Always and Forever (Always #2)

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Always and Forever (Always #2) Page 15

by Bethan Cooper


  My Grandma.

  I lost my grandmother on the 3rd of January 2015. She was a support unit for all of my life. She really was the light of my family. She had read Never Say Goodbye, and her words to me were “Lets not talk about that young lady.”

  But she asked for the second book. So Nana, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry you never got to read this. I’m sorry you left us, we miss you every day. A huge life has been taken away, and it won’t stop hurting. I miss you. We all miss you. I LOVE YOU.

  Rest In Peace with all your doggies, I hope your dancing in the sky, free from pain.


  I love you. You are my support, my strength and the reason I am who I am today. Without your knowledge, I wouldn’t be the woman I have become. I am who I am because of you. Your sheer determination to look after your family, your kindness becomes you in so many ways. I love you with all of me; my bones ache with my love for you. Forever my hero.


  My number one man, forever and always. You have been a constant life support to me for all of my life. You support me in everything I do, and I burst with love for you everyday. Thank you for raising me to be kind to everyone, and be the woman I am today. Thank you. I love you with everything I have.


  Even though you face battles nobody can ever understand but you, you are forever my world. You make my life so much better; even if you cant see it. I love you with everything I could ever be. You’re my best friend, the one person I can go to with everything and not have to worry about being judged. You are my go-to girl. My Lion King pal. My favourite. My Sister. By Blood. By Love. Thank you for being the best friend a sister could ever want. I love you.

  Richie, my husband, my world, my life…

  We’ve faced problems only we could ever fix. We have been through so much and always came out stronger no matter what. You are the light in my heart that needed to be switched on at that point in my life. You keep that light on, everlasting like my love for you. You are my best friend, my confidante, and my world. I couldn’t ask for anyone else to love me like you do.

  Your love for me makes me burst with happiness everyday and I love how you love me. Thank you for supporting me through everything, especially this year. It’s been tough, but you saved me. I love you, you are my sunshine.

  To my Always readers. You know who you are.

  I freaking love you.

  Special shout out to my McBuddies.

  Jade Windley. Claire Stewart. Jessica Scorey. Harriet Texeira. Lillie-May Gunn. Shannon Ovel. Charlotte Finch. Chloe McCarthy. Tegan-Leigh Grey. Tala Patterson.

  Your support makes me so excited to write, you get so attached and your love for my stories make my heart dance. I love you all, thank you for being so amazing and supporting me. PS - Luke James loves you all ;)

  Justine McFadyen

  This lady has Never Say Goodbye tattooed on her arm.

  Yes, she does.

  Her support is forever strong, and she is an amazing person to have in my life. Thank you Justine, for supporting me through all of my struggles and being a part of my life I could never lose now. Thank you. I love you <3

  Kyra Lennon


  You have saved me, my novel, and my whole freaking life. Thank you so much for editing Always And Forever and helping me achieve my release date. You really are an amazing person and I am forever grateful for your help. I LOVE YOU. <3 <3

  Kirsty-Anne Still

  My partner in crime. My formatter in crime!! <3 Thank you for your constant support and love towards my stories. Thank you for being my best friend and helping me achieve my goals. Without you I’d be so lonely. You are so special to me. I love you <3

  Allana & Victoria

  Thank you for supporting me with my release day blitz, and for being loving readers of my work <3

  Mini Coopers

  I love you all.

  You’re like my little book family, always supporting me. You know who you are.


  Bethan Cooper spends her days working eight hours at a well-known restaurant and yawning - a lot.

  But her vulnerability behind the uniform is her writing, having being obsessed with writing short stories and song lyrics from her teens, she has finally put pen to paper and started a novel.

  She is married to the love of her life, with whom she shared her own love story with.

  She grew up in Yorkshire, England and currently resides in Essex, England.

  She’s just an author who wants to give you an escape from reality.

  Find her at


  Back Home

  A New Adult Standalone

  This is a part of Chapter Two;

  Blue’s real name is Sky.

  First time meeting Reece.

  “Blue, this is Reece.” Reece holds his hand out to me, and I just stare at it like a crazy person. Err, Blue, grab his hand… grab it… I slide my hand in his and shake it lightly. He pulls me close to him and I almost faint at the smell of his skin. He kisses my cheek and I instantly feel my cheeks burn. Oh man, do they burn.

  “Nice to meet you, Blue.” Reece’s Yorkshire accent is thick, filled with masculinity and so deep. I forget how nice the accent is. I miss home.

  “You too.” I manage. My legs can’t hold me up anymore. I need to sit down. I take hold of the chair next to me and slide into it. Deep breaths, Blue. I have never stared into eyes so deep and blue before. It’s only ever been eyes filled with one thing and one thing only. They want me for sex. But Reece, his eyes are soft, welcoming. I take a sip of my beer, oh hell, who am I kidding. I take a long swig of my beer, and set the glass down on the table. Long legs covered in skinny jeans slip into the seat beside me.

  “Are you okay?” Reece asks, and I nod into my glass. My finger starts to involuntarily circle the top of the glass and I stare at it like an idiot. I turn to face Reece, and really take a look at him. His eyes, they’re just… they’re everything I could ever wish for in a person. His brown hair is slicked back, but not too much to look like someone who hasn’t washed their hair for months. He’s wearing a fitted blue shirt, and converse on his feet.

  He’s perfect.

  He’s perfect apart from the silver band around his wedding finger.

  He’s taken.

  I breathe in and breathe out slowly. Why am I being such a coward?

  “I’m okay, sorry. I’m just so tired; I’ve barely had time to just chill since coming in from London. Y’know?” I think back to the last time I was sat in a bar, with a man, and what happened. I shake off those memories, and smile at Reece.

  “So,” I say. “What do you do for a living?”

  He picks up his cider and takes a drink. “I work with your brother. That’s how we know each other. He’s a good friend to me.”

  I nod. “Oh. You don’t stink like he does.” I screw up my nose and he lets out the most beautiful laugh.

  Well, I think it’s beautiful.

  It’s not beautiful.

  It’s just a bloody laugh.

  Keep it together, Sky.

  “I don’t stink, cos I actually shower, Blue. Oli has no idea how to be clean.” He laughs again and I fall into it, I fall in love with it. I fall hopelessly devoted to it. Oh fuck off Sandy Olsson. Any Grease fan knows what I mean.

  I start to turn a beer mat in my hand and play with it nervously, as we talk for a while longer about my job. I try avoiding it, but he seems to know how to push my buttons.

  “London is an amazing city. It’s not the cities fault, y’know? I just miss the simplicity of beauty up here. You don’t have to travel far to be alone. In London, you can’t hide. You’ll be found.” I sigh.

  “I’ve never been to London.” Reece grunts. “I really want to visit someday. Maybe I could come see you.” His smile shows his beauty and makes my knees do something stupid.
Stop it, knees.

  “You’d be the first.” I state. “Nobody visits me. It’s so expensive for travel, I don’t blame them.”

  His hand slides on top of mine, and the heat from his fingers makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end. “Its okay.” I mutter and pull my hand back. “People blame me for being ingénue, I’m over it. I was young, but I have dealt with it. I’m used to it.” I’m irritated with the conversation. “Can we talk about something else now please?”

  “Sorry, I just wanted to be polite with you.”

  “Well don’t be.” I spit. “I’m going home.” The chair scrapes along the wooden flooring as I stand up. I walk up to Oli and tell him I’m tired.

  The air is cold outside the pub, filled with sea smells. I take a deep breath and walk towards the taxi rank.

  “Blue!” I hear Reece. “Wait!”

  I turn around to face him and roll my eyes. “What? Please I just want to go home.” He walk-jogs towards me and catches his breath as he stands opposite me.

  He holds his finger up as if to say give him a second. “Lets go for a walk? Yeah?” He says, breathless.

  “Why?” I scoff.

  “Because we can. I can’t fix that broken part of you, but I can let you talk about it.”

  I laugh. “Really? We just met. How do you suppose I open up to you?”

  He smiles at me. “Sometimes that’s the best thing. Confiding in a stranger. You can go without judgement. Without stress of being spoken about. C’mon girl. I might also have some cheeky gear on me.”

  “What? No! I’ve never done drugs.” Is this guy for fucking real?

  “Keep your voice down! It’s just weed. Not going to affect you in any way. Come to the beach with me?” He’s holding his hand out to me, and its so tempting. Just to let go for one night. The danger is lurking in the back of my head, yet at the same time I know he’s friends with Oli so I have nothing to worry about.

  “Okay.” I whisper and slide my hand into his.


  The beach is cold. So fucking cold. I wrap my arms around myself and Reece notices. Without me even asking, he takes off his leather jacket and wraps it around my shoulders. A gesture any girl would swoon at. I pull it tight around me and watch in fascination as he rolls a joint. I’ve seen people do it before; I’ve just never done it. I watch as his tongue slides along the edge to seal it, and I think for a second how it would taste licking mine… No wait. Married. Married. Married. He pulls a lighter from his jean pocket, and lights it with ease, even with the light wind blowing. He takes a deep breath in and it lights automatically. Smoke fills the air surrounding him immediately, as he breathes it in and out. Wow, it sure produces a lot of smoke. He hands it to me and I take it with shaking fingers. I lick my lips, and put it to my mouth. I take a drag, and let the drug fill my lungs. As I breathe out I cough slightly, and Reece laughs.

  “Happens to everyone, you get used to it. Take another drag.” He eggs me on.

  I take another drag, and this time breathing out is easier. The line of smoke is straight and I breathe it out looking at the stars.

  “Wow.” I whisper. “The sky is so beautiful.”

  “Like you.” He says back to me, and I turn suddenly to look into his eyes. He swallows slowly, and leans in. Fuck. He’s going to kiss me. He takes the joint out of my hand and smiles as he turns away. Fucking wanker.

  “You are beautiful Sky. You aint found love yet, but you’ll find it. You see that ocean out there? It’s fucking huge. Just like the earth. Your love could be anywhere, or it could be right before your eyes.” He sighs.

  What. Is. That.

  My bones hurt.

  My BONES hurt.

  “My cheekbones hurt, are they supposed to hurt? Reece? Are they meant to hurt?” I hold my palms over my cheeks and massage.

  He bursts into laughter and I laugh with him. “It’s because you’re smiling you idiot.”

  “Oh.” I whisper and look into the deep blue in front of me. I take the joint again and take another hit. It’s making me feel good inside. Everything sounds so beautiful, the ocean breathing in and out, slowly and gently. Like it’s the lungs for the earth. Wait, what? Lungs? I burst out laughing at my thoughts and Reece laughs beside me.

  “It’s good right?” He takes the joint back.

  “It’s good.”




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