The Lambshank Redemption

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The Lambshank Redemption Page 12

by Andy Rothwell

  ‘I am sorry, Michael,’ says Alice, ‘But I must remain,

  the demon monster must be slain,

  Juhee’s wheel must be freed,

  releasing the children, granting them godspeed.’

  The white angel, Gabriel, approaches Alice gracefully,

  holding a clear glass vase, close to his body,

  the vase is quite round, with a large rim,

  half filled with water, not to the brim.

  Gabriel says, ‘Dear Alice, this is for you,

  within, is the power to renew,

  this is angel water, holy and blessed,

  hand it to the old lady, for her to attest,

  she will know what to do,

  this is our only way now to help you.’

  Alice takes the vase, saying, ‘Thank you.’

  Then all the light around them does subdue,

  the light fades quickly, the angels fly away,

  towards the mountain top, on their heavenly highway.


  For a moment there is darkness, without a sound,

  the air grows damp, foisty smells now surround,

  an icy chill fills the dark,

  then, the dark begins to spark,

  strands of light flash everywhere,

  then she appears, the old lady in the rocking chair,

  a shroud of light surrounds her so,

  smiling broadly, she says, ‘Hello.’

  They are back in the room beyond the white,

  rickety old wooden door,

  with black stone walls and cold damp floor,

  the lady sits with something in hand,

  resting upon lap, beautiful and grand,

  ’tis a brush for grooming long hair,

  a unique brush, one beyond compare.

  The brush is pink, shaped like an angel,

  with a face crowned by coloured jewel,

  its bristles are long, soft and white,

  a blessed item to aid Alice’s plight,

  the lady rocks to and fro,

  then says to Alice, ‘Come child, I have blessings to


  As Alice steps forward,

  Minty speaks of her and the questions unanswered,

  ‘We have just spoken with angels, divine and holy,

  they came for Alice, to end her purgatory,

  why is this so? Why is Alice so special?

  Is she herself an angel?’

  ‘I will explain shortly,’ says the lady in the chair.

  Then says, ‘It is time Alice, time to groom your hair,

  hold out the vase, nice and steady,

  once the brush is ready, then we are ready.’

  The brush is placed into the water of angels,

  gifted by celestial immortals,

  soon all the water is gone,

  into the brush it is drawn,

  the vase then vanishes,

  fading away, in sparkly flashes.

  Alice turns around to offer her hair,

  for the old lady to begin repair,

  the angel face comes alive, and starts to sing,

  instantly, the lady starts brushing.

  ‘Alice is very special indeed,

  a heavenly soul, completely unsullied,

  her hair is so, so special,

  and something within, is pure and magical.

  Angels watched over her when in physical being,

  to guide and protect, a spiritual overseeing,

  all five kingdoms of heaven knew,

  Alice’s heart and soul was of godly virtue.

  Her light inside was beautiful and divine,

  even from heaven, it was seen to shine,

  but the glory of her uncut hair, was the key,

  for the angels to find and oversee.

  Therefore, her hair is powerful and blessed,

  something that cannot be dispossessed,

  because the purity of angels made it so,

  forever bound, wherever she may go.

  Wearing it down gives it more power,

  so much so, it makes Scobberlotcher cower,

  it is vital Alice’s hair be cleansed and groomed,

  of impurities from the castle it has consumed,

  this will make her hair its strongest,

  body and soul, fully harnessed.’

  Minty asks, ‘If Alice was protected, why was she taken?

  Why was she left utterly forsaken?’

  ‘As with angels, demons have immense power,

  Scobberlotcher especially, it hides within a shrouded


  a shield of devilry, always protecting,

  preventing the angels from annihilating.

  When Alice was sick, from a raging fever,

  the long sleep came, and gradually overcame her,

  now she was exposed and weak,

  easy prey for the demons of evil-speak,

  going from physical form into spirit realm,

  children’s souls are easy to overwhelm,

  Scobberlotcher watched and waited,

  poised for another soul to be desecrated,

  this demon is a mighty foe,

  It will not easily let you go.’

  Eventually, the hair brush fails to sing,

  Alice’s hair is now gloriously shinning,

  the lady says, ‘There, it is done,

  cleansed again, no longer stained by abduction.’

  Minty asks, ‘But how can Alice defeat the monster?

  she is so small, without evil intent within her,

  Alice has not the strength, nor size,

  to match the monster, and see its demise.’

  Alice now stands alongside Minty, facing the lady,

  who then speaks of Scobberlotcher, and its hostility.

  ‘No, Alice cannot physically match the demon,

  but that is not the way, using physical aggression,

  violence and savagery is what it desires,

  strength from these emotions, it quickly acquires,

  this makes it stronger, bigger and uncontrollably angry,

  Scobberlotcher, is truly a monster of unmatched ferocity.

  However, it does have weaknesses,

  acts of sacrifice, selflessness and forgiveness,

  but only the blessed like Alice, have the ability,

  to calm and control the demon’s hostility,

  her light within is filled with holy love,

  defeating all evil, a miracle granted from above.

  Alice, I now speak to you,

  you know of what you must do,

  if you and Scobberlotcher do collide,

  there will be no place to hide,

  so say your words, say them complete,

  to see the monster, slain at your feet.’

  The lightning around the room ceases,

  the lady speaks, and so announces,

  ‘The fight for the castle is done,

  this room now taken, evil will soon overrun,

  you must leave quickly, seek out your goal,

  be careful Alice, you must not lose your shawl.’

  The old lady then fades away,

  looking sad, eyes full of dismay,

  the white, rickety, old wooden door creaks loudly,

  as it opens one last time, before catastrophe.

  Minty takes Alice by the hand,

  they leave the room, to do as planned,

  the door closes, they move on,

  along corridor, up the steps; Then, they are gone.


and Minty reach the castle top,

  at the top of the stair, they both stop,

  ’tis early morning, just past sunrise,

  but the way forward is hard to visualize,

  before them dances thick, low cloud,

  swirling upon breeze, a somewhat eerie shroud.

  Above the castle, is the great hole in the sky,

  flowered vines still hang, but without bird and butterfly,

  around the hole is a scene of wonder,

  ’tis a palette of soft pastel colour,

  periwinkle, pink, baby blue,

  lavender, orange and red too,

  but within the centre, is a foreboding darkness,

  that yells silently of fear and wickedness.

  Alice and Minty step forward cautiously,

  Minty’s heart quickens, as she looks around nervously,

  the breeze has dropped, there is only silence,

  an atmosphere of tension filled ambience,

  they walk on, hand in hand,

  slowly, the swirling clouds begin to disband.

  A circular platform now appears,

  a framework sits on top, then disappears,

  the shroud of cloud starts to clear,

  revealing Scobberlotcher’s device of fear.

  There it is! The spinning wheel of Juhee,

  Minty’s to claim, and set the children free,

  ten crafted spindles within a large wheel of wood,

  but the frame is gnarled and ugly, a black hideous

  devils wood.

  Minty steps forth to claim the wheel,

  the wheel of Juhee, Scobberlotcher did steal,

  Juhee’s wheel is removed from the frame,

  and so begins the endgame,

  the wheel is quite large, but very lite,

  easy to carry, without struggle or fight.

  Minty’s task is almost complete,

  soon the grasp of the Scobberlotcher shall be obsolete,

  Juhee’s wheel shall be returned,

  the demon’s spell, finally overturned.

  Suddenly, the great hole in the sky,

  comes to life, perhaps for the demon to defy,

  vines around the hole reach out to collect,

  vine grips vine, until they all interconnect,

  the vines pull the sky to close the hole,

  in the centre, a bright flash and a thunder roll,

  darkness inside slowly gives way,

  to a golden glow, a spectacular display,

  once the hole is quite small,

  the closing stops, leaving a small wormhole.

  ‘Come Alice, we must leave,

  we cannot give the demon a reprieve,

  look, over there is an entrance into the castle,

  quickly Alice, we cannot dawdle.’

  Alice and Minty leave the castle top,

  into the unknown, they dare not stop,

  down a darkened stairwell they go,

  Alice’s aura lights the way, with a soft glow,

  nearing the bottom, a cool wind blows,

  a light from somewhere, creates spooky shadows.

  Suddenly, the stairs go right,

  then, before them is bright sunlight,

  part of the castle is missing, from top to bottom,

  a gaping hole sits, Minty’s way to freedom,

  the light shinning through will lead the way,

  lady luck shines on Alice and Minty this day.

  Along collapsing corridors, down dilapidated stairs,

  past intricate doorways, and fancy chairs,

  paintings of long ago gather dust,

  each floor creaks and groans, no longer robust,

  on they go, making haste,

  through the castle, there is no time to waste.

  ‘Look Alice, we are nearly there,

  soon the children will end their despair.’

  ‘Yes,’ replies Alice, ‘Hurry, my friend,

  you can now put their curse to an end.’

  Upon reaching a stairway, so very grand,

  with elaborate balustrades, there they stand,

  the stair is in the centre of a great hall,

  once spectacular, before the castle’s downfall,

  the hall is circular,

  fancy wooden doorways line the perimeter,

  battered window frames are placed neatly around,

  empty of glass, only fragments can be found.

  Directly above, hangs a large chandelier,

  that has lost its magnificence of yesteryear,

  it hangs covered in cobwebs and dust,

  swaying in a breeze, regret and sorrow encompassed,

  at the far side of the hall,

  is the gaping hole, that once was a wall,

  once down the stair and through the hole,

  Minty will make Scobberlotcher lose its control.

  They race down the stair,

  but then, Minty becomes aware,

  that she must leave Alice all alone,

  to face the demon, and slay it from its throne,

  Minty’s exit is just ahead,

  but how can she leave? She must remain instead,

  at the bottom of the stair,

  Minty speaks to Alice, innocent and fair,

  ‘I cannot leave you alone, to face the beast,

  but I shall ensure the children are released.’

  Alice takes Minty’s hand,

  smiling warmly, she issues gentle command,

  ‘No, my friend. You must go,

  you have done more than you will ever know,

  you cannot aid me anymore,

  and you have your own life to restore.

  If you stay, a terrible fate will await,

  upon you, the demon will unleash all of its hate,

  you cannot help, only I have the power,

  to control the monster, and so overpower,

  please, take the wheel and flee,

  you must not worry about me.’

  Minty looks upon Alice with sorrow and regret,

  then speaks solemnly, trying to hide her upset,

  ‘I will remember you forever,

  and our demon defying endeavour,

  may the grace of angels guard your soul,

  pray you find your family, on the beach having a stroll.’

  Minty takes the wheel and walks away,

  Alice looks on, in secret dismay,

  she knows Scobberlotcher is a powerful foe,

  but Minty and the wheel must go.

  Alice is a little scared of the demon’s return,

  if she fails, she will forever burn,

  but the wheel and the children shall be free,

  released by a most unexpected appointee.

  Minty drops the wheel, stumbling over her long beard,

  It has come untied, a nuisance she once feared,

  she ties her beard tightly around her waist,

  then turns to Alice, waving goodbye before making haste,

  Alice waves at Minty, to say her goodbyes,

  she smiles, but has tears in her eyes.


  Minty recoils in horror, all sense of gladness erased,

  her confidence of escape was greatly misplaced,

  Scobberlotcher stands at the top of the stair,

  seething with anger; anger beyond compare,

  it emits a piercing wail,

  the demon monster does yet prevail.

  Before Alice can even turn and see,

  Scobberlotcher rushes to its adversary,

  lightning fast, as it speeds by,
r />   it removes Alice’s shawl, now she cannot defy,

  the demon reaches Minty in a flash,

  then picks her up one handed, as her legs thrash,

  Scobberlotcher smiles, then cackles,

  then says, ‘There is no escape from my shackles,

  you and Alice shall burn together,

  watching each other die, forever and ever.’

  Minty’s legs continue to thrash wildly,

  Alice’s fate now hers, that is a certainty,

  she tries to wriggle and break free,

  one last effort to escape and flee,

  but the demon is too strong,

  to Scobberlotcher, Minty does now belong.

  Minty is thrown outside,

  against stone and rubble, she does collide,

  she rolls on, into a courtyard,

  derelict, overgrown, a place of ill regard,

  the demon stands over Minty’s battered body,

  then strikes her again and again, enjoying its savagery,

  Minty is knocked out cold,

  Scobberlotcher’s rage now uncontrolled.

  The demon returns to face Alice,

  approaching slowly, to intensify its menace,

  Alice is once again forlorn,

  at the mercy of a demon’s scorn.

  ‘Oh look,’ it says, ‘The wheel of Juhee,

  I think not! This belongs to me!

  It shall remain here,

  my toy that ensnares and brings fear.’

  Scobberlotcher rolls the wheel away with two fingers,

  a sinister smirk on its face lingers,

  with a whirl, a twirl and a joyful cackle,

  it starts to gather its mist, preparing to bedevil,

  the monster stands before Alice, upset and bereft,

  without the shawl, she has no hope left,

  Scobberlotcher tears the shawl into many pieces,

  and slowly its aura decreases.

  ‘Poor, poor Alice! You are utterly abandoned,

  and my anger, you have foolishly darkened,

  ’tis back to the dark chamber for you,

  along with your foul friend too.’

  With the shawl destroyed at Alice’s feet,

  the demon makes a slow retreat,

  back outside for Alice’s friend,

  beaten unconscious, with intent to apprehend,

  Minty is dragged by the hair,

  back inside the castle, to face her own forever


  she is thrown at Alice’s feet,

  Scobberlotcher’s victory almost complete.

  Slowly, Minty starts to wake,


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