Eye Candy

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Eye Candy Page 36

by Ryan Schneider

  Red light and black shadow cloaked their bodies.

  They turned in place. With sure and swift steps the male pranced. The female remained poised on one toe. She revolved like a ballerina inside a music box. Her hands caressed his head, slid down his face. Her fingers caressed his chest.

  The music grew louder, ever louder, ever faster, repeating and repeating and repeating its cadence, Taptaptaptap-taptaptaptap-tap-tap-taptaptaptap-taptaptaptaptaptap, while the horns, violins, cellos, and drums built and built and built.

  Across the arena floor, the pairs made their way toward the pyramid. They writhed and swayed, until they reached its base, and then they began to climb.

  The male robot and his partner swayed while their bodies flowed together.

  The woman’s back arched. Her head swung wildly. He struggled to contain her, with her leg about him, locked in place.

  Faster and faster she rocked her body against him while he held her tight.

  And still the music did build. Louder and louder, faster and faster.

  Red light fluttered across the profile of her breasts, her buttocks. She thrashed and thrashed while the powerful male pumped against her, harder and harder and faster and faster.

  Dozens of pairs of figures made their way up the pyramid, until every side of it was full, its stepped tiers occupied by entwined bodies, a writhing mass of arms and legs.

  The pyramid became a moving tower of swaying bodies.

  Louder and louder the music grew.

  Brighter and brighter the light glowed red.

  On and on it went, the pyramid alive and crawling with flesh awash in red light, like lovers giving themselves with wild abandon.

  Great jets of fire shot into the air in time with the music.

  Louder and louder the music swelled.

  Brighter and brighter did the red light glow.

  Loud and bright, bright and loud until it hurt. The couples thrusting and pounding in time.

  Taptaptaptap-taptaptaptap-tap-tap-taptaptaptap-taptaptaptaptaptap. . . .

  All the instruments swelling and rising, higher and louder, higher and louder. . . .

  Taptaptaptap-taptaptaptap-tap-tap-taptaptaptap-taptaptaptaptaptap. . . .

  Until the arena was filled with bodies moving and swaying, thrashing and pounding, full of red light, full of brilliance, full of sound and music building up and up and up like a fury great and strong, more and more and louder and brighter, faster and faster until it hurt, impossible to stop, impossible to continue, louder and brighter more and more. . .

  . . .building . . . building . . . building . . . !

  Every body went rigid with release.

  And then collapsed. They knelt together, melting into place, until they were still.




  The crowd was on its feet.

  Whistles filled the air.

  A white spotlight illuminated. It followed Zammy as he walked to the center of the arena and stood at the base of the pyramid.

  Zammy’s voice filled the air. “If that didn’t get you going, you’d best go see a doctor because you must be dead.”

  Gentle laughter from the audience.

  Zammy continued. “Ladies and gentlemen, let’s hear it for our performers.”

  Red light illuminated the pyramid once more. The dancers took their bows.

  “An extra special round of applause, please, for our featured entertainers,” said Zammy.

  A red spotlight beamed down from the darkness and lit up the stage where the male and female pair stood atop the pyramid.

  Zammy raised his arms. The glowing fringe swung from his coat. “Ladies and gentlemen, put your hands together for Saint Bernard and i-Candyyyyyyyy!”

  Danny could not move.

  Could not breathe.

  Could not think.

  The robots atop the pyramid waved to the crowd. They turned in place, offering everyone a chance to see them.

  There, holding hands and waving to the crowd, was Bernard.

  Beside him, bathed in red light, clinging to Bernard with one hand and waving to the crowd with her other hand, was Candy. She was completely nude. But it was her.

  “Thank you, and good night!” Zammy called out.

  The lights on the pyramid faded. In the dim glow of the house lights, the pyramid could be seen retracting into the floor.

  “My launch pad certainly has attained liftoff,” said Rukara.

  “Mine too,” said Bella.

  “Mine too,” said Rony. “That was an energetic performance.”

  “When did you get here?” Bella asked.

  “Just now. Atom and Poo were getting kinda grabby so I decided to come out here. Can’t say I blame them, though. Every time I see Candy and Bernard’s act, I just wanna touch myself.” Rony began sliding her hands over her silver gown.

  Bella looked on with intoxicated eyes. “I wanna touch yourself, too.” He reached for Rony but she smacked his hand away.

  “Go touch your own self. Pervert.”

  “Yeah,” said Rukara. “You pervert.”

  Danny finally gathered the strength to speak. “Wait a minute. What do you mean, every time you see their act?”

  “What do you mean what do I mean?” asked Rony. “They do this every night.”

  “Well, not every night,” said Rukara. “They get Sundays off.”

  Danny was incredulous. “How long has she been here?”

  “About two months,” said Rony.

  “Yeah,” said Bella, “I think before that she did some escorting and a bit of film work.”

  “I don’t remember what she did before that,” said Rukara. “Zammy told me but I forgot.” He withdrew another enormous joint and lit it. “I call it non-total recall.” He inhaled deeply. “Occupational hazard.”

  “May I?” Danny grabbed the joint and drew hard on it. He handed it off to Rony. “So, how well do you know her?”

  “Somebody is asking an awful lot of questions about Candy,” Rony teased.

  “I think somebody is in love,” said Rukara.

  Danny fidgeted, waiting for the weed to hit. “You could say that.”

  “Wait a second,” said Rony, “you’re the guy. The ex-boyfriend. The one who humiliated her up on stage in front of everyone at that fourth of July party. You’re the dick.”

  “Oh yeah,” said Rukara.

  “So you’re the dick,” Bella stated. “Sorry, we didn’t realize it was you. Candy never calls you by name. She always refers to you as ‘the dick’. At first we thought you must be hung like Godzilla. But then we figured out that it’s not that you have a giant dick, it’s that you are a giant dick.”

  “How could you do that to her?” Rony passed the joint to Bella, skipping Danny. Danny reached for it. “No, he doesn’t get any. No more sucky-sucky until we get an explanation. You’re lucky it wasn’t me up on that stage. I would’ve kicked you in the nuts and stomped your face into hamburger. You have any idea how many nights she and I have sat and talked, analyzing what happened and trying to figure out what she did wrong?”

  “No,” said Danny, “she didn’t do anything wrong.”

  “Then why did you try to cut off her finger?” Rony demanded.

  Rukara coughed. “You tried to cut off her finger?”

  “What the hell is wrong with you?” Bella asked. “You are a dick.”

  “No, I didn’t want to cut it off completely,” said Danny. “Look, I know I screwed up. But that’s why I’m here. I’ve been looking everywhere for her. I even filed a missing person report with the police. I thought I’d never see her again. I was afraid she might be dead. But then tonight I wound up here. And it turns out she’s here, too. That’s gotta count for something. Right?”

  “I don’t think she wants to see you,” said Rony.

  “Do you know where she lives?”

  “Yeah,” said Rony, “she and Bernard have a suite on nineteen.”

and . . . Bernard?”

  “Yeah,” said Rony. “See, Bernard didn’t try to cut off her finger and then humiliate her in front of hundreds of people.”

  “I can’t believe you tried to cut off her finger,” said Rukara.

  “What the hell is wrong with you?” Bella asked.

  “I know I have a lot of explaining to do. I understand that I hurt her. But I was confused. And I’m hurting, too. I just need to see her. I need to ask Candy something.”

  “Ask me what?”

  Rony, Bella, Rukara, and Danny all turned.

  Standing in the doorway, backlit by candlelight, was Candy. She was clothed now, dressed in tight jeans, heels, and a black tank-top that really accentuated her breasts.

  She stepped out onto the balcony. “Ask me what?”

  Rony, Rukara, and Bella moved to one side, away from Danny.

  “This should be interesting,” said Bella.

  “A thousand bucks says she cuts his finger off,” said Rukara.

  “A thousand bucks says she cuts his dick off,” said Rony.

  Rukara and Bella replied in unison. “You’re on.”

  Danny stepped toward Candy.

  He took a deep breath. “Candy, please give me a chance to explain.”

  Bernard appeared in the doorway. “Are you alright, Miss Candy?”

  “Yes, Bernard. Thank you.”

  Bernard went to Candy and Candy took his hand. “Nice to see you again, Mister Olivaw,” said Bernard. “Did you enjoy the performance? Monsieur Revel is one of Miss Candy’s favorite composers.”

  Danny smiled and spoke softly. “I didn’t know that.”

  “You wanted to ask me something?” said Candy.

  “What’s going on out here?” Harley emerged from the doorway. “Hi, Danny. What’re you doing here?”

  “What’re you doing here?” Danny countered.

  “Hanging out with my friends.”

  “Does Rory know you’re here?”

  “It’s none of his business where I go and who I spend time with. Besides, he’s probably with my grandfather, plotting the inevitable demise of the company.”

  Danny could scarcely understand what Harley was saying. “What?”

  “Don’t act so surprised,” said Harley. “You’re not that naive are you? Didn’t you see the protestors outside? Society is turning away from robots whether we like it or not. There is a war being waged over the future of robotics. I’m doing anything I can to position my company to be on the winning side after it all shakes out.”

  “You mean your grandfather’s company,” said Danny.

  “No, I mean my company. My batty scallywag of a grandfather wouldn’t see the writing on the wall even if he was having sex with it. His days are numbered. I’m the new face of global robotics. Don’t you read Time magazine?”

  Zammy stepped out onto the balcony. “Is this where the party is?” Atom and Blendo were right behind him, with Poo bringing up the rear.

  Danny approached Zammy. “Mister Spry, I want her.” Danny pointed at Candy.

  “She’s under contract,” said Zammy.

  Danny went to Candy. “Candy, I’m sorry. I love you. Please come with me.”

  Candy merely looked out across the arena. The candle light twinkled in her eyes. She was more beautiful than ever.

  Danny seized Candy by the arm. “Come on. We’re leaving.”

  Bernard pressed a hand against Danny’s chest. Rukara, Rony, and Bella leaped forward, pulling Danny by his arms.

  Candy did not move.

  Zammy waved his hands in the air. “Hey, hey, hey, let’s take it easy. There’s no need for violence.”

  The commotion ceased.

  Zammy continued, “If Candy wants to go, she can go. I’ll void her contract right now.” He placed one hand gently on Candy’s shoulder. “You’ll always be welcome here, sweetheart. But you do what you feel is right.”

  Candy’s gaze remained fixed on an invisible point somewhere in the darkness across the arena. “I’m fine here.”

  Zammy met Danny’s eyes. Well?

  Danny lunged at Candy, pushing her toward the door.

  Bernard, Rony, Bella, Rukara, Atom, Blendo, Poo, and Harley moved to stop Danny.

  “Mister Olivaw, please stop!” called Zammy.

  But Danny did not stop. He struggled and fought against the hands clutching at him, even as he was surrounded by what seemed like an endless sea of glowing red eyes.

  “Okay, get him out of here!” Harley ordered.

  Bella pushed his full weight against Danny. “Sorry, Mister Olivaw, but she pays the bills.”

  They dragged Danny from the balcony.

  “Don’t worry, Dan,” Harley called out, “we’ll take better care of her than you ever could. She’s with her own kind now.”

  Danny was forcefully escorted from the suite, downstairs, and through the front doors of Robot Palace. The other guests stopped to watch the man being thrown out.

  Outside, Danny’s car was waiting where the limousine had been. The keys were already in the ignition. Danny slumped behind the wheel.

  He drove away.

  Atom, Blendo, Rony, Bella, Rukara, Poo, and Bernard stood on the red carpet and watched him go.

  Chapter 33

  Lost and Found

  Danny whipped his convertible into the look-out point and stared down at Robot Palace glowing in the night.

  Candy was down there.

  At last, he knew where she was.

  She was okay.

  She wasn’t dead.

  In fact, she was more gorgeous than he remembered. Seeing her had reignited every spark and fire he’d hoped was still there. Her eyes, so green and full of candle light, were emblazoned in his mind.

  And yet. . . .

  She chose to stay, refused to leave with him. He’d hoped their reunion would be mutual and unanimous.

  All those nights at home, doing everything possible not to think about Candy. . . .

  All those nights scouring the city, cruising the streets, in places where outsiders weren’t welcomed. . . .

  In every fantasy Danny had envisioned of being reunited with Candy, they’d gone to each other at full velocity. Their bodies crushed together, wrapped in each other’s arms, while scared and hungry lips kissed hard and desperate kisses full of longing, daring to hope that the separation had ended, that the wait was over, and they were together again, now and forever.

  And yet. . . .

  Candy had chosen to remain at Robot Palace. With Zammy, Bernard, Atom, Blendo, Rony, Bella, Rukara, and Poo. One big happy family, just as Zammy said.

  A family in which Danny, it seemed, was not welcome.

  He would just see about that.

  He lost Candy once. Now, she was found. He’d be damned if he was going to lose her again.

  Danny stomped on the accelerator, and his car fishtailed in the dirt. The tires screeched as they grabbed onto Mulholland Drive, rocketing him toward home.

  Already the calculations were unfolding in his mind, a plan taking shape.

  He had some calls to make.

  Chapter 34

  Positrons to Popcorn

  Danny sat in his living room, along with Floyd, Susannah, Howard, Canary, and Laura.

  To be more accurate, they sat in the living room while Danny paced about, speaking aloud his thoughts, venting months’ worth of fear and frustration and anger. He gesticulated wildly with his hands, shaking his fists in the air in triumph at having located Candy at last, as well as frustration bordering on defeat, given that Candy had elected to remain at Robot Palace.

  But none of that mattered.

  Danny had a plan. He was going back to Robot Palace, and his friends were coming with him. It was now only a matter of approach, of how to gain an audience with Candy once more so that he could convince her to come with him. Upon seeing Candy for the first time, he’d been too shocked to mount a proper argument, an argument strong enough to effect a reconciliati
on, so that they might leave Robot Palace and begin their lives together.

  But the next time would be different. He would be prepared. Already he was formulating the words he would say, love-laced apologies and devotions so grand, Candy could not possibly be anything other than convinced. And convinced she would be. Danny was certain of it. For although he knew little of life and the universe and everything in it, especially his own place, he did know one thing: he and Candy belonged together.

  He would not give up until they were together. He would not lose track of her again.

  Susannah, Floyd, Canary, and Laura watched and listened as Danny paced about, thinking aloud, formulating his plan. Howard moved to and from the kitchen, providing refreshments and food.

  The doorbell rang.

  Danny stopped pacing. “Who the hell is that?”

  “I shall find out,” said Howard.

  Danny heard the door open. He heard a brief conversation between Howard and a man whose voice he could not quite place. The door closed.

  Howard entered and said, “Master Olivaw, there are some people who wish to speak with you.”

  Howard stepped aside.

  Into the living room came Zammy, Delilah, Atom, Blendo, Rony, Bella, Rukara, Poo, and Bernard.

  No one spoke.

  Finally, Danny managed to formulate a sentence, “What the hell is this?”

  Zammy took a tentative step forward, the illuminated tassels on his leather jacket swinging. “Mister Olivaw, if you please. We need to talk.”

  “Or I can have my friends throw you out of my home, the way you threw me out of the Palace earlier this evening.”

  Zammy sighed and raked his fingers through his hair. “I’m sorry about that. I abhor violence, okay? Despite what I do for a living, I detest conflict. In my personal life, I avoid it at all cost. So, to be perfectly honest, it’s very difficult for me to stand here with all these people looking at me and say what needs to be said. But if you can please give us a couple of minutes, I think you’ll want to hear what I have to say.”

  “The only thing I want to hear you say is that Candy is outside and is waiting to come in.”

  “See, that’s just it,” said Zammy, “that’s why we’re here. Candy’s gone.”


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