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Summer by the Lake

Page 26

by Mandy Baggot

  ‘And what did he say?’

  ‘He said he wanted me to speak to my parents, that he would like them to come in and see him, and that was all I heard. I knew he wouldn’t agree to help me without involving my mom, so I had to sort things out myself,’ Robyn continued. ‘I found a clinic who would help me.’

  Cole offered her the plate of pickles.

  ‘I had to do it and I had to do it real quick because if I didn’t do it… maybe I wouldn’t be able to do it and what would happen then? I wouldn’t have known what to do and so I figured if I didn’t have the baby I could forget the rape. Didn’t work though, did it? I never got rid of the rape and I aborted a child,’ Robyn spoke.

  ‘What you did on your own was so brave. That’s one hell of a decision for a sixteen-year-old,’ Cole told her, reaching into the bubbles and taking hold of her hand.

  ‘I’m not certain I made the right one.’

  ‘I’m certain you made the right one for you at the time,’ Cole assured her.

  ‘I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. I should have told you, right away, when you told me about Veronica and Bryn,’ Robyn said.

  ‘I didn’t tell you what I did after my dad died right away.’

  ‘I’m ashamed of it and I don’t want anyone to know. Not Dad or Pam, and especially not Sarah, not now,’ Robyn said.

  ‘Not now?’

  ‘She’s pregnant but she hasn’t told Mickey yet, so keep it zipped. I’m hoping for a full reconciliation and, despite her reservations, if he doesn’t do the decent thing and propose, I’m going to book a priest and a venue myself,’ Robyn told him.


  ‘Yeah, wow.’

  ‘I understand you don’t want people to know. It’s hard for you—it’s in the past and we’re moving on—but what if I said there’s a possibility I could obtain DNA that would determine who the father of your baby was?’ Cole asked seriously.


  ‘Listen, it’s a long shot, but over here at least, some clinics keep samples to determine DNA and prove paternity.’

  ‘But it was nine years ago,’ Robyn said, her voice shaking.

  ‘I know, and I know the DNA they say they found on you was Jason’s, but if the tissue was tested, we would know, maybe not who it was right away, but definitely who it wasn’t,’ Cole explained.

  ‘Can they really do that these days?’ Robyn asked.

  ‘They can, if they took samples and if they still have the information,’ Cole told her.

  Robyn swallowed. Memories of the day she entered the clinic swollen and left bereft filled her head. It hadn’t been the baby’s fault, but it wasn’t her time to be a mother. She had nothing and nobody, and he had been a product of an awful assault she couldn’t forget.

  ‘Do it. I’ll get you the address,’ Robyn agreed determinedly.


  ‘Hey, Dad. Are you awake?’

  Eddie had more color in his cheeks than Robyn had seen since she’d arrived back in Michigan. He screwed up his eyes and then opened them wide, looking straight at her, a familiar scowl on his face.

  ‘What are you doing here? You’ve got broken ribs, ain’t you? You should be resting, not poking your nose into what I’m doing. Let your dad have a bit of peace,’ Eddie said.

  ‘You sound so much better. Nancy says you even ate some food today. Pot pie, no less,’ Robyn said, smiling.

  ‘Goddamn, it was awful! Whatever the meat was made from, it wasn’t a creature on this Earth. What animal does tofu come from? Now, listen, never mind about what I’m eating, what’s going on with Brad? He was here earlier, drunk out of his mind, crying and wailing like a baby; Nancy had to take him home,’ Eddie told her.

  ‘Oh, Dad, he’s sore because I’m dating Cole. I tried to tell him that we were never gonna be more than friends, but he wouldn’t take no for an answer. I had to make it clear and he didn’t like it,’ Robyn explained.

  ‘He’s had a hard ride in life, Robyn. He’s not the big man he makes himself out to be. His pop’s tough on him, his mom died, that Michelle left him. I tried to pick him back up, making him the captain of the Panthers, but I don’t think it’s enough,’ Eddie told her.

  ‘Dad, I don’t care for him that way. We’re friends, that’s it,’ Robyn insisted.

  ‘Your aunt’s worried about you living with someone you barely know,’ Eddie continued.

  ‘I can’t believe she’s been in here telling you this. You’re recovering from a very serious operation, you need to rest and concentrate on getting better,’ Robyn said crossly.

  ‘Buttercup, I’m bored out of my mind laying here. I feel better, I want to get up and get moving. I want out of here, I want to wear this fancy new coach jacket the team bought me,’ Eddie told her.

  ‘Getting up and at ‘em is weeks away. The best thing is to let things heal and take your time. If you do things too quickly, it could all go wrong,’ Robyn said.

  ‘I think that’s what Pam thinks about you,’ Eddie replied.

  ‘Well, she’s wrong. Trudy came today, I told her everything all over again and I’m really healing this time,’ Robyn said firmly.

  ‘And you’re in love with Cole? You know that after a week?’ Eddie asked.

  ‘You wanna talk about feelings?’

  ‘It seems I have to lately.’

  ‘Yes, I’m sure about Cole. I’m so sure, I’m going to marry him,’ Robyn announced, and she held her hand out to her dad so he could look at her ring.

  ‘You’re what! Are you freaking insane? You can’t marry someone you’ve known a week! What are you trying to do? Kill me?’ Eddie blasted, his face reddening as he clutched at his chest.

  ‘No, Dad, I’m trying to make you realize that I’m all grown up now and I can make my own decisions—even if you and Aunty Pam don’t think much of them.’

  ‘This is the craziest thing you’ve ever done! This is even crazier than calling yourself Art and playing against Grand Rapids! This is off the scale!’

  ‘Nancy told me you were high-school sweethearts. She said you were the best guy she ever knew and that she knew even back then you were her Mr. Right,’ Robyn told him.

  ‘She reads too many romance novels,’ Eddie replied with a sniff.

  ‘I believe her. I believe she loves you unconditionally and she knew that all those years ago, just like that,’ Robyn carried on.

  ‘Has she been lending you books? Because I don’t remember you ever having a liking for books. You read car manuals—never books,’ Eddie commented.

  ‘I feel the same way about Cole. I can’t explain it, I certainly don’t want to try and explain it to you because that would be really weird, but I’m certain of him. One hundred per cent certain of him,’ Robyn said.

  ‘Knock knock! Hey, old goat, you awake? Where’s the chips?’ Max questioned as Cole opened the door and pushed the old man into Eddie’s room.

  ‘Can’t a man get any privacy around here? First she comes and wakes me up and now you? Don’t any of you have anything better to do?’ Eddie barked at his friend.

  ‘What do you think in this place? It’s wall-to-wall bedpans and that’s the highlight,’ Max announced.

  ‘I just told Dad we’re getting married,’ Robyn told Cole.

  ‘What? Getting married! We’ve only just met the guy!’ Max exclaimed in shock.

  ‘That’s exactly what I said,’ Eddie grumbled.

  ‘Sir, I wanted to ask you for permission, but Robyn said it was too soon, with the operation and everything,’ Cole said nervously, appearing to be searching for the right words to say.

  ‘What are your prospects? Can you provide for her? I’m not talking playing for a two-bit hockey team here, I’m talking long-term career plans,’ Max said, turning around and looking seriously at him.

  ‘I’ll ask the questions, Max,’ Eddie ordered.

  ‘Have you got her a ring? And I don’t mean something from the pawn shop, I mean a proper ring—diamonds and lots of ‘em,’ Max ca
rried on.

  ‘Will this do?’ Robyn asked, holding her hand out to show Max.

  ‘Jeez! Will you look at that, Eddie! She could have someone’s eye out with that. Are they real diamonds?’ Max inquired, screwing his eyes up to focus.

  ‘D’you know, I don’t know and I don’t care,’ Robyn replied, smiling at Cole.

  ‘So, what are your career prospects?’ Eddie muttered, looking at Cole out of the corner of his eye.

  ‘Dad! He works for Gen-All, you know that,’ Robyn exclaimed.

  ‘I know, but we don’t know what he does, how much he earns… he could be the janitor for all we know,’ Eddie responded.

  ‘I’m not the janitor,’ Cole replied with a smile.

  ‘No? So what do you do, son?’

  ‘I develop and formulate preventative vaccines,’ Cole answered. ‘Amongst other things.’

  ‘What does that mean?’ Max asked, waiting for someone to translate.

  ‘It means he’s smart,’ Robyn helped out.

  ‘And I earned three hundred thousand dollars last year,’ Cole added. ‘You know, if we’re talking the nitty gritty.’

  Max let out a high-pitched whistle.

  ‘Sir, I love your daughter. I know we didn’t meet that long ago, but we’re sure of how we feel, and even if I didn’t have a good, secure job, I would give her everything I had—everything,’ Cole said sincerely.

  ‘Right, well, you need to know that she loves the Panthers, nearly more than life itself. She never eats vegetables unless they’re in soup or deep fried, and when she lived at home, the only way I could get her out from under the hood of a car was to tell her there were monster trucks on the TV,’ Eddie informed him, looking at his daughter.

  ‘Obviously years have gone by and I’m totally changed,’ Robyn insisted.

  ‘So, when’s this wedding then? Have you set a date?’ Eddie asked.

  ‘Yes. October 2nd,’ Robyn said bluntly.

  ‘October 2nd? Are you kidding me! What happened to long engagements? You cannot be serious!’


  She’d been feeling completely sick with nerves all day. The clowns were late, Bob had to make an emergency repair to his tractor, and it had taken hours to fill the helium balloons. But Cole had managed to book Special Guest and, an hour after the doors reopened on Eddie’s Roadhouse, the place was buzzing. There were local families, the local football team, teachers and students from Portage High School, plus most of the neighborhood. All the tables were full and Robyn, Nancy and the agency waitresses had their work cut out. The children were enjoying the clowns and Bob’s tractor rides and the adults were being entertained well by the band.

  ‘Rare rib eye, mixed grill, two children’s chicken platters, extra fries, rings and a green salad,’ Robyn announced as she balanced a tray on her arm and put the food down on the table. Serving was even more difficult when you had broken ribs.

  ‘This looks delicious,’ the woman in the party remarked.

  ‘I hope you enjoy it, if you need anything else just holler,’ Robyn replied with a smile.

  She turned around to go back to the kitchen when she spotted Sarah and Mickey entering, their hands clasped tightly together.

  ‘Hey guys, do you want a table? I probably have one for two right now,’ Robyn said, scanning the restaurant.

  ‘Actually we’ll be wanting a table for three,’ Mickey announced and a proud grin spread all over his face.

  ‘Stop saying that, we shouldn’t tempt fate,’ Sarah replied with a giggle.

  ‘Is there something I should know?’ Robyn asked diplomatically.

  ‘We’re having a baby!’ Mickey exclaimed, and he let out a loud wolf howl that made some of the other diners look around in surprise.

  ‘Mickey stop it! People are trying to eat!’ Sarah exclaimed in horror.

  ‘Having a baby, holding hands… does this mean you two are back together the way nature intended?’ Robyn asked.

  ‘Yes. And we’re getting married,’ Sarah announced with a blush and she extended her hand to Robyn.

  ‘Oh, Sarah, it’s beautiful. Hey mister, about time, too, huh? And who knew you had such excellent taste? It’s gorgeous,’ Robyn said, admiring the delicate emerald and diamond ring.

  ‘I know I said I didn’t think I wanted to, but he turned up with the ring, got down on one knee, and cried and everything, and that was before I told him about the baby,’ Sarah explained.

  ‘I’m really pleased for you,’ Robyn said, smiling at her friend.

  ‘So, look at this place! It’s amazing, Robyn. It looks fantastic and it’s packed,’ Sarah exclaimed, looking around at the buzzing roadhouse.

  ‘I know, we don’t have any mustard, but apart from that, everything came together. I just hope we don’t run out of food, or beer… beer would be worse,’ Robyn admitted.

  ‘Where’s Cole?’ Mickey asked.

  ‘Behind the bar—where a good employee should be. Although he seems to have got himself a female fan club. There are three women who haven’t moved from the end bar stools since we opened. I’m not going to say anything just yet, though, because he’s got them drinking double Jack and Cokes every round,’ Robyn replied.

  ‘Robyn! We got orders backing up out there!’ Nancy called as she came out onto the floor with two trays in her hands.

  ‘Okay, I’m on it. Guys, table twelve over there. Give me two seconds and I’ll come and take your drink orders,’ Robyn told them as she skipped off, one hand to her ribs.


  He watched Robyn as she collected some more empty plates and glasses on a tray. She was struggling with her injury but she was never going to stop for a break when they were so busy.

  ‘So, Cole, when do you get off?’ a woman with thick, dark hair and heavy make-up asked him.

  She was toying with the straw in her drink and staring at him appreciatively. He’d seen plenty of women like her in the bar he worked in Chicago.

  ‘Yeah, when do you finish so we can go and have some real fun?’ her blonde-haired friend wanted to know.

  ‘Oh, I’m here ‘til late,’ Cole answered, serving a group of guys next to the women.

  ‘You have to go to bed, though, right?’ the dark-haired woman said in an attempt at seduction.

  ‘Sure. With my girlfriend,’ Cole said with a smile. It felt nice to say that.

  ‘Well, I don’t see her and what you can’t see isn’t important in my book,’ she continued.

  ‘Well, I’m afraid it is in mine. And she’s over there,’ Cole replied, pointing out Robyn who was adjusting her Eddie’s Roadhouse cap and taking orders from another table.

  ‘Man! Really! She’s not even wearing lipstick,’ the blonde replied in horror.

  It was all he could do not to laugh at her comment. Robyn didn’t even own a lipstick. She used gloss that smelt like mint and vanilla and tasted like an ice cream sundae. He glanced over at her as she came back out onto the floor with another tray of food.

  ‘I’ll have a Bud,’ Brad growled, squeezing himself between the women and putting his hands on the bar.

  ‘Hey there, sexy. D’you come here often?’ the dark-haired woman asked, turning her attentions toward Brad.

  ‘It could be arranged,’ Brad replied, smiling at her and taking his cap from his head.

  ‘That’s two dollars and fifty cents,’ Cole said, putting the bottle down in front of him.

  ‘And drinks for the ladies,’ Brad said, getting out his wallet.

  ‘Why, thank you!’ the blonde said, giggling like a teenager.

  ‘And while you’re at it we’ll have a pitcher of Bud…’ Eddie’s voice spoke.

  ‘That’s Bud Light and just the one. You’ve got an hour,’ Pam spoke seriously.

  She stood behind his wheelchair and Sierra and Sienna were behind her.

  ‘Hey, Eddie, it’s great to see you,’ Cole called.

  ‘Boss, I can’t believe they let you out. How you doing?’ Brad asked, turning around
and looking down at his manager.

  ‘A lot better than you. Look at the state of you. You haven’t shaved. Have you even showered?’ Eddie questioned.

  ‘Is this your father?’ the dark-haired girl asked, looking at Brad.

  ‘One bottle of Bud Light. Robyn’s over there,’ Cole directed.

  ‘Pam! Bring the drink; I want to see my daughter,’ Eddie said, trying to move the wheelchair himself.

  ‘Here, let me take you,’ Brad offered, putting his bottle down and taking hold of the arms of the wheelchair.

  ‘Need something to help you keep balance?’ Eddie snapped at him.

  ‘No,’ Brad replied hastily.

  ‘We went through this before, Brad, when Michelle left you. I don’t wanna go through it again. Whatever’s wrong with you, snap out of it. The Panthers captain needs to be someone I can trust and rely on. If you don’t want the job, I’ll give it to Mickey,’ Eddie told him firmly.

  ‘Holy crap! What are you doing here?’ Wes exclaimed as Brad wheeled Eddie over toward the table of Panthers.

  ‘Checking up on you boys. How are you?’ Eddie asked, smiling broadly at all of them.

  ‘We’re good. Climbing the table, Boss!’ Wade told him.

  ‘We winning big, Boss, but Robyn, she is, how you say? Hard pleasing,’ Henrik informed him.

  ‘Oh, yeah, she’s always been that. So I guess you’ll be happy to see me back ice side,’ Eddie said with a grin.

  ‘Are you back tomorrow game?’ Henrik asked.

  ‘No, he’s not. He’s not meant to be here tonight. It will be a few weeks yet,’ Pam insisted quickly.

  ‘Where’s Grant?’ Eddie asked, noticing his assistant coach wasn’t at the table.

  ‘He…er…well…’ Wes started.

  ‘He didn’t think it was appropriate to come. He has Jason at home at the moment,’ Wade filled in.

  ‘Oh my God! Dad? What are you doing here? Why aren’t you at home resting?’ Robyn exclaimed, her mouth wide open.

  ‘He’s got an hour,’ Pam said.

  ‘And we have a defibrillator in the car,’ Sienna added with a grin.

  ‘Hello, Buttercup. Look at this place! You’ve taken over,’ Eddie said, looking around at the decor, the scores of happy customers, the great band and the clowns.


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