perfect,

  the rooms are tall enough for the werewolves to stand,


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