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Personal Best

Page 9

by Sean Michael

  “Front room, Mike. I’m too old to be doing it on the kitchen floor.”

  “Not old. Pushy.” Mike rubbed their noses together, eyes warm.

  He laughed, grabbed Mike’s hand, tugged his lover into the front room, and pushed Mike down onto the couch once they got there. “Might as well be hung for a lion as a lamb,” he said with a wink, sinking down onto Mike’s body.

  Mike wrapped his arms around Jessy’s neck. “Am I the lion or the lamb?”

  He laughed. “Oh, I’m the lion and I’m going to eat you right up.”

  Mike’s chuckle was low, sweet, delicious.

  He took Mike’s mouth, pushing his tongue in as he pulled Mike’s T-shirt out of his jeans, then slid his hands over Mike’s sweet belly. Mike sucked his tongue, fingers pushing down his spine.

  He groaned. Yeah, good. He got Mike’s T-shirt up far enough that he could play with those sensitive little nipples, making them push up hard. Mike started wiggling, moaning, nipples hard as little stones. He broke their kiss so he could slide down and lick and suck and bite at Mike’s nipples, pushing the T-shirt up over Mike’s head.

  Mike groaned, pushing his hips up against Jessy, rubbing. He pushed back, giving Mike some friction, working his mouth hard on Mike’s little titties.

  “So much. Jess. S… so much.”

  “Yeah. This? Is everything.” He worked Mike’s jeans open, groaning as Mike’s hot cock pushed against his stomach. Mike always wanted, always needed more and harder. Always needed him.

  He bit one last time at Mike’s nipple and kept moving down, licking the sweet abs, finding Mike’s navel with his tongue.

  Mike chuckled, desperate, little motions easing. “Oh. Jessy. Good.”

  “I know.”

  Mike’s cock bumped his chin, and he turned his head down to lick at the tip, moaning as the taste of his lover exploded across his taste buds.

  “Mmm….” Mike spread his legs. “Hot. Your tongue is hot.”

  He chuckled and took the tip of Mike’s cock into his mouth, sliding his fingers to play with Mike’s balls and then the sweet, soft heat beyond them.

  Mike started rocking, so sweet. Jessy purred, bobbing his head as he went up and down on Mike’s cock. Mike hummed, sliding his hips, sounds filling the air. It was good, and Mike would make the perfect appetizer for supper.

  He slid his fingers back and touched Mike’s hole.

  “Oh….” Mike bore down against his finger, purring.

  He chuckled around Mike’s cock, sliding his finger in, knowing Mike would be feeling the stretch, the burn. Mike arched, rocking and riding his finger. Little promises and cries filled the air, his baby hungry for him. He sucked harder and worked a second finger into Mike, searching for the kid’s gland. When he found it, Mike bucked, almost knocking them off the sofa.

  Jessy kept pegging it, placing an arm across Mike’s waist to hold him down. Mike pushed against his arm, moaning, excitement building. He moved his head up and down, hard and fast, sliding his fingers across Mike’s gland over and over again.

  That’s it, baby. Come for me.

  Mike squeezed, cried out, cock swelling in his lips before seed splashed on his tongue. He swallowed Mike’s come down, taking that sweet, sharp salt into himself, humming. Mike purred, melted into the couch cushions.

  He licked Mike clean and then laved the soft balls, loving the taste and the small sounds Mike made. Mike would give him anything, let him taste and touch and explore. Such trust. He spread Mike’s legs, licking where his fingers had been, adding wet to the stretching he’d done earlier.

  The soft cry split the air. “Jess….”

  “Yeah, it’s me.” He murmured the words and then went back to licking, pushing his tongue into Mike’s body.

  Mike dug his heels into the couch cushions, undulating his long, lean body beneath Jessy. He let Mike do the work, movements of those hips driving Mike on his tongue. Then he moved away, reaching for the lube kept tucked away in the side table, and slicked himself up.

  Mike groaned, turned to offer him that fine ass.

  “Oh, yeah. You know what I want.” He pushed two slick fingers into Mike first, making sure the kid was good and ready for him.

  Mike nodded, pressed back, riding his fingers. Jessy purred, nudged Mike’s gland twice, and then let his fingers out so he could push his cock into Mike’s body. He groaned. So fucking tight and hot and good. Mike pushed back, took him in deep, panting.

  He moaned as Mike’s body held him tight. “Oh, baby, you feel so good.”

  Mike squeezed, rose up and pushed down. “Yeah….”

  He sat back on his haunches, bringing Mike with him, wrapping his arms around Mike’s chest.

  “Oh….” Mike’s head fell back, rocking his hips. “So deep.”

  “Yeah.” He nibbled at Mike’s shoulder, then slid his tongue on the skin he loved to taste. “No better place on earth than right here.”

  He got a smile, could hear it in the happy little purr. “Yeah.”

  He chuckled, happy down to his bones. He let one hand drop down to Mike’s cock, tugging it easily.

  “Mmm….” Mike moved for him, cock filling more slowly, growing hot and hard in his fingers.

  “Gonna fly for me again, Mike?” He pressed his thumb into Mike’s slit.

  Mike’s ass gripped him, Mike’s cry low and sweet. “Oh!”

  He groaned. Yeah, that was it. So fucking good when they worked together.

  Mike turned his head, lips open and swollen, begging a kiss. Purring, he brought their mouths together, sliding his tongue along the side of Mike’s mouth. Mike hummed, moving a little faster, rocking on his prick. He licked inside Mike’s mouth, finding Mike’s tongue with his own, tangling together with it. Mike reached up and back, holding on to his neck, arching for him.

  “So good. Love you so much.” He pushed up as hard as he could, loving Mike with everything he had.

  “Yeah. Yeah, Jess. All yours.” Mike gasped, moaning low. “Yours.”

  Yeah, that was right. “Mine, baby. Mine.” He punctuated the words with hard thrusts and then ran his teeth over Mike’s skin, not enough to mark, just so his baby could feel him there.

  “Yeah.” The whisper was sweet, low, the feel of Mike rippling around him as come sprayed over his fingers, just perfect.

  He held on as long as he could, loving the sensation of Mike’s body milking him, and then he shouted, gave it all up, and filled Mike with his spunk. Mike held him, kept him close and tight. He petted Mike’s belly, shoulders, and chest, resting his head against Mike’s back as he fought to catch his breath.

  The storm hit as they came down, the ice and sleet slamming into the windows. He curled up around Mike on the couch, pulling an afghan over them.

  “So, you like cooking?”

  “Uh-huh.” Mike nodded, eyes drifting closed. “Like lots of things with you.”

  “Good. Good.” He kissed the soft skin below Mike’s ear. “Don’t fall asleep, the food won’t take very much longer.”

  “Mmm… ’kay….”

  He chuckled, stroking Mike’s skin and then pinching Mike’s hip.

  Mike jerked, frowned, muttered softly. “Ow. Be nice.”

  His laughter continued as he moved his fingers up toward Mike’s nipples. “Trying to keep you awake.”

  Mike burrowed into the cushions, wiggling his ass. Jessy rubbed his nose along Mike’s neck, searching out and then pinching Mike’s nipple.

  “Mean….” Mike drew his arms in, protecting those sensitive, little nubs.

  “Am not. You love it.” He found and pinched Mike’s other nipple.

  Mike snorted, going flat. “Napping.”

  “No napping. You have to keep an ear out for the timer.”

  “Napping is healthy.” Little shit. Jessy could hear the laughter.

  “That dinner burns and I’m making you eat it regardless.” He pinched Mike’s nipple again.

  “You’re awake. You can hear the ti



  He laughed and bit Mike’s nape. “Just for that I think you should serve dinner naked.”

  “No way. I would freeze.” Mike wiggled again, playing with him.

  “Then behave.” He rolled his groin against Mike’s ass.

  “I was behaving. I was sleeping.” Mike rubbed back.

  “But I told you not to sleep.” It didn’t matter that they were talking in circles. What mattered was the way they were making each other feel, the way they were enjoying each other. And he was enjoying Mike very much, cock struggling to get hard again, his baby such an inspiration.

  “But we’re having a break. You said.” Mike chuckled, stretched beneath him.

  “Yes, but I also said no napping.” He nipped at Mike’s earlobe. “You can’t only pay attention half the time.”

  “I pay attention all the time, but you’re not Coach right now, not the boss.”

  “Not the boss! I thought I was always the boss.”

  “Nope. Not the boss. Just Jessy.”

  “Oh, I’m crushed.” He had to fight his laughter, but he managed it.

  “Uh…. Jess? I’m the one on the bottom….” Mike’s laughter bubbled out, body shaking with it.

  He slapped Mike’s ass, his own laughter making his aim sloppy. “Brat!”


  He purred, warm all through. “Yeah, baby. Mine.”

  He might have started something more at that point, but the timer went off in the kitchen. “Sounds like supper is ready.”

  “Cool.” Mike grinned. “Let’s go eat. It smells good.”

  “It does. I think you did a fabulous job. And now you don’t have an excuse to be making chili dogs with Twinkies for dessert.” He followed Mike out after slipping on his jeans and shirt, sat at the counter to let Mike dish up.

  “I like chili dogs.” Mike cleaned up, slipped on a sweat suit from the laundry room. “They sure didn’t like me yesterday.”

  “That’ll be because you’re eating good food now—your body keeps expecting that.”

  “But how does that work?” Mike handed him a full plate, then fixed another. “There’s meat and tomatoes in chili, meat and tomatoes in this.”

  “Hamburger meat and hot dogs are not the same as chicken breast to start with. And you had onions all over yours.”

  “Onions are vegetables.” Mike didn’t have as much alfredo, but he took almost all the green beans.

  “They’re a spice.” He stole a few of Mike’s beans.

  “Nope. Vegetables.” Mike drank his milk, dug in happily.

  He chuckled and had a taste himself. “Oh, this is excellent—you did an awesome job.”

  He got a pleased little smile, a nod. “It’s good.”

  “I’m going to look forward to the nights it’s your turn to cook now,” he teased.

  Mike rolled his eyes. “Right. We should learn to make stew. I like stew. And chicken soup, but only from the can.”

  “I can teach you how to make stew. Not too many potatoes, though—I don’t want it getting too heavy on you.”

  Mike had to keep his meals fairly light, especially when he was practicing flat-out.

  “I like the beans best and the little barleys.” Mike met his eyes. “I’m not going to get fat, Coach. I work out all the time.”

  He nodded, serious now. “It’s got nothing to do with fat, Mike. Some foods make your body sluggish; others, like pizza, don’t give you the nutrition you need and are heavy on your stomach. That’s why you used to throw up all the time.” Coaching was his arena; he knew what he was doing. “How many times have you thrown up eating the food I make you eat?”

  “Not hardly at all, after the first few days.” The fact was, Mike’s stomach was twitchy and handled the steady influx of calories from juices much better than a heavy calorie dump. He couldn’t believe the kid used to throw up three and four times a week and thought it was normal. The more frequent meals were doing wonders for Mike’s stamina, for helping to deal with the constant little things life threw. “Maybe not at all.”

  Jessy nodded. “I know a lot of people think I’m a hardass. Hell, I am a hardass. But I take care of you, Mike. That’s my job. And I’m damned good at it.”

  Mike nodded. “It’s weird, Coach. I mean, the guys have beers and pizza and Coach Samuels chuckles. I do what you say, you know? I just sometimes don’t get it.”

  “Yeah, but none of them are fast like you are, Mike. None of them are going to shine like you are.”

  “And if they followed your program, would they?”

  “They’d do better than they will on the UT team, yeah. But none of them have your natural talent and your love of the water. Let’s face it, Mike, I help a little, but you’re born to this. It’s yours for the taking.”

  Mike ate some more, quiet. “Did you know my folks, Coach?”

  He nodded. They’d spoken about it briefly before, but it was natural for Mike to come back to it. “A little. I was behind them a few years, but anyone who was swimming when they were has seen them. Your mother….” He shook his head. “I’ve only ever seen one person move through the water like she did.”

  “Yeah?” Mike was basically done, picking now, playing with the food. “I never saw her race. Who?”

  He smiled, reached out to stroke Mike’s cheek. “You, baby.”

  Mike smiled, eyes gleaming. “Yeah? You think…. You think they’d think I was good? You think they’d be proud?”

  “I do, Mike. If they were alive, your father would be coaching you. He’d be an even harder ass than I am. Man didn’t have the talent your mother did, but he was disciplined. Damn.”

  “I don’t remember that about him, but he was a coach and traveling. I remember him being upset that Mom started smoking, though. He bought her a car to get her to stop.”

  Jessy chuckled. “Did it work?” He’d bet no, based on the time he’d been at the same venues they had.

  Mike shook his head. “She didn’t when he was home, but when he left… I think she was lonely without him.”

  “That’s a shame. She had you, though.” He bet Mike was a real cute kid.

  “Yeah. We had fun. We swam a lot. I look like her. My dad? Way wide and muscle-y. His speed? All strength.”

  Jessy nodded. He remembered that. “You’re stronger than you look, though, Mike. You’ve a share of his strength in you, as well as her innate ability. If they had a breeding program for swimming, they couldn’t have made a better choice than the two of them. I’m lucky to be able to coach you.”

  “I don’t know that Pop would have liked me being gay. I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t have wanted me to fall in love with my coach.” Mike winked. “Mom? She’d have been cool.”

  He laughed softly. “I’m glad you fell in love with your coach. I’m glad for that every single day, even though I know it complicates things.”

  Mike smiled. “Not for me. It’s the easiest thing ever.”

  “I thought swimming was the easiest thing ever,” he teased.

  He got a serious look. “No. No, loving you happened without me even knowing I needed it. I learned to need the water.”

  He was suddenly warm all through. “Come here,” he ordered brusquely, pulling Mike into his arms and holding him close.

  Mike cuddled right in, the soft sound purely happy. He purred, burying his face in Mike’s neck and breathing the scent in. Mike stroked his hair, petted, loved him.

  “I should do the dishes so we can have cobbler.” His face remained buried in Mike’s neck, though. Fuck, he loved this kid. With everything he was.

  “Mmm…. Hold me a minute more and we’ll do them together.”

  “That’s a deal I can’t possibly turn down.”

  So he held on, breathing Mike in, feeling Mike’s heart beating against his own chest.

  Chapter Six

  THE HOUSE smelled great; turkey and pie and potatoes and green beans and rolls.
The food had been yummy, both of them grazing instead of eating one huge meal. The best part was after, though. The two of them curled in comfy clothes under the blanket.

  They’d been watching movies, dozing, cuddling. Just being there.

  If they could do this in the water? Mike thought that would be absolutely perfect.

  Jessy was snoring softly, arm draped around Mike’s waist. Sleeping during the scariest part of The Ring. Still, it was warm, close, Jessy pressing his lips on the back of Mike’s neck. Sweet.

  Jessy shifted, murmuring and stroking his belly. Mike moaned and rubbed his ass back a little. Felt good.

  Jessy purred, pressing against him. “Oh, baby… you do make waking up a good thing.”

  “Mmm… you’re warm.” He brought one of Jessy’s hands up, kissed the knuckles.

  Jessy turned his hand, sliding his fingers along Mike’s lips. “You’re warm too. Mmm. And something smells like pie.”

  “Mmm… pie.” He nibbled a little. “It smells great in here.”

  “It does. We did good. Happy Thanksgiving.” Jessy licked his neck. “Oh, now you taste even better than it smells in here.”

  “You’re not used to me without chlorine.” He smiled, pleased all through, stupid in love.

  Jessy licked again. “No, I don’t think that’s it.”

  “No?” He leaned forward, giving Jessy more skin.

  Jessy hummed and started nibbling, licking and tasting each shoulder, his shoulder blades, several inches along the line of his spine. “No. It’s just you. With or without chlorine.”

  His blush was going to set him on fire. “Oh. Thank you.”

  “No, thank you. You’ve given me a reason to celebrate Thanksgiving.”

  Mike wasn’t sure if that was sad or beautiful. He turned to face Jessy, searching his lover’s eyes. “You have to have had other lovers, people who made you feel good.”

  “No one’s ever made me feel like you do. Ever.”

  “I just love you.” He took a kiss, smiled. “When did you know you wanted me?”

  “Almost from the start. You were… everything I ever wanted in a lover, in a swimmer.” Jessy shrugged, gave him a smile. “If I could have built you from scratch, you’re what you would have been.”


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