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The Wizards of Eredwynn 02 - Another Typical Day, Too

Page 18

by Daniel Harris

  I smiled and said, “I’m sure that is something that he would love to hear. You have a good day and tell the Governor that David said hello.”

  The man said, “I’ll do that for ya! Good day to you, gentlemen.”

  I looked at Roger who was barely containing himself and said, “Ready for home then, my valet?” He grinned and nodded and we were on the roof of the keep.

  Roger started laughing the moment that we arrived. He said that he could barely keep a straight face when we were told who had financed the place. I told him to think about the man that we were just talking to when we disappeared right in front of him, giving away that at least one of us was a wizard. That started him laughing again. I looked at the sun and suggested that we go to my living room for lunch. I’d hate to be late and have that crowd of ladies upset with me. Roger wholeheartedly agreed with me and we went downstairs and to my room.

  Isa had set up tables and chairs in a clear area and the girls were trickling in. The food hadn’t arrived yet so Roger and I had avoided punishment. He and I stood in a corner, out of the way talking until the food and the last girls had arrived. We then took seats where we directed and we all began to eat.

  Isa said, “I wanted to get everyone together so I could ask if anyone had any ideas on how we could change my fathers mind. I’m afraid that he will send troops over and over until we’re forced to kill them. We all know what a softie David is and he, like the rest of us, wants no bloodshed. Idea’s anyone?”

  I got silent around the table and then a hand went up. Isa nodded to Della and she said, “I’ve heard that the king listens to the queen. If we were to bring the queen here and plead our case, perhaps then the king would listen.”

  Isabel sat quietly for a few moments and then said, “It’s true that my mother can often change my fathers mind. There is a problem with getting my mother here. No one from this castle would be allowed to approach her and it would take someone from this castle to transport her.”

  Della grinned in that winning way of hers, “My Lady, David and I together could bring your mother here. I wouldn’t let him use too much of his master magic because he is still a bit weakened. Just say the word and I’ll show him what we need to do.”

  Isabel gave me a questioning look and I shook my head and shrugged. Isa said, “If no one has an objection or a better plan we should give it a try. Della, neither you nor David will be in any danger, will you?”

  Della replied, “Of course not! I wouldn’t do it if David would be in danger. Everyone knows I love him to much for that!”

  Isa nodded, “Then do what you need to do. We’ll get out of the way.”

  Della shook her head, “Actually, what I think would work best if we went to the couch area with you, your son and your sisters. That way when your mother arrived she would see family.”

  Isa grinned, “Della, you surprise me often!”

  I chimed in and said, “Join the club!”

  Della giggled as we walked to the sitting area. Everyone that my Pixie had suggested was there and she came and sat in my lap. She leaned her head back on my shoulder and whispered softly, “Let me do the work and just take from you what I need. Close your eyes and find the queen.”

  My vision was crystal clear. I felt as though I was plugged in to a battery charger. I could feel Della’s mind with me as I went to the castle, located the queens private chambers and the queen herself, sitting alone. I heard Della’s mind say that I needed to focus on transporting the queen so she would know what the ability felt like. I did as she asked and heard the gasp in the room as the queen joined us. I turned Della to me and said, “You’re amazing, my little Pixie.” and kissed her.

  The queen was startled but quickly calmed with the reassurance of her daughters. Within just a few minutes of her unplanned arrival she was cooing at her grandson. I told Isabel that I needed to do something and she nodded. I started for the door and signaled Della to follow me. She smiled happily and shadowed me out of the living room and into the hall. I then walked to my little room and went inside. I sat on the bed while she shut the door behind her. I asked if she would sit with me and she jumped into my lap.

  I said, “Beautiful lady, are you going to tell me how you do the things that I’ve seen you do? I doubt that anyone else in the kingdom would see, but I do. I know that I have difficulty explaining what I do, but can you explain what you do?”

  She smiled and said, “I do what you do, but differently. I’m not nearly as strong as you yet, but will be. I’m still learning too and that’s why I have instructors in the lower magic. Perhaps when I master the lower it will open the higher, as it did for you.” She twisted so she was straddling my legs and looked me in the eye. “I know that you use magic constantly and don’t even know it. For example, when you get…excited, you cause a field around you that has a dramatic effect on a female. I bet you didn’t even know that, did you?

  I said, “Magic when I’m excited? I know that the consorts and my wife have mentioned that being with me was different, in a good way. Are you saying that their enjoyment is caused by magic?”

  Della giggled, “Partially, you can take some credit. I’ll point out the magic that I’m talking about tomorrow night. But remember, what we did when we brought the queen here will have the same rule tomorrow night when we are in here together. I’ll do the work and you just support me.”

  I shook my head, “Whatever you say, my beautiful and confusing little Pixie. Now, we should go back to my living room before my wife decides that we started celebrating your birthday early.”

  We went back to the living room and I stood behind Isabel. She had just started informing the queen on the attacks from the king. The queen was appalled when she heard that the order had been giving to attack royals and you could see murder in her eyes when she realized that her grandson had been on the list of the royals that could be targeted.

  Chloe stood up and said, “And there’s something else that would have happened if an attack had succeeded. Mother, I’ll explain in a moment but for the rest of the people here I’ll just say…ninety-seven!”

  There were squeals of joy from around the room and I started laughing. They were never going to let go of the one hundred children thing as long as I lived.

  Chloe walked to her confused mother and said, “Mother, I’m with child. I don’t know if you knew but I’ve been a consort to David since shortly after we came to Valeview. The number was because the consorts have been teasing David about having a hundred children. He has James and now two consorts are with child.”

  The queen said, “Congratulations David. I hope that you are a better father to your children than some men are. Some men would order an attack on their own flesh and blood. Are you that kind of man?”

  I said vehemently, “Absolutely not, Your Highness. Everyone that knows me will tell you that I’m a caring person and will provide the utmost care for my children, and the women that I love.”

  The queen smiled, “I’d heard that about you. I know nothing about magic but I was wondering if you would be able to bring my husband to me, the way you brought me? I have some things that I would like to discuss with him and the people in this room should bear witness.”

  Isabel looked at me and I looked at Della. Della nodded happily and started over to me. I told the queen that in order to do this kind of transport I needed someone quite powerful to do it with me.

  The queen watched as Della sat in my lap and asked, “Is he teasing me? That tiny girl is a powerful wizard?”

  Isa said, “It seems that she may be one of the most powerful that we have. She uses the magic that David uses and none of the rest of us has even touched that yet.”

  Della looked around and said in her little girl voice, “Tell us when you’re ready. Oh, and are we being ordered by the Queen to make this abduction?”

  The queen laughed, “Yes, my dear. You are ordered to bring my husband to me and will do so under my protection. Begin when you are ready.”

  Silence filled the room as Della and I joined minds once again. We located the king wandering the halls, presumably in search of the queen. I thought ‘well, you’re about to find her!’ and Della’s mind laughed with mine. I let her have control and felt the pull again and opened my eyes to a very unhappy man.

  “What have you done, David?” the king roared waking James and causing him to cry.

  From behind him a voice said, “Have you gone insane, My Husband? Sending troops to attack our daughters and our grandson? Is your pride worth more than their lives?”

  The king spun around, “My Love, what are you doing here? Were you abducted by this criminal too? I’ll see you hang for this David Stephenson!”

  There was a shuffling of wands being freed from around the room. I held up a hand and shook my head, and remained silent. This fight would be better handled by blood relatives than by bloodshed.

  The queen said, “Did you see that? A nod of his head and you would have been a pile of ash, but since you are the father of girls that he loves, you were spared. He loves each and every girl in this room and wouldn’t give them up. Besides, what Lord is the fool that would think that they could hold or even approach one of these girls without their invitation? You ordered an attack on royal blood because of your pride.”

  The king replied, “But Wife, the Master Wizard is my subject and by law, is to obey my orders! He told…”

  The queen interrupted, “David has done everything that you have ever asked of him, except for this one thing. And it is a thing that he can’t be blamed for denying you. You have people that you love, and I don’t think that you would allow someone to take them from you. Would you send me off to be a consort or to prison?”

  The king thought for a moment, “No, my love. I’d never send you off but this is…not really all that different. David, daughters, and young ladies I beg your forgiveness. My wife was right when she said that it was my pride that was wounded. My hope is that I can be forgiven. I miss the visits from my grandson too. I pray that you’ll still allow me to see him after all the problems that I’ve caused.”

  The king stepped forward and shook my hand and then was surrounded by his wife and three daughters, one holding a baby and one with one on the way, and was granted the forgiveness that he’d asked for. I still thought Flamestrike might be a good idea and heard Della giggle in my head. I looked at her and winked.

  The king, queen and family visited for a couple hours and then requested to be returned home. I called Della to me when the goodbyes had been said and she sat on my lap. Her mind spoke to mine as we joined and suggested that it was a bit silly to keep up the projectile protection. I lowered the domes on Wizard’s and Valeview castle and instantly felt better. I then focused on the royal private room and waited while Della gently transported the king and queen to Rosenwood. While we were joined Della told me that we had a lot to teach each other. She said that winter would slow us down but spring would be wonderful! I told her that I looked forward to learning from her, and hoped for some answers soon! She giggled inside my head and broke contact.

  Isa, Chloe, Alba and James all came over and hugged us, thanking us for providing the wonderful visit. Della and I both smiled and I said that Della deserved all the praise. She had done the work, after all. Della smiled, suddenly looking tired and said that she’d like to lie down for awhile and then start moving her things back to the keep.

  Isabel said, “Della, my love, if you would like you could lie in David’s small room and some of the girls and myself will move your things for you. It is the very least that I could do for you after what you’ve done for my family and me. That is, if you don’t mind us being in your room.”

  Della smiled tiredly and said “Thank you Isabel. I feel very tired right now. I did help carry a king and queen all the way from Rosenwood and back, and I’m not used to expending that much energy. David, would you please carry me to your room?”

  Isa smiled at me and kissed Della on the head saying, “Rest well, Della. You deserved it.”

  I carried her to my room and Roger opened the door for me. I laid her on the pillows and kissed her cheek. I said, “I’ll see you in the morning my Pixie?”

  With a sleepy half-smile she said, “Of course, silly. We’re back in the same building after all.”


  I fumbled through the rest of the day helping plan Della’s party and staying out of the way. As dusk approached I asked Roger where I was supposed to spend the night. He told me that it was my night in Princess Chloe’s room. I thanked him and let my self in knowing that she had just been downstairs. I undressed and crawled into her bed, letting my mind wander over the day’s events.

  I heard the handle move on the door and put my head under the covers, lying very still. I heard Chloe moving around and dressing for bed. The nice thing about fluffy pillows, comforters and beds is they are great for hiding in. I saw the lights dim through a crack I’d made in my hiding place. Chloe slipped into bed and snuggled into her pillow and I put my arms around her. She jumped and struggled for a second and then saw my face.

  She said, “Oh, hi David. I thought Roger might have been calling when I didn’t see him outside your room! I guess you’ll do instead.” and she started giggling.

  I said, “That’s not fair when you turn the game on me like that, but if you want Roger instead…”

  She bit my ear and said, “You’d never give me to someone else. You love me to much!”

  I smiled and said, “You know that’s true, mommy. It seems like a long time until spring and I’m able to see my babies born. I hope that you’re able to heal yourself the way you did Isa. I’ll do it when I’m allowed in the room which should be quickly if we get the same midwifes!”

  Chloe laughed and said, “Just don’t run them off until after the baby is born! Ok, enough talk. Show me again how I became a mommy?”

  I grinned and said, “Gladly my lady!”

  We woke in each others arms the next morning. I saw she was awake and looking at me and whispered, “Beautiful lady, how can our healer be so proper and demure every day and become a tigress when we dim the lights?”

  She grinned and said, “Dear sir, haven’t you heard from many sources that you have that effect on women? We all love you David and sometimes I’m sure that you know a spell to make women love being with you!

  I laughed at that, “You should know that just last night I was told that I actually do magic, unintentionally, that does cause women to want to be with me. If it’s true, I don’t think that I’m going to stop!”

  Chloe smiled slyly and pulled me on top of her, “For the sake of research I think that we should test that theory. Or maybe we should just put off calling an end to the night. Either one works for me!”

  “I love you, my prim and proper, insatiable Princess.”

  I finally made it out of Chloe’s room and went up to the roof. I began laying the network of pipe so I could plumb the third floor of the keep. I hoped that I’d be able to get them all plumbed with showers, lavatories, and heating radiators before winter. Fall was drawing quickly to a close and the seasons wait for no plumber. As noon approached I made my way inside, got the last diamond ring that I hoped to give away for awhile and put it in my pocket. If the girls wanted to have ten children each to get to those one hundred children they joked about, fine with me. But I, surprising even to me, didn’t want any more consorts! Keeping track of nine consorts and my wife was exhausting. Perhaps my little Pixie would be able to teach me how to turn off or tone down the magic she said that I used to attract members of the opposite sex. Then I could sleep at night.

  I went downstairs and found that the party for Della had been moved from the meeting room to the foyer. Isa said that there wasn’t quite enough room in the meeting room and not enough people for the great hall. I suggested that we could have brought everyone to our living room, like we’d done in the past. She said that some people from Valeview and a family that Della
had befriended from a neighboring village were coming. She didn’t like the idea of having people that she didn’t know, traipsing around in her house. I agreed, as I usually did, and was escorted to my seat.

  People started filing in and it was felt strange to me to see unfamiliar faces in the keep. I realized that I lived a relatively reclusive lifestyle for someone that considered themselves a public servant! I saw a lot of people from Valeview that I did know. I expected to see the tailor lady that I’d become good friends with. I was her best customer and kept her busy all the time. Making clothes for up to twenty fairly well off young ladies made for a full time job and then some.

  Della showed up at the top of the stairs and I found the tailor. From the harried look on her face alterations had gone on until the last minute. Her efforts had paid off. The dress was beautiful and made of pink and white. It had lace around the collar and her wrists, a slight bustle and a short train made for a beautiful dress. The thing that made absolutely charming was my little Pixie’s face and shy smile. She was very unsure if she liked all the attention and I could see it. As she started down the stairs everyone applauded. She came to her at spot the head of table and I stood and held her chair for her. I smiled to myself thinking, ‘the one time in my life that my etiquette teacher would be proud and she isn’t even in this universe!’ The food was brought and eaten; a cake that matched Della’s dress was brought out and served. A table was set beside Della and gifts were stacked on it.

  I went over to Della’s chair and knelt down beside her. I said softly, “Della, you know that I love you, and I’ve seen your mind and know that you love me. You’ve been accepted by my wife and me as a consort. Would you wear this ring, as a symbol to the world, that we belong to each other?”

  Della grinned and nodded; I slipped the ring on her dainty finger and gently sized it to fit. Della said, “I felt that master magic. I guess you’ve recovered enough that it won’t hurt. Just save some for tonight, I may want to go flying!”


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